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This Weekend Sees Re-release of Boise Longpig Hunting Club by Nick Kolokowski: A Gritty, Violent Visit to Idaho

Cover to Boise Longpig Hunting Club by Nick Kolakowski'Boise Longpig Hunting Club

by Nick Kolakowski’

Series: Jake Halligan, #1
Publisher: Rock & a Hard Place Press
Publication Date: June 30, 2024
Format: eBook
Length: 210 pg.

A Second Edition?

On June 30, Rock & a Hard Place Press will be putting out the second edition of one of those books I haven’t been able to stop thinking of in almost six years. This will be followed by the republication of the sequel, Rattlesnake Rodeo later this year, and the third in the series, Righteous Trash, next year.

I was very excited to read about this—not only is this a heckuva read that I’m hoping finds more readers, I’m eager to read more about Jake and Frankie. Kolakowski has been nothing but generous with his time (and books) since then and it’s great to see good things happening for him.

I’ve read this book twice (and am tempted to do it again this weekend) and it’s just a blast. Also, I have to say that Kolakowski’s fictionalized Boise/Southwestern Idaho/Eastern Oregon is closer to reality than any I’ve come across. And since most of those others are from people who live here, for a New Yorker to get the geography and populace so accurately is really impressive.

For more—check out this interview Rock and a Hard Place conducted with Kolakowski.

What Did I Say About Boise Longpig Hunting Club Back When It Was First Released?

Jake Halligan is a bounty hunter—more in the Lori Anderson/JT mold, than a Stephanie Plum-type—in Boise, Idaho, and the immediate environs. He’s got a kid, an interesting relationship with his daughter’s mother, and a sister that . . . well, you just have to meet her. But think Bubba Rogowski without the size and clinical diagnosis.

Jake’s a Vet, having served in some of the worst conditions Iraq has to offer. He’s smart, he’s careful—he has people he cares about, so he has to be—and he has a conscience. It doesn’t stop him from doing his job, but it can stop him from enjoying it. Early on in the novel, we find Jake after a rough week at work—and a less-than-friendly exchange with the local police—on the whole, his life is looking pretty good, even if Janine (his ex-wife, fiancé, and mother of his child) made him pay a social call on some neighbors. When they get home, Jake finds a dead woman in his gun safe. This plunges Jake into a hunt for a killer—as well as an explanation. He’ll find both—and probably wish he didn’t. It’s a violent, nasty hunt full of crazy characters, drug dealers, Aryan assassins, corrupt police—and people who are even worse than them.

Along for the ride is Janine—I can’t say enough about Janine as a character. From her attitude towards a house without books, to her hidden strength and anxieties—and all points in between. Then there’s Frankie, his sister—she’s cocky, funny, and vicious—she’s the biggest gun dealer in Idaho, not even close to legal, and the law can’t touch her. The law can’t even find her. She’s surrounded by associates/employees who are almost as colorful as she is (some even more so)—and is definitely the person you want at your side (or back) in a firefight.

Which is good—because they’re going to find themselves in a few.

Kolakowski has a great way with his characters—they’re real, they’re human—and they’re larger than life in a way that you’ll absolutely buy, as well as enjoy. When the action starts, it is gripping and exciting—you’ll keep turning pages. When there’s a lull in the action, you can bask in the character moments. I’m not really sure what else can I say beyond that. This is the whole package, you get to spend time with interesting people being interesting, and when they take a break from that, it’s because fists or bullets are flying—or maybe something explodes.

My one gripe—and it’s not much of one before we get back to me saying nice things. The ending is abrupt. I’m not sure if I can think of a well-known book/movie to compare it to. You’re just reading along, hoping that Jake, Frankie, Janine, and the rest survive this mess, and then before you really realize what happened, it’s over. You know who survives—and who doesn’t—and the book ends with very little wrap-up (actually the wrap-up happens before the ending—that remark will make sense when you read it). Kolakowski had a story to tell and he didn’t drag out the ending, much like his protagonist would approach things, I expect. He got the job done and moved on. I would’ve preferred a little more time after the main events are over—there are things I want to know about the immediate aftermath. There aren’t loose ends left untied, I’d just like to see what they look like after they’re taken care of. You can make a strong case that this is the way to end a book—when things are done.

It’s not often that I can evaluate an author’s use of geography—I know that Robert B. Parker and Dennis Lehane have tweaked Boston, I understand that Butcher goofs re: Chicago’s neighborhoods, etc. but I don’t know that reading the books, I learn that later. It’s rare when I’ve been somewhere a book has been set—a little bit with the Mercy Thompson books (but I’m better at noting pronunciation on the audiobooks that no resident would recognize), I noted that Wesley Chu fumbled a smidge Eastern Oregon in the third Tao book, and that Marilynne Robinson’s Housekeeping was creative with the facts, etc. But by and large, this book takes place in the area I’ve lived in most of my life, so I feel that I can actually comment—and Kolakowski nailed it. Not just the details, but he’s got the feel, he’s got the atmosphere, the attitude toward change, and the out-of-state money that’s bringing the change. he’s changed business names and whatnot, but I can still recognize them—I love seeing this kind of detail brought to life. I’m trusting that his depiction of local crime is hyperbolic, however.

I’m a little worried that it’s as accurate as the rest, actually . . . but we’ll move on.

