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(belated) PUB DAY REPOST: Some Further Thoughts about The White Door by Pierce Taylor Hibbs

I had a few more things to say about the book after my original post…

Cover for The White Door by Pierce Taylor HibbsThe White Door

by Pierce Taylor Hibbs

Publisher: Truth Ablaze
Publication Date: August 15, 2024
Format: eARC
Length: 484 pg.
Read Date: July 7-20, 2024
Buy from Support Indie Bookstores

Obviously, this will make more sense if you’ve read my original post about The White Door. And I should add that these are just thoughts that’ve come to mind as I’ve continued to chew on this book. I’m not making a full argument here, or anything like that. Some ruminations is all. (the conclusion is particularly weak, if you ask me, because I am just ruminating. )

One thing readers really like to do is to try to determine what they can about a novelist’s beliefs, points of view, and whatnot from the way things in their novel(s) are depicted. Frequently, some of the theories are pretty out there—and even those that are closer to reality are limited and have some noteworthy flaws.

That’s not the case with this book—Hibbs has already written a good number of non-fiction books showing his views on a number of ideas and topics. So readers of this novel have a different task before them (if they’re of a mind to wonder about these things)—how are Hibbs’ ideas depicted and brought to “life” in this novel? Are they at all? I haven’t read all of Hibbs’ previous work (yet), but I’ve read a number of his books and thought about them while reading the novel.

An obvious point here is that the protagonist, Seth, has an anxiety disorder, not unlike the one that Hibbs talked about in Struck Down but Not Destroyed: Living Faithfully with Anxiety. But there are plenty of other places you can see Hibbes’ previous writing.

In my original post, I said a couple of things that I want to return to. The first is:

…there are two doors (in places that have no business having doors, see McGuire’s Wayward Children series for examples). A white one and a black one—those who walk through them are changed. What, and how, they see is altered in ways that say a lot more about the doors than anything else.

The second thing is:

First of all, anyone who’s read much of Hibbs is going to recognize his thinking here. Narnia, Seth, and Cleft sound like they’ve studied Hibbs’ work (ignoring the anachronism there)—which is good. If only so you know that you’re supposed to think they’re on the right path. Other characters largely sound ilke they’re on their way to sounding that way, too.

Two of Hibbs’ books that came to mind were Finding God in the Ordinary and In Divine Company: Growing Closer to the God Who Speaks.

The part of In Divine Company* that came to mind in The White Door was:

We live in what I have called a worded world, a world that everywhere reveals something about the God who made it, a world that, in a sense, “speaks” about God.

* He also has a book called The Speaking Trinity and His Worded World that probably does a better job of explaining this point and expanding on it, but I haven’t read that one yet.

In Finding God in the Ordinary, Hibbs quotes John Calvin:

Whichever way we turn our eyes, there is no part of the world, however small, in which at least some spark of God’s glory does not shine. In particular, we cannot gaze upon this beautiful masterpiece of the world, in all its length and breadth, without being completely dazzled, as it were, by an endless flood of light. Accordingly, in Hebrews, the apostle aptly calls the world the mirror of things invisible, because the structure of the world serves as a mirror in which we behold God, who otherwise can not be seen (Heb 11:3).

Calvin influenced Hibbs on this point, and you can see it in the rest of that book. Let me bring up a few other short quotations from the book along those lines:

if we do not search for God in the ordinary, we do not perceive the world as it truly is. God has revealed that his entire creation manifests his character.

The whole earth, every crevice of creation, has been endowed by God himself with a revelatory component. We can choose to ignore this component if we wish, but then we will not be seeing the world as it truly is. We will be seeing a world of our own making.

if we do not search for God in the ordinary, we will miss very precious parts of life.

The tagline on the cover of The White Door is: “To enter is to see.” This is part of what I meant by “What, and how, they see is altered.” Both Roland (Cleft’s steward dog) and Cleft call those who’ve gone through the White Door “gazers”*

* I called them “seekers” in my original post. Oops. Why do I take notes, if I’m not going to look at them while writing?

These people gaze upon the world in a clearer fashion than they have before as if a film had been cleared off what they see. They see things in a new way—able to seek God in the ordinary, perceiving the world as it truly is. Not completely—and not necessarily all in the same way. Yet, their vision is better. They see things that others do not/cannot.

Now, walking through this door is in some way analogous of or is an allegory of regeneration. I have questions about it (as I talked about before), and I’m not sure if that’s because I misunderstood something or if Hibbs was unclear (I fully expect the former, but I think it’s the latter).* Regardless, that’s the case. Given “eyes to see and ears to hear,” these gazers see things that others don’t. In our world, it’s because darkened eyes don’t think of it, and renewed eyes need to be taught it (so we get books like Finding God in the Ordinary and teaching along those lines)—but when we know we can see the world, the skies, and nature in general declaring the glory of God—we, like those gazers, do see things others don’t.

* To paraphrase Mr. Simon, when I get something wrong, I’m the first to admit it, the last one to know-ow-ow-ow.

On the other hand, those who walk through the Black Door also have their sight altered. As you might imagine, it’s not as beneficial—but that’s all I’m going to say about that.

I really appreciate the way that Hibbs put “flesh” on his arguments from other books in this novel—not just for a good way to solidify it in the minds of his non-fiction readers, but to provoke his novel’s readers to consider how that piece of fiction might apply to their lives.

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, the opinions expressed are my own.
Irresponsible Reader Pilcrow Icon

(belated) PUB DAY REPOST: The White Door by Pierce Taylor Hibbs: Good vs. Evil and a Tolkien-Quoting Cat

So, I put 8/16 in my calendar for this publication date, or I’d have had this up yesterday. Still, I wanted to get something up to celebrate the Publication of this book (also, it gives me an excuse to correct some of the mistakes I made in my original post)

Cover for The White Door by Pierce Taylor HibbsThe White Door

by Pierce Taylor Hibbs

Publisher: Truth Ablaze
Publication Date: August 15, 2024
Format: eARC
Length: 484 pg.
Read Date: July 7-20, 2024
Buy from Support Indie Bookstores

What’s The White Door About?

A pull-quote on the cover calls this “Pilgrims Progress meets Stranger Things.” I’m not sure that Bunyan belongs in the conversation—maybe Lewis meets Stranger Things? This Present Darkness with better theology is closer yet.

