Tag: Matthew Barrett

My Favorite Theology/Christian Living Books of 2024

My Favorite Theology/Christian Living Books of 2024
It’s time for me to start with these lists, I guess. We’re going to start with my favorites in Theology and Christian Living (and related things). There’s some overlap in some of these titles, which just shows what kinds of things I was thinking about this year, I guess. I didn’t read as many books along these lines as I expected to/usually do–mostly because the ones I did read took some work to get through (and I had too many “project reads”). But these would’ve floated to the top in any year.

As always, re-reads don’t count for these lists.

(in alphabetical order by author)

Cover of On Classical Trinitarianism by Matthew BarrettOn Classical Trinitarianism: Retrieving the Nicene Doctrine of the Triune God

edited by Matthew Barrett

My original post
This is simply a monumental work that the Western Church desperately needs. (at least from where I’m sitting) Barrett and the all-star group of contributors make the case that we need to remember, if not rediscover, the classical, Nicene doctrine of the Trinity (as well as that which led to it and from it). We ignore it at our own peril and play fast-and-loose with it today to the damage of our preaching, our sanctification (collectively and individually), and our mission. These 800 pages of articles define the essentials, expand upon those definitions, show where we’re falling and failing and point us to recover lost ground.

I read it far, far too quickly to get everything it was trying to do–I’m going to take another run at it soon and will read it slowly, with a notebook in hand.

5 Stars4 1/2 Stars

Cover of The Marrow of Modern Divinity by Edward FisherThe Marrow of Modern Divinity

by Edward Fisher, Thomas Boston

My original post
This is one of the most famous (or infamous) books in the Scottish Reformed tradition–Edward Fisher’s defense of the Gospel against the errors of legalism and antinomianism with (generally) helpful notes (as short as a phrase or as long as several paragraphs) by Thomas Boston that created a controversy in the Church of Scotland big enough that books are still being written about it.

The Marrow is so clear. It’s so helpful. It’s so full of Gospel truth and assurance. It’s so spot-on in describing the ditches of legalism and antinomianism that are so easy to fall into. And yet, it never gets nasty or harsh in the criticism of the errors, it just points at them and says, “Don’t go there, and here’s why.” So few books along these lines manage that (I’m not saying they’re wrong to show teeth, but Fisher/Boston show you don’t need to).

I cannot recommend this enough.

5 Stars

Cover of On the Unity of Christ by Cyril of AlexandriaOn the Unity of Christ

by Cyril of Alexandria, John Anthony McGuckin (Translator)

My original post
One thing that goes along with our problems with Trinitarian Theology is Christology–particularly the Unity of the Divine and Human natures of Jesus Christ. It’s not an easy thing to grapple with, make no mistake, but it’s not something we should take casually, either. Cyril of Alexandria’s On the Unity of Christ is one of the landmark works in the development/defense of this idea–and reading it you understand why it’s stood the test of time. The translation (and, I assume, Cyril’s original) flows easily, most of it can be understood by 21st Century readers (even those of us relatively unschooled in philosophy or technical theology). The case he’s making is easy to follow and profit from.

Sometimes it’s hard to understand why something is considered a classic outside of its age. On the Union of Christ is not one of those books.

5 Stars

The Water and the BloodThe Water and the Blood: How the Sacraments Shape Christian Identity

by Kevin P. Emmert

My original post
I read this last January, and should probably schedule a re-read soon. It’s one of those books.

It’s is a confessional (from all over the Protestant spectrum) and theological look at the sacraments and their role in teaching Christians about Christ and forming their character and lives in Him. The book starts by talking about the dependence of the Sacraments on the Word, then moves to a look at the nature of the Sacraments and how they function generally to form Christians. The next two chapters look at each Sacrament specifically—what they tell us about those “who have been immersed into Christ and who commune with Him.” The last two chapters apply all this, how the Sacraments form and inform Christian morality and then how they equip and guide believers into the work of ministry in a variety of settings.

The focus of the book is our identity in Christ—the doctrine of Union with Christ—and how the sacraments shape us into better living out that identity. And I just wanted to marinate in that for days. I still do, really.

