Tag: Audiobooks Page 4 of 22

The trouble with audiobooks…

Well, my plans for today crashed and burned, so let’s revisit this amusing (to me, anyway) moment from 5 years ago today.

This morning I heard the phrase, “her two perfect teeth,” describing the surgically enhanced and improved trophy wife of an entertainment executive. Which made no sense at all to me and, frankly distracted me from what he went on to read.

Two minutes or so later, it hit me that what the narrator had actually said was actually, “too-perfect teeth” (punctuation is a guess). Which is actually fitting for the context.

Have you run into things like this in your audiobook listening?

Catch-Up Quick Takes: A Few Audiobooks from December

I’m a little worried after all of last week’s Favorites lists, I’m having a hard time writing something that takes multiple paragraphs. Thankfully? I had another stack of books I don’t have that much to say, so…let’s do a few more quick takes.

As always, I want to note, the point of these quick takes posts is to catch up on my “To Write About” stack—emphasizing pithiness, not thoroughness.

Stone ColdStone Cold

by C. J. Box, David Chandler (Narrator)

Series: Joe Pickett, #14
Publisher: Recorded Books
Publication Date: March 10, 2014
Format: Unabridged Audiobook
Length: 10 hrs., 49 min.
Read Date: December 2-5, 2022
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(the official blurb)
This was a good way to bring Nate back into the series if nothing else. The story was okay, and seeing Joe balance out working for his new administrator and Gov. Rulon was fun. I was less-than-excited about Sheridan’s storyline, it was good to see her in action, and any way that Box can do that is okay with me—I just wanted more, I guess.

Bringing Missy in (and Box might as well have saved time with that reveal, anyone could’ve seen that coming 5 miles away) didn’t do much for me at all. The series really needs less of her, and I don’t get Box’s need to use her as much as he does.

A decent installment in this series—nothing special, but nothing bad, either.
3 Stars

The Twist of a KnifeThe Twist of a Knife

by Anthony Horowitz, Rory Kinnear (Narrator)

Series: A Hawthorne and Horowitz Mystery, #4
Publisher: HarperAudio
Publication Date: November 14, 2022
Format: Unabridged Audiobook
Length: 8 hrs., 31 min.
Read Date: December 12-15, 2022
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(the official blurb)
Until I heard Horowitz on a podcast talking about this book, I wasn’t sure if I was going to bother with the book—but he piqued my interest. I’m glad he did—he’s really good at keeping this series from falling into a formula, and bringing Hawthorne into this case to get Horowitz out of trouble was a nice twist (but something he can’t repeat).

I didn’t buy—at all—the way Horowitz didn’t involve his wife in his situation—or how she reacted. The way the other detectives focused on Horowitz and didn’t really listen to him seemed less-than-credible, too—but not as much.

Still, this was a fun listen—Kinnear’s a great narrator—and this mystery was clever. It was a good time—I know you’ll find more enthusiastic recommendations from several other people, and you should probably take their advice. The best I can do is that this book probably led me to get the next one .

3 Stars

Secrets Typed in BloodSecrets Typed in Blood

by Stephen Spotswood, Kirsten Potter

Series: A Pentecost and Parker Mystery, #3
Publisher: Random House Audio
Publication Date: December 12, 2022
Format: Unabridged Audiobook
Length: 9 hrs., 40 min.
Read Date: December 15-19, 2022
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(the official blurb)
This was a nice step up from the previous books. Spotswood is gaining in confidence and it’s showing. The main client this time out was the best yet and was so believable—the crime was an interesting twist on a familiar setup (see the Castle pilot, for example). The secondary case was pretty much just filler (so much so that Pentecost was willing to give it up), but it still gave some good moments and set up some other promising things. There’s a side trip into an ongoing crusade of Pentecost’s that was really well done—I’m really interested in seeing how this progresses in the future.

This is clearly a Nero Wolfe-inspired series, but it’s becoming less of one all the time—and that’s good. Even better because Spotswood’s Zeck is going to prove to be more formidable and subtle than Stout’s was. (although I wish he’d give Parker the same kind of privacy when it comes to her personal life as Stout gave Archie)

Overall, I liked this.
3.5 Stars

Your Perfect YearYour Perfect Year

by Charlotte Lucas, Alison Layland (Translator), Carly Robins, P. J. Ochlan (Narrator)

Publisher: Brilliance Audio
Publication Date: October 31, 2019
Format: Unabridged Audiobook
Length: 13 hrs., 33 min.
Read Date: December 23-28, 2022
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(the official blurb)
Ugh. A few years ago I was in the middle of a “I need to read more ‘General Fiction” kick and saw an advertisement (or something) for this—it wasn’t on a blog, I know that much. Something about the description appealed to me, and I got a good Whispersync deal, so the audio and ebook versions sat around since. I wanted to go through the ebook rather than the audio initially—but never seemed to find the time. But I finally broke down and just wanted to get it finished, it’s been calling to me for so long.

