Witty & Sarcastic Book Club Presents Tough Questions
Over the past couple of months in my Saturday Miscellanies, I’ve linked to the new series of interviews with Book Bloggers over at Witty & Sarcastic Book Club called Tough Questions.

I was forc—er, subjected t—er, graciously invited to participate in this and my responses were posted on Monday. If you’ve ever wondered what my memoir would be called, what I might call this blog if I rebranded, what my favorite is to read (the answer may surprise you), or other things. Or if you just want to read something on a pink background. Give it a look-see!

Caveat lector: This post does contain what might be the most controversial opinion that I’ve ever put on teh IntraWebs.

Also, if you’re not following the blog or following Jodie on various social media platforms, now would be a good time to start.

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