Tag: Richard Osman

My Favorite Crime/Mystery/Detective/Thriller Fiction of 2024

2024 Favorite Crime Fiction
Finally, we’re at the end of my 2024 wrap-up. Thanks for sticking with me for so long! (assuming you have). I read /0 books I put in the category of “Mystery/Detective Fiction/Crime Fiction/Thriller” last year (and there are a couple of multi-genre novels that could beef that number up a bit), 33% of my reading last year. So I have to consider it apart from everything else when I put together my Favorites Lists, or just about everything else would get ignored. Even if I went with a Top 20 instead of a Favorite 10, maybe 5 books from the previous lists would’ve made it along with all of these. Maybe.

Once again, I’ll note that I limit my lists to things I read for the first time. Yes, there are some names on here that have been on a couple of these lately. Under half the list. Er, maybe half the list. I don’t want to look. No more than 50%. Most of those names will likely show up in the years to come. I might have to retire some authors from consideration.

As always, re-reads don’t count for these lists.

(in alphabetical order by author)

Cover of My Darkest Prayer by S.A. CosbyMy Darkest Prayer

by S.A. Cosby

Is this as good as Cosby’s later works? No. But it’s dynamite–and you can see (especially looking back) the potential in this gritty and grim work. (and what is as good as his later works, anyway?) Nathan Waymaker is a former Marine and an ex-sheriff’s deputy (his resignation is pretty dramatic). He operates as an unofficial fixer and investigator for various people in the community–when a notable local pastor is killed. His church leadership wants answers that the sheriff’s department doesn’t seem to want to find.

So Nathan starts looking. And finds a lot of things he wishes he didn’t. And the pastor’s attractive daughter (which he’s pretty glad about). But mostly he finds things he doesn’t–hopefully he can find a way out with his life intact.

5 Stars

Cover of The Big Empty by Robert CraisThe Big Empty

by Robert Crais

My original post
Sure, there’s a little recency bias going on here (I just read this two-and-a-half weeks ago), but I’m pretty sure it’d end up on this list no matter when I read it. It’s Crais at the top of his game. Pike as an avenging angel and would-be protector of the weak. Elvis making friends and enemies wherever he goes. Chen coming through with the goods when he needs to (while being whiny and offensive). The case doesn’t go where anyone thinks it will. And the prose is so sharp and smooth that you don’t want to finish the book.

5 Stars

Cover of The Mercy Chair by MW CravenThe Mercy Chair

by M.W. Craven

My original post
If I do retire something from this list, it’ll likely be Craven and his Poe and Tilly series. But I don’t see that happening because I love talking about them so much.

This book is dark. Which is saying something for Craven. It’s also sweet. And funny. Buuuuut, mostly it’s dark.
We start off with Poe in a therapy session, of all things. And he starts describing the ins and outs of his latest case–with all the strange twists and turns it takes him along.

There’s also someone shadowing Poe during the investigation as a performance audit (and that doesn’t go well for anyone). Poe determines quickly that the killer he’s has some major baggage–physical and spiritual abuse, likely some sexual abuse. And the way this is all discovered is pretty nasty. The more Poe and Tilly uncover the worse it seems and the need for Poe to get some therapy becomes more and more clear.

But the book never stops being entertaining or suspenseful. The characters are who we’ve come to know and love (or at least enjoy). They may be rough shape and pushed to their limit. But they’re Poe, Tilly, and Estelle.

Craven is the best around, this is just more proof.
5 Stars

Cover of The Last King of California by Jordan HarperThe Last King of California

by Jordan Harper

This is just a gorgeously written novel. The fact that it’s filled with criminals, low-lifes, and people more descipible than that doesn’t change that. Luke Crosswhite drops out of college and returns to his family’s home to live with his aunt and uncle, the closest thing he has to parents since his father is doing time for a murder that Luke saw him commit. Luke’s given up on going straight, he’s essentially resigned to taking up the family business.

He picked a bad time for it, his family is under attack from a bloodthirsty boss who wants to take over their territory and has essentially declared war on all criminals in their part of the state.

And, well, things get worse from there.

4 1/2 Stars

Assassins AnonymousAssassins Anonymous

by Rob Hart

My original post
Action. Comedy. Heart. This has it. Mark (and his cat) are on a global hunt to find out who sent a Russian hitman into his 12-Step meeting to kill him. It should be noted (as you can guess from the title) that this meeting is of Assassins Anonymous. Not a smart place to try to kill people, it likely won’t go well for you.