I should have held off a little (or a lot) longer. This book didn’t work for me in just about every imaginable way. Within a chapter or two you could see how the whole thing was going to go—including the “big surprise twist”. This is fine if the ride’s enjoyable. But it really wasn’t. The comedy wasn’t all that funny. The drama felt contrived (it’s fiction—all of it is contrived, I realize—but there’s “contrived” and there’s “feeling contrived”). The introspection and self-discovery really didn’t click for me, either.

The best thing I can say about it is that the arc of the publisher of only captial-L Literature and noteworthy Non-Fiction discovering the value and appeal of popular fiction was pleasant (and I just spoiled that…oops). A little self-serving for the writer of popular fiction, but I’m not going to criticize that.

Just pass on this one.
2 Stars

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Triptych (Audiobook) by Karin Slaughter, Michael Kramer: A Rough Way to Start a Series


by Karin Slaughter, Michael Kramer (Narrator)

Series: Will Trent, #1
Publisher: Books on Tape
Publication Date: August 11, 2006
Format: Unabridged Audiobook
Length: 13 hrs., 15 min.
Read Date: January 3-5, 2023
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What’s Triptych About?

I’m going to start off by saying it took me far, far, far too long to figure out how the title was appropriate. I cannot express how clueless I felt once the light bulb went on. I should stress that I wasn’t sitting around pondering it—and had essentially forgotten the title. I’m pretty sure I’d have sussed it out earlier. The more I think about it, however, the less I think it’s appropriate—Polyptych would be better—Tetraptych or Quadriptych would be even more accurate. But who even knows those terms anymore?

Anyway, there’s a serial killer/rapist afoot in the Atlanta area—the ages, races, and socio-economic status are varied enough that the typical pattern doesn’t fit. The novel shows the hunt for the killer from three overlapping perspectives (with a fourth for a significant portion of the book, too).

The first is from APD Homicide Detective Michael Ormewood, who might be a perfectly adequate detective (it’s hard to tell at the beginning, but you have to assume he is). He is a terrible person however. I know the two aren’t related, but…ick. You want the killer to be stopped, but you really don’t want him to be the one who stops him. So, it’s nice that an agent from the Georgia Bureau of Investigations, Will Trent, comes along to consult on the murder investigation Ormewood’s involved with—and shows him that it’s connected to others.

The second perspective is that of an ex-con, who has been out for only a few months. You can’t help but like him—in sharp contrast to Ormewood—but he’s a convicted murderer and is a registered sex offender, so it’s hard to generate a lot of sympathy for him. The part of the novel focused on him includes so much backstory you’d be well within your rights to forget that you’re supposed to be worried about a killer in the present. He’s clearly reformed (but honestly, doesn’t remember committing the crime he’s convicted of), he’s a rare success story for the Criminal Justice system—sadly, the world isn’t going to recognize that anytime soon. Connecting him to the present case takes a long time, but proves to be pretty important.

The third perspective is that of Will Trent. I don’t know if this was supposed to be a stand-alone, or if the whole point of the novel was to introduce Trent as central character of the series. In the end, that was the result, though. Trent’s an oddball of a detective—but he’s incredibly good at what he does. Eventually he, and his on-again-off-again lover/lifelong best friend (a detective in Vice with an ugly history with Ormewood) start to put the pieces together.

Alllllmost DNFed

I didn’t like this novel much at all—and was pushing myself through it for at least the first half. Why? I don’t know—I just wasn’t in the mood for any other audiobook I had my hands on, I guess. Kramer’s narration, Slaughter’s style, the characters, and the experience as a whole, just left a sour taste in my mouth.

Eventually, while I still didn’t enjoy the book, I got to the point that I was going to listen just to see how the ex-con’s storyline ended up. Still, I almost returned this to the library at least eight times before that point (and once or twice after).

When Trent’s perspective took over, I enjoyed it enough to start thinking about getting book 2. Also, I wanted to see how Slaughter took this particular book and turned it into a series that’s gone on into eleven books (as of later this year) and spawned a TV series.

The Narration

Kramer does a capable job, I guess, but it just didn’t work for me. I’ve listened to other books by him before (have only written about one of them, though) and I’ve felt the same way. His name didn’t trigger anything for me, but that voice and delivery sure did.

Kramer has a list of credits that can only be described as “enviable,” and keeps getting work—so clearly I’m in the minority when it comes to him. His name isn’t enough to keep me from listening to a book—but it sure won’t convince me to give something a try if I’m on the fence about it.

So, what did I think about Triptych?

Huh. What do you know? I said pretty much everything I have to say already.

I actually think I’d have been better off walking away from it. The ending was satisfying and my curiosity about the ex-con was satiated. But I’m not happy with myself about it.

Trent and his friend (or whatever), Angie, are interesting enough that I do think I’ll come back for another ride, but I don’t think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. They’re the reason the book gets that 1/2 star.

2 1/2 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, the opinions expressed are my own.

