Tag: 2025 Retrospectives

February 2025 in Retrospect: What I Read/Listened to/Wrote About

I finished 25 titles (6 up from last month, 3 up from last February), with an equivalent of 6,424 pages or the equivalent (1,116 up from last month), and gave them an average of 3.4 stars (.4 stars down from last month).

My late 2024 slowdown in posting continues, and I’m getting better with accepting that, while still trying to figure out how to get around it. But basically, I’m reading a lot and enjoying talking about that–that’s good enough for me.

So, here’s what happened here in February.
Books/Novels/Novellas Read/Listened to

Cover of Called to Freedom by Brad Littlejohn Cover of The Aboltion of Man by CS Lewis Cover of The Teller of Small Fortunes by Julie Leong
3.5 Stars 3.5 Stars 3.5 Stars
Cover of The Space Trilogy by C.S. Lewis Cover of Aftermarket Afterlife by Seanan McGuire Cover of How to Think by Alan Jacobs
3.5 Stars 4 1/2 Stars 4 Stars
Cover of Little Aiden: A Big Kid Book for Toddlers by Albert and Anna Choi, Bettina Braskó Cover of Goodnight Darth Vader by Jeffrey Brown Cover of The Ten Commandments by Cornelius Van Til
3.5 Stars 3 Stars 3.5 Stars
Cover of Promise by Christi Nogle Cover of Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson Cover of Anxious People by Fredrik Backman
3.5 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars
Cover of The Greatest Nobodies of History by Adrian Bliss Cover of Long Past Dues by James J. Butcher Cover of Concerning Wings by Katie Cook
2 1/2 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars
Cover of Living to Please God by Lee Gatiss Cover of Installment Immortality by Seanan McGuire Cover of Ingredients by George Zaidan
3 Stars 4 Stars 3 Stars
Cover of Johnny Careless by Kevin Wade Cover of Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson Cover of Passageways by Rebecca Carey Lyles
2 Stars 3.5 Stars 2 1/2 Stars
Cover of Beast of the North Woods by Annelise Ryan Cover of Good Material by Dolly Alderton Cover of Dead Money by Jakob Kerr
3.5 Stars 2 1/2 Stars 4 Stars
Cover of The Story of Rock by Editors of Caterpillar Books and Lindsey Sagar
3.5 Stars

Still Reading

Cover of Wisdom for Life by Michael P. V. Barrett Cover of A Treatise on the Law and the Gospel by John Colquhoun Cover of Where the Bones Lie by Nick Kolakowski


5 Stars 0 2 1/2 Stars 3
4 1/2 Stars 1 2 Stars 2
4 Stars 7 1 1/2 Stars 0
3.5 Stars 10 1 Star 0
3 Stars 3
Average = 3.4

TBR Stacks/Piles/Heaps

Audio E-book Physical Goodreads
Shelf/ARCs/Review Copies
End of
3 68 78 167 10
1st of the
4 68 80 168 9
Added 1 3 4 3 4
2 20 6 0 4
Current Total 3 69 78 171 9

“Traditionally” Published: 20
Self-/Independent Published: 5

Genre This Month Year to Date
Children’s 3 (12%) 9 (4%)
Fantasy 2 (8%) 9 (4%)
General Fiction/ Literature 3 (12%) 9 (4%)
Mystery/ Suspense/ Thriller 4 (16%) 9 (20%)
Non-Fiction 4 (16%) 7 (16%)
Science Fiction 3 (12%) 11 (5%)
Theology/ Christian Living 3 (12%) 0 (0%)
Urban Fantasy 3 (12%) 6 (14%)
“Other” (Horror/ Humor/ Steampunk/ Western) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

Review-ish Things Posted

Other Things I Wrote
Other than the Saturday Miscellanies (1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd), I also wrote:

Enough about me—how Was Your Month?

February Calendar

Captivating Character of January: Maggie Dunn née McCormick

Captivating Character of the Month Graphic
Connie at Reading Ladies has started a new monthly feature, Most Captivating Character of the Month. It didn’t take me too long to decide who would be my choice for January, Maggie Dunn from Don’t Tell Me How to Die by Marshall Karp.

