Tag: Fantasy Page 1 of 44

HC Chats with Paul Regnier about Monster Therapist and the Warlock’s Citadel and some other stuff

HC sat down with literary local Paul Regnier (https://www.pauljregnier.com/) to talk about his books, influences, and things of that nature.

Some of the books we mentioned were:
Paul’s books/writing:
Space Drifters trilogy
Luke and Bandit cozy mysteries
Bard Tidings
Monster Therapist and the Warlock’s Citadel
Almost the Chosen One Substack by Paul Regnier

Other books we mentioned/discussed:
The Sword of Shannara Trilogy by Terry Brooks
Magic Kingdom for Sale–Sold! by Terry Brooks
MythAdventures by Robert Asprin series
Mark of the Fool by J.M. Clarke
Sir Hereward and Mister Fitz by Garth Nix
The Unraveling of Emlyn DuLaine by Lindsay A. Franklin
I’m Afraid You’ve Got Dragons by Peter S. Beagle

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REPOSTING JUST CUZ: The Hero Interviews by Andi Ewington: A Thoughtful Fantasy Adventure Shares the Page with 900 Fireball Jokes, 750 Quips about Useless Clerics, 600 Ways to Mock Paladins, and Plenty of Other Comedic Bits

So this is like a month overdue. I feel really bad about that because Andi Ewington got his Q&A responses back to me in record-time and I paid him back by dithering with this. It’s one of those I started and abandoned several times because it wasn’t right. This isn’t either, but I forced myself to actually finish it—it’s just going to get worse the more I tinker with it.

Oh, yeah, and do check in later this morning for a very nice Q&A with Ewington.

Cover of The Hero Interviews by Andi EwingtonThe Hero Interviews

by Andi Ewington

Publisher: Forty-Five Limited
Publication Date: December 1, 2022
Format: eBook
Length: 925 pgs.
Read Date: January 20-February 11, 2023

What’s The Hero Interviews About?

The child and sibling of heroic adventurers, Elburn Barr, has taken a different path in life—one fit for someone with his particular set of skills (or lack thereof). He is a Loremaster—no spells, weapons, or danger for him, thank you very much. At this point in his life/career, Elburn has set out to understand what makes a hero tick—what is it that drives them, what early influences molded them, how do they keep going on? Does it vary from type to type? Are Barbarians made of different stuff from a Cleric or a Thief? What about a Ranger or a Wizard?

In addition to interviewing various leading examples of each type of hero, he talks to non-heroes, too. Like a farmer whose farm was saved(?) by some heroes from a dragon, the curator of a hero museum, people who run/design dungeons, etc.

We get these interviews in transcript form—with a little introduction from Elburn at the beginning of each, and maybe a little narrative about what’s going on around them during the interview, or what he does after. But primarily, it’s transcriptions of the interviews.

In addition to trying to understand the heroic psyche in general, Elburn’s hoping to understand and maybe connect with his adventurer-filled family. But he has an ulterior motive for all this—his older brother went off adventuring ten summers ago, and Elburn would like to know what happened to him. He’s hoping to find him alive somewhere but will settle for just knowing what happened.

This sounds heavy—but I should stress that this is a comedy. There’s a serious story (or three) being told, sure. But the book is a comedy.

Comic Footnotes

I’m a long-established fan of comic footnotes in novels—see what I’ve said about Josh Bazell, Lisa Lutz, Thomas Lennon, and K.R.R. Lockhaven for example. But Ewington puts them all to shame.

At least in terms of volume—there are almost 2 per page, although I’d have wagered it was higher than that (that’s an average—there are pages with several). Occasionally, it feels annoying to stop the flow of what you’re reading to check it. All I can say is that if you’re feeling that way, just keep reading and then circle back for the footnote after that bit of dialogue or at the end of the chapter—it’s not going anywhere.

On the whole, they work better in the moment without doubling back, so click the link if you’re not at the annoyed point. I did it both ways depending on my mood and can vouch for both methods. Whatever you do, don’t skip them.

You get a good sense of Elburn’s personality and attitude toward his interview subjects from the main text—but it really shines forth in the footnotes. To really understand the protagonist, you need to read them.

But your comedy-per-word ratio is higher in the footnotes, too. In the main text, comedy has to come out of the words, situations, and characters. In the footnotes, Ewington doesn’t have to do that—he can just make the joke. Frequently, that’s all it is—the joke. Neither is a superior joke-delivery method, it’s just easier to get to the funny bit in the footnote.