The Neil Gaiman at the End of the Universe (Audiobook) by Arvind Ethan David, Neil Gaiman, Jewel Staite: Let’s Keep this Short and Sweet

The Neil Gaiman at the End of the UniverseThe Neil Gaiman at the End of the Universe

by Arvind Ethan David, Neil Gaiman (Narrator), Jewel Staite (Narrator)

Publisher: Audible
Publication Date: March 18, 2021
Format: Audible Original
Length: 29 min.
Read Date: December 28, 2022

This is a short story, so I’m not going to keep this short and sweet. Let’s go with a Pros and Cons list:

Pros Cons
Satisfying SF Story
Jewel Staite
Neil flippin’ Gaiman
Sound effects that are effective,
but a little too loud

It’s 29 minutes of entertaining goodness.

’nuff said.

4 Stars

My Favorite Audiobooks of 2022

My Favorite Audiobooks of 2022
Last year I kicked off my Year-End Retrospective with a look at my favorite audiobooks, I might as well repeat that this year. How do I keep this from being just a rehash of my other year-end lists? By focusing on the audiobook experience over the content. What was it like to listen to it? How engaging was it, how did the narrator do? Was it a good match in terms of tone, content, and performance? All of these books are/were good—but the audiobooks are a bit better because of the narrator and the rest of the people involved in the production.

(in alphabetical order by author)

The LawThe Law

by Jim Butcher

My original post
Sure, I love Harry Dresden—so it’s almost a given that this novella is going to show up somewhere on my end-of-year lists. The fact that Jim Butcher did the narration himself makes this something special (thankfully, he’s still fully intending on having James Marsters do the series). Butcher’s good at this, he’s not great, but he’s good. Hearing his idea about what the characters that we know and love sound like was a lot of fun. Also, after all the epic and emotional moments that Butcher’s put his fans through lately, having something non-epic or world-changing like this is such a nice breather.

4 Stars

Black Nerd ProblemsBlack Nerd Problems:

by William Evans & Omar Holmon

My original post
Funny, insightful, thoughtful, thought-provoking, passionate (about things both important and trivial). This collection of essays about pop culture, race, and the intersection of those two things was a surprise to me—I thought I’d have a good time with it, I didn’t know I’d have a great time and be moved, too. The authors narrated this themselves—both have backgrounds in poetry jams, and the panache from that shines through. I have quoted this and referred more people to various essays in this than probably anything else this year.

4 Stars

On Eden StreetOn Eden Street

by Peter Grainger, Gildart Jackson (Narrator)

My original post
This one makes the list due to the nature of the book and how well Jackson handled it. The previous book served as a transition point from the DC Smith Mysteries to the Kings Lake series—but this is the one that’s truly different. We have a bunch of new characters to deal with in addition to serving those we’ve grown accustomed to. The nature of the central character and his new boss underlines how different this is from the previous incarnation, but it’s the same books at their core. And Jackson gets both through to the listener. It’s all there in Grainger’s text, no doubt—but it’s the narration that solidifies it for the listener.

4 1/2 Stars

A Wizard's Guide to Defensive BakingA Wizard’s Guide to Defensive Baking

by T. Kingfisher, Patricia Santomasso (Narrator)

My original post
I don’t know if I can put my finger on why this made the list, but as I was looking over the list of audiobooks I read in ’22, as soon as I saw this one, I knew it had to make the list.

Between Kingfisher’s text and Santomasso’s narration, this was just a great experience. The story is fun, the characters (particularly as embodied, or emvoiced?, by Santomasso) were endearing—as a whole, it was an immersive and pleasant time—just what you want in an audiobook.

3.5 Stars

The World Record Book of Racist StoriesThe World Record Book
of Racist Stories

by Amber Ruffin & Lacey Lamar

My original post
My wife assures me that the paper version of this is well-worth reading, but I can’t imagine having the opportunity to listen to Ruffin and Lamar reading this and passing it up—the goofy voices they employ and little tunes they sing in addition to the reading adds a nice little layer to the book that you’re not going to get with the print edition.

This is a more serious, more somber, book than its predecessor was—by design. But because of that, it feels like they dialed the silliness up to help alleviate things. It can’t be an easy balancing act—discussing the horrors of everyday racism in a way that is entertaining enough that it can educate those that need it the most. Ruffin and Lamar hit that balance in both print and in audio.