In my original post, I said:

You can tell from the beginning that she’s smart. She’s driven. She’s brave (at least in the face of some things…like dying). She loves her family. She’s gone through a lot. She’s pretty funny. (probably pretty, too, but that’s not that important, especially when you see the world through her eyes). You later learn what a good friend she can be and why she was elected.

Now, like a parfait, or an onion, or an ogre—Maggie has layers. I’m not going to talk about those layers because you need to discover them for yourself. But she has them—and you keep learning about those layers as the book continues. Each layer—for me, anyway, and I predict for most readers—got me to like her more as a person (pretty frequently) and as a character (always). Is there a difference? Sure—one extreme example (that doesn’t apply here, but gets my point across) would be Dr. Lecter. Fantastic character, but not someone you’d want to hang out with.

A Little More About Her:

In High School, she was a high-achieving student and occasional pot smoker. Until her mother died, and then the smoking increased (and maybe she dabbled in some harder drugs). But she stayed high-achieving and went off to college, becoming a prosecuting attorney in her home town (which brought her back into contact with her dealer, among others).

Along the way, she married a doctor and had two children. She’s popular in the town, thanks in part to her family’s very popular restaurant, her public service, and, well…many things. So she’s now in her first term as the mayor.

The more we get to know her (as I suggested above) we get to see many of the layers and layers underneath the glossy and impressive surface. Many of these layers will make you like her, some will make her relatable and keep her from being too good to be true. And other layers, well, it’s captivating character of the month–not admirable character of the month.

What character would you name for last month?

Irresponsible Reader Pilcrow Icon

Highlights from January: Lines Worth Repeating

Highlights from the Month

Cover of The Boys of Riverside by Thomas Fuller

The Boys of Riverside: A Deaf Football Team and a Quest for Glory by Thomas Fuller

Desire is a tree with leaves, hope is a tree in bloom, enjoyment is a tree with fruit.

Cover of Sleep No More by Seanan McGuire

Sleep No More by Seanan McGuire

Romantic love is not required to live a full and happy life, my seedlings,” Father had told us, watching carefully to be sure we took his message to heart, “but if you cannot love one who loves you truly in return, find friends, find companions, find people who will tell you the truths you cannot carry and unveil the lies you cannot see. Most of all, cleave to each other, for you will be the only sure support you have in all this world.

The force of their wanting cut channels in the world.

You’re his child because parentage is so much more than blood. Parentage is showing up and being present, is love and learning and compassion and care.

Cover of Pushing Ice by Alastair Reynolds

Pushing Ice by Alastair Reynolds

Svetlana forced herself to nod. She could never quite overcome a lingering prejudice against the comet miners. They were too brave, too courageous. Svetlana thought that the only kind of person you wanted anywhere near any part of a fusion motor was someone with a strong aversion to risk.

Cowards were exactly the kind of people you wanted around nuclear technology.

“You could give scheming lessons to Machiavelli,” Parry said.

“I did. He flunked.”

Cover of Sword & Thistle by S.L. Rowland

Sword & Thistle by S.L. Rowland

When he smiled, Dobbin recognized him by his missing front teeth. Hildir had lost them in an unfortunate accident involving too many drinks, a frying pan, and a gelatinous cube.

On nights like this, he wondered if he could ever truly give it up. The traveling, the exploration, meeting new people, and experiencing the hidden treasures of Aedrea. To settle down in one place for the rest of his life trapped in a cage…

Then again, wasn’t that what books were for? He could live a hundred lives and still sleep in a warm bed at night.

“We’re adventurers. We make our living doing stupid things.”

“You can lead a griffin to the mountains, but you can’t make it fly.”

Cover of Subculture Vulture by Moshe Kasher

Subculture Vulture: A Memoir in Six Scenes by Moshe Kasher

Once at the mechanic, you find out what the problem is. Busted transmission, engine failure, acute cirrhosis. That knowledge is VITAL. Without it you cannot move forward. But that knowledge doesn’t fix the car. It only makes the fixing of the car possible.

Cover of I Cheerfully Refuse by Leif Enger

I Cheerfully Refuse by Leif Enger

The world was so old and exhausted that many now saw it as a dying great-grand on a surgical table, body decaying from use and neglect, mind fading down to a glow.