Anyone who’s into Fantasy to one degree or another is going to be able to appreciate most of what Ewington’s doing here. There is a pretty solid D&D-basis to everything, however, so the more you understand and/or have been exposed to the game.

The Length

There’s no getting around this point, The Hero Interviews is long. One might argue that it’s too long. I’m not sure I’d agree—but I wouldn’t disagree.

Early on (maybe around the 20% mark), I started to wonder if this thing wouldn’t work better as a trilogy. Break this into (roughly) thirds, add a 1-3 page Epilogue/Prologue to each to connect them and it’s a lot easier to digest. I think it’d work. Check out my Q&A with Ewington to see why he disagrees with that idea. I’m not entirely convinced, but at the end of the day, it’s not that important.

I do wonder how many readers will find their patience pushed by the length—I’d tell them to stick with it because it’s absolutely worth it (but taking a break every few chapters isn’t the worst idea).

A practical downside to the length is that it’s likely cost-prohibitive to publish this in paperback. This is a real shame because everyone I can think of to give this to won’t read it in ebook. (but I’m trying to think of a way to work around that)

So, what did I think about The Hero Interviews?

I hate when people drag out Douglas Adams or Terry Pratchett when talking about humorous SF/F, but I can’t get away from this one. For a long time, I’ve said that Life, the Universe, and Everything by Douglas Adams isn’t so much a novel as it is a series of comic episodes/scenes/bits trying to look like a novel.* As I’ve been trying to come up with a succinct way to talk about this book the last few weeks, I’ve decided that it’s the opposite—it’s a novel trying to look like a series of comic episodes/scenes/lines.

* I feel compelled to add at this point that I love the book, some of my favorite lines/paragraphs/ideas from Adams are in it. But it’s not a good novel.

It takes a while to see the plotlines emerge—it really does seem to be a light-hearted look at D&D clichés, stereotypes, tropes, etc. at the beginning, but eventually, you start to see the story arcs emerging and even start to see Elburn grow and develop. That’s something I didn’t expect to see when I started reading this.

If only because I have memories of interview transcripts and fantasy humor (and sadly, not much else), I expected this to feel like Off to See the Wizard by Clay Johnson, but it really doesn’t. Ewington’s ambitions are larger—and he packs more jokes into his pages. Ewington is also more interested in playing with the tropes and types of the genre, while Johnson was working within pretty well-established types.

Once I got to the interview with Gwenyn, the poor farmer with a field ruined by a dragon corpse left behind by heroes, I knew this book was for me. The Mime Warrior interview was so ridiculous that I had to love it—and I even came around to the least-Conan-like Barbarian (I admit I had a hard time with that one at first blush). Ewington both seems to embrace and relish going for the obvious joke—but the way he gets there, or what he surrounds the obvious joke with—that’s pretty special and creative. I’m not sure that makes a lot of sense, you’re just going to have to read it to see what I’m trying to communicate.

It’s really easy to see why Jodie recommended this one to me for the 12 Books Challenge, and I’m so glad she did (I wanted to, but hadn’t gotten around to buying it until she did). You should pretend that she recommended it to you, too (here, read her post about it). I mean, I’m recommending it to you—but maybe you’ll listen to both of us more than you’d listen to just me.

You’ll laugh; you’ll chuckle; you’ll grin; you’ll shake your head and roll your eyes while wondering, “Did he just find another way to make the same fireball joke?”*; and you’ll have a lot of fun. No better time than the present to go grab this, you’ll be glad you did.

* Yes, yes he did.

4 Stars

Nothing Special: Concerning Wings by Katie Cook: More Time with These Characters = More Joy for Me

I just don’t know what to say about Vol. 2 that, by and large, I said about Vol. 1 of Nothing Special, but I wanted to say something. So, yeah, I appropriated a good deal of what I wrote before. If Cook is going to be so consistent that I can’t say something new, I have to.

Cover of Concerning Wings by Katie CookConcerning Wings

by Katie Cook

Series: Nothing Special, Volume Two
Publisher: Ten Speed Graphic
Publication Date: October 22, 2024
Format: Hardcover
Length: 352 pg.
Read Date: February 8-15, 2025
Buy from Bookshop.org Support Indie Bookstores

What’s Concerning Wings About?

Callie is focused on helping her dad around his shop–she’s all-in on this life now that she understands more about where she came from and is allowed to leave the town.

Declan is getting more comfortable with his new identity, too. Until he injures his wing and it makes him very ill. Far more so than he’d imagine. So Callie starts looking for a cure–they’re pointed to fairy healer. So they set off on a short trip to find one. Along the way they end up learning more about Fairies in general.


