Tag: A Little Help From My Friends

I Could Use Some Help with Posts

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So, remember that series from last fall, Top 5 All-Time Desert Island Books, where authors and bloggers dropped by to list their Top 5 All-Time…well, you can figure it out. Something’s come up and I could use the coverage here on The Irresponsible Reader, so I’d invite anyone who wanted to to contribute. Or to contribute a second list (their 2nd 5, a reconsidered 5…whatever).

If that’s not your thing, but you’ve been itching to share a Guest Post somewhere about something bookish. Or you have a Guest Review you want to submit. Or…anything really to help me fill the time while I’m AFK. I’m game for it.

Just let me know if you’re interested, and I’ll get back to you ASAP with the details. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart–somewhere down near the cockles.

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A Quick Check-In and a Final Plea for Help with Author Interviews (for writers, bloggers/podcasters, and readers)

Okay, what I said the other day about over-committing is getting the best of me. I’m going to have “real” posts any day now (hopefully tomorrow, for example). I have four posts about particular books half-finished, but I need time to think about them and complete them. I have 5 Literary Local Q&As in the middle of Qing and Aing. And a couple of other things in-progress, too. But for today? I’ve got zip, zilch, and a whole lot of nada.

So, I’m going to ask one more time for some input about Interviews/Q&As. At this point, I’ve pretty much decided what I’m going to say about them, but I could use a little more fodder for examples/illustrations. So…if you’re an Author, or a Blogger/Vlogger/Podcaster, or someone who likes to read/listen to Author Interviews—would you please click one of those links and answer a few things for me? If you fit multiple categories there (and, don’t we all contain multitudes, even if it’s just a few?)—feel free to chime in repeatedly.


And now for something completely different:

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Ask Me (just about) Anything for My Upcoming Blogiversary

The Tenth Anniversary of this here blog is coming up soon, and I’m trying to come up with some things to commemorate such an august occasion. One of the things I’ve decided to do was inspired by A Literary Escape (and some others that I forgot to note) and I’ll be answering questions from you, my favorite blog readers in the world.

But first, you have to ask them. I’d prefer that you use this form (if only to make it easier on me to keep track of them), but you can leave a comment, Tweet at me, send me a DM, Facebook comment, IG comment, carrier pigeon, encode it into a manuscript…whatever.

I’d prefer the questions to be about books, reading, the blog—that sort of thing. But I’m feeling brave—ask me whatever. You might get a “none of your business” kind of response, but who knows? This should be fun!

Authors/Bloggers/Anyone Else: Want to Pitch In with a Guest Post?

Hey, all authors who occasionally read this here blog, other bloggers, even people who don’t but might want to opine, I would like some help with something.

Here’s the vague pitch: I have an idea for something I want to do in October—the 4th through the 8th or 9th, specifically—and could use a handful* of Guest Posts to pull it off. Learning the lesson from a couple of things I’ve participated in/not participated in, I’m asking for help early.

* More than a handful would be better, but let’s aim low and hit higher.

I can’t pay for the help, and I can’t even promise that lame “exposure” that artists (rightly) bemoan. I’ve seen my stats—exposure will be minimum. But I can promise you the opportunity to write something you’ve probably not tackled before. And the warm glow that comes from helping a virtual stranger on the Internet.

If you’re interested, let me know and I’ll email you the complete pitch.

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