There’s a great ensemble of characters featured in this novel, but let’s focus (as the novel does) on two—the first is Pastor Cleft Warrington. It’s evident soon after we meet him that he’s the kind of pastor you’d want—educated, compassionate, smart, and faithful. But there’s more than that to him—the small town in Pennsylvania that he pastors in has more going on than is visible to the naked eye. There are forces on the move—and he is one of the few aware of it.

The other character we focus on is Seth Logan—he’s a father of a couple of little kids and a writing professor. His wife is a steadying and supportive influence in his life, which he really needs. When we meet him, he’s unaware (like most people in this town) of the unseen workings around him. But all that changes when he comes across a stray cat one day while hiking.

I’m not sure how much else to say, but the cover blurb says little more—there are two doors (in places that have no business having doors, see McGuire’s Wayward Children series for examples). A white one and a black one—those who walk through them are changed. What, and how, they see is altered in ways that say a lot more about the doors than anything else.

The custodian (for lack of a better term) of the black door is named Skotos—he has been popping up in Dingmans Ferry now and then for quite some time. Cleft is trying to monitor his actions as much as he can. Cleft can’t say for certain what Skotos is up to—or what his aims are—but they are not for anyone’s benefit but his.

Those who walk through the white door get nicknamed “gazers,” because of their altered vision. They see things, realities, that others don’t–and cannot. Because of this power, they have a responsibility to their town (if not to more than the town) and its citizens. The gazers have allied with each other for this purpose and when they add members, they take them under their wings and help them understand their abilities and far more.

The Choice of the 80s

This is set in the 1980s, which is an interesting choice. And I’m not sure that it was necessary for the story. Sure, it eliminates the Internet in early or current form, so that’s an advantage—this would’ve been a difficult story to tell if characters could just check certain events online.

While there may be little about the events or the narrative that demands that time period, the smaller town feels more authentic in the 80s, I guess. There are plenty of little details that Hibbs provides to help it feel like that time.

The biggest thing that made me wonder about the choice of chronological setting (probably the only thing) was the way that Seth’s anxiety was depicted (and the way people reacted to him). I haven’t done any research on this—but I’m not sure that too many people in the 80s were talking about people with anxiety disorders or panic attacks quite the way these characters do. Particularly regarding adult men. Maybe I’m wrong, but I’d wager that was a stumble (as an example, see how strange it was in the late 90s for characters like Tony Soprano to deal with those things, and the ways they covered it up).

The Mix of Theology and Fantasy

Mixing Christian thinking, Christian belief, and fiction—particularly Fantasy—is a tricky thing. It can be done, and there is a tradition of it. But I can’t help wondering about the way that Hibbs does it. I enjoyed it thoroughly, but I had some questions and qualms.

The titular white door and the way it changes those who walk through it…both are great, full of symbolism and meaning. I really appreciated the effects produced in those who’ve entered it. But I have so many questions about it, too—why aren’t all the believers in town taken to it? Is it some sort of second blessing?* Why is it available for any random person walking by (although it is out of the way) to just walk through? Along those lines—Skotos’ victims…the way that Seth and his companions figure out what happened to them and the way they appeal to Paul’s writings to get there really misses the apostle’s point and even contradicts it. And that really troubles me.

* I know Hibbs wouldn’t go for that, but it kind of seems like one.

There are some other things depicted—some visions, another reality that’s visited (to put it as vaguely as I can), and things of that nature—that were just great. The pure fantasy stuff—or at least the things that he can talk about in purely fantastic terms—was great.

You take the blending of fantasy and theology out of this—leave us only with Skotos’ “magic” or whatever, the Deeper Magic of the Doors, and whatnot—I wouldn’t have a complaint at all. No church, no sermons, no Bible—just warring Good and Evil? The whole thing works. But Hibbs frequently stumbles when he combines them.

Now let’s set aside the Fantasy for a minute and just focus on the Theology. First of all, anyone who’s read much of Hibbs is going to recognize his thinking here. Narnia, Seth, and Cleft sound like they’ve studied Hibbes’ work (ignoring the anachronism there)—which is good. If only so you know that you’re supposed to think they’re on the right path. Other characters largely sound like they’re on their way to sounding that way, too.

Even the demonic (or at least really evil) character’s theology is rock solid. He rejects it—but he knows it. Watching him explain something, and then reacting to it, was really well done.

I have to add, that some of the gazers get animal companions—stewards—who can talk to the gazers. We see two of them in this book, Seth’s cat, Narnia, and Cleft’s dog, Roland. They are just fantastic. A Tolkein-quoting cat with a penchant for talking theology? That’s a critter I’d put up with my allergies attacking me to spend time with. Every bit with those animals are great. There are some other animals that show up later, too—I really dug them, too. But my spoiler policy prevents me from talking about them.

Some Word Choices

I’m going to throw this out there just to be thorough—and because I know a couple of my readers will think about it—maybe even be turned off by it.

The characters in this novel are not all Christians. And some of them are very recent converts who haven’t quite gotten around to cleaning up their language thoroughly. Hibbs has them use realistic words for people in those situations—a depiction of how the world is, not how he might want it to be.

That said, nothing too terrible is said in the book—nothing you couldn’t get away with in a PG movie (which isn’t the best barometer for some people, but it’s the easiest to convey) or a sitcom from the mid-80s.

Hibbs’ Writing

As a surprise to no one who’s read what I’ve said about Hibbs’ style and way with words before, I loved it. There are some sentences, some passages, and even some phrases that I just adored. If I had a final version and not an ARC, you’d be reading plenty of quotations in this post.

These characters and their emotional lives are richly drawn. The descriptions of little things as well as major events or scenes are the kind of thing that keep people reading regardless of plot and character.

There are two character deaths described that just blew me away. One happens just as the book begins and we see a grieving husband in the minutes after his wife’s death. It’s handled with sensitivity and care—and right from the get-go, you get attached to this character, his reactions feel just right. The other death that we spend an extended time on is handled differently, but perhaps even better. There are other deaths that don’t get this—or similar—kind of treatment. They’re handled the way that most fictional deaths are, and that’s fine. But the two we linger on? Hibbs gets everything right about those and I loved reading them (and will again).

I should add that this book isn’t full of character deaths—but there are some.

I’ve gotten off-topic a bit, but this is just some great writing. There’s a hint of poetry to so much of this energized by an eye for detail. Little things—like the description of Seth’s daughter’s laugh—are just beautiful, and some of the bigger things are done just as well.

So, what did I think about The White Door?

