Before we get to the regular subjects: I’m starting to play with the typical format my reviews come in, as you’ll see in a couple hours. Links should take you to more official sites for the author/book, I’ll try to offer a little more information about the particular book I read, and it’ll look a tad different, too. I’d appreciate any feedback you’d care to share.

Only one entry in the ol’ Odds ‘n Ends over the week about books and reading that caught my eye and seemed worth sharing. You may have seen this already, but just in case:

    This Week’s New Releases I’m Excited About and/or You’ll Probably See Here Soon:

  • Stonecast by Anton Strout — book 2 of the Stonemason Chronicles, been looking forward to this for a while. Expect to see a lot about this one soon
  • Charming by Elliott James — Know nothing about this author, read nothing about it other than the description, but seems like the kind of thing worth a read.
  • The Plague Force by Jason M. Hough — The Dire Earth Cycle concludes
  • Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson — go read The Big Idea entry for this one

Categories: Books, News/Misc.
Tags: Miscellany