I felt so bad that I couldn’t remember Lasser’s name when I posted about Vol. 1, so I made sure to get it this time.

This time his arc focuses on his obsession with Romance novels (they’d probably be classified as Romantasy in our world, but since he lives in Fairyland…they’re just Romance). They’re basically the prism he sees everything through. Until he gets the opportunity to talk to someone he finds attractive and…well. Let’s just say it works a lot better in books.

Declan and Cassie

If I’m talking about Lasser, I’d better mention these two. But what is there to day? They’re so cute. Individually and as a couple.

They’ve grown as a couple in between books–they know how to read each other, take care of each other–and have fun with each other. (even at the other’s expense, in a good-hearted way).

I should have something more to say about them, but I don’t. Based on the way this volume ends, I’ll have something more to work with after Vol. 3.

A Word The Art

I just loved it. It’s bright, energetic, lively, and adorable. That last one may sound patronizing, but I can’t come up with a better word for all of the art. It just brought a smile to my face.

The radish ghost (all the ghosts, but let’s focus on it) is one of the cutest things I’ve seen in months. The little accent bits of art throughout the book featuring similar looking ghosts and non-story jokes are just as good.

I don’t know what else to say, but I loved the art.

So, what did I think about Concerning Wings?

From the dedication (literally) to the end, and all points in between, I had a blast with this book.

I don’t have anything deep, meaningful, or particularly insightful to say here—nor do I have a lot to say (believe it or not).

I thought the story was fun. I less-than-threed the characters so much. The art made me smile—as did the book as a whole. The pages just melted away. It’s cute, it’s effortlessly charming, it’s sweet, and full of whimsy. ‘Nuff said.

Your results may vary, obviously, but this just made me happy. I’m in for the long-haul with this series.

4 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, the opinions expressed are my own.
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GUEST POST: How Reading Can Help You Grow a Short Story into a Novel by Reena Bhojwani

Earlier today, I posted a spotlight about Reena Bhojwani’s novel Fragrant Soup. Now, I’ve got this look behind the scenes as Reena describes part of how she transformed this short story into a novel. I know she has more to say along these lines, and I hope she comes back to share some more. Either way, I’m very glad to present this Guest Post.

How Reading Can Help You Grow a Short Story into a Novel

I grew my short story of 5000 words into a novel with the same name that’s now over 62,000 words long.

So the question is how? And the answer is not linear. Although, one of the things I did very consciously and throughout was: reading.

I jumped in with both feet and scoured the Internet and the local libraries for books. I read some non-fiction  articles, blogs and memoirs, but I also tried to read within the genre I was trying to write, which brought me to various forms of Asian fantasy stories. I tried to keep it to Young Adult and Middle Grade Asian and South East Asian Fantasy stories because they were closest to my target. However, on the side I continued to read romance novels, thriller, horror and a bit of middle grade fiction but not specifically Asian fantasy. I needed to know what was out there so I would know how to answer the annoying question “What books are your books like?” And also “What books are you books not like?”

Some other reasons to read widely were:

For sensitivity: This was me reading as a writer to see how sensitive or potentially offensive subject matter was dealt with when I read within my genre. For example, how certain descriptive phrases were written or how certain (possibly) taboo concepts were covered by certain writers. Taking notes either on a separate page or on post-its to then stick into the book as I read started becoming a habit.

For style: Again, this would mean reading as a writer. To be aware of nuances in dialogue, description and pacing. When I read other genres, I noticed things like choice of narrative perspective, chapter lengths and other devices that I would otherwise have allowed to slip through the cracks. Why certain things were done and certain choices were made while others were not. This is where I started noticing there were several books written with snippets of Mandarin, but I didn’t come across any with Cantonese in them.

For inspiration: I ended up getting so many ideas for my story while I was reading other pieces of fiction. However, inspiration doesn’t mean plagiarising.  Sometimes I got an idea because there was a plot twist I was reading about or because a new character was introduced and I thought, “THAT’S IT! I can do that! EUREKA!” That doesn’t mean I took their character and shoved it into my narrative. It just made me realise that adding a character could help me make a certain part of the story work better. And equally, I had moments when I thought, “It makes sense now. This character/part/section has to go. It’s time to kill this darling.” Not because I knew they needed to go but because I realised.

While reading, I came across so many books in a series that I eventually realised I could turn my story into a series… and so I did! (Well, I started. I’ve only finished book 1 and the ‘Sneak Peek!’ Section of book 2!) Inspiration came come from content, style or just general concepts.

