Category: YA/MG/Children’s Books Page 3 of 36

Silly Rhymes for Belligerent Children by Trace Beaulieu, Len Peralta (Illustrator): Wonderfully Weird Poems for Children of Most Ages

Silly Rhymes for Belligerent ChildrenSilly Rhymes for Belligerent Children:
A Yucky Big Book of Rainy Day Fun for Belligerent
Children & Odd Adults
with Nothing Better To Do

by Trace Beaulieu, Len Peralta (Illustrator)

Publisher: Amorphous Productions
Publication Date: January 1, 2010 
Format: Paperback
Length: 45 pg.
Read Date: July 13, 2023

What’s Silly Rhymes for Belligerent Children?

The back of the book says:

You certainly don’t need to be a belligerent child to appreciate these silly rhymes by Mystery Science Theater 3000’s and Cinematic Titanic’s Trace Beaulieu – but you may learn a thing or two about handling infected pets or living dangerously through sledding. While the subject matter may make you a bit queasy, you’ll delight in the perfect storytelling encapsulated in each poem. Each selection is a dark and distasteful delight – a fascinating collection of raw honesty, cool understatement and looming tragedy, all brought to life by the whimsical illustrations by Len Peralta. Silly Rhymes for Belligerent Children isn’t the book you’ll keep on the bookcase for decades. It’s the book you’ll keep under your bed within easy reach so you can page through it long after you’ve committed all the poems to memory.

That’s pretty much what the book is—in the forward/Author’s Note, Beaulieu says these poems were inspired by daydreaming, and what better source could there be?

Well, these rhymes are meant for the kind of child I was, and frankly still am.

So don’t come here looking for nice little poems with fuzzy-wuzzy pictures of fluffy cute animals or impossibly happy youngsters fetching pails of water.

This book is intended for kids who hate that kind of stuff: older kids, of course, and adults with… well nothing better to do.

Some are short…some are longer (at least when it comes to page count), they’re all a great mixture of fun rhymes, great images, and eccentric (to say the least) ideas. Some are morbid (in a kid-friendly way), some are just strange, some are gross (in a kid-friendly way).

My One Complaint

There aren’t enough poems.

Or illustrations.

Or anything else.

I want more of everything in this book.

A Quick Word about the Art

WOW. The art is fantastic. Can you go through this book, ignore all the words in black type, and still enjoy it? Probably—some of the pictures won’t make sense without the black text, but yeah, I can see the book working if you think of it as a collection of odd illustrations (I’ve tried this twice, but keep slipping and ended up reading the poems, so I can’t promise).

They are the perfect augment/supplement/accompaniment to Beaulieu’s quirky rhymes and sensibilities.

So, what did I think about Silly Rhymes for Belligerent Children?

This is just silly fun. I, apparently, am an odd adult with nothing better to do, because I’ve read this a handful of times from cover to cover in the last few months and am pleased I did so each time.

You know how there are certain movies/shows that when you’re just mindlessly flipping through the channels (assuming you still do that) you have to stop and watch for at least a few minutes? This book is kind of like that. I cannot tell you how many times since I first read it that I’ve stopped to read a poem or two when I see this book. I’ve yet to pick it up without reading at least three poems. Generally more. And not always the same ones, either.

From the poems to the illustrations and all points in-between, I had a blast with this. I wish I knew about this back when it was first published, my kids would’ve loved it then. I probably can’t get them to slow down enough for it now. Hopefully in a few years.

Track down a copy and lose yourself in these pages. Your inner child (and inner odd-adult) will thank you.

3 Stars

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Grandpappy’s Corner: How Dinosaurs Went Extinct: A Safety Guide by Ame Dyckman, Jennifer Harney (Illustrator): A Clever Father Teaches Safety (and Some Bad Paleontology)

I cannot believe it took me 6 months to get around to writing this. It is nice, however, because I just didn’t have the energy to write up anything on the grown-up books on my list. Don’t take my delay as anything other than time management, it’s not a reflection on my enthusiasm.

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How Dinosaurs Went Extinct: A Safety Guide

by Ame Dyckman, Jennifer Harney (Illustrator)

Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Publication Date: April 18, 2023
Format: Hardcover
Length: 32 pgs.
Read Date: June 24, 2023
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What’s How Dinosaurs Went Extinct: A Safety Guide About?

On a trip to a museum, while looking at dinosaur skeletons, a child asks how they went extinct. Their mom (or maybe an older sister—she has a Candace Flynn energy if you ask me) starts to give an accurate answer, covering some basic theories. But then the child’s dad cuts them off.

Dad explains how various species went extinct due to poor safety habits. The Anklyosaurus, for example, “tipped in their chair;” The Microraptor, “played with matches;” the Brachiosauraus “swallowed their gum.” And so on. Dad goes on for a while, covering a few vital life lessons while his kid is open and listening.

I don’t want to spoil anything…but Dad’s quick thinking may have paid off (at least temporarily).

Let’s Talk about the Art for a Minute

If the cover image of a T-Rex in tighty-whities and roller-skates with a rocket tied to their back doesn’t grab your attention…I don’t know what will. It also gives you a pretty thorough idea of what you’re going to find inside.

The dinosaurs are drawn fairly accurately—and very cartoony. And doing some clearly dumb/reckless things. The word “dynamic” doesn’t seem like it’s quite strong enough to describe this. The pictures scream movement, energy, and a sense of mirth. You don’t need the words to be able to flip through this and have fun (it’s better with them, of course).

How is it to Read Aloud?

First, Dyckman included a pronunciation guide, so people like me can get through all the tricky names of dinosaurs. Is it just me, or do we lose the ability to rattle off names of dinosaurs that weren’t featured in a Spielberg movie (or the sequels) after the age of 16 or so? Anyway, having these (with a note that there will be some local variations) is a major treat and wonderful aid.