Mark has been out of the life for a year or so. Why does someone want him dead? How can he stop them while not killing anyone, maintaining his “sobriety”?

Hart does so many things well in this book, I can’t wait for the promised sequel so I can spend even more with Mark and the rest of his support group.

4 1/2 Stars

Cover of Spook Street by Mick HerronSpook Street

by Mick Herron

My original post
What can one say about Mick Herron and the Slough House series that countless others haven’t before–and better? This was harrowing and haunting, with twists I didn’t see coming. And I really can’t do better than that.

4 1/2 Stars

Cover of The Kill List by Nadine MathesonThe Kill List

by Nadine Matheson

After a little stumble in book 2 of this series, Matheson comes back on fire with this entry.

25 years ago, one of Anjelica Henley’s friends was killed by a serial killer, who was arrested by the man who became her mentor when she joined the police. Then the convictions were overturned, her mentor was found to have corrupted evidence, and the killings have started up again.

It’s up to Henley and her team to stop them and get the right person arrested this time.

There’s heart-breaking character moments–related to and separate from–this case. The mystery is beyond twisty. Matheson handles all of it with confidence and ease. It was just a pleasure from start to finish.

4 Stars

Namaste Mart ConfidentialNamaste Mart Confidential

by Andrew Miller

My original post
Who hasn’t read too many noir novels about amateur PIs who are also grocery store clerks trying to make it in stand-up or writing to investigate the disappearance of a lingerie store employee? You might as well try one more.

What doesn’t this book have, really? First off—and it’s easy to forget this, but you shouldn’t—it’s noir. Then you have a slice of L.A. life in 2013, and boy does it feel like it. There’s some comedy. There’s some satire. There’s commentary on the rise (and growing acceptance, it seems) of polygamous LDS groups. There’s some drama. There’s some over-the-top action movie-style gunfights. There’s a splash of politics. There’s more than a little commentary on the nature of celebrity. There’s some actual sweetness through one of the smaller arcs. You’ve got Armenian mobsters. Ex-actors turned business executives. Ex-actors turned artists. Grocery store clerks and very odd customers (just that part of the novel alone could be turned into a decent sitcom). A strange Scientology-esque group.

But the important thing to know going in—it all works. This jumble of seemingly incompatible ideas/topics that Miller brings to the table fit together in a way that feels natural. It’s like one of those cooking competition shows where the contestants are handed a bunch of ingredients that no one in their right mind should put together and they make something that gets that gets the approval of experienced chefs and restauranteurs. Miller ain’t getting chopped for this meal.

4 1/2 Stars

Cover of We Solve Murders by Richard OsmanWe Solve Murders

by Richard Osman

My original post

This was just so good, really. At this point, it’s not quite as good as Osman’s other work—primarily because nothing had the emotional weight that the gang at Cooper’s Chase seems to find in their adventures. But the potential is there for this series to equal it. And, really, considering the tone of this one, that kind of punch might have felt out of place or contrived.

It might not have had the emotional weight, but the comedy was stronger (and more obvious). I’m not going to complain about that.

Osman is on a heckuva streak. I hope it continues.

4 1/2 Stars

Cover of City on Fire by Don WinslowCity on Fire

by Don Winslow

Don Winslow starts the trilogy that marks his retirement by giving us a retelling of The Iliad set in warring mob families in Providence, RI in 1986. As one does.

I was sucked into this so much that I forgot it was The Iliad and couldn’t understand why one group fell for such an obvious trap (and boy, did I feel dumb when it clicked for me). That’s part of the magic of this book, you don’t realize it’s a story you know that well because Winslow is just that good.

This broke my heart, it made me angry, and it got me talking back to the characters who were doing reckless, impetuous things driven by hubris and misplaced loyalty. And I wanted more. (It’s a good thing there are two more books in the series I should’ve read by now)

Stunningly good work.
4 1/2 Stars

A few books that almost made this list, and I want to be sure to mention one more time:
Nobody’s Hero by MW Craven (My original post); The Late Lord Thorpe by Peter Grainger, Gildart Jackson (Narrator); Another Girl by Peter Grainger, Gildart Jackson (Narrator) (My original post); Smoke Kings by Jahmal Mayfield; and Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson.