For what doesn’t work: The more books you read that you DON’T LIKE or that have been criticised in the field you’re interested in, the more insight you will get about what NOT to do, or what to watch out for or avoid, which is sometimes more helpful than what to do. The key is knowing not to get too caught up in it all. Take what you need and move on.

It’s important to note though that reading should happen all the way through in the ideal world, but there’s aren’t enough hours in a day and many of us can’t quit our day jobs or read through the night and function properly the next day, so some form of a balanced book diet with a frequency of your choice is best.

There are lots of tidbits of advice I have after I chose to grow my short story into a novel, so if you want to know more, you’ll have to comment on write to me and let me know. You can find me at www.inspiredmusehk.com.

You can find more information about Reena Bhojwani and her books at her website, Inspired Muse.

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BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Fragrant Soup by Reena Bhojwani

I’m very pleased to welcome Reena Bhojwani and her MG book Fragrant Soup, Book 1 of Siu-Yin and the Dragons. to The Irresponsible Reader today for this Spotlight post (I’ll have a guest post from her in a little bit, too). Fragrant Soup is one of the more unlikely titles that I can remember–also one of the more appealing (or maybe I’m just hungry right now. Probably both). This looks like fun for both the target audience and those who are open to reading MG (which should be everyone, right?) Learn a little about the book and then go pick it up. I’m about to.

Book Details:

Title: Fragrant Soup by Reena Bhojwani
Series: Siu-Yin and the Dragons, Book 1
Publisher: Inspired Muse!
Format: Hardcover
Length: 365 pg.
US Publication Date: September 8, 2024
Cover of Fragrant Soup by Reena Bhojwani

About the Book:

Nine-year-old Siu-Yin still doesn’t know the difference between boil and burn. The Lunar New Year’s Eve feast is only a couple weeks away. Every year, Poh Poh makes a special soup, an important offering to the dragon protector who brings luck to the village. This year Poh Poh has fallen ill. No one else knows how to make the sacred soup. So it’s all up to Siu-Yin.

If she succeeds, the village will be blessed with luck in the year ahead. If she fails, Siu-Yin and her village will have to face the wrath of a mighty dragon. Will Siu-Yin be lucky enough to figure out the recipe in time or will she stir up colossal trouble for herself and her village?

A ‘perfect for all ages story’ that is engaging enough for middle grade whilst the warmth and emotional impact will appeal to older audiences too.

It’s a captivating tale that’s bound to leave your heart full, but it might make your stomach hungry!

Perfect for fans of Grace Lin, Roald Dahl and Robert Munsch!

Fragrant Soup is Reena’s attempt to highlight similarities and differences between Cantonese and North Indian cultures. She’s been exploring the concept of identity for years and this book has helped her celebrate both aspects of the core cultures she resonates with.

Fragrant Soup was originally a (5000-word) short story published in one of the Hong Kong Writers Circle anthologies titled ‘After the Storm’ and after plenty of encouraging feedback, Reena decided to grow it into a full-fledged (62,000 +) middle grade novel. [you’ll hear a little about this later]

Fragrant Soup is book 1 of what Reena hopes will be a 9-book series!

Book Links:

Amazon ~ Imaginary Muse! (if you live in Hong Kong and want a signed copy)

About the Author:

Reena BhojwaniBorn and brought up in Hong Kong, Reena Bhojwani is an author, a performer and a storyteller. She is also a TEDx speaker. She is a graduate of the University of Melbourne, with a creative writing major and a theatre studies minor. She has over 13 years of experience teaching creative writing to kids between 4-16 years old at Elephant Community Press. Additionally, she has volunteered to facilitate writing craft workshops for the Hong Kong Writers Circle since 2010. She happens to also be a poet and the winner of the 2018 Peel Street Poetry Slam Contest. ‘Fragrant Soup’ is her debut middle grade novel. She has previously published a picture book (‘Surprising Mrs Rhubarbson’) and its accompanying activity book. She is also the author of over 15 short stories, published in anthologies by the Hong Kong Writers Circle.

Author Links:

Facebook ~ Instagram ~ ~ Website

Cover Reveal: The Dreams of Dust and Steel series—The Price of Power and A Graveyard for Heroes by Michael Michel

I’m very pleased today to welcome the Cover Reveals for Michael Michel’s upcoming new editions of his series, The Dreams of Dust and Steel— series: The Price of Power and A Graveyard for Heroes to this patch o’ cyberspace this morning! I’ve been looking forward to reading these books for too long now, I’m glad that I waited until now. Before the main event, let’s learn a little bit about the series, the new edition, and author, shall we? It’ll just take a moment, and then we can all take a peak at the cover.