4 Stars

How to Be PerfectHow to Be Perfect:
The Correct Answer to
Every Moral Question

by Michael Schur (Writer, Narrator)
with: Michael Schur, Kristen Bell, D’Arcy Carden, Ted Danson, William Jackson Harper, Manny Jacinto, Marc Evan Jackson, Jameela Jamil, and Todd May

My original post
Yeah, that’s a huge cast—but 95+% of the work is done by Schur. The contributions of the rest shouldn’t be overlooked, but when you think about the narration, you’re going to be thinking about the author, Mike Schur. My appreciation for Schur’s writing goes back before I knew who he was on a baseball blog that I really enjoyed. After that, I got on board with this TV writing and became a huge fan. What puts this audiobook on this list is the way that Schur is able (thanks to his own writing) to make this introduction to ethics and philosophy so accessible. It doesn’t feel dry, or head-in-the-clouds at all. Yes, I have significant issues with a lot of the thinking in this book (he rules out theism or morality given to us by a deity from the get -go), but that doesn’t mean I can’t learn from it—I can’t gain an appreciation of the thinking through ethical dilemmas.

I had fun, and I think I learned something. You can’t ask for more.

4 Stars

Movies (And Other Things)Movies (And Other Things)

by Shea Serrano, Mario Toscano (Narrator)

My original post
There’s a little bit of the seriousness of Black Nerd Problems in this collection of essays about Movies (and things like it), but Serrano doesn’t spend that much time with it. Serrano’s approach to movies is a wonderful hybrid of fanboy and educated critic that can appeal to people all over that spectrum. This results in a book that’s a great combination of movie knowledge/insight, social commentary, and humor mixed throughout each of these. Even when it came to movies I’ve never seen, have no interest in seeing, or saw ages ago and don’t remember well, Serrano kept me pretty engaged and entertained. Toscano’s narration is so good, so convincing that you have to remind yourself that he’s reading Serrano’s words and isn’t speaking from the heart.

3.5 Stars

We Are Legion (We Are Bob)We Are Legion (We Are Bob)

by Dennis E. Taylor, Ray Porter (Narrator)

My original post
Stumbling across this series is one of the highlights of 2022 for me. Ray Porter doing the narration is what pushed me to give this story a shot, and I’d be happy I did if only for his narration. I can think of a handful of narrators that could’ve got this gig (based on their other work, etc.) and I’m not sure how many of them would’ve got me to come back so quickly—nothing against Taylor’s text, but it’s Porter’s skill and warmth that elevates this book (and the rest of the series) into something I can see myself revisiting often.

It’s not all about Porter, I should make clear—Taylor has a gift for SF comedy. Throw in Bob’s snark and optimism and the great premise that pretty much opens the door for Taylor to do just about anything he wants in the series for as long as he wants to, and you’ve got yourself a real winner.
3 Stars

The HobbitThe Hobbit, or
There and Back Again

by J.R.R. Tolkien, Andy Serkis (Narrator)

My original post
As soon as I read that Serkis was doing audiobook versions of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, I knew I had to listen to them—what could be better? I mean, for the scene between Bilbo and Gollum alone, you know that The Hobbit is going to be worth the time and expense. And it was.

The rest of the book is great, too, make no mistake. Serkis knows what he’s doing with his voice—because of the nature of a lot of his acting jobs, his voice has to carry the performance that his (own and natural) face can’t. It’s a great skill that he brings to bear on an audiobook’s narration. This is just a joy to listen to.

5 Stars

Free BillyFree Billy

by Don Winslow, Ed Harris (Narrator)

My original post
Speaking of actors who can do a lot with their voice, here’s Ed Harris. There’s something so natural about his delivery of this short story that I have to wonder why he hasn’t been making audiobooks for years. It’s like Winslow’s words were written solely for him (I’ve heard three of these Audible Originals from this pair and could listen to another 20 this year). This book is a sequel to The Dawn Patrol—one of my All-Time Desert Island books. You get Ed Harris to do the narration on that, and you know I’m going to love it. People who aren’t me are likely going to enjoy it a lot, too.

(sure, there’s part of me that wishes Ray Porter had been used—his work on the audiobook for The Dawn Patrol was stellar, but why be greedy?)

5 Stars

Catch-Up Quick Takes: A Handful of Audiobooks

I’m really behind on posting about audiobooks, so I’m going to tackle this half-dozen in one whack. It bugs me to not to write something about half of these, but at the rate I’m going, it’s just not going to happen. As always, the point of these quick takes posts is to catch up on my “To Write About” stack—emphasizing pithiness, not thoroughness.

Legends & LattesLegends & Lattes

by Travis Baldree

Publisher: Macmillan Audio
Publication Date: June 14, 2022
Format: Unabridged Audiobook
Length: 6 hrs., 22 min.
Read Date: September 30-October 3, 2022
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(the official blurb)
Opening a coffee shop has to be hard—period. Especially if you happen to be an ork, tired of the adventuring and killing, who wants to retire to a quiet community (instead of dying in battle). Harder still if no one in this part of the world has ever heard of coffee. But Viv’s not known for backing down, she’s going to give it her all.

This is possibly the sweetest Fantasy story ever written. It’s just pleasant—as pleasant as whiling away an hour or two in a comfy coffee shop chair with some great beverages. I’ve got nothing else to say, everything else would just be a rewording or unnecessary expansion on that.

Baldree’s narration was as good as his text—sometimes I wonder about the ego involved in an author doing their own narration, when they just shouldn’t. But Baldree absolutely should’ve.