We Solve Murders by Richard Osman: Money Does the Funniest Things to People

Cover of We Solve Murders by Richard OsmanWe Solve Murders

by Richard Osman

Series: We Solve Murders, #1
Publisher: Pamela Dorman Books
Publication Date: September 17, 2024
Format: Hardcover
Length: 381
Read Date: November 29-30, 2024
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“If someone does try to shoot me this week, do you have to dive in front of the bullet?”

“That’s the idea,” says Amy, without conviction. “Though that’s mainly in films.”

It’s hard to dive in front of a bullet, in Amy’s experience. They go very fast indeed.

Some Preliminary Thoughts

While I’m always (or almost always) happy for authors to branch out in new directions, to see if they can do something they haven’t before, I’m frequently trepidatious about actually following them. Particularly if all I know is series X and they’re trying something new.

There are authors I’ve come to later in their careers, where they’ve already tried a few things, or authors whose first handful of projects are so different from one another that you know that’s what you’re going to get—something new.

But when you (as a writer, anyway) are known for a series of cozy-adjacent mysteries featuring octogenarians set in one community, step away to try something featuring someone far younger, and with more action and a lot of globe-trotting, you can understand why some readers wouldn’t be sure about stepping out with you. I think it’s fair.

The prologue (which wasn’t called that, probably just so people wouldn’t skip it) was pretty good, and caught my attention. The first chapter was strong, and I enjoyed it. 1.5 pages into chapter two, and I was more than ready to sign on for the rest of the book and was officially okay with Osman taking a break from the Thursday Murder Club (I imagine he’s greatly relieved to hear that).

Steve Wheeler

Probably longer ago than I want to admit, Ken Levine had a great bit on his blog about Sorkin always having a Danny in his shows (I’m sure he wasn’t alone in this observation, but I only remember his). I wonder if Osman needs a Steve in the same way. It doesn’t matter at all. That’s just a thought that struck me partway through, and I can’t shake it off.

So, what’s the deal with this Steve? He’s a retired detective, and it seems like he was a pretty good one before he settled down in a small community with his wife to enjoy that retirement. His wife pushed him into starting a PI agency, “Steve Investigates.” He does small jobs—the occasional marital observance, finding lost pets, seeing who’s messing with trash bins—that sort of thing.

He kept up the agency after his wife’s death, and does a quick patrol of the town twice a day on his way to sit on her favorite bench to enjoy the view and talk to her. Then it’s off to the pub to talk to some friends before going home to watch TV and pet his cat.

He speaks to his son rarely since his wife’s death, but speaks to his daughter-in-law frequently, almost daily.

Amy Wheeler

Amy is that daughter-in-law. She works in close protection and security. She globe-trots to do so, but tries to call Steve daily (unless she’s prevented by work or immanent danger). She’s very much Charlie Fox, with a sense of humor—and a different kind of trauma growing up.

She’s good at what she does, she takes it very seriously. She’s traveling the world and enjoying it—and lives for the adrenaline.

Rosie D’Antonio

Rosie is…a lot. That’s her in a nutshell, really. She’s Amy’s current client, as the book opens. She’s a world-famous author, from a time when that would make someone very rich—and she’s enjoying a career resurgence. She’s the best-selling author in the world, actually—if you don’t count Lee Child.

She’s wealthy, she’s of an uncertain age (and likes it like that), with a lust for life (and men).

She recently erred when she based a character off a certain Russian oligarch and did a very poor job of disguising it—so he’s put a price on her head. Which is where she and Amy got together.

What’s We Solve Murders About Then?

Three clients of Amy’s agency have recently been murdered in similar, ghastly ways. These influencers have little in common (at least on the surface) other than that. One of those murders happens close enough to where Amy and Rosie are staying that Amy goes to investigate (and brings Rosie along to keep her safe until she can arrange for something else).

Things start getting dangerous then—shots are fired, more dead bodies appear, and it’s clear that Amy is the next target on the list. Rosie’s having a blast with this—as long as no one’s firing at her, anyway. But Amy is going to need help from someone she trusts who also has experience in solving murders. So she essentially forces Steve to come and help.

More shots are fired and other attempts are being made at killing Amy. Flights to all over the world are taken in quick succession. Secrets are uncovered. Rosie flirts with many men. And an appreciation of Van Halen comes in far handier than anyone would expect.*

* Words would fail me if I tried to express how much the Van Halen material made me smile.