About the Books:

Loss. Redemption. Grief. And the dangers of belief.

Prince Barodane could not hold back the darkness. Not even in himself. He laid an innocent city in its grave and then died a hero.

In his absence, war whispers across the land.

Power-hungry Highborn dispatch spies and assassins to the shadows as they maneuver for the throne, while an even greater threat rises in the South. Monsters and cultists flock to the banners of a mad prophet determined to control reality…and then shatter it.

Destiny stalks three to the brink of oblivion.

A dead prince that isn’t actually dead. Barodane buried his shameful past in a stupor of drugs, drink, and crime, and now, he’d rather watch the world fall apart than wear a crown again.

An orphan with hero’s blood who is forced to make a harrowing choice: betray her country or sacrifice her first love.

And a powerful seer who has no choice at all–her grandson must die.

If any of them fails to pay the price…

The cost will be the world’s complete annihilation.

“Dreams of Dust and Steel has the feel of a muddy boot heel, and the size and scope of the classics. Here, pain can be turned into magic powers, and the price of success is often worse than failure. This is Game of Thrones meets X-Men, and it’s as rooted in spirituality as it is steeped in bloody violence. A character-driven epic–that once finished–will span five books, a million words, and birth a dozen other analogous works you won’t want to miss.”

“During a dark prophet’s rise to power, fate calls on four heroes to sacrifice everything they love…or face oblivion.”

The New Edition

The Dreams of Dust and Steel series launches April 2nd, 2025 with The Price of Power in eBook and paperback. It features custom chapter header icons, a dramatis personae, new covers, and a fancy new map.

There’s an ARC application form for those who’d like to read and review The Price of Power here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1VcbEGJ5Tan9veDzoafBAqzKW5hBWbSVdz20uShussg0/viewform?edit_requested=true

About the Author

Anca AntociMichael MichelMichel lives in Bend, Oregon with the love of his life and their two children. When he isn’t obsessively writing, editing, or doing publishing work, he can be found exercising, coaching leaders in the corporate world, and dancing his butt off at amazing festivals like Burning Man. His favorite shows are Dark, The Wire, Arcane, and Norsemen. He loves nature and deep conversations. Few things bring him more joy than a couple of hours playing table tennis.


p style=”text-align: center;”>Website ~ Twitter ~ Instagram ~ Goodreads

and now…

The Covers

cover for The Price of Power by Michael Michel
cover for A Graveyard for Heroes by Michael Michel
Don’t those look great? The Cover Art & Typography are by Christopher Cant and Rachel St. Clair. They did a bang-up job if you ask me.
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(slightly updated) REPOST: Buddy the Knight and The Queen of Sorrow by Peter David: A Tale of Friendship, Devotion, Bravery and Heart

I’m excited to welcome The Write Reads Blog Tour for Peter David’s Buddy the Knight and The Queen of Sorrow to The Irresponsible Reader today. It was one of my favorite fantasy novels of 2024, and I named David as one of my 10 favorite New-to-Me Authors because of this book. So getting the chance to share about this book again is something I had to jump at. I’ve posted a Spotlight about the book earlier and now’s here’s a tweaked version of my original post about the book. I’d also encourage you to go to https://twitter.com/WriteReadsTours feed to see all the great things that have been said about the book over the last week or so. Then get the book. Or get the book and then read everything we wrote about it. Or just get the book. I’m not picky.

Buddy the Knight and The Queen of Sorrow by Peter David Tour Banner

Cover of Buddy the Knight and The Queen of Sorrow by Peter DavidBuddy the Knight and The Queen of Sorrow

by Peter David

Publication Date: August 22, 2024
Format: eARC
Length: 168 pg.
Read Date: September 2, 2024
Buy from Bookshop.org Support Indie Bookstores

What’s Buddy the Knight and The Queen of Sorrow About?

Buddy the Knight is a teddy bear. A valiant teddy bear, devoted to protecting his Person from the monsters from The Realm-Under-The-Bed. He’s a knight and has spent years defending a little girl named Mieya from these fearsome foes. He’s frequently assisted by his companion, a stuffed tamarin—a mandolin-playing bard. Esteban not only fights at Buddy’s side, but his songs frequently tell the tales of Buddy’s victories.