3.5 Stars

The Old Woman with the KnifeThe Old Woman with the Knife

by Gu Byeong-mo, Chi-Young Kim (Translator), Nancy Wu (Narrator)

Publisher: Harlequin Enterprises, Limited
Publication Date: March 8, 2022
Format: Unabridged Audiobook
Length: 6 hrs., 29 min.
Read Date: October 12-13, 2022
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(the official blurb)
I think I need to read this, so I can focus on some things I didn’t give enough attention to (and a couple of the names confused me a bit, so I know I missed some things while I figured out the context).

But this story about an aging assassin who might be having memory issues, and could be developing a conscience of sorts—while trying to put a young up-and-comer in their place was just great.

Every front worked—the emotional moments, the dry wit, the action and intrigue, the character development…all solidly delivered. I’d probably have rated this higher if I’d read it and could’ve been more careful in understanding. Strongly recommended.
3.5 Stars

The Vexed GenerationThe Vexed Generation

by Scott Meyer, Luke Daniels (Narrator)

Series: Magic 2.0, #6
Publisher:  Audible Studios on Brilliance
Publication Date: June 6, 2019
Format: Unabridged Audiobook
Length: 9 hrs., 55 min.
Read Date: October 20-24, 2022
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(the official blurb)
Oh, this was just fun. Gwen and Martin’s kids are teens now, and discover the whole magic/computer thing on their own (mostly because Gwen, Martin, and Philip are in major trouble and the teens blame Philip). We get to see some magic that’s not in the medieval England or Atlantean model, and see how strange everything in the first 5 books really is through the twins’ fresh eyes.

Daniels was his typical great self; Meyers was inventive, clever, and witty (as you expect), and the story was very satisfying.

If this is the end of the road for this series, it was a great way to go. If not? I’m really going to enjoy what comes next.
3.5 Stars

Druid Vices and a VodkaDruid Vices and a Vodka

by Annette Marie, Cris Dukehart (Narrator)

Series: The Guild Codex: Spellbound Series, #6
Publisher: Tantor Audio
Publication Date: March 17, 2020
Format: Unabridged Audiobook
Length: 9 hrs., 15 min.
Read Date: November 16-18, 2022
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(the official blurb)
I’m getting a little annoyed by this series, I have to admit—I’m in it for the long-haul, make no mistake. But man…it feels like we’re just spinning our wheels with a couple of the storylines (and not in believable ways, mostly just to stretch out the drama), and Tori just refuses to learn or develop in any meaningful way (which is realistic, sure, but irritating in a fictional character after this long).

Still, I enjoy the novels, and am intrigued by some of the developments. Dukehart is fun to listen to—and the way this is interwoven with the other series ensures I’m sticking around.
3 Stars

The Mututal FriendThe Mutual Friend

by Carter Bays, George Newbern (Narrator)

Publisher: Penguin Audio
Publication Date: June 7, 2022
Format: Unabridged Audiobook
Length: 15 hrs.,  56 min.
Read Date: November 21-25, 2022
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(the official blurb)
Whatever problems I have with this are not with Newbern—I really enjoyed the narration.

I also really enjoyed portions of this—I can’t say entire storylines or characters—but maybe half of each? (some of the beginnings were great and then fell apart, some ended so well that I forgot that I really didn’t want anything to do with the characters/story, and some had great middles).

I found the overall “Friend” idea that tied all these divergent stories together both a great idea, and problematic at the same time.

I really wanted to like this, and assumed going in that I was going to love it. But I think this novel has taught me a lesson I should’ve learned with his TV show—Bays has moments of brilliance, but shouldn’t be allowed too much control over a story’s ending. (but if given the chance, I’m sure I’ll give him another try)

2 1/2 Stars

Bookish PeopleBookish People

by Susan Coll, Alexa Morden (Narrator)

Publisher: Harper Muse
Publication Date: August 2, 2022
Format: Unabridged Audiobook
Length: 8 hrs., 11 min.
Read Date: November 29-December 1, 2022
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(the official blurb)
Coll tried so hard—you could feel the effort on every page. There were some truly amusing moments, and even a little sweetness here. But every storyline was entirely predictable—and not in the way that can be comfy and reassuring, but in a disappointing way. The madcap/slapstick moments felt disorganized and chaotic. The earnest parts felt like a Hallmark card.

The parts of the book that were about the ups and downs, travails and semi-triumphs, of a small bookstore made me like this enough not to resent the experience. But that’s about the best thing I can say.

2 1/2 Stars

This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase from any of them, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, opinions are my own.

