Tag: Short Studies in Systematic Theology

The Attributes of God: An Introduction by Gerald Bray: Sketching out The Essence of God and How He Relates to Us

The Attributes of God

The Attributes of God: An Introduction

by Gerald Bray
Series: Short Studies in Systematic Theology

Paperback, 109 pg.
Crossway, 2021

Read: July 11, 2021
Grab a copy from your local indie bookstore!

What’s The Attributes of God About?

While there are technically four chapters in this book, it’s really two–the first chapter introduces the concept of God’s attributes, where we got the idea, and so on. The last chapter endeavors to sketch out how these attributes are relevant to believers, why we should study and care about them.

The bulk of the book resides in the other two chapters–one what Bray calls God’s Essential Attributes, the second on what he calls His Relational Attributes. Typically, these are referred to as his incommunicable (omnipresence, omnipotence, omniscience) and communicable attributes (holiness, righteousness, goodness), respectively, but Bray has his reasons for changing the names and explains it (I’m not saying I’m dropping the usual labels myself, but I can appreciate his thinking).

Bray describes each attribute, what the Biblical justification is for ascribing it to God and relates it to the others. He even touches (it’s only an introduction, so he doesn’t get too far) on some of the historic discussions about the attribute.

So, what did I think about The Attributes of God?

There was a voice in the back of my head early on wondering if we needed this volume. Recent years have given us Mark Jone’s God Is…, Matthew Barret’s None Greater and Terry Johnson’s The Identity and Attributes of God, and a few others. Is there a place for Bray’s slim volume?

Of course—1. this series needs to address the topic and 2. contemporary Evangelicals have really dropped the ball on reflecting and applying that reflection on their theology and lives. We need more writing and thinking on these things which ought to characterize our thoughts not less.

Bray does a good job in introducing the notion here. Of the three I’ve read in this series, it’s the least accessible. But I’d argue that it’s still on the level with the others, you just might have to take your time with the occasional passage. These are deep waters that Bray is introducing the reader to, things that the Church has spent centuries establishing, and we need to at least see the immensity of the topic before we can say we are starting to understand it. It’s a short book and he has a lot to cover, so every word counts.

Another solid entry in this series. I’m appreciating the varied approaches and styles that the authors address their topics, while sharing similar concerns for theological method. I’m really glad that Crossway gave the green light to the Short Studies in Systematic Theology and hope it’s discovered by many. The Attributes of God: An Introduction is as good a place as any to dive in and see what it’s about.

4 Stars

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Faithful Theology: An Introduction by Graham A. Cole: Basics for Building a Theological Method

Faithful Theology: An Introduction

Faithful Theology: An Introduction

by Graham A. Cole
Series: Short Studies in Systematic Theology

Paperback, 106 pg.
Crossway, 2020

Read: June 27, 2021
Grab a copy from your local indie bookstore!

…faithful theology is a human project that arises from wise reflection on the self-revelation of God. Because it is our reflection on God’s revelation, it is always to be reformed and corrected by that revelation…it is one thing to have an evangelical’s high view of Scripture. It is quite another to know how to derive teaching (doctrine or theology) from Scripture.

Cole’s purpose in this is to give his readers a method to use in “doing faithful theology.” Moving from Scripture to doctrine. Trying to balance orthodoxy, orthokardia, and orthopraxy (right opinion, right-heartedness, right practice of life), Cole organizes his approach through five elements, exploring each in a chapter. The first element is the foundation on which the others are built—God’s self-revelation in Scripture. The second is reflecting on the witness of the theology and practice of the Church through history—not on an equal footing with Scripture, but it should inform how we approach doctrine. The third element is realizing our context as we do theology—we’re in a fallen world, yet we are redeemed and are awaiting the return of Christ. Our thinking, our theologizing needs to be done fully aware of what that means. The fourth is centered on wisdom. We need to be wise in our application of the previous. The last element puts all of the above together and focuses it in a doxological direction—our theology should be a service to God.

Throughout, Cole uses examples of these principles applying to Christological and Trinitarian thought. There are some other examples, too, Which is a tremendous help—if for no other reason than they’re bedrock doctrines on which there should be no disagreement. He brings up baptismal practices at one point as an example of something where there’s an opportunity for a divergence of opinion, standing in contrast to Trinitarian dogma.

So, what did I think about Faithful Theology: An Introduction?

This is an easy read, full of solid, useful advice. I found it a little wanting, a little…uninspired? A little basic? I’m not sure precisely what word I want but it’s somewhere in that vicinity. But it’s supposed to be basic—it’s an introduction. It’s a tool to be used as someone begins working on their theology. So, what do I know?