There’s a visceral feel to this novel and these characters—people in places most don’t think about showing skills, interests, and circumstances that you don’t normally associate with that area. Just a guy trying to make a decent life for his family and himself, who finds himself in dangerous situations. I couldn’t help but think of Jason Miller’s Slim in Little Egypt series while reading his. Jake’s far more capable than Slim, and is far less likely to end up on the wrong end of a beating. But there’s a very similar ethos in the books, and fans of one should grab the other right away.

I’m not going to belabor the point anymore, I think it’s clear that I enjoyed the heck out of this—it’s fast, it’s energetic, it’s fun. Go grab a copy of it.

Basically, Get Your Hands On The New Edition

4 Stars

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IN MEDIAS RES—The Book of Perilous Dishes by Doina Rusti, James Christian Brown (Translator): The Arts of Occult Cuisine

The Book of Perilous Dishes Tour Banner
As the title implies, I’m in the middle of this book (59%), so this is not a full post, just some thoughts mid-way through. There were some challenges getting me a copy that my eyes could read, so I didn’t get the chance to finish the book on time. Many thanks to Dave at The Write Reads Tours for trying so valiantly to help.

The Book of Perilous DishesThe Book of Perilous Dishes

by Doina Rusti, James Christian Brown (Translator)

Publisher:  Neem Tree Press
Publication Date: May 21, 2024
Format: e-Book
Length: 272 pgs.
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What’s The Book of Perilous Dishes About?

This novel takes place in two distinct times, the majority of which starts in 1798 when fourteen-year-old Pâtca is forced to flee the only home she really knows because the city guards are raiding it to take in her grandmother (and anyone else they find there) for crimes imagined (and possibly real). She runs to Bucharest, the city she was born in, where her family had lived for a long time, and where her parents died when she was young.

She was told to track down her “little uncle,” Cuviosu Zăval, who could bring her to her parents’ home as well as provide for her. But Zăval is dead when she arrives—murdered, actually—and things get worse from there. Her meager possessions are stolen, she’s captured by criminals (possibly to be sold as a slave), accused of crimes and imprisoned, taken under the care of someone that she—and readers—cannot be sure she should trust, and…so much more (including several things I haven’t read yet).

Pâtca, Zăval, her grandmother, and who knows how many other members of her family, follow occult practices of various types. Some time back, Pâtca, compiled several recipes that are will bespell the eater into a collection called “The Book of Perilous Dishes.”

At the same time, the city is in turmoil. The current prince is about to be deposed (it doesn’t seem likely that he’ll be able to stop the fomenting rebellion). This prince recently took a slave, Silică, from a prominent citizen (the woman who will later assume Pâtca’s guardianship)—he’s a chef of a caliber that would get an invitation from the Chairman to take on Iron Chef in another time. Soon after she arrives in the city, Pâtca becomes convinced that Silică bought “The Book of Perilous Dishes” from her uncle, and is (unwittingly?) about to unleash chaos on the city unless she stops him.

(there’s a few other things afoot, but let’s stick with the story that the book gets its title from)

The other time is 1829, a.k.a. “The Present” is the perspective the 1789 story is being told from. We get snippets of what’s going on in Pâtca’s life there throughout the book—and the Table of Contents tells me that the last chapter will take place there. I’m really unsure beyond that what to say about it. I mean, obviously, Pâtca survives the tight places and dangers she faces (although that’s generally implied in first-person narration, but with the amount of ghosts/possible ghosts and other weirdness going on here, I’m not convinced that’d be guaranteed in this book)

That Opening

I can think of at least 4 books I’ve read in the last two years that have started like this*—guards/police/authorities/angry crowds, etc. coming for the protagonist/protagonist and their family and they have to flee their home to hide/take on a new persona/find a new home. I don’t bring this up to complain about the lack of originality or anything, it’s just something that occurred to me as Pâtca was being rushed out the door by her grandmother, Maxima.

Not only is it an exciting way to open a book—far better than a description of the weather or something—it almost guarantees that the reader will be hooked for at least a chapter or two, but it also tells the reader a lot about the novel and what to expect just from the opening pages. Odds are, not all of those who flee are going to make it—or someone is going to stay behind in an act of self-sacrifice, so you’ve got some tragedy right out of the gate. You’re also going to see your protagonist with a thirst for revenge, justice, or a resolve to carry on with whatever brought whoever to their door.

It’s an efficient and effective bit of writing and storytelling strategy. And Rusti pulls it off well.

* …and who knows how many in the last 40 years.

Rusti’s Writing

A good deal of the appeal to this book is Rusti’s descriptions and depiction of life in Bucharest. The way she describes certain people and Silică’s food, for example, just about justified what I paid for the book. For example:

If I tell you he was handsome, you will understand nothing. He was a man so luminous that you’d be drawn like a magnet to him from any distance. You couldn’t see his eyes. You couldn’t describe any of the features of his face. He was quite simply a soul that soaked into your flesh and blood. He was like water. He was a spark struck from the heart of a coal. He was the very breath of that noontide, fixed over the city.

That woman had a way of looking that was impossible to forget. She didn’t smile, but her face lit up as if she had drunk up all the events that she gazed at.

Beyond that, there’s just her language and way of telling the story. Largely this has to be Rusti’s culture and heritage shining through—the result is something that feels a lot less like our world than a lot of Fantasy/SF that’s supposed to be in worlds that have no relation to Earth. Tatooine, Qo’noS, and Krynn are a lot more like the U.S./U.K. than the world of this book—which is actually in Europe. This really shines forth brightly in this novel and adds a richness to the experience.