The Tone/Approach

I hate to dwell on the comparisons between this and his other books, but it seems like something I should talk about. First, this is told in a series of close-third person narratives from multiple perspectives. There’s no first person anywhere, and everything is told in the same typeface. That’s notable (if you ask me, anyway.)

Second, this is more overtly comedic. Clearly, TMC is full of humor, but it’s more of the gentle character-based humor. This is full of funny moments, situations, and lines that are clearly meant to get a laugh or a grin. In my notes I called it jokey, but I’m not sure it goes that far (too often, anyway). I’d compare it to Evanovich/Goldberg’s Fox and O’Hare books, Goldberg’s Ian Ludlow books (but more restrained), or Duncan MacMaster’s mysteries. (all of which are compliments, I want to stress)

But Osman is still Osman and there are plenty of earnest, heart-string-tugging moments, too. Particularly with Steven—talking about his dead wife or even considering his lifestyle and what has led him to his very self-contained life. Amy isn’t that reflective of a character (if anything, she avoids it with action), so we don’t get much of that with her—although the way she avoids thinking gets us to a similar point with her.

So, what did I think about We Solve Murders?

Did my appreciation of the book vary much from the verdict I made in Chapter Two? Well, I ended up liking the novel more than I did back there. Does that count?

This was just so much fun—while I had my reservations and questions before starting, I also had high hopes. The end result was better than those.

Osman can do an action scene pretty well—and keep the comedy going. We don’t have anything particularly drawn out here, but there are bursts. And his ability to create a story with strong momentum and great twists is well-documented.

More importantly—Osman’s gift for characters really shines here. The supporting characters—criminals, witnesses, people the protagonists happen to encounter (whether for a handful of paragraphs or for several chapters), are just golden. To describe the best of them would be to deprive you of your chance to meet them. Once it was clear that Rosie wasn’t just going to be someone we met to establish Amy as a bodyguard, I wondered a little bit about her tagging along. But it didn’t take me too long to fully embrace the character, and now I’m looking forward to seeing her in the future.

I’m not sure that I should’ve made the comparison to Charlie Fox above—you really can think of this as a Charlie Fox book with laughs and be pretty dead on. Others might disagree, but I’ve had the comparison stuck in my head for a couple of hours now and can’t shake it.

I’m not 100% sure the final solution was honest, it felt a little like he cheated to get [redacted] to figure out that the Big Bad was [redacted]. The Big Bad’s accomplice, however, was obvious for longer than it should’ve been to get the characters to suss them out. So, on average, he did okay there. The red herrings were great, and made up for whatever issues I might have had with the solution (but really, give us one more chapter where [redacted] goes over the clues again in their mind or something—actually, just a paragraph before they say “I know who Big Bad is.”)

This was just so good, really. At this point, it’s not quite as good as Osman’s other work—primarily because nothing had the emotional weight that the gang at Cooper’s Chase (which is close enough to Steve’s home to provide hope of the characters brushing up against each other) seems to find in their adventures. But the potential is there for this series to equal it. And, really, considering the tone of this one, that kind of punch might have felt out of place or contrived.

Either way, I strongly recommend this to Osman’s readers or people who’ve never heard of the man/his books. You will have fun, and you will want more. I guarantee that for 99% of you.

4 1/2 Stars

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My Favorite Crime/Mystery/Detective/Thriller Fiction of 2023

2023 Favorite Crime Fiction
Finally, we’re at the end of my 2023 wrap-up. Thanks for sticking with me for so long! (assuming you have). I read 90 books I put in the category of “Mystery/Detective Fiction/Crime Fiction/Thriller” last year (and there are a couple of multi-genre novels that could beef that number up a bit), 30% of my reading last year. So I have to consider it apart from everything else when I put together my Favorites Lists, or just about everything else would get ignored. Even if I went with a Top 20 instead of a Favorite 10, maybe 2-3 books from the previous lists would’ve made it along with all of these.

I couldn’t whittle this list down further than 12. But since a couple of my lists last week were under 10, I figure that I’ve got a slot or two to spare. Once again, I’ll note that I limit my lists to things I read for the first time. Yes, there are some names on here that have been on a couple of these lately. And it wouldn’t surprise me to see some of these new names show up from time to time in the years to come.

