Here’s Part Deux of the Book Tour for Adam W. Jones’ Fate Ball — the review posted not too long ago, and Mr. Jones was gracious enough to keep participate in a Q&A with me. There were a bunch of questions about the book I wanted to ask — I was only 49% or so done with the book, so I didn’t ask most of them.
A quick look at his author bio shows that he has too much on his plate to spend too much time with me. Thankfully, I try to keep these brief, so he didn’t have to. I do appreciate the time he gave — as well as the A’s he provided to my Q’s. Hope you enjoy.
What prompted this particular story? What was the genesis of the book? |
Fate Ball is loosely based on a past relationship. It was a life-altering relationship that stayed with me for years after we split up. Fate Ball began as a way to work through some emotions and put the relationship behind me. After it sat on the shelf for many years I decided to turn it into a work of fiction. It’s 80% fiction and 20% fact. The real Ava is alive and well…although still fighting her demons.
I almost phrased the question, “How much of this is autobiographical?” But was sure that if I did, he’d respond with something like, “It’s all imagination . . . ” |
In the writing of Fate Ball, what was the biggest surprise about the writing itself? Either, “I can’t believe X is so easy!” or “If I had known Y was going to be so hard, I’d have skipped this and watched more TV”. |
Once I decided to make Fate Ball fiction it really became easier to write. I found that my imagination would flow easily and I could get into a groove when I wasn’t trying to be factually correct. It started out in first person and the conversion to third person was a bit of a struggle, but once there things came easily. |
I see you’ve done some articles and short pieces before this, what got you into writing? Who are some of your major influences? (whether or not you think those influences can be seen in your work — you know they’re there) |
I’ve always enjoyed writing and telling stories. I consider myself a storyteller more than a pure writer. In 7th grade I won a national award for a poem I wrote and, Ms. White, my teacher really encouraged me to keep writing. I wrote for my high school newspaper, then studied Journalism at Carolina..getting several class projects published which bumped your grade a full letter. After college I did some freelance writing and had several travel and children’s stories published. I don’t believe I have a writing influence…if anything, I was influenced by my extended family who were always telling stories around the table or on the porch at the beach. |
Fate Ball strikes an almost impossible balance between romance, humor and drama, why did you select that approach, and how did you pull it off (if you know)? |
I guess I got lucky. As I said, I am just telling a story and everything fell into place. I did not have a specific plan when I began writing Fate Ball other than telling the full story…full of emotion both good and bad. |
Your author bio says this is your first novel — what’s next for you (if you know)? |
Originally, I was planning a trilogy with the Able character and having the other two books be prequels to Fate Ball. Those prequels would be “The Headman Chronicles” which is Able’s coming of age story during his trek across Europe after high school; and “The Rabbit Field” which is Able’s childhood experiences with young friends. Since Fate Ball is now out there I have considered an alternative by doing a non-Able story. My most recent thought is a love story entitled “Trailer Bride” set in Charleston. It’s a story about a young man from a socially elite family who falls in love with a girl from the other side of the tracks. |
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