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PUB DAY SPOTLIGHT: Crimson Arches by Rebecca Carey Lyles

I’m very pleased today to share this spotlight for the second book in Rebecca Carey Lyles’ Children of the Light series, Crimson Arches! Lyles has become a solid friend of the blog over the last year, and I’m glad to get the chance to share this look at her new book. A little later this morning, I’ll be posting an excerpt, too.

Book Details:

Title: Crimson Arches
Series: Children of the Light, Book Two
Genre: Christian Mystery & Suspense Romance
Format: Ebook
Length: 423 pages
Publication Date: April 30, 2024
Crimson Arches Cover

About the Book:

Kasenia Clarke escaped Shadow Ranch months ago, but when Trent Duran asks her to visit Crimson Arches, his neighboring ranch, she hesitates. She adores Trent and wants to see where he “hangs his hat,” yet she dreads going anywhere near the abusive polygamous cult. Then an unexpected connection with another “plyg” community changes everything, and she jumps in with both feet, unaware of the peril that awaits her down by the border.

Book Links:

Amazon ~ Goodreads

Buy the Series

Both books together are set at a great price!Shadow Ranch and Crimson Arches Covers

About the Author:

Rebecca Carey LylesRebecca Carey Lyles lives with her husband, Steve, in Boise, Idaho, where she serves as an editor and as a mentor for aspiring authors. In addition to the Children of the Light Series, she’s written the Kate Neilson Series and the Prisoners of Hope Series plus a short story collection and a couple nonfiction books. Her tagline for her fiction is “Contemporary Christian romance set in the West and salted with suspense,” although some might describe her stories as “suspense salted with romance.” She also hosts a podcast with Steve called “Let Me Tell You a Story.” Learn about Becky, her books and the podcast at

Author Links:

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Namaste Mart Confidential by Andrew Miller: A Pair of Unlikely P.I.s Search for a Missing Woman

I’ve talked recently about how easily distracted I am—how much trouble I’ve had focusing on things—I’m pretty sure that this post reads like the product of that. Hopefully, it makes enough sense to be worth your while.

Namaste Mart ConfidentialNamaste Mart Confidential

by Andrew Miller

Publisher: Runamok Books
Publication Date: May 1, 2024
Format: ARC
Length: 246 pg.
Read Date: April 4-9, 2024
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What’s Namaste Mart Confidential About?

It seems (especially in film and novels) that Los Angeles is filled with people who’ve moved their to start their lives. That’s certainly the case for Richie Walsh, a stand-up comedian trying to build his audience and act, and Adam Minor, an aspiring novelist. While they wait for their artistic careers to take off, they need to pay their bills—and so they get jobs at the greatest grocery store in the country to be employed at (as far as I can tell, anyway—I’ve never known anyone to have such a good gig while working at one).

Some time back, however, the two of them stumbled upon a kidnapper and rescued his latest victim—getting them some attention from the local media and starting a side gig for them: Unlicensed Private Eyes. They’ve had a few successful cases, nothing as headline-worthy as their first however, and then entered a dry spell.

They’re pulled out of it when a co-worker’s mother hires them. She runs a few lingerie stores (higher-end stuff), and one of her top employees has gone missing. Shayla Ramsey has had a troubled past—escaping from the frying pan of a polygamous marriage to the fire of addiction on the streets of L.A. She’s put her life on the right track—and now she’s vanished, with both parts of her past equally likely to have pulled her back in.

Neither grocery store clerk could expect—or be prepared for—where the trial for Shayla takes them. But readers are going to have a blast going along for the ride.

A Real Kitchen Sink Novel

What doesn’t this book have, really? First off—and it’s easy to forget this, but you shouldn’t—it’s noir. Then you have a slice of L.A. life in 2013, and boy does it feel like it. There’s some comedy. There’s some satire. There’s commentary on the rise (and growing acceptance, it seems) of polygamous LDS groups*. There’s some drama. There’s some over-the-top action movie-style gunfights. There’s a splash of politics. There’s more than a little commentary on the nature of celebrity. There’s some actual sweetness through one of the smaller arcs. You’ve got Armenian mobsters. Ex-actors turned business executives. Ex-actors turned artists. Grocery store clerks and very odd customers (just that part of the novel alone could be turned into a decent sitcom). A strange Scientology-esque group.