With that aid—this becomes a blast to read. It’s filled with nice rhymes and goofy ideas and how do you not have fun reading that?

So, what did I think about How Dinosaurs Went Extinct: A Safety Guide?

I picked this up in the bookstore while looking for something else—the cover image/title grabbed me, and when I flipped through it quickly, I just knew we needed it on our shelves. I dug the art and what little I skimmed appealed to me. When I got home and sat down to read it, I saw that my first impression was spot-on. This was fun for me, and I’m sure it’ll be fun for the grandcritter in a few months.

The jokes are great. I love the style of art—it just explodes off the page. You’re able to talk about common sense safety/manners in a way that a toddler will be able to have fun with (and hopefully learn from). What’s not to like?

I initially jotted this down as a 3-Star read, and I tend to trust my initial impulses. But 1. I didn’t remember that, so I gave it a 4 on my 2023 Favorites list and 2. I just re-read it, and don’t understand what I was thinking back in June. This is too much fun to give any less.

4 Stars

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PUB DAY REPOST: Grandpappy’s Corner: Saint Valentine the Kindhearted by Ned Bustard: …Violets are Blue, I Liked this Book, and You Will, Too.

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Saint Valentine the Kindhearted:
The History and Legends of
God’s Brave and Loving Servant

Written and Illustrated by Ned Bustard

Publisher: IVP Kids
Publication Date: January 16, 2024
Format: eARC
Length: 32 pgs.
Read Date: October 5, 2023
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What’s Saint Valentine the Kindhearted About?

Why do we call our celebration of love on February 14th (St.) Valentine’s Day? Why do we use February 14th, for that matter?

Ned Bustard brings us another picture book Biography to teach young readers about Valentine, who was martyred under Claudius on February 14.

Granted, we don’t know a lot about Valentine and his work, but we have enough to fill this book (and, as I recall from wordier historical treatments, not much more). We get a touch of his early life, a look at his ministry (and the Roman culture), a notable miracle that’s ascribed to him, and a bit about the events leading to his martyrdom. All told in a child-appropriate rhyme.

Let’s Talk about the Art for a Minute

Bustard’s cartoon-y art is as great here as it was in his Saint Patrick the Forgiver. The thing that stands out to me is his inking. (at least that’s what we called it back when I was really into comics and talked about the art, hopefully, it still counts). The way he uses bold lines around his character’s faces/bodies (particularly Valentine’s), really makes them pop off the page and almost look like wooden puppets. (that’s the best I can do as far as describing the pictures)

He’s also able to convey a certain amount of unpleasantness and threat with Roman soldiers without changing the overall feel of the story and its appropriateness for young readers.

Now, in the Patrick book, he worked in a lot of Celtic knots and whatnot to give it a more Irish feel. Here he goes for a lot of differently colored hearts all over the pages. It didn’t even occur to me while reading the book to pay attention to that—it fit the overall Feb. 14th vibe. I should’ve known better—thankfully, he explained it in “A Note from the Author,” so when I read this with the Grandcritter I can seem more knowledgeable. He works in these hearts in different colors to represent the four types of love (eros, storge, philia, and agape) from ancient Greek thought (and a pretty good book by C.S. Lewis), showing how Valentine displayed and interacted with these types of love in various episodes in the book.

You can check out the Publisher’s site for a glimpse at the art and layout as a preview. This will probably give you a better idea than anything I tried to convey.

How is it to Read Aloud?

It’s a nice little bit of rhyming text, and starting off with “Roses are red,” as often as he does, you’re going to get right into the rhythm reflexively, which is a nice touch. Some of the rhymes feel like a stretch to me*, but when you’ve got a good head of steam going as you read you probably won’t notice.

* “ago” and “van Gogh”, really? Also, that only works if you use the American pronunciation—sorry, British readers.

So, what did I think about Saint Valentine the Kindhearted?

I enjoyed this. I do wish we had more history to draw from for Bustard to use here (and, well, other historians writing for older audiences, too), just to fill out some of the details reliably. But this is a good introduction to the figure that’s had such a cultural impact so that even younger readers can know there’s basis to the celebration beyond chalky candies and silly drawings.

I don’t have a lot to say about this beyond that. It’s a fun read for the little folks, it has details and layers that older readers can appreciate and use to talk about bigger ideas with the little ones, too. Color me impressed yet again by Bustard and I’m eager to see what holiday/figure he picks next. Anyone trying to bring Early Church figures to the attention of the pre-K crowd deserves some applause and I’m happy to keep giving it, while gladly recommending you jump on board.

Disclaimer: I received this eARC from InterVarsity Press via NetGalley in exchange for this post—thanks to both for this.

3.5 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, the opinions expressed are my own.
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Clearing the Deck II: Tweet-length thoughts about books I can’t find time to write about

I did this back in January 2020, and need to do it again.

I frequently mention how looming Mt. TBR is getting for me, but what’s worse is my “To Write About” pile, I know I’m never going to catch up with that properly and it bugs me to no end. But in the interest of something being better than nothing, a dash of realism, and a heavy dose of self-care, I’m cutting myself some slack. So I’m clearing the deck of everything from 2020-2022 that I haven’t made time for. This was painful to do, I was looking forward to writing about most of these, and I have so much that I want to say. But I’m just not going to get to them—and other books are starting to pile up, too. So, in 144 characters or less, here’s me cutting myself some slack.

How bad am I at keeping up with my To-Write-Titles? I put together the list of books for this post in January 2023. And am just now getting to it. I wish that was a joke.