The World Record Book of Racist Stories (Audiobook) by Amber Ruffin & Lacey Lamar: Records No One Should Want to Hold (but too many vie for)

The World Record Book of Racist StoriesThe World Record Book
of Racist Stories

by Amber Ruffin & Lacey Lamar

Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
Publication Date: November 22, 2022
Format: Unabridged Audiobook
Length: 4 hrs., 54 min.
Read Date: November 28-29, 2022
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An Issue with Sequels/Follow Ups

As I’m sitting here thinking about what to write, I keep comparing this to last year’s You’ll Never Believe What Happened to Lacey: Crazy Stories about Racism. This is intentional because this is very much a Part II to that book. But it’s different, too. So it makes sense to contrast it so I can give an idea of how it’s different.

At the same time, I run the risk of sounding dull—”You’ll Never Believe did X, The World Record Book did Y,” “The World Record Book is more Z than…,” and so on.

I don’t know how to avoid that—so I guess this is an apology in advance? I’ll try to limit the comparisons and keep this interesting, if only because the book deserves to give a good impression, even if I’m not able to do that.

What’s The World Record Book of Racist Stories About?

Because they got to share a bunch of stories in the first book—primarily about Lacey—the sisters wanted to give the rest of their family, and some friends, the chance to get their stories told. Or, as they put it, “air out [their] dirty racist laundry.”

Ruffin warns:

FYI: You’ll be able to tell the difference between this book and the last book. This one’s gonna be a bit heavier. A touch more serious. The reason for that is with the first book, Lacey and | got to giggle through silly racism stories, and it felt great. So, if the family wants to share their stories too, however they want to share, we welcome that. We want them to feel great and heard and blah, blah, bloo. There’s plenty of silliness, it’s just that the rest of the family is less likely to remember the funnier racist stories. They have not been keeping journals. But those terrible, scary racist stories? Maaaan, they remember those like a mug. So, to emotionally prepare you, I’d call this book fifty-fifty silly-scary racist stories. Okay? So, don’t come to me talking about “It wasn’t like the first book” ‘cause you’ve been warned.

To balance out these stories, the interplay between the sisters seems a bit sillier than before (in the print version, each has their own typeface so you can see it)—up to, and including, them singing their own little ditties in the audio. The authors also include some pictures for illustration of the ridiculousness of the story or for a little burst of joy or cuteness to alleviate the heaviness of the stories they’re telling.

I should add there are a couple of anecdotes that really silly or scary, just heartbreaking.*

* Granted, there’s a sense in which all of these are heartbreaking, humanity’s inhumanity always is. So I guess those stories are extra-heartbreaking. Heartbreaking cubed.

The Organization of the Book

So, the theme of this book is there in the title—it’s a Guinness World Records collection, but no one wants to get their stories told here (names have been changed to protect those involved—according to the authors, at Lamar’s insistence over Ruffin’s intentions). The anecdotes are arranged under broad topics (or for the person they’re about), and they are each given a title like “Most Confusing Racist Phrase,” “Worst Car Service,” “Most Racist Pilot,” “Worst Celebrity Look-Alike,” “Worst Teacher,” and so on. Several of the category names are clearly exercises in creativity by the authors, like “Most Regular Degular, Day-to-Day Racism” or “Most Racist Comment I Was Not Part Of”

These Worsts and Bests, it must be remembered, apply to their family and circle of friends. Most minorities in this country can probably come up with their own “Worst Nursing Home Experience,” “Second Worst Bar Patron,” or “Worst Interview.”

A Variety of Storytellers

In the previous book, the stories were predominately told about things that happened to Ruffin or Lamar, as I’ve said. This time out, they bring in stories about their mother, father, all their siblings, a sibling-in-law, a former Nebraska state senator, and even a couple of white people (for contrast).

In fact, the book opens with an anecdote from a white, male friend about a traffic stop. It’s really atypical encounter, and one that this white, male would enjoy having. But, Ruffin says that it’s the story that shocked her the most. I don’t blame her if what follows is what she’s used to. Roughly midway through the book, we get another five quick anecdotes from a friend that Ruffin trades “opposite stories” with:

Stories where I’m suffering some racist nonsense and she’s getting away with everything but murder. It’s so shocking to me. I can’t believe this is happening to my little bud. Being white is hilarious. So, as you read these next five stories, try to think about how out of place they are in this book. Try to imagine a Black man getting away with any of this. It’s fun because you can’t!

With at least four of these, I agree—I can’t imagine that. Probably not the other, either.

They also include some anecdotes from state senator Tanya Cook, a nice (?) reminder that it’s common to find this kind of behavior anywhere.

So, what did I think about The World Record Book of Racist Stories?

Lamar writes in her closing remarks:

I’m glad our family and people from the community got the chance to share these stories with you. No matter how you feel about them, they have happened and are happening out there to not just a small group of people in Omaha, Nebraska, but to absolutely anyone at anytime, anywhere. I personally feel that by sharing these stories we are shining a light on racism, ignorance, and just some all-around hilarious shit.

That’s a pretty good way to summarize this book. And it’s a light that needs to be shone in a way that the masses will take it in. In our culture, for better or worse, the best way to do that is to make it funny and chopped up into digestible bits*. Which is what Ruffin and Lamar did here.

