Grandpappy's Corner Birthday
The first Grandpappy’s Corner post went up a year ago, and I’ve posted an average of 2 books a month in that series since then–I expected to do more, but I’m happy with what has come from it. Hopefully you’ve enjoyed them, too (if you’ve taken the time to look at them).

To commemorate the day/take advantage of the time the holiday gave me, I’ve finally gotten around to putting together an index of sorts for those posts and the posts that would’ve been part of the series had I started it 7 or 8 years ago. Boy howdy, have I talked about a lot of books for infants/toddlers (more toddlers/pre-readers, truth be told). Also, yeah, I know the formatting needs a little tweaking…sometime soon.

A good number of these try to teach something–and many of those things are worth learning. Some are just pretty to look at. But the ones that primarily appeal to me are the silly ones that you–and, sure, the kid you’re reading to–can have fun with. The art for those as well as the very strange text just makes me happy and I wish I spent more time reading books like that. (the Grandcritter is approaching his first birthday, and I’m looking forward to his longer attention span so we can spend more time reading together, so that’ll help.)

Anyway, one year down, 24 books posted about, more to come!!

Grandpappy Icon

Cake Image by marcos101 from Pixabay