Banner has a black bird on a colorful background. Around the bird are the words, 'Self Published Authors Appreciation Week.' In the top left corner, it says, 'July 21-27, 2024.' In the bottom right corner it says, '#SPAAW'
In the spirit of “a rising tide lifts all boats,” this year for Self-Published Authors Appreciation Week, I wanted to give some Self-Published authors a chance to spread some love (while also indulging in a bit of self-promotion, I mean, c’mon, it’s hard out here…)
Spreading the Self-Pub Love with Tom Bookbeard

An Elevator Pitch for Something You Love
Cover for A Wolf in Space by Alex Valdiers

A Wolf in Space by Alex Valdiers

Alex Valdiers’ A Wolf in Space is a g****m space western: sex, violence, saloon brawls and duels. Red Dead Redemption in space.

My Elevator Pitch by Tom Bookbeard
Cover to be Revealed
The Corsair [a work in progress] is a loveletter to Treasure Island, only the ships can fly and Jim Hawkins joins the pirates.

About this Author
Tom Bookbeard likes books, beards, TTRPGs, sky pirates and weird westerns. Outside of writing you can find Tom’s book reviews on You can also see him talk about all things SFF and beards on the Four Beardsmen of the Bookpocalypse podcast, part of the Beard of Darkness YouTube channel.

FanFiAddicts ~ Secret Scribes

Be sure to check out Tom Bookbeard’s activities and A Wolf in Space, let’s show them both some love!

Self-Published Authors Appreciation Week Footer

Image by Monika from Pixabay
The 2024 Self-Published Authors Appreciation Week Logo was made by Witty and Sarcastic Book Club