The Friday 56This is a weekly bloghop hosted by Freda’s Voice.

The Friday 56 Grab a book, any book.
The Friday 56 Turn to Page 56 or 56% on your ereader. If you have to improvise, that is okay.
The Friday 56 Find a snippet, short and sweet.
The Friday 56 Post it.

from Page 56% of:
A Sh*tload of Crazy Powers

A Sh*tload of Crazy Powers by Jackson Ford

I’ve never been shot before.

I’ve been shot at, more than once. There are quite a few people who want me dead for one reason or another. And yet I have never taken a bullet. Until today.

Can confirm: getting shot sucks.

There’s no pain until I actually see the wound– the horrible, gaping hole in my flesh. Then there’s a whole lot of it. As if my brain goes oh, hey, that looks nasty. Here, have some agony to enhance the experience.

It’s like someone poured kerosene on my bicep and set it on fire. It’s the kind of pain that doesn’t actually let you scream, because it locks your throat up tight. All I can do is make this weird little hissing sound, forcing its way between my clenched teeth. And holy crap, that’s a lot of blood. Are there arteries in the bicep? How long do I have before… before I…