(Click on the cover for an official site with more info)

Battle Ground
5 Stars
Battle Ground by Jim Butcher
I just can’t talk about this one yet. I need more time. (yeah, they’re fictional characters, but I’ve spent too long with them to not be reeling)
Desert Star
3.5 Stars
Desert Star by Michael Connelly
Loved it while reading it. But I have more and more questions about all of it the longer I think about it. Not Connelly’s best but well worth it
Dead Ground
5 Stars
Dead Ground by M. W. Craven
Not a typical Poe and Tilly case, just as good and gripping as the rest though.
The Posthumous Memoirs of Brás Cubas
3.5 Stars
The Posthumous Memoirs of Brás Cubas by Machado de Assis, Flora Thomson-DeVeaux (Translator)
A strange and somewhat humorous look at a ghost’s POV on his life. I want to read it a few more times to really get a handle on it. Heckuva read
Nightwing: Year One Deluxe Edition
5 Stars
Nightwing: Year One Deluxe Edition by Chuck Dixon
If there’s a better Nightwing writer out there, I’d like to see it. A great, great, great telling of his origin.
3 Stars
Mythos by Stephen Fry
Drags a little. Wish he could pick a tone for his retellings/commentary on the classic stories. Still, it’s Stephen Fry talking—worth the time.
Heroes Mortals and Monsters, Quests and Adventures
3.5 Stars
Heroes: Mortals and Monsters, Quests and Adventures by Stephen Fry
See above, but felt it dragged a bit more.
Teen Titans Beast Boy
3.5 Stars
Teen Titans: Beast Boy by Kami Garcia,
Gabriel Picolo (Penciller)

A solid, believable update of Gar Logan’s backstory. Very promising follow-up to the Raven book. Really impressed with Picolo.
Beast Boy Loves Raven
3 Stars
Teen Titans: Beast Boy Loves Raven by Kami Garcia,
Gabriel Picolo (Penciller)

Bring the two together and it’s even better. I’m curious about the overall story, but would read just them being awkward together. Like the art.
Missing Pieces
4 Stars
Missing Pieces: A Kings Lake Investigation by Peter Grainger, Gildart Jackosn (Narrator)
The Murder Squad tackles a cold case and is as excellent as ever. I don’t know how to talk about this series w/o being redundant. I want more!
Junkyard War
3.5 Stars
Junkyard War by Faith Hunter, Khristine Hvam (Narrator)
This was utterly fine. A lot didn’t go the way I expected. But I’m still in this series for the long haul.
The Dime
4 Stars
The Dime by Kathleen Kent
One of the best first chapters ever. The rest is pretty good. Not sure I buy the motive for the murders, nor that I want to see what comes next.
City of Crime
3.5 Stars
Batman: City of Crime by David Lapham
If you buy (I can’t) Batman losing sight of his mission, this story about him recovering it is great. If you can’t…well, it’s pretty good.
Bluebird, Bluebird
5 Stars
Bluebird, Bluebird by Attica Locke, J.D. Jackson (Narrator)
A stunning work of fiction. Words fail me. A deeply compromised Texas Ranger tries to solve a potential hate crime and keep his job.
Flynn (Audiobook)
5 Stars
Flynn by Gregory McDonald, Donald Corren (Narrator)
I expected the Fletch narrator for some reason, but Corren won me over in minutes. One of my favorite novels of all-time. Great audio version.
Son of Fletch
3.5 Stars
Son of Fletch by Gregory McDonald, Dan John Miller (Narrator)
Oh, I wanted to love this. But I just liked it. I’ll probably hear Miller in my head anytime I read Fletch in print.
Fletch Reflected
3 Stars
Fletch Reflected by Gregory McDonald, Dan John Miller (Narrator)
This is not the way the series should’ve ended. Some fantastic moments, but not sure it was worth it. Miller was solid as always.
Last Couple Standing
4 Stars
Last Couple Standing by Matthew Norman
Norman’s best female characters (to date). Stupid premise, but it almost convinces me to like it by the end. Lots of great moments.
Weakness Is the Way
3.5 Stars
Weakness Is the Way: Life with Christ Our Strength by J.I. Packer
Packer’s great on 2 Corinthians and what Paul tells about weakness as a way of life for the Christian.
The Monster in the Hollows
3 Stars
The Monster in the Hollows by Andrew Peterson
I’m not sure I loved the way the story went in this one, but I grew to appreciate it. Characters are still great.
The Warden and the Wolf King
4 Stars
The Warden and the Wolf King by Andrew Peterson
Whatever my misgivings about the last one, this was the right way to end the series. Just what I wanted (if mildly predictable)
Deathstroke: The Professional
3 Stars
Deathstroke, Vol. 1: The Professional by Christopher J. Priest
I prefer the version Wolfman and Perez initially told about his origin, but this ain’t a bad version. And I see why it was necessary. Good ’nuff
There Goes the Neighborhood
1 Star
There Goes The Neighborhood by S. Reed
I stopped working with a book tour company because they wouldn’t let me be honest about this book ever. So I won’t be. Loved ALL of it. <3<3<3<3
Percy Jackson's Greek Gods
3 Stars
Percy Jackson’s Greek Gods by Rick Riordan, Jesse Bernstein (Narrator)
If Percy Jackson edited D’Aulaires’s book you’d get this. A great way to introduce the myths to young readers. Bernstein is a spot-on Percy.
Percy Jackson's Greek Heroes
3.5 Stars
Percy Jackson’s Greek Heroes by Rick Riordan, Jesse Bernstein (Narrator)
See above, but with heroes.
I Will Judge You
3 Stars
I Will Judge You by Your Bookshelf by Grant Snider
If someone looked into my brain, took all of my ideas and feelings, and improved them, you’d get this book. But only one-third as good as this.
All These Worlds
3.5 Stars
All These Worlds by Dennis E. Taylor, Ray Porter (Narrator)
Taylor and Porter are unbeatable together. This is funny (duh), and the grief and sadness are real. As is the anger. Is the ending too easy?
The Fellowship of the Ring
5 Stars
The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien, Andy Serkis (Narrator)
Serkis nails the narration (as you’d expect). Is there a better first book of a series in Fantasy?
The Two Towers
4 Stars
The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien, Andy Serkis (Narrator)
Serkis is tremendous here. This whole book is ridiculously good.
The Return of the King
5 Stars
The Return of the King by by J.R.R. Tolkien, Andy Serkis (Narrator)
One day the pacing on this won’t surprise me. The book gets better every time. Serkis was phenomenal.
Annihilation Aria
4 Stars
Annihilation Aria by Michael R. Underwood
Found family stars in this fun, space opera about archeologists fighting an empire.
The Cartel
5 Stars
The Cartel by Don Winslow
The best of the trilogy. Shocking. Moving. Gripping. All-too-real—if you told me this was non-fiction, I’d almost believe it. A true classic.