One night before Buddy can dispatch it, a monster inscribes a rune over Mieya—one that will bring her certain doom unless Buddy can defeat the monster’s master—the Queen of Sorrows. Buddy is given an enchanted googly eye to guide him and Esteban as they journey to the heart of The Realm-Under-The-Bed to find this Queen. There are countless enemies and obstacles along the way, but they have until dawn breaks to complete their quest, so they will have to be quick as well as brave.

The Cover

I don’t do this enough, but I need to call out the cover here. Candice Broersma knocked it out of the park with this one. I just love this cover. It’s one that you want to have on your shelf/eReader.

Also, I’d buy a print if Broersma/David were to make them available.*

* After my original post, Peter David let me know that Broersma does sell these prints. My copy looks as good as I’d figured.

A Little Treat

There’s a reference at one point to a series of books that Mieya read. I hope, hope, hope that kids who read this have their curiosity piqued and go ask someone (like a librarian or bookseller) what it might be a reference to and then read those books. They’ll be in for (another) treat if they do.

Just seeing the reference was enough for me.

There are other nods to fiction and movies, too—cleverly hidden throughout, and just enough to make the grown-ups reading this smile (the Captain Shakespeare/Captain Johannas Alberic nod was particularly well done). None of them made me quite as happy as the series of books she read, but that’s me. You (if you’re above the age of 15), will likely have other favorites—but you’ll enjoy all that you catch.

So, what did I think about Buddy the Knight and The Queen of Sorrow?

I know that many people think that Paladins are boring characters. I’m not one of them—just think of Sturm Brightblade, Superman, Michael Carpenter, or Paksenarrion and tell me they aren’t great to read (okay, some people have made Supes a little boring—but not all of them). Buddy the Knight is yet another entry in the Great Paladin Characters list I should get around to compiling sometime.

Esteban is one of the better comic relief sidekicks with a lot of heart, too. He’s as funny and heartfelt as Shrek‘s Donkey with the devotion of Samwise Gamgee. The other allies and people—including the sentient magic sword—who help Buddy out are really well done, too.

The monsters, other antagonists, and (of course) the Queen of Sorrows are equally well depicted—but unlike the above, you really don’t want to spend time with them. They’re all drawn from types we’ve all seen before, but given a twist to make them feel new—and the reason we’ve all seen them before anyway is that they’re just about always compelling, and with David’s twist? They’re just what this book needed.

Throughout the book—either in flashbacks that Buddy has to his maker’s lessons or in the things the characters say to motivate each other or themselves—the reader is going to get a lot of slogans, life lessons, or morals thrown at them. I appreciated reading them—and I expect that readers 40 years (plus or minus a couple) younger than me will, too. Coming from stuffed animals probably makes them more palatable and somehow less corny than they’d be coming from an authority figure (in fiction or real life). It’s likely that some of these will get lodged in the back of a young reader’s mind and will prove beneficial later in life.

The story itself is a pretty straightforward Fantasy tale—the hero and his allies (some picked up along the way) are on a journey with a deadline to fight a powerful in order to rescue someone. As always, it too, is effective.

There’s a lightness to the prose, but it’s not a comedy—it comes across as whimsical and fantastical. It will charm you as it draws you in. We don’t really see Mieya in action and don’t get to know her, but we want her safe, we worry for her, because Buddy, Esteban, and the others are so devoted to her. We care about her because we care about the bear and the tamarin, and anything they think is important we think is important.

This is the kind of book that 10 year-old me would’ve curled up with and read and re-read. It’s also the kind of thing that my kids would’ve loved—and I’d have had a blast reading to them. And 51 year-old me was just about as captivated with it as my younger self would’ve been. I strongly recommend this to those young at heart and those young readers you happen to buy books for. I’ll note that the grown-ups that I’ve suggested this to in the months since I originally posted this have all agreed with me. You’ll be glad you gave this Teddy Bear Fantasy a try.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this eARC from the author in exchange for my honest opinion.

4 1/2 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, the opinions expressed are my own.

My thanks to The Write Reads for the invitation to participate in this tour and the materials they provided.

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Buddy the Knight and The Queen of Sorrow by Peter David

I’m excited to welcome The Write Reads Blog Tour for Peter David’s Buddy the Knight and The Queen of Sorrow to The Irresponsible Reader today. It was one of my favorite fantasy novels of 2024, and I named David as one of my 10 favorite New-to-Me Authors because of this book. So getting the chance to share about this book again is something I had to jump at. I’ll be reposting a slightly modified version of my original post about the book here in a bit. But for now, let’s look at this Spotlight. You should also go to https://twitter.com/WriteReadsTours feed to see all the great things that have been said about the book over the last week or so. Then get the book. Or get the book and then read everything we wrote about it. Or just get the book. I’m not picky.