5 Stars

Cover of Word and Spirit by Richard B. Gaffin, Jr.Word and Spirit: Selected Writings in Biblical and Systematic Theology

by Richard B. Gaffin, Jr.; edited by David B. Garner & Guy Prentiss Waters

My original post
This is a collection of most (if not all) of the shorter works of Richard Gaffin organized under the topics of: Hermeneutics, Biblical Theology, and Systematic Theology; Theology of Hebrews and Paul; Scripture, Epistemology, and Anthropology; Pneumatology; and The Law of God, Soteriology, and Eschatology.

If I were asked what was the best section, or the best piece in the book (or in each section), I’d balk. If pressed, I’d make an attempt and would end up arguing for just about every piece in the book. It’s probably the book on this list I profited the most from. I expect that to be true–or at least in the running–anytime I pick it up in the future.

5 Stars

Cover of Strange Religion by Nijay K. GuptaStrange Religion: How the First Christians Were Weird, Dangerous, and Compelling

by Nijay K. Gupta

My original post
Gupta’s aim is to show how strange the early Christians appeared to their neighbors due to their practices, beliefs, and attitudes. Not as a call to “keep Christinity weird” or anything–but to remind us how odd we are compared to everyone around us, and we’ve always been that way.

There’s the implication that if we don’t seem weird to those outside the Church, maybe we’re doing something wrong. But that’s not his main point.

Also, the strange-ness of early Christianity was one of the things that attracted some to the Church. It was different, it was distinct, and that drew in people who saw the shortcomings of their culture.

It’s a somewhat humorous (but not jokey) and engaging read that educates and challenges. It’s well worth your time.

This could/should be read in conjunction with the books by Williams and Presley on this list, they describe some of the same time period in overlapping but distinct ways.

4 Stars

Cover of Cultural Sanctification by Stephen O PresleyCultural Sanctification: Engaging the World Like the Early Church

by Stephen O. Presley

My original post
While many look at the increasinly post-Christian world we seem to be living in and come up with plans for waging a Culture War of one form or another, Presley asks why not look to the Early Church, the pre-Constantinian believers who were in a situation very similar, but a pre-Christendom. How did they go about interacting with the culture? This book explores that idea by looking at the way Christians believed, taught, and acted (generally speaking, recognizing outliers and sins along the way) in the spheres of: Identity, Citizenship, Intellectual Life, Public Life, and Hope.

His position is, to over-simplify: through a focus on catechesis (or, if you prefer, discipleship) and liturgy (or, if you prefer, worship) the Church was able to build identity and community, able to live out the lives they were called to and to impact—slowly and organically—the culture around them.

It’s not a perfect book, but it’s so helpful that it’s easy to overlook what few problems/quibbles I might have had with the writing/examples. It’s a reminder that the Church ought to be the Church (see the book by Strange below), and focus on that.

This could/should be read in conjunction with the books by Williams and Gupta on this list, they describe some of the same time period in overlapping but distinct ways.

Oh, yeah, it hasone of the best indexes I encountered last year, too.

4 Stars

Empowered WitnessEmpowered Witness: Politics, Culture, and the Spiritual Mission of the Church

by Alan D. Strange

My original post
This is an introduction to and defense of the Presbyterian doctrine of the Spirituality of the Church (essentially that the Church has a ministerial, not majesterial/legislative, calling). The book accomplishes its task primarily
by looking at the way Charles Hodge and some of this Southern Presbyterian opponents–who all held to this doctrine–dealt with the issue of slavery/The Civil War in the middle of the 19th Century.

It might seem like a strange approach, but it really works–keeping it from contemporary arguments, Strange is able to talk about these things without bringing in too many prejudices or getting distracted by trying to comment on contemporary issues.

There are few books (of any genre) that I’ve spent as much time talking about over the last year as I have this one. It’ll spark conversation for you, if nothing else. But you’ll profit from it greatly.