There’s a circuitous style to the way that Rusti moves the plot forward that’s both charming and frustrating. I’m not sure if I can describe it but I’ll try. She’ll begin a section at Step 10 (although you won’t realize that right away) and then slip to Step 2 (or 1) and proceed in order to Step 6 or 7, and maybe make you guess at/assume 8 and 9 while resuming at Step 10. Occasionally, she’ll throw a flashback into the middle of that.

I do wonder about some of the language used—there’s a formality to some of the writing and vocabulary that seems out of place to the pacing and atmosphere (and possibly, characters, I’m not sure about that yet). It’s not in every sentence or paragraph (which, I guess is why I said “some”), but it pops up often enough that I can’t help but take note of it. This is at least partially attributable to James Christian Brown, particularly when it comes to word choices—and what not to translate*. I don’t know how much of Rusti’s vocabulary is as formal as Brown’s, but for my purposes, I have to assume that if Rusti wrote this in English, it’d read this way.

* There is a handy-dandy glossary in the back of the book, I discovered too late, because why read the Table of Contents?

So, what do I think about The Book of Perilous Dishes so far?

I like it. I’m confused and/or uncertain about many things going on—I’m not even sure how much I like/trust/care about Pâtca, much less anyone else. But I’m intrigued and very curious about where this all is going.

It’s definitely one of those books that I’m going to have to read the last couple of pages of before I know what I think of the whole thing—I largely think that the journey is as rewarding as the destination when it comes to books—and certainly, the trip I’m on is pretty interesting. But this is going to be one of those books that I’ll have to look back at the journey once I arrive to decide if it was all worth it, pretty scenery notwithstanding.

At this point, I can say that this is a fascinating world, filled with riveting characters, and a story that’ll keep you wondering and guessing throughout (I’m willing to bet until the last ten pages). But I feel confident in saying that it’s worth a shot.


This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, the opinions expressed are my own.

My thanks to The Write Reads for the invitation to participate in this tour and the materials they provided.

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: The Book of Perilous Dishes by Doina Rusti

This morning, I’m very pleased to welcome The Write Reads Blog Tour for Donia Rusti’s novel, The Book of Perilous Dishes. In addition to this Spotlight, my first post about the book will be coming along a little later. The Tour started yesterday and will be going on for a few more days, and there are going to be plenty of interesting things said about the book. So check out (see also the snazzy image below) to catch other people’s perspective. But for now, let’s learn a little bit about the book, shall we?

The Book of Perilous Dishes Tour Banner

Book Details:

Title: The Book of Perilous Dishes by Donia Rusti, translated by: James Christian Brown
Genre: Historical Fiction, Romanian Literature
Release date: February 2017, March 3, 2022 (Neem Tree Press edition), May 21, 2024 (U.S.)
Length: 272 pages
Publisher: Neem Tree Press
Cover for The Book of Perilous Dishes by Donia Rusti

About the Book:

1798: A magical, dark adventure. Fourteen-year-old Pâtca, initiated in the occult arts, comes to Bucharest, to her uncle, Cuviosu Zăval, to retrieve the Book of Perilous Dishes. The recipes in this magical book can bring about damaging sincerity, forgetfulness, the gift of prediction, or hysterical laughter. She finds her uncle murdered and the book missing. All that Zăval has left her is a strange map she must decipher. Traveling from Romania to France and on to Germany to do so, Patca’s family’s true past and powers are revealed, as is her connection to the famous and sublime chef, Silica.

Book Trailer:

Book Links:

Amazon UK ~ Amazon US ~ Neem Tree Press ~ Goodreads

About the Author:

Donia RustiDOINA RUŞTI, important contemporary Romanian novelist, is unanimously appreciated for epic force, for originality and erudition of her novels. She received all major Romanian awards, including the Romanian Academy Prize, and was translated into many languages (even in Chinese).

She wrote ten novels, including: Fantoma din moară (The Phantom in the Mill, 2008), Lizoanca (2009), Zogru (2006).

The novels Manuscrisul fanariot (The Phanariot Manuscript, 2015), Mâța Vinerii (The Book of Perilous Dishes, 2017) and “Homeric” (2019) can be a Phanariotic Trilogy (18th century). The most recent novel: Paturi oculte (Occult beds), 2020.

Good international reviews in: La Stampa, Stato Quotidiano, Il Venerdì di Repubblica. Il Libero, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Magyar Nemzet, La Opinion, Turia. Il Mercurio etc.

My thanks to The Write Reads for the invitation to participate in this tour and the materials they provided.

Cover Re-Reveal: Domestication by Shannon Knight

I got a nasty shock yesterday when I saw fellow bloggers posting this cover a day early, but a quick of my email showed that I put the wrong date in my calendar. So, welcome the Cover Re-Reveal, or Cover Confirmation, for Shannon Knight’s horror novel Domestication this morning! Artist Savanna Mayer (who will be showing up on this site in a Q&A with Shannon and me soon) brought the creepy. But I’ll share that in a minute. First, let’s learn a bit about the book.