It’s been a long time since I read Christian Fiction regularly—sure, I read a few things by Christians (mostly local authors), but not a lot that calls itself Christian Fiction. In fact, I think this is the fourth book of that type I’ve posted about here. But when I heard that Hibbs was going to be bringing his first novel into the world, you know I had to give it a read. I’ve often said that his books are the best written theological/Christian Living/etc. books that I’ve read (published in the last 50 years, anyway), so of course I want to see what he does with fiction.*

* I should probably try his poetry, too. But it’s poetry, so don’t expect that anytime soon.

I’m so glad I did.

I have mentioned a few quibbles above—the downside of doing that is that it overshadows all the good that can be said. I can’t think of a way to do that without giving too much away. So my own limitation makes the book come across as worse than it should. Note the above paragraph, if nothing else.

It started slow, and I wondered for a while just what the book was going to be about (I didn’t bother reading anything about it before requesting a copy—I just knew it was the first novel for Hibbs, and that was enough)—but it kept me going—and it wasn’t long before I was fully invested (and that kept growing). By the time it was over, I wasn’t quite ready to walk away from these characters and this world.

The conversations that Cleft and Seth have together—or with other characters—about books, The Bible, language, and so on? They’re just great—and I could’ve read many more of them. There’s no justification in terms of character development or plot for us to spend more time with Seth (and Narnia) in Seth’s classes—but Hibbes could’ve given us more of them and I wouldn’t have complained. (I may have noted that he was padding the book with them, but I’d have enjoyed the padding enough to give him a pass)

Similar things could be said for Seth spending time with his family (with or without Narnia)—and so many other aspects of the book.

Every element of this novel works really well when considered on its own. Many of them work in conjunction with the others—it’s when all of them are brought together in these 484 pages that I think Hibbs trips over himself. It’s really a total is less than the sum of its parts kind of thing. But those parts are so worth your time and energy—and I wouldn’t be shocked to learn that I’m alone in some/all of my judgments.

I do encourage you to pick this up. It’s a good read, a refreshing, hopeful read—and I hope it’s the first of several novels from Pierce Taylor Hibbs.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this eARC from the author, but the opinions expressed are mine and honest. And are what I would’ve said about the copy I bought—I’m just saying them a few weeks earlier.

4 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, the opinions expressed are my own.

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The 2024 Self-Published Authors Appreciation Week Logo was made by Witty and Sarcastic Book Club

Some Further Thoughts about The White Door by Pierce Taylor Hibbs

Cover for The White Door by Pierce Taylor HibbsThe White Door

by Pierce Taylor Hibbs

Publisher: Truth Ablaze
Publication Date: August 15, 2024
Format: eARC
Length: 484 pg.
Read Date: July 7-20, 2024
Buy from Support Indie Bookstores

Obviously, this will make more sense if you’ve read my original post about The White Door. And I should add that these are just thoughts that’ve come to mind as I’ve continued to chew on this book. I’m not making a full argument here, or anything like that. Some ruminations is all. (the conclusion is particularly weak, if you ask me, because I am just ruminating. )

One thing readers really like to do is to try to determine what they can about a novelist’s beliefs, points of view, and whatnot from the way things in their novel(s) are depicted. Frequently, some of the theories are pretty out there—and even those that are closer to reality are limited and have some noteworthy flaws.

That’s not the case with this book—Hibbs has already written a good number of non-fiction books showing his views on a number of ideas and topics. So readers of this novel have a different task before them (if they’re of a mind to wonder about these things)—how are Hibbs’ ideas depicted and brought to “life” in this novel? Are they at all? I haven’t read all of Hibbs’ previous work (yet), but I’ve read a number of his books and thought about them while reading the novel.

An obvious point here is that the protagonist, Seth, has an anxiety disorder, not unlike the one that Hibbs talked about in Struck Down but Not Destroyed: Living Faithfully with Anxiety. But there are plenty of other places you can see Hibbes’ previous writing.

In my original post, I said a couple of things that I want to return to. The first is:

…there are two doors (in places that have no business having doors, see McGuire’s Wayward Children series for examples). A white one and a black one—those who walk through them are changed. What, and how, they see is altered in ways that say a lot more about the doors than anything else.

The second thing is:

First of all, anyone who’s read much of Hibbs is going to recognize his thinking here. Narnia, Seth, and Cleft sound like they’ve studied Hibbs’ work (ignoring the anachronism there)—which is good. If only so you know that you’re supposed to think they’re on the right path. Other characters largely sound ilke they’re on their way to sounding that way, too.

Two of Hibbs’ books that came to mind were Finding God in the Ordinary and In Divine Company: Growing Closer to the God Who Speaks.

The part of In Divine Company* that came to mind in The White Door was:

We live in what I have called a worded world, a world that everywhere reveals something about the God who made it, a world that, in a sense, “speaks” about God.

* He also has a book called The Speaking Trinity and His Worded World that probably does a better job of explaining this point and expanding on it, but I haven’t read that one yet.

In Finding God in the Ordinary, Hibbs quotes John Calvin:

Whichever way we turn our eyes, there is no part of the world, however small, in which at least some spark of God’s glory does not shine. In particular, we cannot gaze upon this beautiful masterpiece of the world, in all its length and breadth, without being completely dazzled, as it were, by an endless flood of light. Accordingly, in Hebrews, the apostle aptly calls the world the mirror of things invisible, because the structure of the world serves as a mirror in which we behold God, who otherwise can not be seen (Heb 11:3).

Calvin influenced Hibbs on this point, and you can see it in the rest of that book. Let me bring up a few other short quotations from the book along those lines:

if we do not search for God in the ordinary, we do not perceive the world as it truly is. God has revealed that his entire creation manifests his character.

The whole earth, every crevice of creation, has been endowed by God himself with a revelatory component. We can choose to ignore this component if we wish, but then we will not be seeing the world as it truly is. We will be seeing a world of our own making.

if we do not search for God in the ordinary, we will miss very precious parts of life.

The tagline on the cover of The White Door is: “To enter is to see.” This is part of what I meant by “What, and how, they see is altered.” Both Roland (Cleft’s steward dog) and Cleft call those who’ve gone through the White Door “gazers”*

* I called them “seekers” in my original post. Oops. Why do I take notes, if I’m not going to look at them while writing?

These people gaze upon the world in a clearer fashion than they have before as if a film had been cleared off what they see. They see things in a new way—able to seek God in the ordinary, perceiving the world as it truly is. Not completely—and not necessarily all in the same way. Yet, their vision is better. They see things that others do not/cannot.

