WWW Wednesday, January 5, 2022

It’s already Wednesday? Where has the year gone?? (I’m not proud of that, but I was struggling to come up with anything else). Let’s put that weak attempt at humor behind us and get on with the WWW Wednesday, okay

This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words—and shown to me by Aurore-Anne-Chehoke at Diary-of-a-black-city-girl.

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Easy enough, right?

What are you currently reading?

I’m reading the SF/Urban Fantasy combo, Bloodlines by Peter Hartog, and am wrapping up Gone Missing by Linda Castillo, Kathleen McInerney (Narrator) on audiobook.

BloodlinesBlank SpaceGone Missing

What did you recently finish reading?

I just finished S.J. Rozan’s Family Business—what a great way to start the year—and The Case of the Left-Handed Lady by Nancy Springer, Katherine Kellgren (Narrator) on audio.

Family BusinessBlank SpaceThe Case of the Left-Handed Lady

What do you think you’ll read next?

My next book should be Where the Drowned Girls Go by Seanan McGuire and my next audiobook will probably be The Finders by Jeffrey B. Burton, Matt Godfrey (Narrator).

Where the Drowned Girls GoBlank SpaceThe Finders

How are you kicking off 2022?


My Favorite Non-Fiction Books of 2021


Family Business by S.J. Rozan: Family Matters


  1. Bob Germaux

    I’m currently (as of yesterday) reading “Anonymous,” based on your recommendation, H.C. I was a big fan of Sue Grafton, so any book that reminds me of Kinsey is worth a look. I just finished re-reading “Taming a Sea-Horse,” which I re-read every few years, mainly because Spenser and Susan spend part of the book at Frenchman’s Reef resort on St. Thomas. Cynthia and I spent a week at Frenchman’s Reef not long before “Taming a Sea-Horse” was released, so it was cool to see that Parker apparently had been there, too, although, unlike the Germauxs, he probably was able to deduct the cost of his trip as “research” for his book. Finally, next up will be another book you recommended: “Moonlighting: An Oral History.” My wife and I enjoyed the series, so I’m hoping the book will give me some “behind the scenes” info on it.

    • HCNewton

      Eep. Hope you like them at least half-as-much as I did… For someone who spends as much time recommending books to people as I do, it always freaks me out to hear that people act on them.

  2. I just finished re-reading “Anne of Green Gables” which I loved and laughed with as a girl. [Note: The PBS series with Richard Farnsworth and Colleen Dewhurst captures most of the best parts perfectly, while cutting the19th-century rhapsodical pages on the beauties of nature which clog the action for us fast-moving 21st century readers.} I also read “Contact”, a 1950’s vintage collection of Sci Fi stores by Bradbury, Asimov, Sheckley, Leinster, Fredric Brown and many others of the founding fathers of Sci Fi (but a dearth of founding mothers – well, there were none in the 50’s – McCaffrey and LeGuin didn’t crack the ozone ceiling until the 60’s.) Also finished Keneally’s “Schindler’s List”, a fine book (which was also made into a fine movie.)

    Currently reading Mary Renault’s “The Bull from the Sea” because I enjoyed Madelyn Miller’s retelling of Greek tales, and the blurbs on her books kept saying she was the “best since Mary Renault”, whom I had never read. So far(60 pp in) I’d agree that Renault is pretty classy.

    Also trying to read Lawrence Durrell’s “Justine” because my son likes the Alexandria Quartet a lot, and I like talking books with him. Also reading Jhumpa Lahiri’s “Whereabouts” as a book club selection. Judgment so far reserved.

    And I put myself to sleep at night reading “6 Easy Pieces”, a series of lectures Richard Feynman gave in the Introduction to Physics class at Cal Tech. Just able to comprehend fairly mind-blowing ideas. Did you know that according to theoretical physics, we are all made of reeeeeally sloooooooooow light?

    Next, I really am going to read “The Book Thief”. I’ve had it on my TBR shelf for over a year; my son snagged it over Xmas and “devoured it”, so it gets promoted over several other contenders.

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