Lark laughed. It was her habit when delighted to rise lightly on tiptoe as if forgotten by gravity.

Why do this to yourself you say, and I reply Why not?

As enemies go, despair has every ounce of my respect.

He was suspected of wisdom but it’s a tough thing to prove …

Cover of The Innocent Sleep by Seanan McGuire

The Innocent Sleep by Seanan McGuire

Love is a knife forever suspended an inch from your heart, and if it falls or you stumble into it, you can all too easily find yourself impaled and bleeding.

Like every other baby I’d seen, he looked nothing like his parents, and more like the unpleasant blend of a salmon and a drowned human.

From a great enough height, even water may turn into a weapon.

(Image by DaModernDaVinci from Pixabay)

January 2025 in Retrospect: What I Read/Listened to/Wrote About

This is a little late, but I did manage to get it I read 19 titles (the same as last month, 2 more than last January), with an equivalent of 5,308 pages or the equivalent (4,061 down from last month), and gave them an average of 3.8 stars (.1 down from last month).

I’m not crazy about all the things I meant to post and didn’t–but I’m pretty happy with what I managed to post. I’m not going to go deeper than that. Doing anything but doomscroll lately seems like a victory, really.

Anyway, here’s what happened here in January.
Books/Novels/Novellas Read/Listened to

Cover of The Pilgrim's Regress by C.S. Lewis Cover of Charlotte Illes Is Not a Teacher by Katie Siegel Cover of Robert B. Parker's Buried Secrets by Christopher Farnsworth
3 Stars 3 Stars 4 1/2 Stars
Cover of The Bang-Bang Sisters by Rio Youers Cover of The Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction by Alan Jacobs Cover of The Boys of Riverside by homas Fuller
5 Stars 5 Stars 3.5 Stars
Cover of The Problem of Pain by C.S. Lewis Cover of Sleep No More by Seanan McGuire Cover of Pushing Ice by Alastair Reynolds
3 Stars 4 Stars 4 1/2 Stars
Cover of The Accidental Joe by Tom Straw Cover of God of All Things by Andrew Wilson Cover of Sword & Thistle by S.L. Rowland
4 Stars 3 Stars 3.5 Stars
Cover of Subculture Vulture by Moshe Kasher Cover of I Cheerfully Refuse by Leif Enger Cover of Return from Exile and the Renewal of God's People by Nicholas G. Piotrowski
4 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars
Grandpappy's Corner Logo with the Cover of I Am a Big Brother by Caroline Jayne Church Cover of Hit The Ground Running by Kate Ashwin Cover of The Innocent Sleep by Seanan McGuire
3 Stars 3.5 Stars 4 Stars
Cover of Don't Tell Me How to Die by Marshall Karp
4 1/2 Stars

Still Reading

Cover of Wisdom for Life by Michael P. V. Barrett Cover of Called to Freedom by Brad Littlejohn Cover of The Teller of Small Fortunes by Julie Leong


5 Stars 2 2 1/2 Stars 0
4 1/2 Stars 3 2 Stars 0
4 Stars 6 1 1/2 Stars 0
3.5 Stars 3 1 Star 0
3 Stars 5
Average = 3.8

TBR Stacks/Piles/Heaps

Audio E-book Physical Goodreads
Shelf/ARCs/Review Copies
End of
3 68 78 167 10
1st of the
3 68 78 167 10
Added 3 1 7 1 3
2 1 5 0 4
Current Total 4 68 80 168 9

“Traditionally” Published: 17
Self-/Independent Published: 2 (wince!)

Genre This Month Year to Date
Children’s 1 (5%) 1 (5%)
Fantasy 2 (11%) 2 (11%)
General Fiction/ Literature 1 (5%) 1 (5%)
Mystery/ Suspense/ Thriller 5 (26%) 5 (26%)
Non-Fiction 3 (16%) 3 (16%)
Science Fiction 2 (11%) 2 (11%)
Theology/ Christian Living 3 (16%) 3 (16%)
Urban Fantasy 2 (11%) 2 (11%)
“Other” (Horror/ Humor/ Steampunk/ Western) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

Review-ish Things Posted

Other Things I Wrote
Other than the Saturday Miscellanies (4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th), I also wrote:

Enough about me—how Was Your Month?

January Calendar

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