Sophie and the Heidelberg Cat
by Andrew Wilson, Helena Perez Garcia (Illustrator)
DETAILS: Publisher: Crossway Publication Date: September 3, 2019 Format: Hardcover Length: 32 pg. Read Date: June 3, 2023

What’s Sophie and the Heidelberg Cat About?
Sophie has been, well, let’s be kind and say misbehaving toward her sister, and is in her bedroom crying. Outside the window, she sees the cat belonging to her neighbors, the Heidelbergs. The cat asks her what’s wrong (yes, the cat talks) and the two go for a walk to things about things.
Sophie talks about how she’s not living up to what the Bible teaches:
“Be bold like King David, be brave like Queen Esther,
and do what God tells you, no matter how scary.
Don’t fight him, like Pharaoh, or trick him, like Judas.
Be patient, like Paul, and respectful, like Mary.
The cat responds by showing her that no one she knows lives up to this standard she thinks the Bible teachers. Not just the people in town, but the people in the Bible, too.
But more than that, she doesn’t have to work for God’s acceptance—the hope she has doesn’t come from her or her efforts. The hope for Sophie is a gift from God. Because she belongs to him, he will protect and comfort her.
A Bit of Playfulness
There are a few moments where the text takes a minute to recognize how strange it is for Sophie to do what she’s doing. Which is nice enough for a book for this age—but what makes it better is Sophie’s reason to go along for it. If a talking cat tells you to do something, asks you a question, etc.—you roll with it.
In the middle of these important ideas for a child (or an adult), Wilson still finds a moment for play. I loved it.
Let’s Talk about the Art for a Minute
I really liked the art. It reminded me of something—not in a derivative way or anything—but it struck a chord in me and made me think of something from my childhood. So I was won over—but I think it’d work for people without my nebulous tie to it, too.
It’s a crisp style, there’s a little whimsy in it, and it’s attractive enough to hold the eye of a young reader/child being read to. But—and this is important—it’s not so eye-catching that it takes away the focus from what Sophie and the cat are talking about.
How is it to Read Aloud?
This isn’t a “we’re going to have fun” reading this book full of tongue-twisters or crazy lines. But it’s not dull by any means—particularly the parenthetical thoughts about talking cats. It’s a text that I reflexively read in a quiet voice. I don’t know if other adults will have the same reaction, but I sure did.
So, what did I think about Sophie and the Heidelberg Cat?
It’s easy for Christian books/media for children to slip into moralism—whether its singing produce, works about notable historical/Biblical figures, or books about getting along with siblings and people who are different from us—the type of moralism and works righteousness that plague Sophie in this story are just around the corner.
That’s nowhere to be found here—in fact, the cat shoots down that notion. I’d have recommended the book for that alone. But the Heidelberg cat* doesn’t stop there—it goes on to talk about belonging to Jesus and resting in that.
* That name’s not subtle, but why should it be?
The answer to the first question of the Heidelberg Catechism is well known in many circles—as it should be. And while the words are easy enough for a young child to get by rote, the meaning might be more difficult to grasp for a few years. Wilson’s book helps tremendously with that—and as a bonus, it’s a great reminder for any adult reading it just how simple the truth is.
I don’t remember reading a Christian children’s book that comes close to this in terms of content, and I plan on heartily recommending this to as many people as I can. Starting with you, reader.
I cannot wait to read this to the Grandcritter—almost as much for my sake as his.
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