4 1/2 Stars

Cover of Redemptive History & Biblical Interpretation by Geerhardus VosRedemptive History & Biblical Interpretation: The Shorter Writings of Geerhardus Vos

by Geerhardus Vos, edited by Richard B. Gaffin, Jr.

My original post
Like the Gaffin collection (above), this is a collection of much of Vos’ shorter works, largely focused on Biblical Theology. We get 270 pages of 20 +/- page articles, then several shorter works and addresses, and then a handful of Book Reviews (that provide as much as, if not more, to chew on than the shorter works).

This collection just knocked my socks off. I read an article a week and it was one of the highlights of the week for me to do so.

I learned a lot. Not just about Vos and his brand of theology, but about the Scriptures and the Lord who gave them to His Church so she would see Him and His glory in them.

The writing is fantastic. The thinking is even better. I had to think about a lot of this, to ponder and wrestle with it, and got to revel in it, too.

I can’t think of a reason to not read this book—it’ll reward careful reading (and casual reading, too—just not as richly). It’s just great stuff.

4 1/2 Stars

Cover to Cultural Christians in the Early Church by Nadya WilliamsCultural Christians in the Early Church: A Historical and Practical Introduction to Christians in the Greco-Roman World

by Nadya Williams

My original post
For Williams, Cultural Christians are “individuals who self-identify as Christians, but whose outward behavior, and, to the extent that we can tell, inward thoughts and motivations are largely influenced by the surrounding culture rather than by their Christian faith and teachings of Jesus.”

There are three driving concerns behind this book. The first is to combat the idea that the Early Church was too spiritual and correct to have to deal with these individuals—and because of that we can have some problematic ideas about the Church today. Secondly, because of our historical ignorance, we can fail to see how the Early Church was influenced by the culture around them. Third, if we see how the Early Church is susceptible to this, and that we are, too—we can more easily see the need to push beyond Cultural Christianity to the genuine article.

Williams does discuss some of the major theologians of the first few centuries of The Church (until around the time of Constantine), but her focus is on everyday believers. To get a real flavor of what life was like we don’t just need the theological tracts and creeds, we need to know what people ate, wore, did for a living, and so on.

We have the same feet of clay as our forefathers did—and the same challenges to overcome. Thankfully, we have the same Savior. This book helps us to remember that—and I encourage everyone to pick this up (and not just so you don’t have to hear me do it in person, as many of my friends have).

This could/should be read in conjunction with the books by Gupta and Presley on this list, they describe some of the same time period in overlapping but distinct ways.
4 Stars

A few books that almost made this list, and I want to be sure to mention one more time:
The Lord Jesus Christ: The Biblical Doctrine of the Person and Work of Christ by Brandon D. Crowe (My original post), The Two Kingdoms: A Guide for the Perplexed by W. Bradford Littlejohn (My original post), Saint Cyril of Alexandria and the Christological Controversy by John McGuckin (My original post), and The Hijacked Conscience: An Informed and Compassionate Response to Religious Scrupulosity by Debra Peck (My original post).

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: On Classical Trinitarianism: Retrieving the Nicene Doctrine of the Triune God edited by Matthew Barrett

Ideally last week, or at least today, I’d have posted about this book. But I bit off a bit more than I can chew requesting it when I did from Netgalley. I’m hoping it’ll be up next week–but that won’t be easy. Still, with the publication date coming up on Tuesday, I wanted to get something up about it. So here’s a Spotlight post. (largely taken from the Publisher’s Webpage about the book, I really hope they don’t mind–or that they’ll forgive me if they do mind).

Book Details:

Title: On Classical Trinitarianism: Retrieving the Nicene Doctrine of the Triune God
Genre: Theology
Format: Hardcover/e-Book/Audiobook
Length: 832 pages
Publisher: IVP Academic
Publication Date: October 1, 2024
Cover of On Classical Trinitarianism by Matthew Barrett

About the Book:

Modern theology claimed that it ignited a renaissance in trinitarian theology. Really, it has been a renaissance in social trinitarianism. Classical commitments like divine simplicity have been jettisoned, the three persons have been redefined as three centers of consciousness and will, and modern agendas in politics, gender, and ecclesiology determine the terms of the discussion. Contemporary trinitarian theology has followed the spirit of this trajectory, rejecting doctrines like eternal generation which were once a hallmark of Nicene orthodoxy and reintroducing subordinationism into the Trinity.