* I read three novels that featured them last year alone. An odd trend in crime fiction.

This is not an exhaustive list—and I know that once I publish this post, I’m going to think of other things I could’ve included.

But the important thing to know going in—it all works. This jumble of seemingly incompatible ideas/topics that Miller brings to the table fit together in a way that feels natural. It’s like one of those cooking competition shows where the contestants are handed a bunch of ingredients that no one in their right mind should put together and they make something that gets that gets the approval of experienced chefs and restauranteurs. Miller ain’t getting chopped for this meal.


At one point in the show Justified, Winona tells her ex-husband, “Raylan, you do a good job of hiding it. And I s’pose most folks don’t see it, but honestly, you’re the angriest man I have ever known.” That line came to my mind a few times while reading this book—I don’t know that Adam or Richie are quite as angry as Raylan—but they’re noticeably younger than him. Unless something happens to them in the next decade or two (you know, presuming they survive this novel), I do think they might attain that high mark.

Adam says he wants to pursue this case for a different reason—and that might be true (he certainly believes it), but it seems to me that his life as a whole is driven by anger. Anger at his family for the way he was raised, the religion he was inculcated in, and the way they responded to him rejecting their faith and way of life. This spills over to an anger at any religion—or pseudo-religion/cult. It frankly gets in his way, and makes this case (and probably others, as well as other aspects of his life) much more difficult. Richie’s anger (more on that in a moment) may put them in immediate jeopardy a time or two, but I’d wager that Adam’s chip on his shoulder about religion/religious beliefs is a bigger detriment/hindrance to the duo.

I should probably add that while Adam thinks he’s angry at his family and their religion, I actually think he’s angry at God for not existing. Or at least not existing and behaving the way that Adam expects him to.

Richie’s anger is a little easier to see—there are no tears of this clown to be seen, just a violent streak that can be seen from miles away. Miller doesn’t give us as much insight into it as we get with Adam’s—but we may get more examples of it in action. Richie is definitely more honest with himself about the outward expression of this (although he might underestimate his ability to control it).

So, what did I think about Namaste Mart Confidential?

Based on his short story in Jacked, this was not the novel I expected from Miller. But I don’t know what he could’ve written that would’ve made me think he (or anyone else) would produce something like this book.

Anytime I hear “unlicensed private investigators,” my mind goes to the fantastic FX show, Terriers and while Adam and Richie aren’t Hank and Britt, I could see Adam becoming Hank-like with another decade or more experience (I think Richie’s already a better P.I. than Britt). The designation allows Miller to take advantage of all the P.I. tropes he wants to—and to keep these guys strictly amateur. So they do not have to follow all the rules a licensed P.I. would have to and make dumb mistakes and act like renegade escapees of a cozy novel. It’s definitely a best-of-both-worlds kind of situation and a great choice by Miller.

I cannot tell—and I’d hesitate to speculate—if Miller has a lot he wants to say about religion and faith, or it it just fit the plot and the character of Adam. I’d buy either explanation (or both). I would like to see Adam and Richie back in action in a story that didn’t have that much/anything to do with religion to see how Adam acts when he doesn’t have something like that to bounce off of, I think it’d be interesting to see the contrast.

This is a very L.A. novel—even if you disregard the Hollywood-adjacent portions (although it would be difficult to do). This book wouldn’t function the same way were it set in Chicago, Dallas, Boston, or Orlando. It would take someone better at analyzing these things—or at least in describing them—to tell you why. But these events need L.A. (with a quick detour to Mexico), and I relish things like that. By and large, Spenser, Elvis Cole, Madison Kelly, or Kinsey Millhone can take place just about anywhere. But Lydia Chin/Bill Smith, August Snow, Annie McIntyre, or Adam Minor/Richie Walsh need their geography*. I’ll read any of those at any chance I get, clearly, but there’s something distinctive about those tied into their cities like that.

* Obviously, they can travel outside their typical bailiwick, but then you’ve got the duck-out-of-water thing going on.

I seem to be jumping around a little bit in this section (and perhaps the entire post), because there are just so many aspects of this novel that I want to talk about and I’m not certain how to link them all together—and which ones I have time and space to cover. It may be a bit hyperbolic to say I could open this book up to any random page and find something I could talk about for at least a paragraph or two—but only a bit. It’s not often I think that in a P.I. novel—and I love it.

