Allrighty, folks…buckle in. We’ve got to get through 30 pages here to get back on schedule.
We start with Mrs. Fitzpatrick telling Sophia what has her on the road, essentially recapping her entire life from the time she married Mr. Fitzpatrick. It takes three long (by Fielding’s standards) to get through. In short, she was taken in by his (fleeting) charms—a personality that disappeared soon after their wedding, and looks that went the way of all things. He, on the other hand, seemed primarily interested in her “Ready Money” (in the words of one of his impatient creditors). Even as she becomes aware of the latter, he’s able to talk her into returning to Ireland with him and to take up residence in an increasingly gloomy house. From this point, we get a tale of repeated arguments, infidelity (on his part), imprisonment in her quarters, and attempts to force her to sell part of her landholdings.
What a great guy, eh?
They’re interrupted briefly by the landlady with news that the French have arrived to throw in with the rebellion against the Queen. It’s distressing news to Sophia, but she’s so worried about her father’s arrival and what Mrs. Fitzpatrick’s been telling her that her reaction isn’t quite right.
Then Sophia tells her tale—Fielding tells us that he won’t recap what she says, because we’ve already read it. But, there’s a catch:
she made no more mention of Jones, from the Beginning to the End, than if there had been no such Person alive. This I will neither endeavour to account for nor to excuse. Indeed, if this may be called a Kind of Dishonesty, it seems the more inexcusable, from the apparent Openness and explicit Sincerity of the other Lady.—But so it was.
A Gentleman arrives at the Inn and, after a lot of fuss and bother, is revealed to be the gentleman and neighbor of Mrs. Fitzpatrick who helped her escape from her home and get to England. He agrees to help the ladies get to London safely.
I’ve got to say, this was hard to get through. It was exactly the kind of info dump that most authors try to avoid today, and just wasn’t that interesting. I hope, hope, that learning all this pays off eventually and is something more than just Mrs. Fitzpaterick’s backstory just to be told it.
Still, that little nugget about Sophia leaving Tom out of the tale of her last few months is interesting…
Well, I’m hoping this comment will survive. I tried your Friday 56 and at least it submitted the comment without your header showing up. But it didn’t actually show up, so either things still aren’t working or you’ve got comment mod on. I’m also wondering what will happen if I logout of WP and try to comment….
Yay!!! The guinea pig survived! Yeah, moderation’s been turned on during this process (apparently)–I’ve turned it over to the elves now, they’re taking care of it in between cobbling shoes. This is a good sign!
What’s more, this showed up in my notification area. wipes brow
Woo-hoo! What worries me is that WordPress wants to install an update… Hope it doesn’t wipe out everything the elves did.
Ha. Good luck.

You wouldn’t believe how many comments I see on the dotwordpress forum for people trying to get answers on the dotorg site. Update time sees a slew of new idio…. I mean, new people, without fail…
I’m just really happy I can comment again…
Entering my test comment here…