Now, walking through this door is in some way analogous of or is an allegory of regeneration. I have questions about it (as I talked about before), and I’m not sure if that’s because I misunderstood something or if Hibbs was unclear (I fully expect the former, but I think it’s the latter).* Regardless, that’s the case. Given “eyes to see and ears to hear,” these gazers see things that others don’t. In our world, it’s because darkened eyes don’t think of it, and renewed eyes need to be taught it (so we get books like Finding God in the Ordinary and teaching along those lines)—but when we know we can see the world, the skies, and nature in general declaring the glory of God—we, like those gazers, do see things others don’t.

* To paraphrase Mr. Simon, when I get something wrong, I’m the first to admit it, the last one to know-ow-ow-ow.

On the other hand, those who walk through the Black Door also have their sight altered. As you might imagine, it’s not as beneficial—but that’s all I’m going to say about that.

I really appreciate the way that Hibbs put “flesh” on his arguments from other books in this novel—not just for a good way to solidify it in the minds of his non-fiction readers, but to provoke his novel’s readers to consider how that piece of fiction might apply to their lives.

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, the opinions expressed are my own.
Irresponsible Reader Pilcrow Icon

Looking Back at a Week of Spreading the Self-Pub Love

Banner has a black bird on a colorful background. Around the bird are the words, 'Self Published Authors Appreciation Week.' In the top left corner, it says, 'July 21-27, 2024.' In the bottom right corner it says, '#SPAAW'
Here we are at the end of  Self-Published Author Appreciation Week, and wow, there’ve been a lot of great posts this year. I hope you all have spent time on the SPAAW Hub to read it all. This year, in case you didn’t notice was all about spreading the love for self-published works…
Spreading the Self-Pub LoveThis year, I asked a number of Self-Published authors to plug their newest–or their soon-to-be-released–book and to talk about a self-published work they wanted to get extra eye-balls on.

We heard from:

Anca Antoci
JCM Berne
Tom Bookbeard
A.J. Calvin
Andi Ewington
Karl Forshaw
Shannon Knight
David T List
Rebecca Carey Lyles
H.C. Newell
Nathan Ogloff
Paul Regnier
DB Rook
Marie Sinadjan
D.H. Willison
Tao Wong

I want to thank them for their time and contributions, yet one more time. Each of you have increased by TBR.

So, what was mentioned by these august writers (in July)? Thirty-nine titles from all sorts of genres. Renia by Karl Forshaw, with three mentions, was the most popular. Coming in second was The Crew by Sadir S. Samir and Callus & Crow by DB Rook. But if we took away mentions by the authors themselves, Renia and The Crew tied for first, and everything else tied for second. But this wasn’t a popularity contest…this was a sharing the love-fest, and there’s a lot of stuff to love.

(Still, Forshaw and Rook–pat yourselves on the back.)

Cover for Owl Eyes MotelCover of Pierced by SilverCover for Renia by Karl ForshawCover to be RevealedCover for A Wolf in Space by Alex ValdiersCover to be RevealedCover for Black Market Heart by Darby HarnCover of Harbinger by A.J. CalvinCover for The CrewCover to be RevealedCover for The Genesis of Change by Livia J. ElliotCover for Renia by Karl ForshawCover to be RevealedCover for Dyer Street Punk Witches by Phil WilliamsCover of Grave Cold by Shannon KnightCover for Callus & Crow by DB RookCover of Violence & Vigilance by David T ListCover for The Ghost of Gold Creek by Lisa Michelle HessCover of Crimson Arches by Rebecca Carey LylesCover for An Ocean of Others by Joshua Scott EdwardsCover for The CrewCover of Shadows of Nyn’Dir by HC NewellCovers for Silo series by Hugh HoweyCover of The Sapien Empire by Nathan OgloffCovers for Beaumont and Beasley booksCover of Bard Tidings by Paul RegnierCover for Renia by Karl ForshawCover of Callus & Crow by DB Rook Cover for Between Two Worlds by DA ChanCover of Bloody Hell edited by Sarah JuleCover for The Last of Her KindCover of Forest of FateCover for Card Mage: Slumdog DeckbuilderCover of Chaotic Aperitifs

Thanks again to all who participated. Thanks to all who read. And thank you to all of those Self-Published Authors out there. I hope you felt appreciated this week.

Image by Monika from Pixabay
The 2024 Self-Published Authors Appreciation Week Logo was made by Witty and Sarcastic Book Club

Return of The Griffin by JCM Berne: With No Time For Hope, Rohan Returns to Earth

The best part of getting this post finished (for me) is not that I’ve ticked off one more box on my “To Write” list, it’s that I can now move on to the third book in this series, Blood Reunion—which just might put me on target to catch up before this year ends.

Cover to Return of the Griffin by JCM BerneReturn of the Griffin

by JCM Berne

Series: Hybrid Helix, #2
Publisher: The Gnost House
Publication Date: February 26, 2022
Format: Hardcover
Length: 389 pg.
Read Date: February 1-7, 2024
Buy from Support Indie Bookstores

But I spent ten years training and fighting for the il’Drach. There arg Maybe a quarter million il’Drach alive, total, and yet they control most of this sector, running an empire of trillions. You know how? Because they have developed a system for winning wars. Which they’ve been drumming into me for a decade…

“I’m not saying you should follow me out to Nevada because you’re my friends or because I’m a great guy or because you really like me. I’m saying you should follow me because it turns out I’m not such a great guy, and that’s why I’m the right person to help you win this war.”

What’s Return of The Griffin About?

We start off* with Rohan rescuing some people who were foolish enough to try to visit the surface of Toth 3, as a nice and efficient way to pick up where we left off and to show how the time since Wistful Ascending has gone for Rohan, Wistful, and the rest.

* Okay, fine. Truly we start with a prologue in a tense moment that happens two weeks later than that, and toward the end of the novel. But I complained enough about that when I talked about Wistful Ascending, so I’ll bite my tongue now.

After a great action-filled opening to the book, Rohan returns to Wistful to find some old friends/acquaintances from Earth waiting for him. They want his help in locating another Hybrid hero, the greatest superhero from Earth—who, like Rohan, left to fight for the il’Drach. Rohan can’t help them, he says, because he’s dead. (we learned this last time). They can’t believe that anyone could kill Hyperion and become certain that the Earth is doomed.

Giant, unbelievably giant, two-legged sharks that can breathe on land have emerged, one by one, from the Pacific. The first was killed after super-powered heroes and villains from Japan stopped it (and got some help)—between the creature, the fight, and the means used to destroy it, millions died. Including most—if not all—of the super-powered population of Japan. The second wipes out a similar number. The third was still alive when they left to find Hyperion.

