Tag: You’re Only Human How Your Limits Reflect God’s Design and Why That’s Good News

You’re Only Human by Kelly M. Kapic: The Reality and Comfort of Creaturely Finitude

I don’t have time to re-read this book today, so I’m going to read this (and I might as well repost it while I’m at it, right?). Am really feeling the whole “creaturely finitude” thing these last few days—see that opening quotation—and need the reminder that there’s a comfort in it.

You're Only HumanYou’re Only Human:
How Your Limits Reflect
God’s Design and Why
That’s Good News

by Kelly M. Kapic

Publisher: Brazos Press
Publication Date: January 17, 2022
Format: Hardcover
Length: 228
Read Date: January 23-30, 2022
Support Independent Bookstores - Visit IndieBound.org

What’s You’re Only Human About?

Creaturely finitude is less an idea we discover than a reality we run into.

When we do run into this idea (as we all will), we frequently interpret that reality incorrectly—not recognizing that our limits, our finitude, as part of who we are as creatures (or forgetting that if we do recognize that). As such we can push against them in unhealthy ways, ignore them to our own peril, or see them as the result of sin, not the result of creation.

What Kapic sets out to do is to remind us that part of being a creature is having limits. When we remember that, we can live as we ought—in dependence on the God who made us that way. As he puts it,

Many of us fail to understand that our limitations are a gift from God, and therefore good. This produces in us the burden of trying to be something we are not and cannot be.

Particularity and Limits

Kapic reminds his readers that the doctrine of Creation shouldn’t just be limited to our understanding of Genesis 1-2, but to reflecting on the design, abilities, and limitations of humanity. These limitations would be in place regardless of our fallen state—sure, the fall twists those limitations—but they’re part of the original state.

In the first part of the book, Kapic lays out the theology necessary for this—and ties it to the Gospel, lest we get distracted from what matters most.

Healthy Dependence

The second part of the book talks about the creaturely dependence that flows from this—we aren’t capable of everything we need or want to accomplish, but He is. This is part of created humanity, and it takes on new meaning in Christ.

Tied to this idea of dependence is humility.

Humility consists in a recognition of (and a rejoicing in) the good limitations that God has given us; it is not a regrettable necessity, nor simply a later addition responding to sinful disorders. Even if there had never been a fall into sin, humility would still have the essential character of gratitude for our dependence on God and for his faithful supply of our need. Humility is built on the Creator/creature distinction; its response to sin emphasizes our further need for God to restore us to the fellowship that he always intended us to inhabit.

Kapic spends a lot of time drawing out the implications of this—in light of both Creation and Redemption.

Lament and Gratitude

We can express our humility and dependence in both our lament and our gratitude—this part of the application section of the book was probably the most rewarding to me. Kapic makes the case that they’re mirror concepts rooted in humility and dependence on our Creator and Redeemer, and both ought to be embraced by the believer.

So, what did I think about You’re Only Human?

It took me over a month to be mostly satisfied with what I wanted to say about this book—an example of creaturely finitude, come to think of it. I struggled over this—really wanting to get into all of his ideas and arguments. But that’s not what this blog is for (thankfully, or I’d be working on this post for another six months, minimum). I’ve trimmed this post a few times while putting it together, in fact, because I kept getting in the weeds.

You’re Only Human is the kind of book that I really don’t think I got a handle on after one read—I’m planning on a re-read this summer, in fact. I’ve got a general sense of it, but I want to return to it having a bird’s-eye view, so I can appreciate more of the details.

I don’t know if this is going to hit every reader like it did me—very likely it won’t—but this is just what I needed. Still, I think what Kapic has to say will resonate with and be helpful for many.

4 1/2 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, opinions are my own.

My Favorite Theology/Christian Living Books of 2022

My Favorite Theology/Christian Living Books of 2022
Finally, we’re at the end of my 2022 wrap-up. Thanks for sticking with me for so long! (assuming you have). At a certain point this year, it felt like I was reading a set all around similar/related ideas. The Kapic-Noble-Horton-Zahl books weren’t written in that way, but they hit me that way. I can’t think of one anymore without the others—that’s not the entire reason they all made my favorites list, but I can’t deny there’s a link. The rest are varied enough to show that I didn’t have tunnel vision all year.

As always, re-reads don’t count for these lists.

