This is a weekly bloghop hosted by Freda’s Voice.
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Turn to Page 56 or 56% on your ereader. If you have to improvise, that is okay.
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from Page 56 of:
A Dream About Lightning Bugs: A Life of Music and Cheap Lessons by Ben Folds
A few years ago, I volunteered to be a substitute teacher for my kids’ seventh-grade music class. Just for a day. That’s all I had to do. I knew most of the kids in the class anyway. It should have been a breeze.
It wasn’t.
If I didn’t fully appreciate the public school music teachers of my youth before 11 a.m. that day, by noon I damn well did. As I stood before the class, a lifetime of experience performing in front of people went straight out the window. The forty-five-minute affair was absolutely exhausting. Kids, 1—Folds, 0. Animals, every one of them! I am no music teacher and I bow to each and every man and woman who is. I especially bow to the ones who can see that these children are not animals and recognize which ones could use a push, or a hand, like I did when I was younger.
Freda Mans-Labianca
Sounds like a cute read! Merry Christmas