I’m not sure how to capture the size of these two-legged sharks. But Ben Stone gets closest (and pithiest) by observing “they must be a thousand times as massive as the largest megalodon. More.”

Rohan volunteers to come back to Earth to help out. He’s not nearly as powerful as Hyperion, but he’s the only il’Drach/Human hybrid left—and the planet isn’t really in a place to turn away help. It’s time for Rohan to adopt the mask and the name of the superhero he no longer is.

So Rohan goes home, and in addition to fighting freakishly giant land sharks, he sees his mom. He deals with the fallout of his departure from Earth (and the events leading up to it) legally and with his former friends, allies, and others. And a few other challenges, too. In fact, the unbelievably large land sharks might not be the biggest challenge he has to face.

The Kirkman Is Strong In This One

“Well, can you give me any ideas on how to fight these things? They’re tearing us apart.”

“I would fight it on land, if I were you. Even regular sharks are frightening in the water. Get that up on land. There your chances go from zero to a multiple of zero.”

“That’s still zero.”

Poseidon waved his bottle in the air.

“Math is not always your friend, my friend.”

I don’t want to overstate things here, nor am I trying to suggest that Berne is leaning too heavily on Invincible. But I thought of Invincible often when reading this—more often than I did last time.

You know how Kirkman would introduce a character, imbue them with a catchy (possibly goofy) name, and some cool powers, and then kill them in just a few panels? Over and over again?* Well, that’s what Berne does here—I said above that super-powered heroes and villains are dying taking on these sharks, right? I meant it—and I’d have willingly read books/stories/series featuring most, if not all, of them.

* And I’m sure there are other comic writers I could reference here, but I’m not steeped enough in them to do that. Feel free to tell me who I’m not thinking of in the comments. It’s been too long since I read the first run of Bendis’ Powers, does that fit here?

The amount of time, effort, and creativity that Berne expended on these characters—even just the names—only to end up listing them as a victim? (many were dead before they were mentioned) It’s impressive, and a little sad.

I bring this up for two reasons: 1. To note just how much excess creativity Berne must have. 2. To warn you—do not get overly attached to anyone in this book who doesn’t show up on the covers for the rest of the series.**

** To date, that’s Rohan and Santa Claus.

Miscellaneous Bullet Points

bullet A teleporter named “Bamf”? You know Berne chuckled/giggled to himself when he typed that.
bullet If you’ve never thought about the potential tragic story behind the MCU’s Groot’s single word of dialogue, be prepared to.
bullet Off the top of my head, I can only think of two superheroes intimidated by their mother/mother-figure. Add Rohan to the list behind Clark and Peter. And for good reason, she’s not a woman you want to mess with.
bullet Sure, throw in some vampires, too. Berne’s kitchen-sink approach seems to continue.
bullet I’m pretty sure that I caught a The Tick cartoon reference. That just made me happy.
bullet I don’t want to rob you of learning about this yourself, but I think “Fire Speech” and the way Berne describes it is one of my favorite things of the year.
bullet The number of cover artists as good as Chris McGrath has to be tiny. I loved this one.

So, what did I think about Return of The Griffin?

Amber took her phone out of an oversized pocket. “I’ll pull up all known villains with Doc or Doctor in their names. Don’t get your hopes up; it’s going to be a long list.”

Rohan smiled. “Only real doctors, medical doctorates or PhDs only. I don’t want any evil chiropractors or physical therapists on the list.”

Bright Angel shook her head. “Really? Now is the time for that?”

“Inappropriate humor is my charm, remember?”

“I remember that you thought it was charming. What I can’t seem to remember is when anybody else agreed with you.”


All in all, this was not as fun as Wistful Ascending, the deaths of millions and millions and the devastation wreaked on the (even more numerous) survivors tends to put a damper on all the fun. In Whistful most of the suffering fell on Rohan—here, the suffering falls on pretty much everyone on Earth (including Rohan).

But beyond that, we get a better understanding of Rohan, what was already an appealing and engaging character gains more depth. That’s smart—get us to like the guy, get us to root for him, to want to read more about him, and then let us see more of the sides of him that we (probably) assumed were there, what shaped him into who he was when we met him in Wistful Ascending.

Yes, there’s still a lot of fun to be had. Berne’s banter is as strong as always. Even in—especially in—the face of grave danger.

And the action scenes? For novel #2 (at least novel #2 that anyone gets to see), Berne writes like he’s been doing this for a while. If you’re anything like me, once an action sequence starts—woe to anyone who interrupts you while reading (assuming you notice them attempting to interrupt). The better the sequence, the worse it is for events/people who dare to distract you. This book features several of those kind of scenes, each one as good as (if not better) than the last.

Great pacing overall, good character development, strong world/universe building and expansion, we meet a whole bunch of cool characters (say goodbye to too many of them), get some strong action scenes, a series of freakishly huge and powerful monsters—and things worse than them, too. Obviously, I think you should read this if that kind of thing appeals to you.

That said, I’m really looking forward to getting back to Wistful and her residents (especially Wei Li and the Ursans) and to see what is going on off-Earth. Bring on Blood Reunion!

4 1/2 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, the opinions expressed are my own.

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The Irresponsible Reader On…Self-Published Crime Fiction

(updated 7/26/24)
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From the first moment that people did the strange thing of asking me to talk about their books on my blog, I’ve been impressed by the quality of a lot of what’s been published by authors going out on their own, taking all the risks, shouldering all the responsibility and doing all the work to get their words, their dreams, their blood, sweat, and tears. This should be celebrated—it’s definitely appreciated, as we’re trying to show this week.

In addition to the Q&As and Guest Posts I have this week, I’m also continuing my habit of highlighting the self-published works that I’ve blogged about over the last few years—just a sentence or two.  Hopefully, this’ll be enough to make you click on the link to the full post. Beyond that, it’d be great if I inspired you to add a few of these to your TBR. Also, be sure you check out the other posts over at the SPAAW Hub.