Miller nails the pacing of this novel. The circuitous path our duo takes to track Shayla fits both their strengths and weaknesses. The dangers they face feel genuine—and their lack of ability to really cope with some of that danger endears them to me more than when they’re being competent (not that I don’t enjoy them doing their job well, too). Familiar and unexpected all at once—Miller tackles this novel like a pro, and I can’t wait to see what he does next. (although if he wants some suggestions, I’d point him to the short story I talked about a few paragraphs back)

If you’re in the mood for a gritty P.I. novel with a lot of zip, look no further than Namaste Mart Confidential.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this ARC from the publisher, without any expectation that I would write about it—but how could I not?

4 1/2 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, the opinions expressed are my own.
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Grandpappy’s Corner: Along Came a Radioactive Spider by Annie Hunter Eriksen, Lee Gatlin (Illustrator): The Man Behind Spidey’s Look (and more!)

Grandpappy's Corner Along Came a Radioactive Spider

Along Came a Radioactive Spider:
Strange Steve Ditko and
the Creation of Spider-Man

by Annie Hunter Eriksen , Lee Gatlin (Illustrator)

Publisher: Page Street Kids
Publication Date: August 1, 2023
Format: Hardcover
Length: 32 pg.
Read Date: April 20, 2024
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What’s Along Came a Radioactive Spider About?

It’s right there in the title—subtitle, really, I guess. This is an unauthorized biography (we’re told at one point that Ditko would hate a book about him, so there’s no chance of an authorized one) of Spider-Man’s co-creator, Steve Ditko, written for the older picture book reader.

It covers his childhood and a little of his comic book career up to Spider-Man and then Doctor Strange. Following that, we get two text-heavy pages talking about Ditko in a bit more detail (for the parents, I’m guessing).

Let’s Talk about the Art for a Minute

Gatlin has a very distinctive style that I wish I knew how to describe. I’ve seen his work here and there on the internet (I don’t think it ever had his name attached, sadly), but I’ve never seen this much in one place at a time.

You’re never in doubt as to what he’s drawing, but realism isn’t really what he’s going for. There’s an energy, a mood, a feeling of movement to all his drawings that I find really appealing—and I imagine young readers/those-read-to will find compelling as well.

I assumed that when the book covered people like Spider-Man or Doctor Strange that he’d go for a Ditko-feel to the art, just to pay homage or show the reader what Ditko produced. But he didn’t—at least not too much—there’s a distinct look to most of that art to separate it from the rest of the book, but it’s just a different flavor of Gatlin (which is perfectly fine, I’m just trying to describe things in my own meager way).

I’m planning on spending more time just looking at the illustrations, catching what I missed the first couple of times—and I don’t imagine I’ll be the only one.

So, what did I think about Along Came a Radioactive Spider?

I really do wonder how many children will care about this—they may like Spider-Man or Doctor Strange, but will they care about the story of the man who drew them and helped create them? I’m just not sure.

Now, their parents and grandparents are going to love this—and probably want more. And yes, this could be a fun non-Marvel Cinematic Universe way to introduce a child to a couple of comic book heroes, and that’s probably the idea behind most people buying this book.

Or I could be wrong—that’s just a guess on my part. I’d like to be wrong.

For a biography of a little-known figure who has altered superhero history the way that few have, this is a great read. And the right reader is going to delight in it. I’d have liked it to be twice the length—but the subject and the medium don’t really allow for that, so I got over that pretty quickly.

This is apparently a companion book to With Great Power: The Marvelous Stan Lee from the same creators—I’ve got to get my hands on that one.

3.5 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, the opinions expressed are my own.
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Time-Marked Warlock by Shamie Stovall: A Mulligan-Equipped PI

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Time-Marked WarlockTime-Marked Warlock

by Shami Stovall

Series: Adair Finch, #1
Publication Date: June 2024 (or August, depending who you ask)
Format: e-ARC
Length: 402 pg.
Read Date: April 15-16, 2024
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What’s Time-Marked Warlock About?

Until a few years ago, the names of warlocks Adair and Carter Finch were famous among the magic community. Private eyes who helped law enforcement as well as private clients dealing with cases large and small—they were pretty close to superheroes. Then they took that one job that put them against an opponent they weren’t ready for, things went wrong, and Carter died.