The for Further Reading and books/articles suggested in the footnotes are helpful, but I didn’t feel inspired to track any of them down right away, but they seemed like solid and useful recommendations.

The last chapter, where he brought all the ideas together and gives a great example of how to use his elements in shaping our Trinitarian dogma is great. It makes all the rest of the book worth it.

It’s good stuff, I think it’ll be helpful to a lot of readers. I just wanted a bit more. I think Swain’s book on the Trinity left me with higher expectations. I’m looking forward to the next book I get in this series to see which of these first two are more representative of the series as a whole.

3 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, opinions are my own.

The Trinity: An Introduction by Scott R. Swain: A Brief but Deep Study

The Trinity

The Trinity: An Introduction

by Scott R. Swain
Series: Short Studies in Systematic Theology

Paperback, 133 pg.
Crossway, 2020

Read: January 17-31, 2020
Grab a copy from your local indie bookstore!

What we find in later Trinitarian creeds, confessions, and doctrinal summaries are not improvements upon a latent or undeveloped biblical Trinitarianism but, rather, the church’s attempt to fathom the depth of the riches of biblical Trinitarianism for the sake of various liturgical, pedagogical, and polemical ends. Some of the church’s creeds, confessions, and doctrinal summaries represent such faithful expressions of scriptural teaching and enjoy such wide-ranging ecclesiastical consensus that we dare not transgress the lines they have drawn. Rather, taking them on our own lips, we gladly join the church’s chorus of Trinitarian praise.

What’s The Trinity: An Introduction About?

It’s kind of there in the title, right? This is an introduction to the classical Christian doctrine of The Trinity. He’s not trying to re-invent the wheel, he’s definitely not trying to innovate, but to provide a concise (it’s a Short Study, after all) jumping-off point into deeper studies by providing a solid foundation.

He spends two chapters looking at the primary Biblical texts demonstrating the Doctrine. Chapter 3 is about the Simplicity of God—something too many overlook in a discussion of The Trinity. The following three chapters each focus on a Person of the Trinity. The final chapters are about the “external works” of the Trinity, the “appropriation” of specific works to particular persons, the beneficiaries of God’s work, and assorted topics.

All of that is a lot to ask of 133 short pages. Swain pulls it off by being concise, but he never seems to be leaving out details or avoiding the complicated ideas (although he obviously has to).

Touching on Controvery

This isn’t a polemical work—Swain is here to inform and educate, not combat. Still, he does talk about some Christological errors, including the contemporary dust-ups over EFS/ERAS—Eternal Functional Subordination/Eternal Relations of Authority and Submission.

Swain briefly (again, it’s a Short Study) addresses this error. He’s calm, he’s fair, yet he’s firm. It’s one of the best short treatments of the controversy I’ve seen, and in the context of the larger discussion of the Person of the Son as well as the larger discussions of each of the Persons, it’s incredibly helpful. It also fits where he put it and doesn’t seem like Swain used the opportunity as a digression just to beat a pet theological peeve.

Helpful Supplemental Material

Maybe it’s just me, but I rarely find the post-text material all that helpful. This book was one of the pleasant exceptions—there’s a brief glossary of some of the technical terms. Also, the “Further Reading” suggestions look great and my “To Buy” list grew a bit.

So, what did I think about The Trinity: An Introduction?

Because the persons of the Trinity are internal to God’s life, not external works of God, we can know the persons of the Trinity, as well as their ultimate plan for creation (Eph. 3:9), only if they stoop down and open up the depths of their inner life to us. Only the persons of the Trinity know the persons of the Trinity. Therefore, only the persons of the Trinity can make known the persons of the Trinity. The revelation of the Trinity is a matter of divine self-revelation, divine self-presentation, divine self-naming.

While this is a theological book, drawing on the teaching of the Church, Swain is careful to never lose sight of the source of this Doctrine, the Word of God. We know this, we understand this (as much as we do) because it is revealed to us. That’s vital to an understanding of the doctrine, and vital to the teaching of it. Swain doesn’t let his readers stray from the text.

This is one of those books where my notes keep saying “Chapter X is likely the highlight of the book,” “the section on X is likely the most valuable in the book.” It appears 60-70% of the book is a highlight—and I may not have written all of those parts down. Which is to say, there’s a lot of gold here, very little (if any) dross.

Helpful, insightful, and useful—it also achieves its end for leading on to further study for me. It’s accessible, but not easy, reading. At the same time, it’s a challenging, but not difficult, text.

Also, I like the looks of this series as a whole, I’ll most likely be grabbing more/all of them if they’re all about this quality.

5 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, opinions are my own.

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