We Are Experiencing Technical Difficulties…Please Stand By

So, I had a post ready to go this morning, but I couldn’t upload the images. I still can’t. And now, I can’t get into my site at all. I’m not 100% that this will post, even.

I’ve got half of my crack technical staff on it–but he has a life, and gets paid nothing for this, so who knows when things will return to whatever passes for normal here.

oooh, this is fun.

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Rites of Passage by M.D. Presley: You Won’t Need A Dowsing Rod To Find The Appeal This UF


Saturday Miscellany—6/15/24


  1. Technology bites

  2. Ugh! The worst! 🙏

    • Last week I had difficulty uploading an image. After I tried the usual shutting dow, restarting, etc., I finally renamed the image and that worked. 🤷‍♀️

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