The Friday 56 for 8/14/20

The Friday 56This is a weekly bloghop hosted by Freda’s Voice

The Friday 56 Grab a book, any book.
The Friday 56 Turn to Page 56 or 56% on your ereader. If you have to improvise, that is okay.
The Friday 56 Find a snippet, short and sweet.
The Friday 56 Post it

from page 56 of:
The Rome of Fall

The Rome of Fall by Chad Alan Gibbs

“Wait that kid is in my class,” I said, after the quarterback took off his helmet and jogged to the sideline. “Rome is starting a freshman quarterback?“

Deacon chuckled. “Who, Kyler? Naw, his parents held him back a year for sports, then he failed kindergarten. He should be a junior.”

“Wait, he failed—good lord,” I said then flinched as the sky filled with celebratory fireworks after the extra point split the uprights. “When did Rome get pyrotechnics?” I asked.

“Those were the brainchild of the great Jackson Crowder,” Deacon said. “He thought it was safer than fans shooting their own Roman candles.”

Of course it was safer, but I held my tongue.


The Revelators by Ace Atkins: It’s All Been Leading to This


The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling by Henry Fielding: BOOK XI., iii.-viii.


  1. He;s a great writer, I might enjoy this one! Happy weekend!

  2. Trying again…

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