Adair’s magic couldn’t help. He couldn’t even track down everyone who was responsible, so he couldn’t get revenge. So…he went home and retreated from life. He became an asocial hermit, doing little more than existing.

Then one pre-dawn morning, a twelve-year-old girl pounds on his apartment door. Her mother always told her that if she was in real trouble to track down Adair or Carter Finch. They weren’t close friends by any means, but they did know each other—enough so that her name makes Finch pay attention. Bree’s mother was a witch and her father is a warlock, but not in the same league as Finch. Bree tells Finch that her mother has been murdered and her father kidnapped—and she needs his help to rescue her father and get justice for her mother.

Finch is not inclined to do anything but close the door on her face and get back to not interacting with anyone. But he can’t turn down her appeal—so he agrees to go to the crime scene (if only so he can determine that she misunderstood what she saw, and that her father actually was the murderer).

The scene isn’t what he expected—Bree might have been right. Also, the police detective on the scene knew Finch before he “retired” and neither really appreciated the other. Det. Jenner really rubs Finch the wrong way on the scene.

Between their less-than-pleasant interaction, Bree pulling on his heartstrings just right, and what Finch noticed at the scene of the crime, Finch decides to take the case, wrap it up quickly, and get back to wasting away as soon as he can.


Let’s get this out of the way real quick: Frequently reminded me of (James J.) Butcher’s Huntsman, Leslie Mayflower (and several other retired/depressed heroes, but Mayflower is most recent in my mind, so he gets name-dropped). Is he the Huntsman? No—he’s far less inclined to leave a trail of bodies in his wake.* for one thing. But he gives a similar vibe.

* We can argue some other time about how inclined Mayflower really is. Roll with it for now.

He’s clearly angry at himself. He’s reticent to put himself out there emotionally (or any other way). He’s not ready to let anyone else down again (assuming he really did). But something about Bree creates a crack in his defensive shell, and it’s great to see purpose emerge from where he’d trapped it down. He’s a different guy by the end of the book (probably like what he was years ago)—he’s not totally where he should be, but he’s on the road to recovery. As the series continues, i look forward to seeing how he grows/recovers.

Bree Blackstone

I don’t know how any UF reader is supposed to read her full name and not think of Harry Dresden. Maybe we’re supposed to—surely we are right?

Anyway…if Bree doesn’t melt your heart right off. If you’re not rooting for her to get the answers she seeks and maybe a touch of the retribution she longs for—and to save her dad…there’s something wrong with you—go listen to some Whos down in Whoville sing some Christmas songs until your heart is the right size.

She is so frightened by everything—there’s a real parallel to Finch there. But she’s determined to get the help she needs to save her dad and get the bad guy who killed her mom. And if Finch is the way to get both of those, she’ll get him to help her.

Naturally, along the way she picks up a pretty hefty case of hero-worship. Finch doesn’t see it for what it is right off—but he eventually does, and knows he’s not worthy. Watching him balance helping her, fending off (or trying to) her fangirling over him, and teaching her what she needs to know to be safe in the magic world is a great balancing act.

Bree is really well-conceived and executed by Stovall, and will become one of your favorite characters of the year.

Kullthantarrick the Sneak

Kull is a trickster spirit that Finch calls up to help with a little something along the way—she’s largely around for comic relief—but she also helps Bree to learn some things about the nature of magic, spirits, and the like that she hasn’t learned from her parents yet. Yes, her role is to help make worldbuilding infodumps entertaining. She’s well-used that way.

Any spirit of mischief—from Mercy Thompson’s Coyote to the Wizard in Rhyme’s Max to Al MacBharrais’s Buck, or…okay, I’m drawing a blank here—can be a lot of fun. You just set them loose to create havoc and sit back and watch. And Kull is great at that.

But that’s not all she is—she wants to be a human, she’s seen and done enough as a spirit, and she wants the human experience now. That adds a little depth to her—there’s also an affection that develops between her and Bree that adds even more shades of depth to what could’ve been a disposable character that ends up being so much more.

Really well done there.

