Saturday Miscellany—2/25/23

Odds ‘n ends about books and reading that caught my eye this week. You’ve probably seen some/most/all of them, but just in case:
bullet AI-generated fiction is flooding literary magazines — but not fooling anyone—Am sure you’ve all seen headlines about this already…
bullet Literary giants have thoughts on the new edits to Roald Dahl’s works.—this is a bit (just a bit) moot thanks to the news yesterday that Roald Dahl’s publisher responds to backlash by keeping ‘classic’ texts in print—which makes a the voice inside my head that wears a spiffy tinfoil chapeau wonder if the whole thing was a publicity stunt.
bullet The rise and fall — and rise again — of Barnes & Noble
bullet What Is It That Makes Used Bookstores So Wonderful?: Used bookstores are more than just stores with books—Yes.
bullet The Importance of Duality of Plot in Space Operas
bullet The Importance of Rom Coms!
bullet From the Pages of Slough House: Leadership Tips from Jackson Lamb, The Perfect Boss—yes, I’m critical of ChatGPT things, but when used the way that Jeff at Spy Write does here, it produces some fun content. I’m going to remember some of these tips for my next job interview…

A Book-ish Related Podcast episode (or two) you might want to give a listen to:
bullet The Chronscast E15 – Introducing Peat Long—Peat Long joins the team over at Chronscast and gets introduced here, if you’ve ever wondered about the voice behind the provocative blog posts, here’s your chance. (also, listen to their exit music at 1.0…I might make this podcast a regular listen for it alone)
bullet The Professional Noticer An Accidental Death…with Peter Grainger—an incredibly rare audio appearance by the great Peter Grainger


Haven by Ceril N Domac: A New Kind of Fae


The Shadow of Christ in the Book of Lamentations by C.J. Williams: Finding the Hope of the Gospel in the Laments


  1. Murder by Death

    rofl… that’s a book buying ban I can get on board with. 🙂

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