Miles Morales Suspended (Audiobook) by Jason Reynolds, Narrated by Guy Lockard & Nile Bullock: Who Needs a Mask? Miles Can Carry a Story on His Own

Miles Morales SuspendedMiles Morales Suspended

by Jason Reynolds, Narrated by Guy Lockard & Nile Bullock

Series: Miles Morales, #2
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio
Publication Date: May 2, 2023
Format: Unabridged Audiobook
Length: 3 hrs., 53 min.
Read Date: January 8, 2024
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What’s Miles Morales Suspended About?

In the shadow of his victory against The Warden (see Miles Morales for details), Miles finds himself the brunt of his History teacher’s antagonism. Miles is sure it’s a prejudice against him, his skin color, his background, or…any number of other things. There’s a small chance it’s just his teacher being a jerk. It’s probably a combination of the two.

Regardless, Miles stands up for himself—and a few classmates have his back. And they end up serving an in-school suspension for it. The bulk of the novel focuses on that day—the doldrums of serving it, the homework assignments Miles has to try to focus on during the day, and all the ways his mind wanders through the day (his crush sitting in the desk behind him doesn’t help him focus at all).

Little by little, however, Miles becomes aware of a threat to him and others present that day. And eventually, suspension or not, Miles’ alter-ego has to step in and save the day.

The Narration

We have Guy Lockard back from the first book and this time he’s joined by Nile Bullock. I think the former handles the narration and the latter handles the parts of the book from Miles’ POV. Feel free to correct me.

Both of these performers brought this to life—the narration is very in-your-face (as is fitting, also reminiscent of Stan Lee’s voiceovers in various projects), and the characterization of Miles and the rest ring true.

I don’t really have anything to say about the narration other than I would listen to these two (together or apart) narrate an audiobook anytime

So, what did I think about Miles Morales Suspended?

There is very little plot to this (and not just because it’s just shy of 4 hours in length). What’s more, there’s very little Spider-Man action. Both of these are actually good things—at least this time. What we do get is a lot of Miles Morales action, we see the young man behind the mask just trying to survive high school, make connections, and grow up. These are the aspects of the characters that have helped people connect with Peter Parker and Miles since the 60s.

Now, don’t get me wrong—if this had all been Miles serving detention, it’d have been hard to put up with (not necessarily impossible). So I’m glad that Reynolds gave us a fun bit of Spider-Man action at the beginning and a pretty epic fight scene to wrap things up.

But that’s not the heart of the book—nor is it the heart of the character. Reynolds understands what drives Spider-Man (whoever is behind the mask), particularly Miles. Although, I’d like to see him tackle Peter just for fun, too.

Including so much poetry took me aback initially (or, at least when I figured out that’s what he was doing). But it fits Miles, it fits the girl he’s trying to impress, it fits this world, the themes of this particular book…and Reynolds knows what he’s doing in verse (unlike so many fantasy writers that litter their novels with questionable poetry). The same should be said for Lockard and Bullock—they know their way around reading verse so that it hits.

Is this the book I wanted and/or expected about Spider-Man or based on the previous novel by Reynolds? Nope. Do I care? Nope. Because it was fun, inventive, thought-provoking, and true to the character (yeah, a little heavy-handed, too—but that also sort of fits the classic Marvel modus operandi)

3.5 Stars

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Grandpappy’s Favorites of 2023

Grandpappy's Corner 2023 Favorites
I’ve posted favorite Picture or Children’s books before, but now that I’m a Grandfather, I’m thinking about these things more. So, it’s not unusual for me to read these kinds of books, but I’m doing more of it. I fully expect this post to grow in the years to come.

I practically guarantee these will tickle you and/or warm your heart.

(in alphabetical order by author)


by Sophie Blackall

My original post
It’s not the text of this book (not that there’s anything wrong with it), it’s largely the art that makes this stand out. The combination of the two…the whole experience of this book is what makes this makes this one memorable. I’m not sure what about the book will appeal to the Picture Book crowd, but the adults in their life are going to love spending time with this.

3.5 Stars

Saint Patrick the ForgiverSaint Patrick the Forgiver:
The History and Legends of Ireland’s Bishop

by Ned Bustard

My original post
I kicked off this series with this book, so there’s a little bit of sentiment going for it. I really appreciated the way that Bustard dealt with a lot of history and some pretty serious topics in an age-appropriate way. He avoided moralism, too. All while giving the reader a fun experience, with some eye-catching art. A great introduction to Patrick that will hopefully spur a child’s interest in him for a long time to come.

5 Stars

How Dinosaurs Went ExtinctHow Dinosaurs Went Extinct: A Safety Guide

by Ame Dyckman, Jennifer Harney (Illustrator)

I can’t believe I forgot to write about this book. It’s one I stumbled across on the shelves while shopping for something else, and after a quick flip through it, I added it to the stack. It’s silly, the colors are loud, the illustartions practically leap off the page. It’s really impressive just how much Harney squeezed into each drawing. Parents will have a lot of fun reading this one, and I think it’ll be catching.