The Magic System(s)

I don’t know how much to say here. This world has a handful of magic systems at play—there’s one for witches—like Bree’s mother and (presumably) her. There’s another one for warlocks—it’s similar and not necessarily mutually exclusive to the witch system. And there are some others, too.

One way that Finch uses his abilities (that other warlocks like Bree’s father can’t) is that he has some ability with time. It’s in the title, I feel I can give a vague description here. He’s constantly noting the time whenever anything happens. If he “marks” the time, within any 24-hour period he can return to the marked time—retaining the memories and knowledge gained, but getting to start over. Bree compares it to a save point in a video game.

This is brilliant—and so good to see in action. There’s part of me that wondered if it’d feel like a cheat—killing tension and so on. Or if it’d just be some Groundhog Day-riff good for comedy and that’s it. If you’ve ever played—or watched someone play—an intense video game with a save point, you know that’s not enough to keep someone from getting stressed out about almost dying/dying within the game. Sure they can take another try (or several), but the tension is still there. It works that way for this book (especially if it looks like Finch might not reset in time). And yes, there’s some weatherman Phil-esque humor, but not as much as other authors might have indulged in.

All in all, Stovall nailed this part of Urban Fantasy.

So, what did I think about Time-Marked Warlock?

Three great characters (not even counting the antagonists), an even better magic system, and a decent plot with a satisfying central villain. I don’t know what else to ask for in a UF novel.

The pacing was on-target—even when revisiting the same day or events over and over, Stovall was able to keep it fresh. She also knew when to say “they did X again” and when to show it. The action scenes worked well. The villain(s) were believable, had compelling motivations, and were enough of a threat to all involved to keep the reader’s interest.

There were supporting characters—including villain(s) that ended up not being as terrible as you might initially think—that were just as fully drawn, and you could generate a little sympathy for some of the people associated with the murder once you realized how they were being used, too.

There’s a good setup for further books in the series, too.

I really can’t think of much that Stovall could’ve done better—this scratched my UF itch, and I bet it’ll do the same for you, too. Keep your eyes peeled for the release and get your hands on this when you can.

4 Stars

My thanks to The Write Reads for the invitation to participate in this tour and the materials—including the ARC—they provided.

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Time-Marked Warlock by Shami Stovall

This morning, I’m very pleased to welcome The Write Reads Blog Tour for Shami Stovall’s Time-Marked Warlock. In addition to this Spotlight, my post about the book will be coming along soon. Today is the beginning of the Tour, so check out over the next week and change to see other people saying (probably) great things about the book. But for now, let’s learn a little bit about the book, shall we?

Time-Marked warlock Tour Banner

Book Details:

Title: Time-Marked Warlock by Shami Stovall
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Release date: June 2024
Length: 402 pages
Time-Marked Warlock Cover

About the Book:

Adair Finch is the most powerful warlock in the world, and one of the best private investigators for hire. He has dealt with corporate vampires, murderous werewolves, and even fae royalty. Everything was perfect until he lost one case—the case where he also lost his brother.

So Finch retired. From magic. From PI work. From everything.

Bree Blackstone, a twelve-year-old witch, doesn’t know or care about any of that except Finch’s reputation. In the middle of the night, she bangs on Finch’s door. Her mother has been murdered, and now the assassin is after Bree as well.

Reluctantly, Finch agrees to help, only to discover something sinister has been brewing in town while he ignored the world… He’ll need to dust off all his old skills and magic before it’s too late.

Book Links:


About the Author:

Shami StovallShami Stovall is a multi-award-winning author of fantasy and science fiction. Before that, she taught history and criminal law at the college level, and loved every second. When she’s not reading fascinating articles and books about ancient China or the Byzantine Empire, Stovall can be found playing way too many video games, especially RPGs and tactics simulators.

Author Links:

Website ~ Twitter/X ~ Facebook

My thanks to The Write Reads for the invitation to participate in this tour and the materials they provided.

Grandpappy’s Corner: Panda Pat and the Rat Called Cat by Neil Ballard, Steven Nosov (Illustrator): A Nice Rodent with an Unfortunate Nickname

Grandpappy's Corner Panda Pat and the Rat Called Cat

Panda Pat and the Rat Called Cat

by Neil Ballard, Steven Nosov (Illustrator)

Publisher: Bookbaby
Publication Date: December 23, 2020
Format: Hardcover
Length: 36 pgs.
Read Date: April 19, 2024
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What’s Panda Pat and the Rat Called Cat About?