Book Details:

Book Title: Domestication by Shannon Knight
Cover Illustrator: Savanna Mayer
Publisher: Winter Moon Press
ISBN (eBook): 979-8-9876393-9-9
Genre: Horror, Thriller
Paperback page count: 298
Release date: July 23, 2024

About the Book:

In an eat-or-be-eaten world, domestication is a death sentence.

When Janie chose the isolated sheep farm, she knew her husband would hunt her down. What she didn’t expect was Rob and Howard. Rob rules the farm with the same domination tactics she uses to train dogs, while Howard believes only human supremacists think humans should be treated any differently than other animals. Janie inadvertently jumps out of the frying pan and into the fire. She wishes to leave her old self behind. She wants to transform. Will she devolve into meat, metamorphose into a monster, or transcend beyond her domesticated limitations?

E-Book Pre-order price: $2.99
E-Book Retail price: $4.99
Pre-order link:
ARC request for book reviewers:

About the Author:

Shannon KnightShannon Knight wrote Domestication while living on an Icelandic sheep farm in the Pacific Northwest. There are no skulls on her roof, but there are a suspicious quantity of bones kicking around the farm. Shannon graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelor’s in English. She is the author of Grave ColdInsiders, and Wish Givers.

Author Links:

Website ~ Instagram ~ Bluesky ~ Twitter

and now…

The Cover

Cover for Domestication by Shannon Knight

Here’s what the paperback’ll look like if you prefer that:
Paperback Cover Wrap for Domestication by Shannon Knight

Credit goes to Savanna Mayer for that little creepifying image you’ll see in your sleep tonight. I don’t know how many times I’ve looked at it since Shannon sent it to me, and I’m not sure I’ve spotted everything going on there…

Keep your eyes peeled for this book, folks. It’ll be out in a little less than a month and will be worth the wait!
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Dog Day Afternoon by David Rosenfelt: Understanding Marcus

Cover for Dog Day Afternoon by David RosenfeltDog Day Afternoon

by David Rosenfelt

Series: Andy Carpenter, #29
Publisher: Minotaur Books
Publication Date: July 2, 2024
Format: eARC
Length: 304 pg.
Read Date: June 20-21, 2024
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What’s Dog Day Afternoon About?

Overall, I’m not sure that the body count in this book is that much higher than in other books in this series—but the way it opens is very different. The instigating crime feels like something straight out of a mass-shooter video your HR people make you watch annually (assuming your workplace is similar to mine, I guess)—it’s cold, calculated, with a casual disregard for human life we don’t often see in this series. (Andy says something similar at one or two points).

So you’re left wondering—how does Andy get roped into representing the accused? (although many readers are going to read that scene and pick out the places the defense is going to take advantage of). This is where Marcus comes in.

Andy learned about this earlier, but we readers learn about this now—Marcus mentors young people in his neighborhood who have had a rough time of it and have run afoul of the law in the past. They need some help, some guidance, and some favors—Marcus provides this.

He also helps a couple of those he mentors to adopt a dog from the Tara Foundation. One of these two is accused of the crime—Marcus comes to Andy for help, and he gets it. That Willie also vouches for the accused helps—there’s no chance that Willie agrees to let one of their dogs go to someone capable of this crime.

That’s not evidence he can introduce in court, but it’s compelling for Andy. Now he just needs to find something that will be compelling in court.


Marcus can’t become too well-rounded of a character—we need him in the shadows, doing things that defy belief. But we can learn more about him than we have prior to this.

We see that he can have attachments to people other than Laurie (and by extension, Andy). We see just how far he’s willing to go to help someone.

I was interested in this book because I’ve enjoyed almost every one of its predecessors enough that I don’t bother to see what they’re about before I add them to the TBR list. But once I noted that this one featured Marcus like that—my excitement grew. I love watching the character at work, and to see him in a different situation than we’re used to made my day. Also, we got just what the doctor ordered from a Marcus-centric book.

So, what did I think about Dog Day Afternoon?

I cannot believe that I’ve read 29 books in this series (plus a few in a spin-off). Twenty-nine. That’s just insane. Now, am I going to say that they’re all as fresh as they were in 2002 when Open and Shut came out? Of course not. But they have their moments when they feel that way.

* According to my logs, I read it in 2011—I’ve been with these characters for 13 years. Mind-boggling.

So, Rosenfelt has his work cut out for him to do something to keep the audience engaged. Over the last few books, he’s worked on deepening the relationship between Andy and Marcus, which has been nice. This book takes a big step forward in that. I don’t know that we’re going to see much more than this anytime soon—you need to preserve some of Marcus’ mystique to keep him nearly-superhuman in Andy’s (and the reader’s) eyes. Similarly, we readers can know Hawk a little better than when Spenser first ran into him in Promised Land—but not too much.

So, we’d better enjoy what we get here, right?

And naturally, that’s really easy. Other fun bonuses—Andy getting along with the prosecutor. Cory clearly being annoyed with Sam Willis wanting to get in on the action. Even some of the Andy and Tara interactions felt a little different (not unusually so, and not negatively). There was also the attempt of a law firm to hire the most reluctant lawyer in the world—that did bring a smile to my face.

There’s a good mix of the tried and true Andy bits, fun material with our old friends, a clever mystery, a new side of Marcus, and Rosenfelt’s trademark zippy prose. It’s easy to see why this series has gone on as long as it has—and may it continue to do so.