* See Planet Funny by Ken Jennings for more on that.

I didn’t enjoy this as much as the first—no offense to the authors and contributors, but it wasn’t as fun. If only the Introduction had warned me… But the authors worked hard to make it enjoyable—it’s just hard to do with the subject matter. As it grawlix-ing should be. The fact that they succeeded at all is remarkable.

Pretty much, you can read what I said about You’ll Never Believe and apply it here, just with a little less laughter. But I did laugh audibly at a few points, so there’s that. I also shook my head enough in unbelief/despair/denial that I’m surprised I didn’t pull something.

It may not be my favorite non-fiction read of the year (but it’s close), but it might be the most important one. Pick this (and the predecessor) up, folks.

4 Stars

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Catch-Up Quick Takes: Two Educational Satires and One Memoir

I didn’t have enough mental bandwidth for a full post today, thankfully I had a couple of Catch-Up posts started that I could wrap up and get out. As always, the point of these quick takes posts is to catch up on my “To Write About” stack—emphasizing pithiness, not thoroughness.

Tracy Flick Can't WinTracy Flick Can’t Win

by Tom Perrotta, Lucy Liu (Narrator), Dennis Boutsikaris (Narrator), Jeremy Bobb (Narrator), Ramona Young (Narrator), Ali Andre Ali (Narrator), and Pete Simonelli (Narrator)

Series: Tracy Flick, #2
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio
Publication Date: June 6, 2022
Format: Unabridged Audiobook
Length: 6 hrs., 2 min.
Read Date: September 6-7, 2022
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(the official blurb)
I didn’t realize this was a sequel to Election until I was about halfway through when some of the backstory matched up with the trailers I’d seen about the movie (I also didn’t realize Election was a Perotta novel until that point). I’d have taken a pass on this otherwise. It’s not the kind of sequel that depends on you knowing the original, but still…

Anyway, this is a meandering novel that didn’t really feel like it knew what story/stories it was trying to tell. If it was a comedy, a dramedy, or something more serious. I didn’t connect with any of the characters, and couldn’t care if they got what they wanted or not. I think I came close a couple of times, but it never took. The conclusion was even worse.

None of this is the fault of the narrators—they were fine. Any one of them could’ve carried the whole book (or, if you insist, one male and one female—preferably Liu and Boutsikaris). The book didn’t need all six and having them didn’t add enough to justify it. But it wasn’t bad on that front.

2 Stars

Adequate Yearly ProgressAdequate Yearly Progress

by Roxanna Elden, Roxanna Ortega (Narrator)

Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio
Publication Date: February 10, 2020
Format: Unabridged Audiobook
Length: 11 hrs., 5 min.
Read Date: September 7-9, 2022
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(the official blurb)
I might have gotten into this a bit more if I hadn’t just finished Tracy Flick Can’t Win, even so, this was a much better look at a school and various employees there struggling to get by and to do their jobs.

Adequate Yearly Progress is one of those books that’s been on my radar for years—I think I even heard Elden on a podcast after I’d had it on my radar for some time (probably Author Stories). But I’d never moved it to the front of the line—which is a shame, because it’s better than most of the school satires I’ve read (which is probably what kept me away). Thankfully, my library just added a copy and I was reminded of it.

This is set in a Texas High School that’s seen better days—the staff struggles to connect with the students, with each other, and to meet the rapidly changing (and largely useless) demands of the District. A consulting company comes in to improve things (and totally, honestly, not to sell the school new textbooks, technology, etc. to support their for-profit Charter Schools), and things get even worse.

There’s a whole lot to like about this book, and little to dislike. I think the satire could’ve been a bit sharper, but not much. It was maybe a tad too long. It didn’t click with me the way I’d expected/hoped, but I found it satisfying and I do recommend it—and think many people will like it more than I did (and even if you don’t, you’ll still enjoy it enough to be glad you picked it up).
3 Stars

Heads in BedsHeads in Beds:
A Reckless Memoir of
Hotels, Hustles, and
So-Called Hospitality

by Jacob Tomsky

Publisher: Random House Audio
Publication Date: November 19, 2012
Format: Unabridged Audiobook
Length: 8 hrs., 3 min.
Read Date: September 29-30, 2022
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(the official blurb)
This memoir about working in higher-end hotels in Atlanta and NYC has a good moment or two and is occasionally amusing, but I kept waiting for Tomsky to get to a point. I’m not sure he did—I enjoyed a lot of this book. But there’s an emptiness to the narrative that left me dissatisfied.

2 1/2 Stars

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For We Are Many (Audiobook) by Dennis E. Taylor, Ray Porter (Narrator): Who Knew that Finding a Replacement for Earth Was the Easy Part

For We Are ManyFor We Are Many

by Dennis E. Taylor, Ray Porter (Narrator)

Series: Bobiverse, Book 2
Publisher: Audible Studios
Publication Date: September 18, 2017
Format: Unabridged Audiobook
Length: 8 hrs, 59 min.
Read Date: September 28-29, 2022
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What’s For We Are Many About?

