How does being a parent of adult children take so much time? I’m not complaining about (actually enjoyed and would welcome more of) the interruptions they brought this week, but I had pages to read and posts to write, fer cryin’ out loud! It was far easier to claim my own time and send them to bed when bed wasn’t in a differnt building 7 miles away.

Still, I did manage to get a bit done, and even find a few things for this collection. Hope you enjoy.

Odds ‘n ends about books and reading that caught my eye this week. You’ve probably seen some/most/all of them, but just in case:
bullet Was It Ever Possible For One Person To Read Every Book Ever Written (in English)?—Randal Munroe tackles this ever-so pressing (or not) question
bullet You Can Procrastinate Anything If You Have Enough Books—Well, yeah…
bullet The Books That Made Me – The First Law by John Palladino—another fun installment of this series from Before We Go Blog (although it could use a quick fact check in the first paragraph).
bullet An Ode to Reading—a nice (and fairly relatable) memoir of a reader/introduction to a blog
bullet Have You Ever Suffered from Book Blogger Imposter Syndrome?
bullet The Best Way to Track Your Reading: 18 Bullet Journal Spread Ideas for Readers—I’ve tried Bullet Journaling a couple of times over the last few years, and it really seems like a good idea and I wish I could stick to it. Although I seem to enjoy reading about it more than actually doing it.
bullet Some Research to Ponder about Book Piracy—some good stuff on this regrettably evergreen topic

This Week’s New Releases that I’m Excited About and/or You’ll Probably See Here Soon (after last weeks handful, only finding one this week makes me think I missed several—fill me in!):
bullet A Death in Door County by Annelise Ryan—a bookstore owner/cryptozoologist looks into a series of deaths that might indicate there’s an actual lake monster living nearby.

Definition of Bibliotaph