Can you hop on here? Absolutely—and you’ll have the fun bonus of a healthy backlist to work your way through once you get done with this one.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from St. Martin’s Press via NetGalley—thanks to both for this.

4 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, the opinions expressed are my own.
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REPOSTING JUST CUZ: The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi: Delivers Everything the Title Promises

Things are afoot at Irresponsible Reader HQ that made posting today impossible. However, I started the audiobook for this just for something to do. I remember thinking it was great, but I’d forgotten just how ridiculously fun this book is. Incidentally, Wil Wheaton is a fantastic choice to read this.

Kaiju Preservation SocietyThe Kaiju Preservation Society

by John Scalzi

Publisher: Tor Books
Publication Date: March 14, 2022
Format: Hardcover
Length: 258 pg.
Read Date: April 1-4, 2022
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You have no idea how difficult it was for me to not say, ‘Welcome to Jurassic Park!’ to all of you just now.”

Jurassic Park didn’t end well for anyone in it,” I pointed out. “Book or movie.”

“Well, they were sloppy,” Tom said. “We’re not sloppy. And, they were fictional. This is real.”

What’s The Kaiju Preservation Society About?

Jamie Gray drops out of his Ph.D. program (writing a dissertation on utopian and dystopian literature) thanks to a quarter-life crisis that gets him to want to make a lot of money. So he goes to work for a tech startup, starts to make decent money, and gets fired just as COVID lockdowns start. He starts scraping by on his savings and meager work for a food-delivery app.

Until he delivers shawarma to Tom one day—the two were acquaintances in college, and they have a brief conversation where a couple of things come out—Jamie hates delivering food, and the NGO that Tom works for has an immediate need of someone on his team. He doesn’t give Tom a lot of information, but that the work involves travel and large animals. His team is set to depart soon, and they can’t without a full team. They just need someone who can, and is willing to, lift things. Tom points out his nice condo as proof that they pay well. Jamie signs on.

A few days later, Jamie and a few other new people on the team find out what the initials in KPS stand for—after it’s too late for them to back out. They’ve traveled to a parallel Earth populated by Kaiju for a six-month stint at one of the human bases.

Obviously, like the book and movie referenced above, things go wrong. They just have to for the sake of a novel, right? (but up until then, I think I could’ve made a case for this being an entire novel without that—it exists as one for longer than I expected—and I would’ve liked it just as much as the one Scalzi delivered).

The Science Fiction-y bits

Given Tom’s work, and Jamie’s, Scalzi’s able to gloss over a lot of the how-they-eat-and-breathe (and other science facts…la! la! la!) stuff, but he does reference things like the square-cube law when it comes to enormously big creatures. Jamie’s new friends include scientists who can deliver some of the biology, chemistry, etc. that are needed for the story—but when it’s needed, they’re always explaining it to the liberal arts guy on their team, so the reader doesn’t have to wade through the heady stuff (something Michael Crichton could’ve used, for example).

It’s not a perfect way to deal with these things, but it sure works well, and Scalzi feeds it to the reader in his usual charming way, so I embraced it.

Pop*.* Fiction

In his Author’s Note, Scalzi states:

KPS is not, and I say this with absolutely no slight intended, a brooding symphony of a novel. It’s a pop song. It’s meant to be light and catchy, with three minutes of hooks and choruses for you to sing along with, and then you’re done and you go on with your day, hopefully with a smile on your face. I had fun writing this, and I needed to have fun writing this. We all need a pop song from time to time, particularly after a stretch of darkness.

I’d been describing it as a popcorn movie in a book. He says pop song. It’s pop-something.

It’s the movie you escape to in the middle of a heatwave and forget about the oppressive weather, the sun, and everything else to enjoy the heat and some pure entertainment. It’s the song you find yourself overplaying because it’s just so catchy until you get sick of it (although you can’t help singing along) and abandon it for years until it comes up on some random mix and you become obsessed with it again for a couple of weeks.

What I found striking about Scalzi saying that is that it reminds me of Seanan McGuire’s comments about the last Toby Daye novel—she needed to write something like that (and I enjoyed it for similar reasons to this one). Are we going to see more books like this from other authors soon? Did 2020/2021 gift us a slew of authors writing happy books as a way to shake it off? (I wonder if Winslow’s Free Billy fits here).

Frankly, I hope so.

So, what did I think about The Kaiju Preservation Society?

“Why isn’t he eating us?” I asked. We were now close enough to Edward that this was not an entirely irrelevant question.

“He’s asleep,” Satie said.

I glanced over at him. “Asleep?”

“They sleep, yup.”

“How can you tell when he’s asleep?”

“He’s not eating us, for one,” Satie said. “You can’t see his eyes, for another.”

I love popcorn movies, I love pop songs like that…and well, you can probably see where that’s going. I’m not the world’s largest Kaiju fan (don’t actively dislike them, either), but it really doesn’t matter, this book skips all that and jumps right to the pleasure center of the brain the same way a catchy tune can.

Reading The Kaiju Preservation Society reminded me of the first time I read Ready Player One (before the movie, distance, and the sequel made me take a second/third/fourth look at it). Or Snow Crash (a wise reference for Scalzi to make early on). It sort of reminded me of the first time I read High Fidelity, too. The catchy, irreverent narrative; the snappy dialogue; the first-person narrator you click with right away*…it just took me a few pages to know that I was going to find nothing but joy in these pages.

*or probably never.