Motivated by the longstanding need to retrieve the classical doctrine of the Trinity, theologian Matthew Barrett brings together Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Eastern Orthodox scholars to intervene in the conversation. With over forty contributions, this ecumenical volume resurrects the enduring legacy of Nicene orthodoxy, providing a theological introduction that listens with humility to the Great Tradition.

In On Classical Trinitarianism, you find contributions from a wide range of scholars, including:

  • Katherin Rogers
  • Andrew Louth
  • Gilles Emery
  • Steven Duby
  • Gavin Ortlund
  • Adonis Vidu
  • Carl Trueman
  • Matthew Levering
  • Fred Sanders
  • Scott Swain
  • Karen Kilby
  • Amy Peeler
  • Thomas Joseph White

The distinct yet united voices of On Classical Trinitarianism summon the next generation to move past modern revisionism for the sake of renewing classical trinitarian theology today. Together, they demonstrate that Nicene orthodoxy can endure in the modern world and unite the church catholic.

About the Editor:

Matthew BarrettMatthew Barrett is professor of Christian Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, the editor-in-chief of Credo Magazine, and Director of the Center for Classical Theology. He is the author of the award winning book, Simply Trinity: The Unmanipulated Father, Son, and Spirit, as well as the author of The Reformation as Renewal: Retrieving the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. He is currently writing a Systematic Theology. He is the host of the Credo podcast, where he talks with fellow theologians about the retrieval of classical Christianity today for the sake of renewing the church.

Editor Links:

Twitter ~ Center for Classical Theology ~ Credo Podcast ~ MBTS Page

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Catch-Up Quick Takes None Greater by Matthew Barrett; Alive by Gabriel N.E. Fluhrer; The Song of Songs by G. I. Williamson; The Ten Commandments of Progressive Christianity by Michael J. Kruger

The point of these quick takes post sto catch up on my “To Write About” stack—emphasizing pithiness, not thoroughness.

None Greater

None Greater: The Undomesticated Attributes of God

by Matthew Barrett
Kindle Edition, 304 pg.
Baker Books, 2019
Read: December 22-29, 2020
Grab a copy from your local indie bookstore!

(the official blurb)
This is a popular-level, very approachable introduction to the Attributes of God—Incomprehensibility, Aseity, Simplicity, Immutability, Impassibility, Eternity, Omnipresence, Omnipotence, Omniscience, Omnisapience, and a few others. He does so using the works of Augustine, Anselm,— and Aquinas to define Classical Theism—with help from Charnock and Bavinck.

Tackling all that in 300 accessible pages is no mean feat. I cannot tell you how many times I thought as I read this that this is the book that R.C. Sproul would have written about the Attributes of God. Sure, the illustrations aren’t the ones that Sproul would’ve used—but they’re of a kind. In my books, that’s a high compliment—we need someone who can communicate like Sproul. Barrett will do fine if he continues to put out this kind of work.

This is a really helpful and useful work—I recommend it strongly to everyone.
4 Stars


Alive: How the Resurrection of Christ Changes Everything

by Gabriel N.E. Fluhrer
Kindle Edition, 167 pg.
Reformation Trust, 2020
Read: April 5-12, 2020
Grab a copy from your local indie bookstore!

(the official blurb)
The book starts with a look at the evidence for the Resurrection of Christ, and why it’s important to wrestle with it and to be ready to defend it in our current culture. Then Fluhrer moves on to looking at the way the Resurrection was foreshadowed in the Old Testament, described in the Gospels, preached in Acts, explained in the rest of the New Testament, and serves as the basis for our sure hope. He covers all the bases and does so well.