This is the story about, well—it’s there in the title. Mostly, it’s about Cat, with his pal, Pat, playing a good supporing role (with Pat getting the lead-off position in the title, I assumed he’d be the focus, but he isn’t—and that might just be me).

Cat got his moniker as an insult, really—no rat gets nicknamed that as a sign of respect or friendship. So he wants to avoid those people who gave him that name. But he eventually has to go to the city for supplies, but his buddy, Pat, tags along for moral support.

While there, Cat enters a race, enticed by the prospect of winning a cheese trophy (and really, who wouldn’t want a cheese trophy no matter their species?). A little comedy, a little humility, and some chaos ensue.

Let’s Talk about the Art for a Minute

This is the first time that Nosov has illustrated a children’s book—and it better not be his last. Even before I talked to Ballard about the book at a Book Fair, I knew I was going to buy it based on the cover. The rat called Cat looks like a character from a video game I played forever ago—he’s not, but it felt like that when I saw him. Just an instant click. And Pat is almost as good.

The art is the clear star of this book—with all due respect to Ballard—it’s engaging, it’s energetic, it’s cute, it’s striking. In case I’m not being clear—I’m a fan.

There are some samples of this book on his website, but not all the images there are really kids-book-appropriate (there’s nothing scandalous or anything, just figured I should make the disclaimer). You can also see them on this tweet.

How is it to Read Aloud?

It’s fine. Some of the sentences are a little cumbersome to read aloud—nothing major, but there’s no real rhythm or zip to the writing. The text is just to convey the narrative, not to steal the limelight or tickle the listener. The story and the art are the stars of this book—which is fine, I should stress.

So, what did I think about Panda Pat and the Rat Called Cat?

It’s a fun story elevated by the eye-catching illustrations. There’s a little bit of a lesson—maybe even two—but nothing that will hit you over the head with the moral if you’re not in the mood to focus on it with your listener.

Also, whoever did the typesetting/interior design should get some kudos—it pops off the page in just the right way.

Ballard indicated that a sequel is in progress—I’ll gladly grab it when I see it.

Good characters, a nice story, and there’s no way the little reader in your life doesn’t like the art—this is one to add to your shelves, for sure.

3 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, the opinions expressed are my own.

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The Ballad of Bonaduke—Episode 52: Separation by R. T. Slaywood: The First Step

The Ballad of BonadukeThe Ballad of Bonaduke—
Episode 52: Separation

by R.T. Slaywood

Series: The Ballad of Bonaduke, #52
Format: Kindle Vella Story
Read Date: April 18, 2024

The Story So Far…

A drunken Michael Bonaduke decides to use a grift (with maybe some sort of magic/magic-like “help”) to win on a scratch-off lottery ticket so he has money to buy more to drink. He pulls off whatever he did, gets his money and some booze and stumbles off into the darkness to drink himself into oblivion so he can start again the next day. He’s hit by dark memories (probably what’s driving him to the drinking) of fire, pleading, and screaming. There’s going to be a price to pay for his grift, and he’s trying to be ready.

He’s abducted by some representatives of a mysterious group who subject him to a test—if he passes, everything will be explained to him (and hopefully the reader, too). He passes—and is brought somewhere for answers, or maybe training, or maybe another test. Time will tell (or things are going to get really annoying). Answers aren’t quick to come—but the mysteries and questions keep piling up.

Things get hairy and Bonaduke leaves and finds himself back in the neighborhood he started from. He takes refuge in a homeless encampment shortly before a police raid. He’s apprehended and finds himself an interrogation room and shortly escapes after using his grift (but with results he didn’t quite intend). He finds himself by a group of squatters who seem to have strapped a woman to a chair for reasons that can’t be good. He attempts to rescue her before he even realizes what he’s doing, and seems to have succeeded—well, the two of them got away from the group anyway—breathing but bruised. They make their way to a fast-food taco joint and Bonaduke really needs to refuel to keep going. He tries, but fails to get food because he keeps passing out. Thankfully, the clerk is the same guy from the liquor store and he both recognizes him and gives him first aid. The woman (Zero) wakes up and shows some abilities of her on as she helps them escape from her captors who’ve tracked her down. One thing leads to another—Zero and Bonaduke’s magics don’t mix well (at least until they understand what each other can do?), and they end up in a video-game race against the squatters in a tricked-out version of Eric (the clerk’s) car. Note, I said video-game race, not a video-game-style race. They’re actually in one. When dumped back into reality, he’s surrounded by bruised and broken bodies (of people and cars). And then he gets into a supernatural fight and survives…just.

