Book Blogger Hop


This prompt was submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer:

Do you run your reviews through editing software before posting?

Not enough, that’s for sure.

I compose (most) posts in Evernote and use its spellcheck as I write. Then when I paste into WordPress I use the Grammarly plug-in to clean things up a bit. Sometimes, if it’s a post that I want to be top-notch I’ll go to Grammarly’s site and run it through that check, too (lately, I can’t tell that it makes a difference, but the plug-in didn’t use to be as good). Sadly, I’ll still find errors hours later when I copy the posts into whatever sites I cross-post to.

And, as everyone knows too well, the best way to find an error in spelling or grammar is to post something. My eldest will frequently hit me with a text shortly after something goes up pointing out something embarrassing. Micah (who is responsible for the current look of the blog) will occasionally beat him to the punch. And, of course, commenters on the blog are good at pointing out missing/broken links to my Saturday Miscellany posts.

What about you? I’d love another suggestion or two to prevent the necessity of the last paragraph.