Somewhere, maybe it was a Robert Crais discussion list, I saw the debut novel of Sean Chercover mentioned in the same breath as Michael Koryta, so I instantly got it put on hold for me at the library. Kortya’s debut (and two follow-ups) was one of the best reads I had last year and I relished the idea of having a similar experience with another first novel.

I almost did, but not quite.

Don’t get me wrong–Big City, Bad Blood rocked. A really good–maybe great–first novel. I just didn’t connect with Ray Dudgeon and his friends and clients the way I did with Lincoln Perry and his crew.

Big City is the story of a movie location manager stumbling into an Organized Crime operation–one that seems pretty minor at the beginning, but doesn’t stay that way for long. He comes to former journalist, now P.I. Dudgeon for protection. After some slow establishing chapters, the action picks up and doesn’t slow down until the end. I don’t think Chercover missed a beat or hit one false note–it’s a great read, leaving me checking his website for details on his next book.