4 Stars (at least, I don’t have a post to check and I don’t have time to re-read it now.)

Noodle Conquers Comfy MountainNoodle Conquers Comfy Mountain

by Jonathan Graziano, Dan Tavis (Illustrator)

My original post
The illustrations are adorable (and yes, you should pronounce it that way when talking about this book). The story is super-cute. While the first one was a nice intro to Noodle and his person, this is just a story about Noodle. It’s not a cuteness overload, but you’ll get close.

4 Stars

Every Dreaming Creature<Every Dreaming Creature

by Brendan Wenzel

My original post
This book about a child’s dream looks and feels like one. It’s comfy, it’s cozy, it’ll help an adult and (hopefully!) a child calm down and think about drifting off to their own dreamland. I cannot say enough about this art.

4 Stars

Sophie and the Heidelberg CatSophie and the Heidelberg Cat

by Andrew Wilson, Helena Perez Garcia (Illustrator)

My original post
Very possibly the best and clearest (definitely most succicinct) presentation of the Gospel and the assurance that is promised to those who have been bought by Christ I read this year. It’s an explanation of the first question and answer of the Heidelberg Catechism, which helps a lot. A nice bit of imagination, a dash of whimsy, good art, and a fantastic message. My wife and I have given away so many copies of this so far, it’s kind of mind-boggling.

5 Stars

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Grandpappy’s Corner: Saint Nicholas the Giftgiver by Ned Bustard: The Making of a Legend

Yeah, this is a quick return to this author. But after the post a couple of weeks ago, I had to give this one a shot, too. And it seemed fitting to tackle it now. I’ll get back to “grown up books” next week, D.V.

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Saint Nicholas the Giftgiver:
The History and Legends
of the Real Santa Claus

Written and Illustrated by Ned Bustard

Publisher: IVP Kids
Publication Date: October 12, 2021
Format: Hardcover
Length: 29 pg.
Read Date: December 17, 2023
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What’s Saint Nicholas the Giftgiver About?

This is all in the title and subtitle, really. This is a Picture Book Biography of Saint Nicholas, covering both the history we have and some of the legends that arose about him to the point he became our Santa Claus.

He covers the life of Nicholas from birth to death pretty well—working in Diocletian’s persecution and how Nicholas was freed by Constantine, a hint of the Arian Controversy, and Nicholas’ work overall—including some of the legends that grew about him during his lifetime (that probably had a basis in truth).

Then he turns to the stories that have grown up about Nicholas as he transformed into Santa Claus with the magical reindeer—with Bustard trying to tie in even that idea of Nicholas to the work of the Savior. How successful he was I’ll leave to the reader to decide.

The Slap

No, I’m not talking about a certain actor at the Oscars in 2022. I’m talking about the legendary time that Nicholas struck (in some form) Arius at Nicea. Bustard skipped it. The most he said was:

he did all he could
to stop that bad pries.

Now, I was curious to see how he’d address it—if only because I think it’d be a real attention grabber for the target audience. But it’s probably wise to skip it, you don’t want to encourage younger readers to start assaulting people.

But c’mon, if you heard that some kid had been inspired by a Picture Book to slap a kid in Sunday School who kept giving bad answers—you’d laugh. You’d feel bad and repent after, but you’d laugh. I’m getting off the point, though.

Let’s Talk about the Art for a Minute

First, I really liked the way he made Nicholas have the skin tone of someone who was from Türkiye. Especially as white as Santa is usually depicted (and certain news programs insist on), that was a refreshing choice.

The use of mice throughout was a nice touch (and is explained in Bustard’s author’s note). But the best part was the subtle transformation of his clothing and appearance throughout to more and more look like a figure worthy of being an illustration alongside Clement Clarke Moore.

Basically, everything I’d say about the art is what I said when I talked about his Saint Valentine the Kindhearted book two weeks ago. Feel free to go check that.

There are a couple of Second-Commandment violations that naturally trouble me. But they don’t call attention to themselves and can be glossed over if that’s how you’d like to proceed. I’m honestly not sure if I’ll do that, or consign this one to the “we don’t read that one” pile.

How is it to Read Aloud?

A couple of the rhymes are…well, let’s go with imaginative. I will admit I stumbled on a them as I read it to the Grandcritter. But…other than that, it was fun.

There’s some decent rhythm to it, and the sweetness of a lot of it comes out better when you read aloud. Or maybe that was just me. Anyway, it works really well as a read-aloud.

So, what did I think about Saint Nicholas the Giftgiver?

I liked this—I do think Bustard improved his writing with his next two books, but the promise is there. Some lines—several lines—are great and made me smile. As I said before, the art is great. The two together make this a winner.

For me, I’d have appreciated it more if he’d given us a little more history and a little less explanation of the legend around Nicholas. But I’m not sure he’d have been able to do as nice of a job explaining the legend as he did had he devoted less time to it.

Which does make me think—given the age of the audience for this book, it’s a little risky to wade into anything about Santa Claus for some people. I think he handled that as well as he could, and readers who don’t understand everything about Santa the way that grown-ups do should be okay.

I do have a couple of misgivings about this book, but I’m maybe thinking about this more than I should. I don’t think so, but I imagine others will tell me I am. It’s good enough to think about getting and reading—just know that of the three books that Bustard has written so far, it’s the least successful.

3 Stars

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The Irresponsible Reader’s Guide to Picture Books—2023 Edition

This is a much longer list this year, than it was last. Obviously, the Grandpappy’s Corner books have helped with that. I’d like to thank Witty & Sarcastic Bookclub for posting their 2023 Picture Book List last week reminding me that I meant to get his up. I’m pretty sure I’d have forgotten it otherwise.

Here are my favorites in the Picture Book realm from the past ten years so.

Snobbity SnowmanSnobbity Snowman

by Maria Bardyukova, Quiet Riley, Jr.

