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Turn to Page 56 or 56% on your ereader. If you have to improvise, that is okay.
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from page 56 of:
Across the Green Grass Fields by Seanan McGuire
“You’ve just arrived, haven’t you?” asked the centaur “Bright and beautiful and brand-new, and I found you! Me, Pansy, found a human before someone else had a claim to chase. That’s even better than bringing back a lost unicorn! A real human-you are a human, aren’t you, not satyr or silene playing games with poor Pansy?”
“I’m human,” whispered Regan. Her voice sounded dull, almost deadened. Still, now that she’d found it, it was willing to let her keep going, which she considered very sporting of it. “You’re not real. None of this is real. Unicorns don’t exist.”
“But here I am, and here’s a unicorn, and there you are.” The centaur beamed. “Come on, human, let’s go see the others. They’re going to be even happier about this than I am.”
Regan shook her head. “No. This isn’t real. Centaurs are characters from Greek mythology. They’re not named ‘Pansy,’ and they don’t take lost human girls to see their friends. I’m dreaming.”
“You must be a lot of fun at parties, if you always argue with your dreams,” said Pansy, cocking her massive head.
Freda Mans-Labianca
I’ve heard great things about this author. I really should read something soon and this sounds like a great place to start! Happy weekend!
You’re probably right. This series is a great place to start with McGuire–and each volume is stand-alone-ish enough that they should all be good jumping on points. (personally, I’d go with Every Heart a Doorway, the first–but theoretically they can be read out of order, so…)
Literary Feline
I love everything I have read by Seanan McGuire. I haven’t read this one yet, but I would like to. I hope you are enjoying it! Have a great weekend.
This is actually all I’ve had a chance to read
But I’m with you, if it’s McGuire, it has to be good.