Update: Does Anyone Know What Series This Is?

The other day, I asked for some help for a friend tracking down a beloved series from his younger days.

there’s only one series I desperately want to remember what it was.

Was sort of spooky mystery, 1950ish settling with some siblings always visiting this wise professor who always made them chocolate cake and they were always getting on the wrong side of evil magicians and eldritch powers.

It’s a vague amorphous memory that gives me super nostalgia and angst that I can’t remember anything beyond that image lol

I think the series has been tracked down.

Blogger Murder by Death commented:

Would it be one of John Bellairs’ series by any chance?

and Sean Gibson agreed,

I was thinking John Bellairs! It sounded very Bellairsian…

I passed the idea along and got this response:

Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I think these might be it!!!


I’m so excited to investigate further

Thanks to all those who replied and those who spread the word. Particularly to Murder by Death and Gibson.


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  1. Murder by Death

    Yay! I know what it’s like to remember a book, but not its title or author, so I’m happy to have helped out a fellow searcher. 🙂

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