Thicker than Water
by G. M. Ford
Series:Leo Waterman, #7
Kindle Edition, 264 pg.
Thomas & Mercer, 2012
Read: April 29 – 30, 2015
So, I stumbled onto this series in ’06, I think — and read them in a pretty quick succession. I don’t have crystal clear memory of them, but I remembered Waterman, the lovely (and smart) Rebecca, the homeless people that he uses to help, his wit — and a scene or two from books 1-5. I remember book 6, The Deader the Better pretty well — I really remember how much I wanted to go on to to the next one, and how frustrated I felt when I discovered there was no book 7. How could Ford leave us hanging like that? Just when I was really getting to like the guy (see also: Koryta’s Lincoln Perry; Levine’s Solomon vs. Lord; Lehane’s Kenzie and Gennaro).
So imagine my delight when I stumbled onto a new Leo Waterman (even if I found it a few years late). It took me very little time to get back into things — Ford quickly reminded me of the details I’d forgotten while plunging Waterman (and the reader) into the thick of things.
I’d forgotten how quotable Ford can be. This description of a lifelong, um, acquaintance and current gun dealer probably beats the competition in this book (by a hair):
Junior Bailey couldn’t have been more than a couple of Oreos short of three hundred pounds. A corpulent corpuscle in a hideous purple suit, he looked like a Cuban headwaiter who had been held hostage in a doughnut shop. Except for the rosebud lips, he bore little or no resemblance to his father.
How can you not like a book with lines like that? 1. It’s funny, 2. You have a clear picture of this guy in your head, 3. Given the phrasing, you’re pretty sure just what the narrator thinks of ol’ Junior Bailey. This kind of writing keeps me turning pages — I almost don’t care about plot or character. Almost.
But despite the years, Ford hasn’t lost a step with these characters — Leo is still Leo. Yes, aged, and clearly affected by Rebecca’s moving on. But still the same man — and when called upon to come to her aid, he dives right in. The folks at the bar are still as fun (and tragic) and silly as remembered.
And the case? Rebecca’s gone missing, her bad choice of husband is, too — and no one seems to care other than her mother. Granted, she thinks Leo would’ve been a worse choice for Rebecca, but she knows that if anyone will look for Rebecca it’d be Leo. There’s some brutal action, some good twists and turns to the tale, a few criminals that are requisitely evil and demented, and more than enough chuckles before reaching a very satisfying conclusion. I’m so glad to see that Ford’s at work on another in this series.
And I truly wish I could say more about the biggest laugh, but it’d take too long and it’d ruin it for you, so I’ll just conclude with this:
That last chapter? Reader, I lol-ed.
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