(in alphabetical order by author)

The Last DanceThe Last Dance

by Mark Billingham

I really wish I had a post up about this book to pilfer from here. Detective Miller comes back to work after the murder of his wife to investigate a pair of murders. There’s no clear—rather, easily discoverable—connection between the two deaths other than proximity and coincidence. Neither explanation is good enough for the police. Miller has to adjust to a new partner, who really doesn’t understand (or appreciate) his eccentricities, his sense of humor, or undisguised antagonism toward their boss. The only thing more appealing to the twisty, multi-layered, mystery in this novel is Miller himself. His sense of humor, his questionable grasp of reality, and his unconventional approach to this (and presumably other) investigations are going to win several fans. This is the first Billingham novel I’ve read (after years of meaning to try), it will not be the last.

4 1/2 Stars

The Bitter PastThe Bitter Past

by Bruce Borgos

My original post
A great mix of Cold War espionage and modern-day Police Procedural, with a Western twist. Borgos assembled a cast of characters that leap off the page, I felt like I’d been reading about Porter Beck and his deputies for years within just a chapter or two. There’s blood, intrigue, nuclear fall-out, wit, humor, a grisly opening, and a dramatic conclusion—and a whole lot of other stuff along the way. I don’t know if Borgos can do something just like this novel book again, but as long as Porter Beck and his team are around for whatever’s next, I want to see it.

4 1/2 Stars

All the Sinners BleedAll the Sinners Bleed

by S. A. Cosby

My original post
As the first black Sheriff of Charon County, Virginia, Titus Crown has a lot on his plate. He has to watch his every step to keep the political and social leaders of the small community from removing him from office while holding off demands from the local social activists to turn the tables on behalf of the over-policed minorities and give the white community a taste of that treatment. It’s not going well for him—one horrible day finds Titus investigating a terrible crime and uncovering something that nightmares are made of—serial killers working undetected in Charon County for years. Can Titus stop the killing while keeping Charon County from tearing itself apart?

Sparse, but rich, prose that further disproves the notion that genre can’t be the home of good writing. Cosby tackles hard issues—but really doesn’t try to solve them—he merely puts them on display for readers to acknowledge and wrestle with. It’s also just a cracking thriller that could be read as shallowly as you want and would keep you white-knuckled and racing to the final confrontation. Cosby’s one of the best in action now, and this solidifies that reputation.

5 Stars

Ozark DogsOzark Dogs

by Eli Cranor

My original post
Like the above, this can be read as a white-knuckle thriller, but it’s more. This is a revenge story, with almost no one involved really understanding what the instigating event really was or meant (this doesn’t stop anyone seeking vengeance, naturally). This is a book about consequences, the sins of the past being visited on the present, and about the price of devotion (to a person, idea, etc.). It’ll knock you out.

5 Stars


by M.W. Craven

My original post
Craven’s new series, featuring a U.S. Marshall who is incapable of feeling fear, is off to a dynamite start. This book just worked on every level—Koenig is a fertile character, well-designed to carry a series for quite a while. His assets are perfect for a Reacher/Peter Ash-type character. His flaws keep him from being invincible, and provide plenty of ways for him to be his own greatest adversary. His quirks (e.g., fixation on chocolate milkshakes, absorption of odd bits of trivia) round him out nicely. The reason he’s off the grid is better than being a Luddite/technophobe. Can he grow—and can the reader grow in their understanding of him? Sure. He can also believably regress and find develop new hindrances and weaknesses to work through or overcome. The action scenes were almost impossibly good.

5 Stars

Magpie MurdersMagpie Murders

by Anthony Horowitz, narrated by Samantha Bond, Allan Corduner

The death of a hugely best-selling author sends his editor on a hunt for the missing final pages to his final book. Alternatively, if she can figure out who the killer in the book was, they can at least salvage the book. But while she’s at it, she starts to think the author was murdered and maybe she can figure that out, too. A fictional murder and a real life one, that’s a pretty big task for an amatuer sleuth. What a fantastic book! The concept was great, the hook was gripping, the execution was dynamite, the narration was spot-on, the….the…ugh. I’m just listing superlatives at this point. Which is pretty much why I haven’t finished my post about it (despite starting 11 months ago)—words fail me. Just loved this.