Last, but certainly not least for this week, my apparent specialty: Crime Fiction–vigilantes, police, private eyes, people who have no business at all near a crime…you name it, I love this stuff. This tl;dr list also proves that I was right to break these lists down by genre.

bullet Kind Hearts and Martinets by Pete Adams—a near-to-retirement D. I. with a rag-tag team investigates terror threats, murders, and bike thefts.
bullet Cause and Effect: Vice Plagues the City (my post about it)
bullet Irony in the Soul (my post about it)
bullet Cats, Cannolis and a Curious Kidnapping by Cheryl Denise Bannerman—a mystery writer finds herself the target of a kidnapper and has to employ everything her characters have done to save her own life. Which sounds more dire than this cute novel actually ever achieves. (my post about it)
bullet The City That Barks and Roars by J. T. Bird—Anthropomorphic animals in a 1950s-esque civilization, a pair of detectives hunting for a missing colleague. (my post about it)
bullet Death Stalks Kettle Street by John Bowen—a man with pretty severe OCD is sure that people in his neighborhood are being killed, but the authorities don’t see it–and his turn is coming. (my post about it)
bullet DI Hannah Robbins by Rebecca Bradley—DI Hannah Robbins novels follow Robbins and her team as they solve murders–she’s got a great team and the novels have some of the best hooks around.
bullet The Twisted Web (my post about it)
bullet Kill for Me (my post about it)
bullet Dead Blind by Rebecca Bradley—A Detective adjusting to prosopagnosia (“face blindness”) tries to keep the condition under wraps while leading his team investigating an international organ smuggling ring. Great hook, strong execution. (my post about it)
bullet The Butcher by Nathan Burrows—a darkly comic tale about brothers struggling to keep their farm and butcher shop alive, until they develop a new sausage recipe. (my post about it)
bullet The Shoulders of Giants by Jim Cliff—A rookie P.I. (inspired more by fiction than reality), is on the hunt for a missing college student. (my post about it)
bullet Bad Memory by Jim Cliff—this novella finds Jake Abraham looking into an old closed case and forces it open. (my post about it)
bullet Sharp Investigations by E.N. Crane—a comic series with a heavy-accent on mystery (or is it the other way around?), featuring a former Army MP and her K9 partner who set up a PI firm in a small Ohio town
bullet Barking for Business (my post about it)
bullet Chasing Empty Caskets (my post about it)
bullet Don’t Get Involved by F J Curlew—a slow burn of a novel about some street kids in Kyiv who find a large amount of drugs and a Scottish teacher in town to help their schools. (my post about it)
bullet Criminal Collective by Russell Day—a collection of short stories and a novella from one of my favorite crime writers. (my post about it)
bullet Jeremy Barnes by Robert Germaux—tired of teaching, Jeremy Barnes becomes a P.I. These books have a very Spenser-vibe to them and are great comfort food.
bullet Hard Court (my post about it)
bullet In the Eye (my post about it)
bullet Small Bytes (my post about it)
bullet Daniel Hays Mysteries by Robert Germaux—Daniel Hays heads the Special Assignment Squad —- a Major Crimes squad set up to help smaller cities in the county around Pittsburgh–hunts down serial killers in these entertaining thrillers.
bullet Small Talk (my post about it)
bullet One by One (my post about it)
bullet DC Smith Investigation by Peter Grainger—I’ve listened to these on audio, but the novels are self-published. Smith is a former DCI who’s voluntarily demoted down to Detective Sergeant so he can actually work cases–in his own idiosyncratic way. There is something indescribably charming about these books, I can see myself re-reading these for years.
bullet An Accidental Death (my post about it)
bullet But For the Grace (my post about it)
bullet Luck and Judgement (my post about it)
bullet Persons of Interest (my post about it)
bullet In This Bright Future (my post about it)
bullet The Rags of Time (my post about it)
bullet Time and Tide (my post about it)
bullet A Private Investigation (my post about it)
bullet The Truth (my post about it)
bullet The Camera Man (as close as I got to posting about it)
bullet King’s Lake Investigations by Peter Grainger—I’ve listened to these on audio, but the novels are self-published. This series tells what happens after DS Smith leaves Kings Lake, following those he trained and left as they form the backbone of the new Murder Squad. They’re just as good.
bullet Songbird (my post about it)
bullet On Eden Street (my post about it)
bullet Roxanne (my post about it)
bullet Missing Pieces (my post about it)
bullet Another Girl (my post about it)
bullet Catch & Neutralize by Chris Grams—Members of a vigilante group that takes down criminals who’ve gotten away with crimes against women and children find themselves in a very hairy situation. (my post about it)
bullet Fatal Forgery by Susan Grossey—as 19th Century British Policing begins to take a new shape, a magistrate’s constable investigates a new kind of financial crime. (my post about it)
bullet Ostler by Susan Grossey—Grossey brings us a 19th Century amatuer slueth hunting for a friend’s murderer, who finds so much more. (my post about it)
bullet DoubleBlind by Libby Fischer Hellmann—a PI looks into suspicious deaths following COVID vaccines while dealing with people who think she’s a wife who ran away from a cult. Eventually, she has to stop and figure out what’s going on with her doppelgänger for her own sake. (my post about it)
bullet The Secret of Rosalia Flats by Tim W. Jackson—following the death of his father, a man returns to his Caribbean island childhood home to look into what happened. (my post about it)
bullet Cooked Goose by Laura Jenski—a couple on a cross-country motor home trip discovers a body in a campground, and decides to investigate the death to “help” local law enforcement. (I thought I posted about this months ago, apparently not. Soon, maybe?)
bullet Afton Morrison by Brent Jones—the story of a Children’s Librarian with impulses to become a serial killer. No really. It’s twisted. It’s fun. It has some heart, too.
bullet Go Home, Afton (my post about it)
bullet See You Soon, Afton (my post about it)
bullet Nice Try, Afton (my post about it)
bullet Time’s Up, Afton (my post about it)
bullet Harvested by Troy Lambert—a PI starts looking into a rash of dognappings sweeping across Seattle and uncovers something chilling. (my post about it)
bullet Stray Ally by Troy Lambert—An ex-special ops soldier takes on terrorists, Aryans on the hunt, and an out of control military officer, with only his wits, experience and a fantastic stray dog. (my post about it)
bullet Teaching Moments by Troy Lambert—Max Boucher is back, this time to hunt for a stolen horse–and runs across a serial killer while he’s at it. (my post about it)
bullet Cutthroat Cupcakes by Cate Lawley—I maybe should’ve included this on the Fantasy and UF lists, too. But Lawley describes these as cozy mysteries, so I’ll stick with that. The owner of an artisan candy shop is arrested by magic police for selling cursed items that have been used to kill someone. It’s a rough way to learn that magic exists. She works with the detective to find the actual killer to clear her name. (my post about it)
bullet Cooking for Cannibals by Rich Leder—an ex-con trying to go straight, a behavioral gerontologist, and a group of senior citizens get into hot water with an experimental drug and competing criminal organizations. (my post about it)
bullet Let There Be Linda by Rich Leder—I can’t sum this up in a sentence or two–a comic crime novel set in L.A. full of interweaving plotlines. (my post about it)
bullet McCall & Company: Workman’s Complication by Rich Leder—a struggling actress takes over her late father’s P.I. Agency (my post about it)
bullet Shadow Ranch by Rebeca Carey Lyles—A woman trapped in a polygamous cult attempts to free herself, her brother, and others. Featuring a truly despicable villain. (my post about it)
bullet The Lion’s Tail by Luna Miller, Aidan Isherwood (Translator)—a retired physician turns to a new career as a P.I. An early case turns out to be too much for her to tackle on her own and she recruits some help from people in her neighborhood, creating her own Baker Street Irregulars. (my post about it)
bullet San Diego Dead by Mark Nolan—a modern-day privateer and his dog are on the run from a vengeful drug mob. (my post about it)
bullet How the Wired Weep by Ian Patrick—you’re not going to see me say something negative about a Patrick novel, but this one is special. a gut-wrenching, taut look at a police informant and his detective handler as they try to take down a local drug lord. (my post about it)
bullet The Warrior Series by Ty Patterson—Once upon a time, I think we’d call these books “Men’s Adventure” novels. Former Delta operative (and some friends) now run a covert-ops group.
bullet The Warrior (my post about it)
bullet The Reluctant Warrior (my post about it)
bullet Dead Down East by Carl Schmidt—a part-time PI gets sucked into investigating the death of his state’s governor (my post about it)