And really, I don’t have a lot to say about the book beyond this. It brought me joy for a couple of days. Thinking about it now is doing the same thing. Go get your hands on this text-based dopamine hit in your preferred medium (I bet Wheaton’s audiobook narration is perfect), sit back, and enjoy yourself.

5 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, opinions are my own.

Opening Lines: One In the Chamber by Robin Peguero

Head & Shoulders used to tell us that, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” That’s true for wearing dark shirts, and it’s especially true for books. Sometimes the characters will hook the reader, sometimes the premise, sometimes it’s just knowing the author—but nothing beats a great opening for getting a reader to commit.

You aren’t born a killer. You don’t gradually become one, either. One minute, you’re not, and the next, you just are. Like your first time having sex. Just as thrilling. Just as awkward. Nothing much changes but the label. you’re still you. But now, you’re a quote-unquote murderer. You played God and took a human life.

It’s entirely natural, but it still shocks people. Some people want other people dead. We visualize our goals, and we achieve them. Shouldn’t that be celebrated?

You swish someone wanted you dead. Not that you have a death wish. You’re too self-involved for that, and suicide is so gauche. you just wish you were that important to someone. It’s a compliment really: to have given another person’s endpoint more than a passing thought. To decide for them that today is enough. And not just today, but at this very minute, their contribution to history should meet its unceremonious finish. High Flattery.

You’re welcome.

from One In the Chamber by Robin Peguero
Cover to One in the Chamber
I’m not sure what happens over the next 369 pages (in a sense). I just want almost 400 pages like this.

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First Frost by Craig Johnson: Walt and Henry Get Their Kicks…

Cover to First Frost by Craig JohnsonFirst Frost

by Craig Johnson

Series: Walt Longmire, #20
Publisher: Viking
Publication Date: May 28, 2024
Format: Hardcover
Length: 317 pg.
Read Date: June 3-4, 2024
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What’s First Frost About?

This is a dual-timeline novel—which isn’t altogether new for the Longmire books. In the present time, the shootings that ended The Longmire Defense* are being looked at, and Walt’s possibly facing criminal charges.

* I don’t think it’s much of a spoiler to say that. Most Longmire books end with one.

In the other timeline—which gets most of the ink—we watch Walt and Henry try to drive cross-country after graduating college in California so they can report for Basic Training on the East Coast. A road mishap and a bit of bad navigation on Walt’s part result in them getting stuck in a small Arizona town for a few days, where they find some trouble.


On the one hand, I get the antagonism that Walt and Vic show toward the proceedings because it’s instinctual to get defensive when someone’s questioning your actions (and, well, Vic’s antagonistic about a lot). But it seems excessive—Walt’s enough of a believer in doing things The Right Way (in contrast to his grandfather or Lucian, for example), that he should be in favor of this exercise.

That said…it’s clearly motivated by politics and big-money-fueled corruption. So maybe it’s justifiable for them to push back against this. I’m not entirely convinced that the way this stage of the investigation ends is really less corrupt than the way it starts.


It’s 1964 and the first thing we see is Walt and Henry surfing one last time before taking off on their drive to Oklahoma for Henry to see some family and then to their respective bases. Everything that happens in California is vintage Johnson and if he’d maintained that quality, I’d have been very happy.

But once Walt breaks something in their truck when he breaks to avoid a dog in the road (coyote, Henry insists), I think the whole thing goes to pot. Walt thinks something’s hinky in the tiny and sparsely populated town they find themselves in. Rather than just waiting for the truck to get fixed so they can hit the road, he starts asking questions and annoying all the wrong people.

Meanwhile, Henry plays tourist, checking out the abandoned Japanese Internment Camp nearby (which, of course, ends up playing a role in what Walt’s stirring up) and flirting with a local young woman.

It’s not long before people are starting to end up dead and Walt’s life becomes endangered.

So, what did I think about First?

If I think about this as Johnson’s tribute to Route 66 (and, boy howdy, was it one) and a way for him to talk about Japanese Internment Camps, I like this more. If I think about this as a Longmire novel, my regard diminishes. I do frequently enjoy Johnson multitasking—talking about Van Gogh’s murder, the Sturgis rally, Native American Women going missing, and so on, while telling a Longmire story—so that’s not it. I just don’t think the stories were executed as well as Johnson usually does.

Both stories wrapped up too easily—a little too _____ ex machina (I can’t tell you what non-deus entities were involved). At the same time, the 1964 story took a little too long to come to its resolution. I’m not sure how that’s not contradictory, but it’s not (at least in my mind).

I believe the major function of the present storyline was to set-up a future novel or two (see also: the first time Walt and Henry watched Lolo Long’s niece, Jayla, play basketball)—so I could come around to appreciate what Johnson was doing here. But what we saw in First Frost left me wanting.

The 1964 story ultimately suffered from what a lot of prequels do—it’s hard to believe that the Walt and Henry who just finished college act so much like Walt and Henry with their respective military trainings and decades of experience do. I had no problem when we looked at Walt as an MP (in whatever book that was), I think Johnson got it right there, ditto for rookie Walt in The Western Star.

I’m actually not entirely wild about the portrayal of the Cheyenne Nation in the 1964 Story, actually. Almost all of it seemed off—but I think it’s a good thing, it shows that life, experience, and maturation changed Henry.