Buddy the Knight and The Queen of Sorrow by Peter David Tour Banner

Book Details:

Title: Buddy the Knight and The Queen of Sorrow by Peter David
Genre: Fantasy
Age Category: Middle Grade
Format: Paperback/eBook
Length: 160 pages
Publication Date: August 30, 2024
Fallen Knight by Buddy the Knight and The Queen of Sorrow by Peter David Cover

About the Book:

Buddy is no ordinary teddy bear.

He’s a Knight, crafted by The Nameless Wizard himself, and sworn to protect his Person, 10-year old Mieya, from all the Things-That-Go-Bump-In-The-Night.

When Mieya is cursed into a magical sleep, it’s up to Buddy and his friends Esteban the Bard, Sasha the Warrior-Princess, and Copper the Butterfly to journey across The Realm-Under-The-Bed and find the one responsible.

But this is no ordinary Quest. The Realm is a dangerous place, filled with jungles, deserts, lightning storms, and Monsters. But worst of all is The Queen of Sorrow who waits for them in her dark castle in the crags. To break her curse, Buddy will need more than his skill with a blade, Esteban’s witty songs, or Sasha’s ferocious might.

He’ll need Heart.


Book Links:

Amazon UK ~ Amazon US ~ Amazon CA ~ Goodreads ~ Storygraph ~ Universal Link

About the Author:

Peter David
A native son of Massachusetts, Peter has been living in the Deep South for over 25 years. By day, he’s an insurance professional, saving the world one policy at a time. But at night, well, no one really wants to see him fighting crime in his Spider-Man onesie. Instead, Peter develops new worlds of adventure influenced by his love of science fiction, mysteries, music and fantasy. Whether it’s running role-playing games for his long-time friends, watching his beloved New England sporting teams vie for another championship, or just chilling with a movie, his wife, two boys, one puppy and three cats, Peter’s imagination is always on the move. It’s the reason why his stories are an eclectic blend of intrigue, excitement, humor and magic, drawn from four decade’s worth of television, film, novels and comic books.

Author Links:

Website ~ Bluesky ~ Twitter

My thanks to The Write Reads for the invitation to participate in this tour and the materials they provided.

The Pilgrim’s Regress by C.S. Lewis: Everyone Has to Start Somewhere

Further Up and Further In A Year with C.S.Lewis

Cover of The Pilgrim's Regress by C.S. LewisThe Pilgrim’s Regress

by C. S. Lewis

Publisher: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
Publication Date: October 22, 2014
Format: Paperback
Length: 230 pg.
Read Date: January 1-3, 2025
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A Bit of Personal History (feel free to skip)

Back in ’91 or ’92, I saw a copy of The Pilgrim’s Regress on a bookstore shelf. I was in a “read everything by Lewis you can get your hands on phase,” so I instantly picked it up. But the back of the book talked about it as the modern equivalent of Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress in a way that I figured I should read Bunyan before it.

It took me a little while to track down the Bunyan (the toilsome times before online bookshops), and by the time I worked my way through it, the bookstore didn’t have that copy any more and I was distracted by other things.

I’ve often thought about trying this book since then—but it wasn’t until I started thinking about this project that I finally combined ambition with general curiosity.

What’s The Pilgrim’s Regress About?

This modern-retelling of The Pilgrim’s Progressis an allegory about a man named John on his journey from childhood exposure to religion in Puritania to an Island of pleasure. Along the way, he has to deal with several physical, spiritiual and itellectual challenges to take him away from his journey (pretty much like Bunyan’s Christian).

This was the first thing that Lewis wrote after his conversion, and it’s considered to be an intellectual biography of that journey.

Basically, think Bunyan for the early 20th Century and you’ve got it.

A Couple of Things That Helped Me

Early on, John encounters a “brown girl” who distracts him from his interest in—or at least pursuing that interest. They begin a sexual relationship, which goes awry and causes some serious problems for John (actually, that entire relationship from her introduction on is a serious problem.) I was pretty sure that Lewis wasn’t making any kind of ethnic characterization or anything, but it’s hard to shake the feeling. Thankfully, reading this blog post by a Lewis expert made me feel so much better (and shows I was on the right path in general with it). I’d explain it, but Dr. Hurd does it better.

The other thing that helped was the afterword that Lewis wrote for the Third Edition, ten years after the original publication. He points to some flaws, or at least things he could’ve done better. I agreed with most of his self-diagnosis, and at least one point, his explanation made me understand an aspect of the book (and, yes, he was right to critique himself).