If you’re a self-published author that I’ve featured on this blog and I didn’t mention you in this post and should have. I’m sorry (unless you’re this guy). Please drop me a line, and I’ll fix this. I want to keep this regularly updated so I keep talking about Self-Published Authors.
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The 2024 Self-Published Authors Appreciation Week Logo was made by Witty and Sarcastic Book Club

Spreading the Self-Pub Love with Tao Wong

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In the spirit of “a rising tide lifts all boats,” this year for Self-Published Authors Appreciation Week I wanted to give some Self-Published authors a chance to spread some love (while also indulging in a bit of self-promotion, I mean, c’mon, it’s hard out here…)
Spreading the Self-Pub Love with Tao Wong

An Elevator Pitch for Something You Love
Cover for Card Mage: Slumdog Deckbuilder

Card Mage: Slumdog Deckbuilder by Benedict Patrick

It’s a LitRPG based on card games, with a slower buildup than most progression fantasy books, but with fascinating mechanics that are as much a consequence of the main characters social standing as it is the rules of the game itself. It leaves a ton of space to grow the world while also hinting at deeper mysteries.

My Elevator Pitch by Tao Wong
Cover of Chaotic Aperitifs
Food, magic and trouble all collide in the Nameless Restaurant as we return to the world’s most delightfully chaotic dining establishment. Chaotic Aperitifs is the second work in the Hidden Dishes series, a cozy cooking fantasy that features powerful retired wizards, sassy servers and supernatural guests in equal parts.

About this Author
Tao Wong is a full-time author in the scifi and fantasy genres, writing predominantly in the LitRPG and xianxia sub-genres. A multiple times international Amazon bestseller, he is best known for the System Apocalypse and A Thousand Li universes, with over 40 full-length novels and numerous shorter works published. Tao was a finalist for the Kindle Storyteller UK Award in 2021.

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Be sure to check out Card Mage: Slumdog Deckbuilder and Chaotic Aperitif, let’s show them both some love!

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The 2024 Self-Published Authors Appreciation Week Logo was made by Witty and Sarcastic Book Club

Spreading the Self-Pub Love with D.H. Willison

Self-Published Author Appreciation Week '24 Banner
In the spirit of “a rising tide lifts all boats,” this year for Self-Published Authors Appreciation Week I wanted to give some Self-Published authors a chance to spread some love (while also indulging in a bit of self-promotion, I mean, c’mon, it’s hard out here…)
Spreading the Self-Pub Love with D.H. Willison

An Elevator Pitch for Something You Love
Cover for The Last of Her Kind

The Last of Her Kind by Annabelle Hawthorne

A disillusioned veteran meets a kindhearted librarian who’s actually a predatory spider-woman. No, this is not metaphoric, nor is she some costume-wearing superhero. She’s physically half spider.

Yes, this is actually a serious book, yes, it’s a romance, and yes, I enjoyed the heck out of it! I love finding stories that refuse to paint between the lines, that fall far enough outside typical genre norms to make you question it.

Note: there’s a bit of steam, so if that’s not your thing, be warned. But it’s a great story, with well-written characters which I enjoyed a lot.


My Elevator Pitch by D.H. Willison

Cover of Forest of Fate
Have a look at my newly released novel, The Forest of Fate: A Tale of Adventure, Romance, and Forgiveness

It’s us against the forest.

Stripped of weapons and exiled to the worst wilderness in the land, we have a three-week trek to reach a friendly settlement. My companion? An icy, aristocratic wolf woman who looted an ancient artifact from the only safe haven in the Forest of Nightmares.

Will we work together to survive this nightmare?

Heart-pounding survival scenes and narrow escapes from all manners of creepy creatures blend with witty banter and cozy moments by the campfire in The Forest of Fate.

e-Book ~ Paperback

About this Author
Hi, I’m D. H. Willison, and I write fantasy adventures that blend dark and creepy creature encounters with witty banter and cozy moments by the campfire. I’ve lived or worked in over a dozen countries and never missed the chance to visit a historic site. From castle dungeons, to catacombs, to the holds of tall ships, to the tunnels of the Maginot Line, I’ve had the good fortune to see a lot. One of my main themes is alternate and creative conflict resolution. The same situations are often seen by cultures quite differently. Sometimes it leads to conflict, sometimes to hilarity. Both make for a great story.

Join us on the fantastical world of Arvia. Beneath lush colorful landscapes, danger lurks. From carnivorous trees to giant mythic monsters, mere humans are way out of their depth on Arvia. Survival depends on wits and creativity more often than mighty swords, mystic artifacts, or magical powers. And yet… monsters are often overcome with empathy rather than explosions, and friendships are forged in the strangest of circumstances.

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Be sure to check out The Last of Her Kind and The Forest of Fate: A Tale of Adventure, Romance, and Forgiveness, let’s show them both some love!

