This is a weekly bloghop hosted by Freda’s Voice.
Grab a book, any book.
Turn to Page 56 or 56% on your ereader. If you have to improvise, that is okay.
Find a snippet, short and sweet.
Post it.
from Page 56 of:
(it might help people to know that the narrator is that handsome guy on the cover)
I barked my low rumbly bark. Bernie rose and followed me to the top of the ridge. We gazed into the distance, a hilly distance with everything so clear in the early morning light: giant red rocks, tall saguaros like green men stuck in the ground, a tiny black blur of circling buzzards. The bubble gum smell grew stronger. I started making my way down the ridge.
“Chet? We haven’t finished breakfast.”
I kept going.
“You know we’re on vacation?”
Vacation was what again?
“Hang on. It’s steep.”
It was? Somehow I’d missed that, and now it was too late, what with me already at the bottom, the making my way down part having turned into a sort of bounding.