Tag: Danny E. Olinger

A Geerhardus Vos Anthology edited by Danny E. Olinger: A Collection of Theological Gems

A Geerhardus Vos AnthologyA Geerhardus Vos Anthology:
Biblical and Theological
Insights Alphabetically Arranged

edited by Danny E. Olinger

Publisher: P & R Publishing
Publication Date: March 11, 2005
Format: Paperback
Length: 363
Read Date: January 1-June 25, 2023
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What’s A Geerhardus Vos Anthology About?

Danny Olinger literally wrote the book on Geerhardus Vos,* but he’s been studying him for a lot longer than that. As a part of his own personal study, he’s taken notes—he’s written quotations that meant a lot to him, seemed important, and so on—basically (as he put it in the Preface) “the best” of what he was reading. He built upon this foundation to assemble this anthology.

* 2018’s Geerhardus Vos: Reformed Biblical Theologian, Confessional Presbyterian.

Arranged topically (and those topics are arranged alphabetically), this is a collection of excerpts of varying lengths (all pretty short) from his published and published writings—the crème de la crème of one of the best of the 20th Century.

There’s also a great introduction by Olinger outlining Vos’ importance and work.

So, what did I think about A Geerhardus Vos Anthology?

My guess is that this book isn’t meant to be a devotional read, it’s a resource—a reference book. A quick way to find some of Vos’ insights and then know what work to consult for more. That’s a better use for it, for sure. But I liked the way I read it.

So I took this as a letter at a time (although some letter’s entries were long enough that I split them in two). It made for a nice few minutes once a week to think about a variety of bite-sized nuggets of Biblical Theology.

Some were pithy, some took a little chewing to get through—all were insightful and useful (although some took some thinking to figure out how they were useful). Most of all, each one made me curious about the work they were excerpted from.

One aspect (I’m not sure if it’s a pro or a con) of this book being a collection of short (1 sentence to 4 paragraphs or so) thoughts is that some jumped out at me more than others, I’m pretty sure that I could restart it today and different things would grab my attention.

This is a great way to get an easy-to-read introduction to Vos. Grace and Glory might be better—but this is nothing to sneeze at.

5 Stars

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Clearing the Deck: Tweet-length thoughts about books I can’t find time to write about

Yeah, I have a daunting TBR stack, but I also have too many books on my “To Write About” pile, and it’s bugging me. So, I’m cutting myself some slack, and am clearing the deck of everything from 2019 and before that I haven’t made time for. This was painful to do, I was looking forward to writing about most of these, but I’m just not going to get to them–and the 2020 books are starting to pile up, too. So, in 144 characters or less, here’s me cutting myself some slack.

(Click on the cover for an official site with more info)

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Geerhardus Vos: Reformed Biblical Theologian, Confessional Presbyterian
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Geerhardus Vos: Reformed Biblical Theologian, Confessional Presbyterian by Danny E. Olinger
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3 Stars
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3 Stars
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Dragon Blood
3 Stars
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3 Stars
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Undeath and Taxes
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Undeath and Taxes by Drew Hayes, Kirby Heyborne (Narrator)
A little better than the first volume, an enjoyable way to spend a few hours.
Dragon Bones
3 Stars
Dragon Blood by Patricia Briggs, Joe Manganiello (Narrator)
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4 Stars
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3.5 Stars
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No Sweat
3 Stars
No Sweat: How the Simple Science of Motivation Can Bring You a Lifetime of Fitness by Michelle Segar, Ph.D.
A great way to look at keeping (or getting) yourself motivated to exercise.

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