Fun art work. Some fantastic use of language (especially when read aloud). A nice little story with a good moral. Ticks off every box.

My full post about the book.

Baby Dragon's Big SneezeBaby Dragon’s Big Sneeze

by Sheryl Bass, Remesh Ram (Illustrator)

A cute dragon, solid rhymes, and a sweet story.

My full post about the book.

Baby Dragon Finds His FamilyBaby Dragon Finds His Family

by Sheryl Bass, Remesh Ram (Illustrator)

A cute-looking sequel to the above.

I haven’t read this yet, but I will soon.


by Jeremy Billups

I love the artwork, these characters became favorites at first sight.

My full post about the book.

Bearded TooBearded Too

by Jeremy Billups

See what I said above.

My full post about the book.

Sea This and Sea ThatSea This and Sea That

by Jeremy Billups

The art clearly shares DNA with his other work, but it couldn’t be more different. Good jokes. A visual feast.

My full post about the book.


Sophie Blackall

It’s a pretty–I cannot stress that word enough–look at one house over the course of time. Wonderful art, a nice story.

My full post about the book.

How Big Is Zagnodd?How Big Is Zagnodd?

by Sandra Boynton

A look at various sizes of aliens…silly fun for young and young-at-heart.

My full post about the book.

Saint Patrick the ForgiverSaint Patrick the Forgiver

by Ned Bustard

A great way to give an age-appropriate lesson in forgiveness while telling the story of one of the heroes of the faith.

My full post about the book.

Saint Valentine the KindheartedSaint Valentine the Kindhearted

by Ned Bustard

A number of lessons about love and service are given while telling the story of one of the heroes of the faith.

My full post about the book.

Mike Nero and the Superhero SchoolMike Nero and the Superhero School

by Natasha Carlow, Kyle Stephen (Illustrator)

A little heavy on the moral, but it’s one to get heavy with.

My full post about the book.

Little Aiden - A Feelings Book for ToddlersLittle Aiden – A Feelings Book for Toddlers

by Albert and Anna Choi, Bettina Braskó (Illustrator)

A handy and helpful book to tell toddlers that it’s okay to having and feeling emotions.

My full post about the book.

Little Aiden - A Love Book for ToddlersLittle Aiden – A Love Book for Toddlers

by Albert and Anna Choi, Bettina Braskó (Illustrator)

A warm and sweet look at the ways and times in which a parent can feel affection for their child.

My full post about the book.

The Day That A Ran AwayThe Day That A Ran Away

by B.C.R. Fegan, Lenny Wen (Illustrator)

Fegan and Wen are a dynamic duo—I’d read (and re-read) their books for fun.

My full post about the book.

Don't Ever Look Behind Door 32Don’t Ever Look Behind Door 32

by B.C.R. Fegan, Lenny Wen (Illustrator)

See above.

My full post about the book.

Henry and the Hidden TreasureHenry and the Hidden Treasure

by B.C.R. Fegan, Lenny Wen (Illustrator)

See above.

My full post about the book.

The World's Greatest MousetrapThe World’s Greatest Mousetrap

by B.C.R. Fegan, Fanny Liem (Illustrator)

A Rube Goldberg mousetrap. A frustrated would-be reader. A cute mouse. A great combo.

My full post about the book.

Kitties Are Not Good To EatKitties Are Not Good To Eat

by Cassandra Gelvin

Cute cat photos and handy advice.

My full post about the book.

Noodle and the No Bones DayNoodle and the No Bones Day

by Jonathan Graziano, Dan Tavis (Illustrator)

The origin story of the late, great Noodle.

My full post about the book.

Noodle Conquers Comfy MountainNoodle Conquers Comfy Mountain

by Jonathan Graziano, Dan Tavis (Illustrator)

Further adventures with Noodle.

My full post about the book.

This Book Will Get You to Sleep!This Book Will Get You to Sleep!

by Jory John, Olivier Tallec (Illustrator)

A loud, energetic, giggle-inducing book that will defintely not live up to its title.

My full post about the book.

1 2 3 Count with Me on Granddad's Farm1 2 3 Count with Me on Granddad’s Farm

by Valerie Johnson, Cee Biscoe (Illustrator)

Okay story, cute pics, great fodder for discussion.

My full post about the book.

Geeky Baby's Guide to ColorsGeeky Baby’s Guide to Colors

by Ruenna Jones, Josh Lewis (Narrator)

A good intro to colors and some of the images that any geeky baby needs.

My full post about the book.

Secrets of the WildSecrets of the Wild

by Olivia Kent, Srimalie Bassani (Illustrator)

The Secret Lives of Wild Animals—the parties, the jobs, games, antics, and more that they get up to when humans aren’t around to interfere.

My full post about the book.

God, Right Here: Meeting God in the Changing SeasonsGod, Right Here: Meeting God in the Changing Seasons

by Kara Lawler, Jennie Poh (Illustrator)

A pleasant look how God’s nature (flora, fauna, weather) reveals His work and care through a year’s worth of seasons.

My full post about the book.

The Day My Fart Followed Me To HockeyThe Day My Fart Followed Me To Hockey

by Sam Lawrence & Ben Jackson, Danko Herrera (Illustrator)

Stupid, childish humor—perfect for the audience (and close enough for those older types who read it). Adorable art. Charming book.

My full post about the book.

Noam’s MonstersNoam’s Monsters

by Shai Levinger, Kaustuv Brahmachari (Illustrator), Ephrat Abisror (Translator)

A great way to talk about anxieties and fears with your little ones.

My full post about the book.

A Tale of Wonderful WhiffsA Tale of Wonderful Whiffs

by Sophie Loosveldt, Isabella Croker (Illustrator)

A nice premise, some distinctive art, and a cute pug.

My full post about the book.