Obviously, time and re-reads/listens might change what I think about it, but on the whole, this one gets a “not bad” from me. I am curious about the stories I think were set up and think we could be in for some fun there (and a potentially good way to get Walt out of Absaroka County to keep the body count from rising).

Long-time fans will find enough to satisfy them, people curious about the series should start elsewhere.

3.5 Stars

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Bad Actors by Mark Pepper: Everyman No More

Cover of Bad Actors by Mark PepperBad Actors

by Mark Pepper

Series: Matt Spiller, #2
Publication Date: April 18, 2024
Format: eARC
Length: 431 pg.
Read Date: June 4-10, 2024

What’s Bad Actors About?

Matt Spiller, Man Down‘s actor turned cab driver turned vigilante made it to Hollywood. His first feature film is about to drop, he’s on the verge of starring in a premier TV show—all his dreams have come true.

And then his agent from England drops in unannounced—blackmailing Spiller for a significant amount of his earnings.

Then the detective who couldn’t quite put him away in England shows up, wanting to pin the murder of another action star to him.

And a would-be up-and-coming actor starts acting aggressively toward him.

His ex-wife and her new flame are coming to town.

Maybe some of his nightmares are coming true, too.

Spiller being Spiller, there’s really only way way for him to react—and that’s violently.

But before it’s over, there’s going to be a lot more going on than Spiller trying to keep his career and money going on. He’s going to make some powerful enemies and may stop some horrible people from doing some horrible things. But he’s not going to be able to lie down with these pigs and not get dirty himself.

A Manifesto on the Movies

In between the mayhem and hijinks—several people from various backgrounds sound off on the state of movies today. I think they speak for a lot of us when it comes to complaining about violence, spectacle, shallow characters, and more at the cost of story, plot, and craft.

These complaints—coming from Pepper’s characters, and any number of people in the real world—aren’t going to change things. But it’s sure nice to read. Choir members do appreciate being preached to.

From Everyman To . . . ?

So, in Man Down, Matt Spiller was kind of an everyman who found himself in a situation beyond his control and reacted in ways that…well, few everymen would.

In Bad Actors, Spiller is on the verge of a Hollywood career. His first movie is about to be released, and the buzz is pretty strong (particularly after a memorable appearance on a late-night show). He has more money than he knows what to do with.

It’s harder to root for him this time—partially because of his success, but only minimally really. Actually, Spiller doing well after everything he endured is vicariously encouraging. But it’s everything that he does to maintain his new position in life that makes it difficult. Things go up and down—so your estimation of his actions and motivations fluxuate as well (as they may have during Man Down).

This has no effect on the entertainment value of the novel—just your perspective on Spiller.

So, what did I think about Bad Actors?

This is a sequel to Man Down, but there’s also an aspect that makes it more—if you’ve read Pepper’s Veteran Avenue or Man on a Murder Cycle

Do you need to have read Man Down before this? Nope. You learn everything you need to know about Spiller and the rest here. Would it add to the experience? Sure. And I enjoyed Man Down more, so it wouldn’t be the worst idea to pick it up.

As for Bad Actors? It was a heckuva ride. I was less than satisfied with the way that several aspects of the storylines wrapped up—and not merely due to the outlandish nature of them. I still recommend it.

I’m a little unsure how to wrap this up beyond that—so I’m just going to borrow my conclusion from my Man Down post—Bad Actors is a good sequel in that way.

This was a bonkers read—that’s a compliment, in case that wasn’t clear. On the one hand, it’s impossible to predict how Pepper is going to start at Point A and end up anywhere near Point Z, but he does, and when you look back at it, the logic is clear and sound.

I can’t tell you how many times he pulled the rug out from under me (he does the same to Matt almost as often)—sometimes eliciting a laugh, sometimes shock and dismay, sometimes I was so dumbfounded as not to know how to react. [deleted because of the stuff I talked about in the above section]

The humor is dark, the action is frequent and dynamic, with [many] characters that you want to get to know better and see more of. I’m not sure what else to say at this point without giving away everything, so let’s just go with if you’re in the mood for a Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride of a thriller, get your mitts on this one pronto.

3.5 Stars

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Rites of Passage by M.D. Presley: You Won’t Need A Dowsing Rod To Find The Appeal This UF

Back on April 1st when this book was released, M.D. Presley stopped by to answer some questions about it, be sure to give that a read if you haven’t.

Cover image of Rites of Passage by MD PresleyRites of Passage

by M.D. Presley

Series: The Inner Circle, #1
Publication Date: April 1, 2024
Format: eARC
Length: 352 pg.
Read Date: May 29-June 3, 2024

What’s Rites of Passage About?

Teenager Corbin James escapes from the cult he was (largely) raised in just as the FBI’s raid begins. Weeks, miles, and multiple states later, Corbin’s still running when he encounters someone who seems to know a lot about him. Too much for a random stranger to know.

This stranger (we later learn he’s called Mister) recruits/tricks/entices/entraps Corbin into joining him for a task. Mister and Corbin join up with some other members of the Inner Circle (a group of magicians found in most of the major cities in the U.S.) to hunt for a missing magician. Corbin has the magic ability to dowse—and for much more than water (although maybe he can find water, too, it never comes up)—he can find whoever and whatever he needs to.