Or maybe not. But he gets better. And then his new…friends? Acquaintances? People who keep popping up in his life?…start explaining exactly what’s going on to him while they set up a new HQ and try to teach him about his abilities (and everyone tries to understand them) while they try to fund their further work.

What’s Separation About?

Before they get to the bicycle part, Bonaduke and co. need to get the book they went to steal out of Om’s hands. He’s clearly possessed by something. Or whatever is going on sure looks like a posession (it’s either a matter of perspective, or a distinction that we may get fleshed out later), so we’re going to go with that.

Whatever is (mostly) in control of Om tempts Bonaduke to cast his lot in with them. But, at a cost, he refuses and employs a gambit he’d been cooking for a while. It seems to work but before Bonaduke can enjoy the taste of victory, he’s told that was only step one to freeing Om.

So, what did I think about Separation?

I really wanted this episode to go longer, dividing up this part of the story is really grating.

That said, this was an effective installment and I’m eager to see what Step 2 will be. Don’t have much more to say than that–keep it coming.

3 Stars

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Little White Hands by Mark Cushen

I’m very pleased today to welcome The Write Reads Blog Tour for the first book in Mark Cushen’s Garlan Greatheart series, Little White Hands! If you take a look at the feed for over the next few days, you’ll see a lot of bloggers who did find the time to write interesting things about it. Little White Hands was one of fifteen finalists for the 2023 Book Blogger’s Novel of the Year Award, so you know there’s a lot of good to be said about it–but before getting to this Spotlight, let’s start with a word about BBNYA.


BBNYA is a yearly competition where book bloggers from all over the world read and score books written by indie authors, ending with 15 finalists and one overall winner.

If you want some more information about BBNYA, check out the BBNYA Website or take a peek over on Twitter @BBNYA_Official. BBNYA is brought to you in association with the @Foliosociety (if you love beautiful books, you NEED to check out their website!) and the book blogger support group @The_WriteReads.

Little White Hands Tour Banner

Book Details:

Title: Little White Hands
Genre: Fantasy
Age Category: Middle Grade
Format: Paperback/Ebook
Length: 339 pages
Publication Date: May 1, 2021
Little White Hands Cover

About the Book:

Almost five hundred years have passed since the Seasons were at war.

Half a millennium since Winter defied Spring, and lost.

Generations have come and gone, not knowing the bitter freeze and howling snows of Winter ever existed.

But now, after centuries of silence, the participants in this ancient struggle have resurfaced and reignited their feud on the doorstep of an unassuming little kitchen boy.

Garlan’s dreams of being just like the knights he idolizes may not be as impossible as he has always been led to believe, when he is chased from his home and thrust headlong into the kind of adventure he had only ever read about in books.

Setting out on a journey that spans the entire kingdom of Faeland, Garlan will traverse impossible mountains and stormy seas and battle terrible monsters, all to keep the world he knows safe from an enemy who will stop at nothing to bring about a never-ending winter.

With a cast of fantastical characters to aid him in his quest, can Garlan overcome his self-doubt and find the courage he needs to rise above his humble station and become the hero he always dreamed of being?

The fate of the world rests in his hands.

Book Links:

Amazon UK ~ Amazon US ~ Amazon Canada ~ Goodreads ~ The StoryGraph

About the Author:

Mark CushenMark Cushen has loved the fantasy genre since he accidentally stumbled onto Ray Harryhausen’s stop-motion masterpiece, “Jason and the Argonauts”, while channel-hopping one Christmas-time Saturday afternoon, somewhere between the ages of 5 and 8.

Ever since then he has been obsessed with sword-wielding heroes battling monsters in fantastical lands, and now, after spending a few years writing his own Goosebumps fan-fiction as a child, he is attempting to create such stories of his own.