So, while I’m glad for the additional things that helped me appreciate the book, I trust that with very little effort, I could find more. I shouldn’t have to look to these kinds of things to appreciate a book. To gain a better understanding, sure. But to move me from “meh” to “okay, that wasn’t that bad/objectional” should come from the text itself—not from others.

So, what did I think about The Pilgrim’s Regress?

It’s been almost a century since this was first published, and I cannot decide if it’s a good thing or not that so many of the characters and ideas John encounters are still relevant and identifiable (although some details may have altered a bit). The reader can see that these intellectual movements are nothing new—sadly, many of them haven’t been forgotten. One of the best things about reading theological works written generations before me is wondering exactly what the author is targeting (or why they’re bothering)—but the ideas that Lewis wants to confront are still in his readers’ lives. Probably even more than they were for him.

The beginning of the book seemed promising with an uncaring and cold clergy, parents who were off the mark, and so on—I thought John’s journey would lead us to a correction of or confrontation with these things. But no, we get the brown girl and then things go far from where I thought we were going. Naturally, I don’t mind that—but I would’ve appreciated something more definitive. That’s personal taste, though.

Like many allegories, particularly Bunyan’s, there is nothing subtle about The Pilgrim’s Regress. That doesn’t mean it’s not good, or that it’s so clear always that there’s no thinking involved, but, wow—it does tend to feel like it’s hitting you with a brick when John encounters a new person/idea.

Am I glad that I read this? Yes. So I can see Lewis’ development as a writer, to satisfy a certain curiosity in general, and to cross off a decades-old item from my “To Read List.” For people who don’t have at least two of those motivations to pick this up, I can’t really recommend it. I’m not sure I really can for those who do have those motivations—but it satisfies those particular itches.

Is this bad? By no means. It’s not good either. I did particularly enjoy certain lines, scenes, or encounters. I thought some of the ways that Lewis framed the better alternatives to be refreshing and helpful. But overall this really did nothing for me.

3 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, the opinions expressed are my own.
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BOOK SPOTLIGHT: The Nameless by Stuart White

I’m very pleased today to welcome The Write Reads Blog Tour for Stuart White’s YA debut, The Nameless! If you take a look at the feed for https://twitter.com/WriteReadsTours over the next few days, you’ll see a lot of bloggers who did find the time to write interesting things about it. The Nameless was the 16th Place Finalist for the 2024 Book Blogger’s Novel of the Year Award, so you know there’s a lot of good to be said about it–but before getting to this Spotlight, let’s start with a word about BBNYA.


BBNYA is a yearly competition where book bloggers from all over the world read and score books written by indie authors, ending with 15 finalists (16 in 2024) and one overall winner.

BBNYA Finalist Badge 2024

If you want some more information about BBNYA, check out the BBNYA Website https://www.bbnya.com/ or take a peek over on Twitter @BBNYA_Official. BBNYA is brought to you in association with the @Foliosociety (if you love beautiful books, you NEED to check out their website!) and the book blogger support group @The_WriteReads.

The Nameless Tour Banner

Book Details:

Title: The Nameless
Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Dystopian
Age Category: Young Adult
Format: Hardcover/Paperback/Ebook
Length: 334 pages
Publication Date: August 3, 2023
The Nameless Cover

About the Book:


The YA debut from award-winning author, Stuart White.


In a dystopian world dominated by genetic perfection and numbered gene pools, sixteen-year-old E820927, known as Seven, yearns for an identity beyond his assigned number.

To escape a life as a Nameless Exile, and become a citizen of the Realm, he must pass a loyalty test to prove his allegiance to the totalitarian Autokratōr.

But as the truth unfolds, Seven faces a difficult choice between revenge, love and discovering his identity.

Book Links:

Amazon Canada ~ Amazon US ~ Amazon UK ~ Goodreads ~ The Story Graph

About the Author:

Stuart WhiteStuart is an award-winning author and secondary school teacher. He has a Masters Degree in Creative Writing and founded, and now runs, WriteMentor. In 2020 and 2022 he was placed on the SCWBI Undiscovered Voices longlist and named as an Hononary Mention for his novels ‘Ghosts of Mars’ and ‘Astra FireStar and the Ripples of Time’. In 2023, he won the WriteBlend award for his middle grade debut, Ghosts of Mars.

Stuart was included in The Bookseller’s 2021 list of Rising Stars in the publishing industry.

My thanks to The Write Reads for the invitation to participate in this tour and the materials they provided.

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