Fluhrer has an apologetic goal for this book, it’s not as compelling as he seems to think it is. Which really describes the book as a whole. In the end, it’s too surface-level. It’s helpful, the theology behind it is the kind of thing we need more of—a robust Redemptive-Historical approach à la Vos and Gaffin—and it’s approachable. I just couldn’t sink my teeth into it. I liked it, I just wanted to like it more.

3 Stars

Song of Songs

The Song of Songs

by G. I. Williamson
Kindle Edition, 112 pg.
P&R Publishing, 2020
Read: April 26, 2020
Grab a copy from your local indie bookstore!

(the official blurb)
This is a great and helpful collection of sermons. This particular book of the Bible is often misinterpreted, so having someone bring careful clarity to the text is valuable. It’s not the final word—Williamson would never claim to be. But it’s helpful.

It’s also Christ-centered. Something far too often neglected when approaching this text. Yes, there’s a focus on love, marriage, sexuality. But with the goal of bringing glory to God through that.

I really appreciated this book and will be returning to it.
3.5 Stars

The Ten Commandments of Progressive Christianity

The Ten Commandments of Progressive Christianity

by Michael J. Kruger
Paperback, 54 pg.
Cruciform Quick, 2019
Read: May 24, 2020
Grab a copy from your local indie bookstore!

(the official blurb)
There’s part of this that’s a tribute to Machen and Christianity & Liberalism, while being an update to it, too. To see how Liberalism is alive and well (running under the moniker of “Progressive” now), he uses two contemporary works to respond to. He stresses repeatedly that the tenents taught in these books aren’t wholesale departures from the faith. However, these half-truths are so misleading they amount to the same. Being half-truths, they’re all the more dangerous and will easily fool some.

The analysis and critique are sharp, spot-on, and easy to read. Well worth your time.


I know that the point of this imprint is “quick,” but this was just too brief to be really valuable. I’d have liked some more depth, for Kruger to use more than just the two works he’s critiquing, that sort of thing. It was an appetizer—and it turns out that after a couple of bites, I wanted a meal.
3.5 Stars

This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase from any of them, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, opinions are my own.

My Favorite Theology/Christian Living Books of 2020

I read a lot of good, inspirational, thoughtful and devotional work this year, but these were the ones that stuck out in my mind. I’d encourage the careful reading of all of them.

(in alphabetical order by author)

None GreaterNone Greater: The Undomesticated Attributes of God

by Matthew Barrett

I haven’t had a chance to write about this book yet, but it’s great. Barrett provides a wonderful tool to introduce believers of all ages/background to the main attributes of God to shape belief and practice. It’s a corrective, but not scoldy. It’s deep, but not hard to understand. It appreciates mystery and doesn’t try to overexplain anything but it also grapples with what we’re given to understand. I’ll say more in a week or two, but for now, just know it’s one of the best things I read last year.

4 Stars

Reformed Dogmatics, Volume 1: Theology ProperReformed Dogmatics, Volume 1: Theology Proper

by Geerhardus Vos, Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. (Translator and Editor)

My original post
Yeah, it’s only a picture of one of the volumes (but they all pretty much look alike). This set concisely, yet comprehensively, discusses the major theological loci in a way that’s scholarly and yet warm and practical.

5 Stars

Saving the Reformation: The Pastoral Theology of the Canons of DortSaving the Reformation: The Pastoral Theology of the Canons of Dort

by W. Robert Godfrey

My original post
This look at the Synod of Dort, as well as the Canons produced by it, is well-researched, careful, encouraging and pastoral—this is not dry and dusty history, nor dry and dusty doctrine. This book, like the Synod it focuses on, seeks to defend, protect and further the cause of the Protestant Reformation, the Gospel itself. As such, it succeeds and you’d do well to study it.