God Never ChangesGod Never Changes

by Carine MacKenzie, Derek Matthews (Illustrator)

A quick, age-appropriate look at the Immutability of God for the board-book crowd.

My full post about the book.

The Legend of the Christmas WitchThe Legend of the Christmas Witch

by Dan Murphy & Aubrey Plaza, Julia Iredale (Illustrator)

An alternate take on Santa’s origin—and his twin sister.

My full post about the book.

The Return of the Christmas WitchThe Return of the Christmas Witch

by Dan Murphy & Aubrey Plaza, Julia Iredale (Illustrator)

A sequel where Santa’s sister has to step up and use her magic to help rescue Christmas from a mega-corp.

My full post about the book.

Bear with BearBear with Bear

by Hagit R. Oron, Galia Armeland (Illustrator)

A great e-book (I don’t know how/if the hyperlinked material would translate into hard copy). There’s a good twist to this story that makes it especially appealing.

My full post about the book.

Bravo and ElphieBravo and Elphie

by Hagit R. Oron, Or Oron (Illustrator)

The collaborations between Hagit and Or Oron about cute, little Elphie and her friends and family are as charming as you want.

My full post about the book.

Elphie and Dad go on an Epic AdventureElphie and Dad go on an Epic Adventure

by Hagit R. Oron, Or Oron (Illustrator)

See above.

My full post about the book.

Elphie Goes Trick or TreatingElphie Goes Trick or Treating

by Hagit R. Oron, Or Oron (Illustrator)

See above.

My full post about the book.

How Did the Hippopotamus Get There?How Did the Hippopotamus Get There?

by Sohrab Rezvan, Kyana Mitchell (Illustrator)

A silly book about a new pet hippo finding a bunch of places to hide and play in his new home.

My full post about the book.

The Adventure Begins! (Dungeons & Dragons)The Adventure Begins! (Dungeons & Dragons)

by Dennis R. Shealy, Nate Lovett (Illustrator)

The pilot episode of the old Dungeons & Dragons in Little Golden Book form.

My full post about the book.

The Wonky DonkeyThe Wonky Donkey

by Craig Smith, Katz Cowley (Illustrations)

A zany rhyme about one goofy looking–maybe even wonky–donkey.

My full post about the book.

Every Dreaming CreatureEvery Dreaming Creature

by Brendan Wenzel

A gorgeous book following one child’s dreams as they are one animal and then another.

My full post about the book.

Leo & The Lightning DragonsLeo & The Lightning Dragons

by Gill White, Gilli B (Illustrator)

The rhymes are cute, the story is very positive, great illustrations, and the imagery of the Lightning Dragon fighting inside Leo is a great way to get the idea of epilepsy across to a picture book reader.

My full post about the book.

Sophie and the Heidelberg CatSophie and the Heidelberg Cat

by Andrew Wilson, Helena Perez Garcia (Illustrator)

A little girl gets a reminder that the gospel isn’t about working for God’s acceptance, but in belonging to God. One of my favorite reads (written for any age group) of 2023.

My full post about the book.

Grandpappy’s Corner: Saint Valentine the Kindhearted by Ned Bustard: …Violets are Blue, I Liked this Book, and You Will, Too.

Grandpappy's Corner Logo Saint Valentine the Kindhearted

Saint Valentine the Kindhearted:
The History and Legends of
God’s Brave and Loving Servant

Written and Illustrated by Ned Bustard

Publisher: IVP Kids
Publication Date: January 16, 2024
Format: eARC
Length: 32 pgs.
Read Date: October 5, 2023
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What’s Saint Valentine the Kindhearted About?

Why do we call our celebration of love on February 14th (St.) Valentine’s Day? Why do we use February 14th, for that matter?

Ned Bustard brings us another picture book Biography to teach young readers about Valentine, who was martyred under Claudius on February 14.

Granted, we don’t know a lot about Valentine and his work, but we have enough to fill this book (and, as I recall from wordier historical treatments, not much more). We get a touch of his early life, a look at his ministry (and the Roman culture), a notable miracle that’s ascribed to him, and a bit about the events leading to his martyrdom. All told in a child-appropriate rhyme.

Let’s Talk about the Art for a Minute

Bustard’s cartoon-y art is as great here as it was in his Saint Patrick the Forgiver. The thing that stands out to me is his inking. (at least that’s what we called it back when I was really into comics and talked about the art, hopefully, it still counts). The way he uses bold lines around his character’s faces/bodies (particularly Valentine’s), really makes them pop off the page and almost look like wooden puppets. (that’s the best I can do as far as describing the pictures)

He’s also able to convey a certain amount of unpleasantness and threat with Roman soldiers without changing the overall feel of the story and its appropriateness for young readers.

Now, in the Patrick book, he worked in a lot of Celtic knots and whatnot to give it a more Irish feel. Here he goes for a lot of differently colored hearts all over the pages. It didn’t even occur to me while reading the book to pay attention to that—it fit the overall Feb. 14th vibe. I should’ve known better—thankfully, he explained it in “A Note from the Author,” so when I read this with the Grandcritter I can seem more knowledgeable. He works in these hearts in different colors to represent the four types of love (eros, storge, philia, and agape) from ancient Greek thought (and a pretty good book by C.S. Lewis), showing how Valentine displayed and interacted with these types of love in various episodes in the book.

You can check out the Publisher’s site for a glimpse at the art and layout as a preview. This will probably give you a better idea than anything I tried to convey.

How is it to Read Aloud?

It’s a nice little bit of rhyming text, and starting off with “Roses are red,” as often as he does, you’re going to get right into the rhythm reflexively, which is a nice touch. Some of the rhymes feel like a stretch to me*, but when you’ve got a good head of steam going as you read you probably won’t notice.

* “ago” and “van Gogh”, really? Also, that only works if you use the American pronunciation—sorry, British readers.