(in alphabetical order by author)

What is Christianity?What is Christianity?

by Herman Bavinck, Gregory Parker, Jr. (Translator)

My original post
These are two short works by the noted Dutch Theologian newly translated into English. Bavink is clear and convincing without being combative in this pair of brief apologetic pieces. Typically for him, he displays a catholicity in his approach—he’s clearly Reformed Protestant, but he doesn’t disparage other views. I don’t know he accomplishes all he does in so few pages—there’s a lot of subtle theological and apologetic work, here. But there’s also a lot that’s just easy to digest, clear and helpful. Bavinck gives his readers a Christ-centered, Christ-focused definition and description of Christianity (you’d think that’d be a given, but…). As Warfield put it, “We cannot imagine how the work could be done better.”

4 1/2 Stars

In the Fullness of TimeIn the Fullness of Time: An Introduction to the Biblical Theology of Acts and Paul

by Richard B. Gaffin, Jr.

I haven’t written about this yet, and I’m pretty intimidated to try. I loved every second of it—I felt like I was a beginning student and at the same time, like I was understanding texts with a depth I’m not accustomed to. There’s a lot of depth to Gaffin’s thinking—as one expects every time you read the man—but I thought this work was a bit easier to work through than some of his shorter works. There’s a strong focus on Pentecost and what it means for the rest of New Testament theology (as there should be). Gaffin also sketches out a way to approach Paul’s theology that’s so helpful you wish that it was at least twice as long so he could develop it more and give more examples (although everything in the book is sufficient, I’m just greedy). I’m likely returning to this book this year.

5 Stars

In Divine CompanyIn Divine Company: Growing Closer to the God Who Speaks

by Pierce Taylor Hibbs

My original post
A great work on prayer. Grounding our need for it not in our limitations or sense of need. Nor in the command to do so. Instead, Hibbs focuses on the nature of God as a communicative God and us as His image bearers. Hibbs being Hibbs, this is one of the better-written books on this list.

4 Stars

Recovering Our SanityRecovering Our Sanity: How the Fear of God Conquers the Fears that Divide Us

by Michael Horton

My original post
Horton seeks to address several issues facing contemporary American Christians through the filter of the fear of God—the basic thesis is that if we are maintaining that fear as we ought, it’s easier to maintain a proper perspective on our problems and concerns (as real and as valid as they are). There’s a lot of wisdom in these pages, a lot to chew on (and a handful of things to disagree with).

4 Stars

You're Only HumanYou’re Only Human: How Your Limits Reflect God’s Design and Why That’s Good News

by Kelly M. Kapic

My original post
Kapic seeks to apply the doctrine of Creation to remembering that we are created with limits—and, as such, we need to be dependent on one greater than us to help us when we are pushed beyond those limits. There’s a freedom in this realization—we can’t do it all and need to cut ourselves (and others) some slack. Although Kapic states it better than that. The book is a great combination of careful theology and careful application. It’s challenging and reassuring.

4 Stars

What Are Christians For?What Are Christians For?: Life Together at the End of the World

by Jake Meador

My original post
Meador wants to address American (specifically) and Western (generally) politics from a confessional and Natural Law perspective. He challenges positions and foundations of the Right and the Left calling us all to something deeper and better. And more Biblical. This is a careful book, one that I’m not convinced I completely understood on a first read, but I really appreciated what I did glean from it.

4 1/2 Stars

The Imputation of Adam's SinThe Imputation of Adam’s Sin

by John Murray

My original post
This is a very brief work—but as is typical for John Murray, he doesn’t need a lot of words to make his point. He focuses his arguments for the Imputation of Sin on a careful look at Romans 5:12-19. This book is typical Murray—crisp, clear, concise, and convincing. Sure, there’s the drawback that his prose is dry and empty of all personality. The book doesn’t need them (and I’d think it strange to read Murray with it). It’s easy to see why it’s still so heavily used this many years after publication.

4 Stars

You Are Not Your OwnYou Are Not Your Own: Belonging to God in an Inhuman World

by Alan Noble

My original post
American Christians are too prone to think of themselves as their own, Noble seeks to remind us that (in the words of the Heidelberg Catechism), “I am not my own, but belong with body and soul, both in life and in death, to my faithful Saviour Jesus Christ.” Noble points the believer to recalibrate their understanding of human nature—particularly redeemed human nature—to begin to understand what being the possession of Christ means to our life, our future, our identity. Noble’s writing flows—he’s engaging, compassionate, and relatable. It’s easy to understand even the more complex points he’s making, and his illustrations give the reader plenty to hang on to. Noble’s diagnosis and advice were sound—they seemed to match up with the world around us and the problems we see. More importantly, he points to the One whose grace, mercy, and care offer any true hope and help in this broken and dying world.