Obviously, there’s something about the search for this particular missing person that is going to take a little more than one session with Corbin and his dowsing rod (or it’d be a short story, not a novel)—and Corbin’s introduction to the Inner Circle, to the reality that there are all sorts of people who can do magic, and all sorts of magic, and a world beyond his cult isn’t going to be easy for him. Or all that safe, either.

Worldbuilding, Magic System, and So On

Okay, you’d expect that someone who’s written books on worldbuilding would know what he’s doing when it comes to it (or at least, you’d hope he would). In this case, you’d be right—which doesn’t make it less impressive.

This very clearly takes place in a version of our world (joking references to “muggles” make that clear), and magic users are underground. But, as UF readers often see, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t a strong culture of rules, mores, customs, and whatnot. There are essentially two ways that magicians organize themselves—in local associations or in a major association that covers the nation (it’s hard to explain briefly—think of a regional fast food chain and McDonald’s). Due to the circumstances around this novel’s events, we get a pretty good idea—but not exhaustive—about how they both function, are organized, and recruit members.

The variety of magic abilities is pretty great. The closest comparable series I can think of on this front is Jacka’s Alex Verus books. And I know this book only scratched the surface of that. It’s one that I can’t wait to explore in future books.

When it comes to The Dresden Files, The Hollows, or The Iron Druid (for example), by the end of the first book, you have a pretty solid understanding of how magic functions in their universes (even if that understanding will grow and expand over the course of the series). With Rites of Passage, we don’t get that. But you never have the impression that Presley’s making it up as he goes along. I have a vague understanding of how my smartphone works, but I know there’s a lot that I don’t understand—but I can use it and understand that it does work. The same thing goes for the magic here—I can see these people use it, and I understand that it does work. I don’t need to know all the ins and outs.

Some authors beat you over the head with the details (I’m not suggesting that Butcher, Harrison, or Hearne did that)—showing their work like it’s a math test. Presley doesn’t do that—he just shows it working and gives you a sense that there’s a methodology afoot. The reader will slowly (over a few books) piece it together—or not, because they really don’t care about the details—as we see more. Just knowing that there’s a structure is enough.

Is It Me?

Is it just me, or are there a lot of books being written lately about people escaping from cults? I’m not talking strict religious families/cultures—but out-and-out cults. Maybe I’m not seeing as many as I think I am and it just feels that way.

I’d say I’m starting to get tired of it—and I am—but Presley does such a good job of showing how Corbin’s life and thinking have been shaped by the cult, and how even after getting away from them (and how he did it)—he still reflexively thinks like a member. Sure, he’s skeptical about some of it, and can see through some of what the leader had done. But it’s not something you can just switch off, and Presley demonstrates that with skill. So, I’ll wait until the next time I come across this phenomenon to complain about it.

The Playlist

Presley has assured readers that once he gets enough online reviews for this book, he’ll release the playlist for this book. This playlist is going to be a doozy. At some point along the way, Corbin gets his hands on an enchanted iPod that helps him navigate the events of this novel. Given his sheltered upbringing he doesn’t recognize most of the songs it plays for him—he’ll give a description of some of the songs, so the reader can guess some/many/all of what he’s listening to (depending on the reader).

Getting this playlist will actually help round out your understanding of the book (it won’t be essential, but it’ll be a nice bonus)—and I’m pretty sure it’ll be fun to listen to, too.

So, what did I think about Rites of Passage?

I’ve talked about worldbuilding already, so what about the characters, arguably the most critical component in getting me (and other readers) to want to keep reading? Presley gives his readers a lot to here. It’d be easy to create a series with almost every magician we encounter in this book as the central character—and that’s not something I can say too often. Corbin is likely the best choice—the way he has to be introduced to this world and other forms of magic is a major plus, so any info-dumping for the reader has a natural outlet in teaching Corbin. But I can see myself really getting into at least a duology with every other magic user (including the villain of the piece).

While writing this post, I went back and read one of Presley’s answers to remind myself what character he mentioned here:

In screenwriting it’s understood that supporting characters are more fun to write because they can be over the top, since they’re not carrying the show. They can be outlandish and weird because not nearly as much is riding on them, which is why they have the freedom to become fan favorites. And I have a feeling that in Rites of Passage Kirin will be this character for me.

I’d forgotten to look for Kirin as I was reading to see if I could pick that up—it’s just as well that I did, so I can say that Kirin is this fan’s favorite. I’m also a bit relieved—we didn’t definitively say goodbye to Kirin here, but the way things ended, there was no guarantee we’d see her (or many other of the surviving characters) again. But knowing she’s got an arc that will be developed over several books helps build my own anticipation for further books (nothing against Corbin, but I knew we’d get more about him).

I’m not as enthusiastic about the plot as I am the other aspects of this novel. It’s not bad by any means—I was engaged and curious throughout. It wasn’t too hard to follow or anything else negative, either. I just think there was so much going on in establishing characters, the world, the magic, the associations, and so on that there wasn’t enough space left over for the story. Your results may vary, of course—but for me everything else overshadowed the story. I do fully expect that in future installments I won’t have this complaint as Presley has established enough here that he can focus more on the plot.

Regardless, I heartily encourage Urban Fantasy readers to try this. You’re not going to find your typical UF mainstays here, but you’re going to find a world that you’re going to want to spend more time in with characters you’re going to want to get to know better. This series has the potential to become a favorite.

Disclaimer: I received this ARC from the author in exchange for this post and my honest opinion. A gamble on their part.

3.5 Stars
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