So, what did I think about Saint Valentine the Kindhearted?

I enjoyed this. I do wish we had more history to draw from for Bustard to use here (and, well, other historians writing for older audiences, too), just to fill out some of the details reliably. But this is a good introduction to the figure that’s had such a cultural impact so that even younger readers can know there’s basis to the celebration beyond chalky candies and silly drawings.

I don’t have a lot to say about this beyond that. It’s a fun read for the little folks, it has details and layers that older readers can appreciate and use to talk about bigger ideas with the little ones, too. Color me impressed yet again by Bustard and I’m eager to see what holiday/figure he picks next. Anyone trying to bring Early Church figures to the attention of the pre-K crowd deserves some applause and I’m happy to keep giving it, while gladly recommending you jump on board.

Disclaimer: I received this eARC from InterVarsity Press via NetGalley in exchange for this post—thanks to both for this.

3.5 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, the opinions expressed are my own.
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Bea Wolf by Zach Weinersmith, Boulet (Illustrator): A Joy-Filled Retelling for Readers of All Ages

Bea WolfBea Wolf

by Zach Weinersmith, Boulet (Illustrator)

Publisher: First Second
Publication Date: March 21, 2023
Format: Hardcover
Length: 192
Read Date: November 25, 2023
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Hey, wait!
Listen to the lives of the long-ago kids, the world-fighters,
the parent-unminding kids, the improper, the politeness-proof,
the unbowed bully-crushers,
the bedtime-breakers, the raspberry-blowers,
fighters of fun-killers, fearing nothing, fated for fame.

What’s Bea Wolf About?

In some generic town, there is a treehouse that deserves every accolade you can think of. Treehart has been the headquarters of several of those long-ago kids, where they played, had fun, ate too much candy, etc., etc. Treehart has been ruled by a succession of kings and queens who ruled with generosity until they started to sprout things like facial hair and acne and had to set aside the grown and (ugh) start growing up.

They run afoul of one of the local teachers

Mr. Grindle he was called, for his father was Mr. Grindle
and his mother was Mrs. Grindle, and that is how names work.

With just a touch, Grindle can bring about adolescence—or, even worse, adulthood. He started periodically raiding Treehart, begeezering all he could. And then, he’d clean it.

Ten kids turned teenaged, tired-eyed, ever-texting
eight turned middle-aged, aching, anxious, angry at the Internet.

Nearby, a former king’s cousin has heard of the adultening and sent her fiercest warrior, Bea Wolf, to come and restore frivolity and childhood to Treehart by defeating Grindle. Epic tales are shared, a lot of soda and candy are consumed, and then the two face off in a battle that can only be described as “epic.”

A Bit About the Art

In the Acknowledgements, Boulet said that he really didn’t have time to do the art for this book, but after reading part of the script, he knew he had to. I’m so glad he found—probably made—the time for it. This wouldn’t be nearly as successful without his art.

It’s playful and silly while not turning the whole thing into a joke. There’s pathos, there’s gravity, there’s danger in his drawings. And yet they’re attractive, winsome, and engaging, too. His art is everything the text is and more—yes, I think the book would’ve worked had it only been the text. But…he brings it to life in a way that words alone can’t.

Boulet and Weinersmith are a potent and nigh-perfect match here. I cannot say enough good about this art.

On The Publisher’s page for the book, there’s a link to “Take a Look Inside!” I’d heartily recommend you giving that a glance so you can get a flavor of the look of the book.

About Beowulf

After the tale (at least the first part of the tale) of Bea Wolf, Weinersmith spends a few times talking about what Beowulf is, its history, and the connection between this graphic novel and the source. It even talks about various translations to help a young reader pick one to try.

It’s written in a way that definitely appeals to crusty old guys like me and very likely will appeal to younger readers, too. I’m not kidding, I’ve re-read it just for the jokes.

This essay ends by applying it to the reader:

If you’ve made it this far, all the way to the end of my notes, reading all these words in a book that’s mostly pictures, you must be either a librarian or a future writer. Or maybe both. If you haven’t read the original Beowulf, you may be asking whether you should give it a shot. The answer is yes. It’s scary and it’s not for kids, so you’ll probably really like it. If you’re a speaker of English, it’s the oldest big poem in something resembling your language, and it just happens to be one of the greatest stories ever written.

At one point, late in the original Beowulf poem, a dragon grows angry because a man steals from his golden hoard. Beowulf is part of the golden hoard of our language. Tolkien stole from it for his stories, and you should too. You might summon up a dragon of your own.

I don’t know if this will inspire a future writer or not, but it worked for me.

(yeah, I strayed from my own topic there, but whatever…)

So, what did I think about Bea Wolf?

I had so much fun reading this, from beginning to end. I was able to appreciate it on a few levels—as someone who appreciates cute and clever comic art, cute and clever comic writing, as a cute and comic take on the epic poem, and as a wonderful and romantic vision of childhood (and a vision of adulthood that hits pretty close to home a little too often). There are probably more levels I enjoyed it on, but that’ll work for a starter.

The poetry itself was dynamite. Weinersmith did a fantastic job of capturing the flavor and spirit of the original and adapting it to a Middle-Grade level (while keeping it engaging for older readers).

I honestly don’t know who the market is for this—sure, it’s supposed to be for Children—but I wonder how many will be intrigued by the idea of it (hopefully, they will be prompted by clever adults/peers). On the other hand, I can’t be the only fan of the original from High School/College/after those who finds the notion of this appealing. Thankfully, I do think both audiences will be pleased with the results and the time they spent with it.

There’s at least one more book chronicling Bea’s adventures. I cannot wait to see her deal with Grindle’s mother.

I don’t know if I’m doing a decent job of praising this—but I think you get the gist. Do yourself, your inner child, and possibly your children a favor and run out to pick this up. You’ll be glad you did.

4 1/2 Stars

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