Ask Me (just about) Anything for My Upcoming Blogiversary

I just remembered that I did this last year, and had enough fun that I decided to do it again. In honor of my upcoming blogiversary, I’ll be answering questions from you, my favorite blog readers in the world.

But first, you have to ask them. I’d prefer that you use this form (if only to make it easier on me to keep track of them), but you can leave a comment, Tweet at me, send me a DM, Facebook comment, IG comment, carrier pigeon, encode it into a manuscript…whatever.

I’d prefer the questions to be about books, reading, the blog—that sort of thing. But I’m feeling brave—ask me whatever. You might get a “none of your business” kind of response, but who knows? This should be fun!


Price to Pay by Dave Sivers: “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.”


Saturday Miscellany—5/18/24


  1. Paul E Nydegger

    Have you ignored any other writers up close and personal as you have Craig Johnson?

    • HCNewton

      This is not the harassment I expected from you in response to this…but I like it. 🙂 This’ll be fun to talk about.

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