Dragon Precinct
by Keith R.A. DeCandido
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
What a great concept–take a typical D&D-ish city, filled with Elves, Half-Elves, Halflings, Dwarves, Magic Users, etc. and throw in a typical Law & Order-ish police force investigating a variety of crimes. Most notably, a serial killer knocking off legendary members of a band of heroes embarking on an epic quest.
Not the greatest fantasy novel I’ve read in the last few months–but such a fun one, I hated for it to end. The detectives (and most of the supporting cast) were a lotta fun, and I could spend a lot more time with them, just bantering at the tavern after their shifts, much less working their cases.
Keith R.A. DeCandido
Thanks so much for the review!
As it happens, you can spend more time with the Cliff’s End Castle Guard, as there are three more novels (with another coming this year) and a short story collection available from Dark Quest Books. They are Unicorn Precinct, Goblin Precinct, Gryphon Precinct, the forthcoming Mermaid Precinct, and Tales from Dragon Precinct.
Thanks for dropping by, Mr. DeCandido! I do appreciate the reminder to get to these books — they’ve been on my TBR list, and I just bumped them a little higher.
Keith R.A. DeCandido
You’re welcome! There are ordering links to Amazon, B&N, Indie Bound, and Dark Quest on my web site at http://www.decandido.net, or you can just find them at those places on your own.