4 1/2 Stars

Christ of the Consummation:Christ of the Consummation: A New Testament Biblical Theology Volume 1: The Testimony of the Four Gospels

by O. Palmer Robertson

My original post
This is the first of a three-part exercise in applying the method of Biblical Theolgy for the New Testament as outlined by Vos. This volume focuses on the Gospels (obviously) and is a treasure from beginning to end. It’s not “here’s a whole new way to read/think about the Gospels”—and Robertson would be the last to want something like that. Instead, this is a “here’s a way to profitably consider the way these things were revealed” and “here’s how the Gospels build upon one another and build up each other.” It’s one of those books that mid-way through, you’re already trying to figure out when you can schedule a re-read.

5 Stars

Low AnthropologyLow Anthropology: The Unlikely Key to a Gracious View of Others (and Yourself)

by David Zahl

My original post
Zahl’s concern is the way we think about human nature—our anthropology—not in some academic sense (or just that), but how, individually, what we believe about human nature impacts the way we live and think. A Low Anthropology remembers that we are dust, we are broken, we suffer, in short—we aren’t perfect. This is an engaging, frequently humorous, and grace-filled look at human frailty and how remembering we are that way (and that others are, too).

4 Stars

You’re Only Human by Kelly M. Kapic: The Reality and Comfort of Creaturely Finitude

You're Only HumanYou’re Only Human:
How Your Limits Reflect
God’s Design and Why
That’s Good News

by Kelly M. Kapic

Publisher: Brazos Press
Publication Date: January 17, 2022
Format: Hardcover
Length: 228
Read Date: January 23-30, 2022
Support Independent Bookstores - Visit IndieBound.org

What’s You’re Only Human About?

Creaturely finitude is less an idea we discover than a reality we run into.

When we do run into this idea (as we all will), we frequently interpret that reality incorrectly—not recognizing that our limits, our finitude, as part of who we are as creatures (or forgetting that if we do recognize that). As such we can push against them in unhealthy ways, ignore them to our own peril, or see them as the result of sin, not the result of creation.

What Kapic sets out to do is to remind us that part of being a creature is having limits. When we remember that, we can live as we ought—in dependence on the God who made us that way. As he puts it,

Many of us fail to understand that our limitations are a gift from God, and therefore good. This produces in us the burden of trying to be something we are not and cannot be.

Particularity and Limits

Kapic reminds his readers that the doctrine of Creation shouldn’t just be limited to our understanding of Genesis 1-2, but to reflecting on the design, abilities, and limitations of humanity. These limitations would be in place regardless of our fallen state—sure, the fall twists those limitations—but they’re part of the original state.

In the first part of the book, Kapic lays out the theology necessary for this—and ties it to the Gospel, lest we get distracted from what matters most.

Healthy Dependence

The second part of the book talks about the creaturely dependence that flows from this—we aren’t capable of everything we need or want to accomplish, but He is. This is part of created humanity, and it takes on new meaning in Christ.

Tied to this idea of dependence is humility.

Humility consists in a recognition of (and a rejoicing in) the good limitations that God has given us; it is not a regrettable necessity, nor simply a later addition responding to sinful disorders. Even if there had never been a fall into sin, humility would still have the essential character of gratitude for our dependence on God and for his faithful supply of our need. Humility is built on the Creator/creature distinction; its response to sin emphasizes our further need for God to restore us to the fellowship that he always intended us to inhabit.

Kapic spends a lot of time drawing out the implications of this—in light of both Creation and Redemption.

Lament and Gratitude

We can express our humility and dependence in both our lament and our gratitude—this part of the application section of the book was probably the most rewarding to me. Kapic makes the case that they’re mirror concepts rooted in humility and dependence on our Creator and Redeemer, and both ought to be embraced by the believer.

So, what did I think about You’re Only Human?

It took me over a month to be mostly satisfied with what I wanted to say about this book—an example of creaturely finitude, come to think of it. I struggled over this—really wanting to get into all of his ideas and arguments. But that’s not what this blog is for (thankfully, or I’d be working on this post for another six months, minimum). I’ve trimmed this post a few times while putting it together, in fact, because I kept getting in the weeds.

You’re Only Human is the kind of book that I really don’t think I got a handle on after one read—I’m planning on a re-read this summer, in fact. I’ve got a general sense of it, but I want to return to it having a bird’s-eye view, so I can appreciate more of the details.

I don’t know if this is going to hit every reader like it did me—very likely it won’t—but this is just what I needed. Still, I think what Kapic has to say will resonate with and be helpful for many.

4 1/2 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, opinions are my own.

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