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Image by Monika from Pixabay
The 2024 Self-Published Authors Appreciation Week Logo was made by Witty and Sarcastic Book Club

Spreading the Self-Pub Love with Marie Sinadjan

Self-Published Author Appreciation Week '24 Banner
In the spirit of “a rising tide lifts all boats,” this year for Self-Published Authors Appreciation Week I wanted to give some Self-Published authors a chance to spread some love (while also indulging in a bit of self-promotion, I mean, c’mon, it’s hard out here…)
Spreading the Self-Pub Love with Marie Sinadjan

An Elevator Pitch for Something You Love
Cover for Between Two Worlds by DA Chan

The Kindred Chronicles: Between Two Worlds by D.A. Chan

I’ve rarely heard of other Filipino authors being mentioned during SPAAW (or around Twitter in general) so I’d like to introduce everyone to The Kindred Chronicles: Between Two Worlds by D.A. Chan, an action-packed fantasy/scifi novel with a little of everything — cool powers, romance, drama, political intrigue, even its own language! Plus it’s on its way to being adapted into an animated series.

My Elevator Pitch by Marie Sinadjan

Cover of Bloody Hell edited by Sarah Jule
Take a chilling road trip through the United Kingdom with Bloody Hell: An Anthology of UK Indie Horror, out this August 1st!

About this Author
I’m Marie Sinadjan, a Filipino SFFH author currently based in the UK. I’m the co-author of The Prophecies of Ragnarok, a Norse myth new adult urban fantasy trilogy, and I also have several short stories published in anthologies and literary journals.

A list of my works can be found here. You can find me online (mostly on Twitter) at @marienettist or at

Website ~ Twitter ~ Works

Be sure to check out Bloody Hell: An Anthology of UK Indie Horror and The Kindred Chronicles: Between Two Worlds, let’s show them both some love!

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Image by Monika from Pixabay
The 2024 Self-Published Authors Appreciation Week Logo was made by Witty and Sarcastic Book Club

Grave Cold by Shannon Knight: She Sees Dead People

Cover of Grave Cold by Shannon KnightGrave Cold

by Shannon Knight

Publication Date: May 2, 2023
Format: e-Book
Length: 394 pg.
Read Date: May 16-21, 2025

Where Does Grave Cold Take Place?

In a dystopian future the geography of the (what we’d now consider) the Western U.S. looks much different—states are a thing of the past, and two major population centers are the District of Utah (which does contain Salt Lake City) and the District of Portland (Oregon, not Maine). There are people who have been Genetically Modified for one reason or another—and in the D.P. they’re largely feared and ostracized because of what they are and what they can do.

D.P. is where the action takes place in the novel—and it feels like it came out of Portland, OR, too. And not just because Voodoo Doughnuts still exists. Yes, even in a quasi-dystopia people want their donuts. Maybe they need them more than we do, come to think of it.

There’s a lot of the tech, etc. that one usually associates with more utopian-looking/feeling SF. And maybe for many people it’s just that. But D.P.’s government is definitely of the dystopian type (and, boy howdy, do we learn more about that as the book continues), and the area outside the District feels that way, too, filled with mutants and who knows what else.

If you’re one of those readers who really gets into worldbuilding, you’re going to be happy with this read.

What’s Grave Cold About?

Cait’s a beautician with a lot flair and very little money. She’s scraping by, barely. When she sleeps (which she tries not to), the dead come to her and talk to her, trying to get her to do things. So…it’s easy to understand why she doesn’t like to sleep.

A man named Nyle sneaks into Portland after having been prevented legal entrance by a guard—and he’s not the only one like him who has been denied entrance. Nyle, however, is older, more experienced, more powerful, and probably more determined. He and those like him are called “ravens” (although there are other, more contemporary(?) names like “ferrymen”)—they’re tasked with freeing the spirits of the dead from their bodies. It’s been so long since they’ve been permitted in D.P. that Nyle has been compelled to come so he can do his work.

He and Cait have a strong rapport right away, she has some friends (and some family she has a troubling relationship with), but not that many. The two of them click right away, and Cait helps Nyle change his appearance so he can hide from the authorities. He tells her that she’s not Genetically Modified, she has supernatural abilities like him—she’s a necromancer.

While it’s not the same power, it’s close to his and he has experience with necromancers and guides her to use her abilities better.

Working together, they begin to free the spirits of the dead and learn why ravens have been blocked from entering D.P.—those spirits are being used by newly developed technology. This pits the pair against the authorities and other powerful people.

Here’s the Thing

I don’t get magic/paranormal/supernatural systems like this one where someone/something is required to separate souls from bodies at/around/near death. Whether it’s this book (and it’s oncoming sequel), Amber Benson’s Calliope Reaper-Jones series, the TV show Dead Like Me, or any of the other examples I had in mind for weeks to bring up that disappeared as soon as I started composing this post. It just doesn’t make any sense to me.

This doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy these works of fiction. I just don’t understand what ties these non-corporeal entities/substances/existences/whatever to the body at or after death and why someone has to come along and separate them.

So I guess I’m saying two things here—1. If you’re like me on this point, you can still get into this book. I honestly didn’t think about it while reading the Grave Cold, it’s only when I think about the book/system that it gives me pause. 2. If you’re not like me…can you explain this?

So, what did I think about Grave Cold?

I cannot describe it to my satisfaction, but Knight has embued this novel with an atmosphere, a texture that you can’t help but feel as you read. Her descriptions are pretty sparse, but at the same time, I really think I know what Cait’s environs look and feel like.

It’s difficult to think of spirits as capable of being mistreated or abused—they’re spirits of dead people, right? But in Knight’s world that’s exactly what’s happening. Abusing the dead ranks right up there with elder-abuse somehow. As Nyle says,

“It’s easy to see the dead as non-persons when you’re alive. It’s harder when you know them.”

Instead of going on to whatever is next once the spirit is released, the former citizens of D.P. are trapped and exploited.

While this story is dark and harrowing, there’s a real pleasure (and sometimes lightness) in watching the friendship between Nyle—a centuries-old being—and Cait deepen and grow stronger. It’s a tricky thing to attempt (much less pull off), but Knight does it well.

Great world-building, questionable (to me) magic system—but it’s cool to see in action, some well-designed characters (including all of them that I didn’t mention here), a plot that moves well and is intricate enough that you’re kept wondering where it’s going until the end. Knight has written (on my blog) about coming up with the sequel, so I know one is coming. And I’m looking forward to it—at the same time, were this a stand-alone, it’d be very satisfactory as one.

3.5 Stars

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