When he is not working his day job or sitting at his desk (ok, on the couch) writing, he can usually be found walking through the woods, either listening to a podcast about an obscure subject or the OST of The Last Samurai on repeat.

Author Links:

Twitter/X ~ Facebook

My thanks to The Write Reads for the invitation to participate in this tour and the materials they provided.

The Ballad of Bonaduke—Episode 51: Come Around by R. T. Slaywood: Bonaduke Gains a Friend

The Ballad of BonadukeThe Ballad of Bonaduke—
Episode 51: Come AroundAround

by R.T. Slaywood

Series: The Ballad of Bonaduke, #51
Format: Kindle Vella Story
Read Date: April 16, 2024

The Story So Far…

A drunken Michael Bonaduke decides to use a grift (with maybe some sort of magic/magic-like “help”) to win on a scratch-off lottery ticket so he has money to buy more to drink. He pulls off whatever he did, gets his money and some booze and stumbles off into the darkness to drink himself into oblivion so he can start again the next day. He’s hit by dark memories (probably what’s driving him to the drinking) of fire, pleading, and screaming. There’s going to be a price to pay for his grift, and he’s trying to be ready.

He’s abducted by some representatives of a mysterious group who subject him to a test—if he passes, everything will be explained to him (and hopefully the reader, too). He passes—and is brought somewhere for answers, or maybe training, or maybe another test. Time will tell (or things are going to get really annoying). Answers aren’t quick to come—but the mysteries and questions keep piling up.

Things get hairy and Bonaduke leaves and finds himself back in the neighborhood he started from. He takes refuge in a homeless encampment shortly before a police raid. He’s apprehended and finds himself an interrogation room and shortly escapes after using his grift (but with results he didn’t quite intend). He finds himself by a group of squatters who seem to have strapped a woman to a chair for reasons that can’t be good. He attempts to rescue her before he even realizes what he’s doing, and seems to have succeeded—well, the two of them got away from the group anyway—breathing but bruised. They make their way to a fast-food taco joint and Bonaduke really needs to refuel to keep going. He tries, but fails to get food because he keeps passing out. Thankfully, the clerk is the same guy from the liquor store and he both recognizes him and gives him first aid. The woman (Zero) wakes up and shows some abilities of her on as she helps them escape from her captors who’ve tracked her down. One thing leads to another—Zero and Bonaduke’s magics don’t mix well (at least until they understand what each other can do?), and they end up in a video-game race against the squatters in a tricked-out version of Eric (the clerk’s) car. Note, I said video-game race, not a video-game-style race. They’re actually in one. When dumped back into reality, he’s surrounded by bruised and broken bodies (of people and cars). And then he gets into a supernatural fight and survives…just.

Or maybe not. But he gets better. And then his new…friends? Acquaintances? People who keep popping up in his life?…start explaining exactly what’s going on to him while they set up a new HQ and try to teach him about his abilities (and everyone tries to understand them) while they try to fund their further work.

What’s Come Around About?

So, we start off wrapping up the big action stuff from the last episode and then we rejoin things sometime later as Bonaduke regains consciousness (if you needed a hint how that action ended up). A good deal happened while he was unconscious and Om is not in good shape.

But the rest have come up with a solution so crazy that it…just…might…work. I’m not going to pretend it makes sense to me, but maybe when I see it in action. It involves a strange machine powered in part by Bonaduke on a bike. No, really.

So, what did I think about Come Around?

Is it too late to buy Slaywood a Grammarly subscription?

There’s some fun stuff here—I’m really not sure where he’s going with a lot of this, but whatever. The ride will keep us guessing.

3 Stars

Nero Wolfe on Taxes

I can’t tell you when this became a (largely) annual thing for me to post, but it was on a blog that pre-existed this one. As always, seems like a good day to post it.

Nero Wolfe Back CoversA man condemning the income tax because of the annoyance it gives him or the expense it puts him to is merely a dog baring its teeth, and he forfeits the privileges of civilized discourse. But it is permissible to criticize it on other and impersonal grounds. A government, like an individual, spends money for any or all of three reasons: because it needs to, because it wants to, or simply because it has it to spend. The last is much the shabbiest. It is arguable, if not manifest, that a substantial proportion of this great spring flood of billions pouring into the Treasury will in effect get spent for that last shabby reason.

–Nero Wolfe
from And Be a Villain

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