It’s been around 40 years or so since the Bobs started their mission of finding a place for the tiny sliver of humanity that’s still eking out a survival on Earth. They’ve started colonizing one planet and continue to look for others.

On Earth terrorists upset with the evacuation priorities—and some that think humanity should die off—harass the efforts and cause a little trouble. Extra-terrestrial life (some sentient and some others) cause other problems for the Bobs. The Brazilian probes are still trying to attack, too.

Then they encounter an alien space-traveling species—their first. This group (soon dubbed the Others) are enough to make Star Trek‘s the Bord look warm and fuzzy. Naturally, the Bobs quickly annoy them.

But really, the biggest problem comes from within. The Bobs are having a hard time coping with their virtual invulnerability as they deal with humans (and others) who aren’t so long-lived. Some of the Bobs begin calling them “ephemerals” as they try to find ways to cope. Whatever the problems that come from their opponents throughout the universe, it looks like this one may be the biggest challenge.

Ray Porter’s Narration

Porter was the deciding factor for me trying out the series in the first place, and he’d be enough of a reason to stick around. I don’t need him to be—the story and characters are really what are keeping me around—but him doing narrating is a nice bonus.

I really don’t know what to say beyond that—I’m becoming a real Porter fan here (and got excited a couple of days ago when I saw he’s done some work on another series I just started).

So, what did I think about For We Are Many?

This is exactly what a sequel to We Are Legion (We Are Bob) should be—the action picks up right where we left off, the stories continue to develop well and we get some good resolution, the stakes get raised, and the characters develop in ways that are natural yet unanticipated. The laughs are still there as is the tension—and maybe both are a little sharper. I love how all these Bobs are variations of each other, and yet come across as so distinctive (while Porter barely does anything different for almost all of them)—that’s in the writing and the performing, and it’s just great.

The last hour or so was the best writing and character work in the two books and made me eager for the next one.

This is great popcorn fun, and something tells me that I’m going to spend a lot of time with Mr. Taylor over the next few months (at least) (and hopefully more time with Mr. Porter, too).

3.5 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, the opinions expressed are my own.

The Ophelia Network (Audiobook) by Mur Lafferty, Khristine Hvam: A Cute (?) Dystopian Thriller

The Ophelia NetworkThe Ophelia Network

by Mur Lafferty, Khristine Hvam (Narrator)

Publisher: Audible Studios
Publication Date: May 26, 2022
Format: Audible Original
Length: 2 hrs., 42 min.
Read Date: October 13-14, 2022

What’s The Ophelia Network About?

Under a dystopian U.S. government, a group of resistance workers coordinate through encoded messages in newspapers—but when the government sends censors to those outlets, they have to find a new way to spread the word to their operatives.

Which is where Libby comes in—it’s a children’s TV show—sort of a Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?, but with puppets. The show’s new intern (a recently laid-off newspaper reporter) is using nonsense lyrics in their songs to communicate these messages.

We join the story when the actor playing the human character on the show is being interrogated, and get flashbacks catching us up to the present.

All of this happens under the watchful and helpful gaze of the “unhackable” Alexa/Siri-esque electronic assistant, Ophelia, that’s in every office, interrogation room, and restaurant.

Khristine Hvam

I’ve listened to something like twenty audiobooks narrated by Hvam—all reading Faith Hunter works (I thought I listened to a non-Hunter book, but can’t prove it). I enjoy what she does, she can deliver solid character work and accents, and evoke the right emotions. What I didn’t know is that a cartoon voice from her can crack me up—there’s a giggle we hear in this that would be worth the purchase price (if Audible didn’t include it for members). There’s one other character voice that doesn’t sound like someone from Hunter’s works, which is almost as good, too.

I had a blast with this.

So, what did I think about The Ophelia Network?

A novel-length version of this story might be too much—but I think this novella isn’t quite enough. It’s just a little too short, the story doesn’t get to be fully played out. Yes, Lafferty closes things off cleverly (especially if she didn’t want to get detailed about the ending), and no, I don’t think we needed to see the government fall/change for this to be an effective story. But we needed something a little more.

I am not complaining about what Lafferty and Hvam gave us, though—I just wanted more of it. I don’t know if a sequel is planned, but I’d welcome it. It’s a good Orwellian-ish story but with just enough humor to keep it from being entirely oppressive and dark. There’s a lot more to explore, but if that doesn’t happen, I’m satisfied with what we received.

This caught my eye after I read Lafferty’s Station Eternity, and seeing Hvam’s name on it sealed the deal. I’m going to keep an eye out for more from Lafferty, there’s something that she’s doing that just clicks with me. The Ophelia Network isn’t perfect, but I enjoyed this glance at a dystopian future, the characters and plot worked, and Hvam knocked it out of the park. If you have the means, give it a shot.

3 Stars

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