Saturday Miscellany—9/4/21

There was a point this morning I really wondered if I’d be able to post this today–I had so many problems–my password manager, browser, and then operating system all had strange glitches–consecutively, mind you. I felt like a Pakled, I just wanted someone to “Make it go.” It literally took me an hour to get to the point I could start assembling the post.

Remember when computers were going to make our lives easier?

Odds n ends about books and reading that caught my eye this week. You’ve probably seen some/most/all of them, but just in case:
bullet Writers notes: the record label remixing novels into music—This is such a weird idea, but I’m curious about it—has anyone out there listened to something like this?
bullet The Brilliant History of Books, From Egyptian Scrolls to E-Readers—yeah, this is sort of a “history of books in 2 minutes” approach, but it’s a good summary
bullet Picking up a book for fun positively affects verbal abilities—I almost just put “duh” here, but that seemed to counter the premise. Most readers of this post know this, but it’s always nice to get some confirmation, right? I know when I’d have a major paper in college/grad school, I’d crack open a Nero Wolfe/Archie Goodwin novel before writing—it always got my mind cranking in the right way.
bullet The Only Way Out Is Through: On Reading Slumps—I think there’s actually a new-to-me recommendation in the last paragraph (and one I should implement)
bullet What Makes a Book ‘Appropriate’ for School?
bullet What to do when you run out of bookshelf space
bullet Why William Gibson Is a Literary Genius—well, yeah.
bullet A Reacher Relay Race: PW Talks with Lee and Andrew Child
bullet Fran Lebowitz: ‘If people disagree with me, so what?’—a good interview with Lebowitz. I wish she’d find a way through the block, I could use something fresher than the Reader (not that I don’t occasionally re-read a piece or two from that to this day)
bullet I Stopped Writing My Series Years Ago. But Something Kept Calling Me Back.—I’ve never heard of the series in question, and I don’t think I’ve heard of the author, but I love his story…and am tempted to dip a toe in the water of the series.
bullet The Dragonlance Books Launched My Lifelong Love of Fantasy
bullet The D&D Connection: Authors and TTRPGs—Witty & Sarcastic Book Club had a great series this week on D&D and the effect it had (or didn’t have) on various authors.
bullet This Gentlemen Bastards Quote Thread! (Non-Spoiler) from @BookMeanderings almost made me abandon my books for the week to reread The Lies of Locke Lamora
bullet How to create a reading routine that works?—Frankly, I preferred it when Nonfictionality produced articles rather than videos, but this is worth the time.
bullet Embracing the DNF: 3 Reasons It’s Okay to Read Something Else
bullet Announcement: Novels & Waffles is Moving to—While I’m going to miss Novels & Waffles, I’m glad she found a way to stick with blogging in a way that works for her, and am looking forward to seeing what happens with it.


The Friday 56 for 9/3/21: The Run-Out Groove by Andrew Cartmel


The Person of Christ: An Introduction by Stephen Wellum: Scriptural and Historical Perspectives on Christ



    Thank you for including my TTRPG series! Right after the Tor Dragonlance article too! I’m excited to read the article about school books.

    • HCNewton

      Of course! (and yeah, if I I’m linking something about Dragonlance and something by you, they HAVE to be back-to-back!)

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