5 Stars

 Grace Worth Fighting ForGrace Worth Fighting For: Recapturing the Vision of God’s Grace in the Canons of Dort

by Daniel R. Hyde

My original post
Is a fantastic companion to the previous book. Hyde focuses on the Canons themselves and what they’re getting at, showing how Church History developed those ideas to this point and how the Reformed church built on them. I didn’t expect anything to beat the Godfrey volume in this year where we got multiple books (thanks to the Canons’s anniversary), but this one did. it’s warm, pastoral and approachable. Anyone over 13 should have no problem with it. Sure, some of the topics will leave some scratching their heads and pondering for a while, but that’s because these are weighty, thought-provoking topics, not because of Hyde’s text. I may have read a better theological book this year, but I can’t think of it off the top of my head. This is simply excellent—rich theology, rich application, solid history, smartly writing, occasionally stirring.

5 Stars

Beyond Authority and SubmissionBeyond Authority and Submission: Women and Men in Marriage, Church, and Society

by Rachel Green Miller

My original post
This book made me re-examine a lotand will probably continue to do so as I mull on what she has to say (and I’ll probably find a lot to disagree with ultimately, and a lot to agree withas it ought to be). How much of what I think about how women and men should interact with each other (in the home, Church and society) comes from Scripture and how much from the culture? How much of what I think it means to be a man or what it means to be a woman has more to do with Ancient Greek culture or the Victorians? (more than it should). The core of the message should be heard and weighed, and hopefully, after the hubbub around its publication has died down a bit, we can start to deal with it.

4 Stars

Theological Retrieval for EvangelicalsTheological Retrieval for Evangelicals: Why We Need Our Past to Have a Future

by Gavin Ortlund

My original post
A fantastic mix of theory and practice—showing why and how Evangelicals should mine the treasures of the past to shape the theology of today and tomorrow.

4 Stars

The Imputation of the Active Obedience of Christ in the Westminster StandardsThe Imputation of the Active Obedience of Christ in the Westminster Standards

by Alan D. Strange

I was sure I’d written a post about this book, and was embarrassed to discover that I hadn’t—I somehow let this not be included in the November Retrospective, too. This is why I don’t get paid for this blog, folks.

Anyway, Strange packs a lot into this 176 page tome. It is dense. But somehow, it’s also an easy read. He explores the historical debate—particularly around the Westminster Assembly—around this doctrine and explains why the Standards express things the way they do. Then he applies it to contemporary debate in a straightforward manner. Pound for pound, possibly the most helpful book I’ve read this year.

4 Stars

Grace & GloryGrace and Glory: Sermons Preached in the Chapel of Princeton Theological Seminary

by Geerhardus Vos

My original post
This is exactly what a collection of sermons ought to be—the language is clear, precise and almost lyrical. You can almost hear them as you read them. Solid theology, warm application and gospel-centered. My only problem with this collection is that it was so short.

5 Stars

Books that almost made the list (links to my original posts for those I wrote about): The Future of Everything: Essential Truths about the End Times by Willaim Boekestein, The Whole Armor of God: How Christ’s Victory Strengthens Us for Spiritual Warfare by Iain M. Duguid, Rediscovering the Holy Spirit: God’s Perfecting Presence in Creation, Redemption, and Everyday Life by Michael S. Horton, The Prayers of Jesus by Mark Jones, and Baptism: Answers to Common Questions by Guy M. Richard.

Grace Alone–Salvation as a Gift of God by Carl R. Trueman

Grace Alone--Salvation as a Gift of GodGrace Alone–Salvation as a Gift of God: What the Reformers Taught…and Why It Still Matters

by Carl R. Trueman
Series: The 5 Solas Series
Paperback, 243 pg.
Zondervan, 2017
Read: October 8 – 22, 2017

After struggling through three books in this series, I will admit to some trepidation about this one — thankfully, Carl Trueman is an author I have a bit of experience with, so I figured it’d be worth the effort. Thankfully, there wasn’t that much effort, and the book was absolutely worth the time.

