Saturday Miscellany—4/6/24

Not a lot of things to post about this week–incidentally, I took most of April 2014 off, so my flashbacks are going to be sparse until May. But, a new week is on the horizon, I have many plans to fill it, annnnd I get to go to the 2nd Annual Treasure Valley Book Fair in a couple of hours. That should re-energize me.

Odds ‘n ends about books and reading that caught my eye this week. You’ve probably seen some/most/all of them, but just in case:
bullet Why I wrote an AI transparency statement for my book, and think other authors should too
bullet A Garden of Verses: As commonplace books evolved into anthologies, they developed reputations as canonical works, their editors curating tomes as vibrant as the loveliest bouquets.
bullet Don Winslow Reflects on Writing His Final Novel: Winslow discusses ‘City in Ruins,’ crime in Las Vegas, and how to write an epic trilogy.—Friend of the Blog, Nick Kowlakowski, talks with Winslow. It’s a doozy (as should be expected)
bullet Speaking of Winslow, earlier this week, he tweeted his Five Must Read Books—I should move on a couple of these
bullet The Big Bang! Prize Anthology—I don’t know when this was announced, but I saw it for the first time yesterday. This should be fun.
bullet Oups, I Spend Way Too Long Writing Reviews
bullet Tough Questions with Bookstgram—Bookstgram gets to be on the business end of the tough questions this week.

A Book-ish Related Podcast episode (or two) you might want to give a listen to:
bullet The Thriller Zone Episode 175, Season 6: Don Winslow, New York Times Bestselling Author of City In Ruins —a fun and insightful discussion with the great one.
bullet Speaking of Mysteries Episode 257: Don Winslow—another good interview with Winslow. (although, if you’re only going to listen to one…make it the previous one)

This Week’s New Releases that I’m Excited About and/or You’ll Probably See Here Soon:
bullet City in Ruins by Don Winslow—The last book in the Danny Ryan trilogy (a modern-day take on the Trojan War and The Aeneid) and the last book Winslow is publishing before retiring. A bittersweet release to be sure.
bullet The World Entire by Jo Perry—follows up Perry’s Pure (which was possibly her best book yet), “Ascher returns in a fast-moving, intense, and layered mystery about a dog accused of murder and a violent group who are targeting the man Ascher loves.” Cannot wait to get my grubby hands on this.
bullet The Tenacious Tale of Tanna the Tendersword/ by Dewey Conway & Bill Adams—A Champion-in-Training, her Chronicler-in-Training, and a sword-yielding rooster (with a prosthetic leg) take on an Epic Quest in this fun MG fantasy with some great art to boot. I’ve written a little bit about it (but I feel like I should’ve written more).
bullet Rites of Passage by M.D. Presley—kicks off a new UF series about a dowser on the run from the law, hired for a difficult challenge, but equipped with “his trusty dowsing rod, a defaced 50-cent piece, and enchanted iPod.” I asked Presley a Few Quick Questions about it earlier this week.
bullet An Inconvenient Wife by Karen E. Olson—A crime novel inspired by the intrigue of the Tudor-era features Kate Parker, the sixth wife of billionaire Hank Tudor, dealing with the discovery of a headless corpse near his property and two of Hank’s exes (with suspiciously familiar names). Mrs. Irresponsible Reader and I have been fans of Olson for a long time, this looks like it could be a lot of fun.

Reading books removes sorrow from the heart - Moroccan Proverb


Cover Reveal: The Forest of Fate by D.H. Willison


REPOSTING JUST CUZ: Prayer by Ole Hallsby


  1. I always enjoy your Saturday Miscellany posts. You manage to point me to what I’ve missed in the bookish world lately. Thanks!

  2. Thank you for including my interview!

  3. I hope April turns out to be a calm and wonderful month for you, sir. Take care!

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