Trueman organizes this book differently than the others — in Part 1, he considers Sola Gratia in Scripture and Church History. Trueman surveys the idea of grace alone through both Testaments (it’s easier than some would lead you to think to find it in the Old Testament), looking at individual texts as well as themes throughout the books. I would have liked this to be a bit longer — but I really can’t complain about it. Following that, Trueman focuses on the teachings the Church throughout history about Grace — starting with the early church, focusing on Augustine and his Confessions as emblematic of the first centuries of the church. Then he continues to focus on Augustine, but shifts the focus to the controversies sparked by the Confessions with Pelagius and his followers as the prism through which the (Western) Church discusses and teaches Grace since those days. In the next chapter, Trueman focuses on Medieval theology about grace using Aquinas as the example. Following that we get chapters on Luther and Calvin (and those who’d be allied to Calvin’s branch of the Reformation), shaking off the accumulated tradition and misunderstandings to get back to the core of Scriptural and Augustininan teaching (with help from Aquinas). Would I have appreciated another chapter or two about post-Reformational history? Sure. But they weren’t necessary to fulfill Trueman’s aims, and we get a taste of what they’d offer in Part 2.

Part 2 is title “Sola Gratia in the Church.” Grace is communicated to Christians via The Church, Preaching, Sacraments and Prayer and so Trueman a. defends that idea and then proceeds to discuss how God goes that in chapters devoted to each of those. For those of the Reformed tradition, there is nothing ground-breaking or controversial here, although Protestants from other traditions might find some of the ideas challenging. These are solid chapters of the kind of teaching I expected from this series, and I appreciated them.

In the book’s Conclusion, Trueman attempts to address the questions: “What would a ‘grace alone’ church look like today? What would characterize its life as a church? How might we recognize such a church when we see it?” The answers to these questions are a mix of doctrinal and practical ideas that he lists in ten points showing the interconnections between them. This conclusion (in building on what came before) is worth at least half the price of the book — just fantastic stuff.

I still have one to go in the series, so I may have to modify this, but this one is by far the best of the bunch — accessible, pastoral and thorough without sacrificing depth. Trueman doesn’t seem to get distracted by pet details, nor to just beat the same obvious deceased equines on this topic. If you’re going to read just one of the five, let this be it. Alternatively, if the some of the others have left you wanting, give this one a shot, I think you’ll appreciate it.


4 Stars

God’s Word Alone: The Authority of Scripture by Matthew Barrett

God's Word AloneGod’s Word Alone—The Authority of Scripture: What the Reformers Taught…and Why It Still Matters

by Matthew Barrett
Series: The 5 Solas Series

Paperback, 374 pg.
Zondervan, 2016
Read: January 8 – 22, 2016

For this installment in The 5 Solas Series focuses on the material principle of the Reformation, Sola Scriptura. Despite being almost 200 pages longer than VanDrunen’s entry in this series (the benefit of being the series editor is that you get more space?), this book is too short for what it tries to accomplish. Which is really the long way around for me to say that this book tries to do too much — and ends up giving shallow presentations to things that deserve more.

Part 1 is an exploration of the understanding of — and challenges to — Biblical Authority around the time of the Reformation and through history since then. While Barrett gives a strong and competent explanation of these themes, I couldn’t help feeling that I’ve read them before — frequently — by other authors.

Part 2, an exploration of the doctrine of Scripture/The Word of God throughout Redemptive History, I thought was very promising. This could be the backbone of a very compelling study, and I hope someone takes Barrett’s work here and builds on, expands and deepens it (if someone has already written this book — please tell me!). It’s probably here most of all, that I noticed how much space forced Barrett to stick to the surface of this subject rather than exploring it in the depth it asks for.

Part 3 was a more polemical/apologetic focus — discussing challenges to the Authority of God’s Word. This was probably the strongest part of the book — in particular, I thought his chapter on Innerrancy was pure gold. Nothing new or particularly insightful was offered in this section, but there seemed to be a bit more passion, a bit more energy to this Part.

This is the second in The 5 Solas Series that I’ve read, and the second that I was underwhelmed by. It’s good, but does little to commend it above many other titles on the subject. Barrett knows the subject, explains it well, but doesn’t inspire the reader to anything. I don’t mean to suggest by my frequent notes that “there was nothing new” that I need novelty — I prefer a lack of novelty to my theology. But I do want something about a book to stand out in the way it discusses things before I can really get excited about/impressed with a book.


3 Stars

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