5 Stars

Blackwater FallsBlackwater Falls

by Ausma Zehanat Khan

My original post
A probable racially and religiously motivated murder threatens to push heightened tensions over the edge between immigrant communities and local law enforcement. Enter the Community Response Unit—to hold the police accountable (if necessary), diffuse the situation (if at all possible), and get the answers everyone wants. Khan balances the social, personal, and investigative aspects of this novel with the skill of a seasoned professional. This is a great procedural in the way it embraces the defining traits and pushes them in new ways, it’s a great character study, a good commentary on several issues facing the country—and it’s a pretty solid mystery, too (can’t forget that).

4 1/2 Stars

The Last Devil to DieThe Last Devil to Die

by Richard Osman

My original post
Anyone who’s read me over the last couple of years had to expect that Osman would show up in this list—and here he is. The latest in the Thursday Murder Club series demonstrates all of the strengths of the previous novels at the same time—the humor, the heart, the cleverness of the characters, a twisty investigation, and humanity at its worst and best.

5 Stars

Mrs. Plansky's RevengeMrs. Plansky’s Revenge

by Spencer Quinn

My original post
I’m a huge fan of Quinn’s long-running series, but every time he steps away for a stand-alone, I find myself increasingly impressed with him. This is an implausible, but great story about an elderly woman who is duped by a Bail Scam, losing almost everything. But she has enough money—and more than enough nerve and moxie to fly to Romania to try and find the scammers and get her money back. It’s a revenge fantasy that many people will have had, taken on by a relatable character that you can’t help but root for. There’s plenty of heart to go around, and it’ll just leave you feeling good (as long as you don’t put it down while she’s being ripped off).

4 1/2 Stars

Scratching the FlintScratching the Flint

by Vern Smith

My original post
This is a gritty novel exploring the “the lowest common denominators of policing.” Our protagonists are detectives who seem intent on making their cases, on making arrests. But when push comes to shove, I’m not entirely convinced it’s about enforcing the law all the time with them—it’s getting a win, coming out on top over some of them. Taking place in early 2001, this book evokes the feel of the time—the sentiments toward reform in policing as well as in the treatment of women and minorities are clearly of their time (they’re also pretty relevant today, but we’d discuss them a little differently). This is a visceral, powerhouse read that will stay with you.

4 1/2 Stars

Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for MurderersVera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers

by Jesse Q. Sutanto

My original post
I need to think about this book a little to wash away the feeling of revisiting the last one off of me. There’s just so much to commend about this book—and so little to quibble with—that I still get excited about it months later. Vera Wong, the proprietor of a little-visited tea shop finds a dead man on her floor one day. Desperate for a change of pace, she decides that she’ll “help” the police with their investigation—eventually starting her own. How hard can it be? She’s watched plenty of procedurals, is smart, and (unlike Sherlock Holmes) is a suspicious Chinese mother. The murderer doesn’t stand a chance.

But then she turns her lead suspects into a found family of sorts. You don’t want any of these suspects to be guilty because the victim was a horrible guy and you want the suspects to become your new best friends. There’s a lot of sunshine and rainbows throughout this book, offsetting the murder, other crimes, loneliness, and despair. The murder mystery at the core of the novel is clever enough and worth the time—but this found family and the growth prompted in each member of it (including Vera) is what will make you a fan of it.

4 1/2 Stars

The Winter of Frankie MachineThe Winter of Frankie Machine

by Don Winslow

This is typical Winslow—stylish, winning, clever, and frequently violent. Frankie Machine is a retired hitman who finds himself as the target for a new generation of hitmen over something that happened years before. Frankie Machianno has to put his businesses on hold and return to his old life to keep his family safe—and to keep himself alive—while finding out exactly why someone wants him dead and convincing them (using whatever necessary means) to leave them all alone once and for all. It’s such a strong, fast-moving, ride that the pages melt away while you read.

4 1/2 Stars

The Last Devil to Die by Richard Osman: The Joy Love Brings, and the Price We Pay

I know I’ve been disorganized this year, but how did it take me so long to finish this? (I did start it the day after I closed it). Oh well, here it is anyway.

The Last Devil to DieThe Last Devil to Die

by Richard Osman

Series: The Thursday Murder Club, #4
Publisher: Pamela Dorman Books
Publication Date: September 19, 2023
Format: Hardcover
Length: 422 pg.
Read Date: September 28-29, 2023
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… it might be nice for the Thursday Murder Club to have a new project that moved at a gentler pace than usual. Something a bit less murdery would be quite a novelty.

What’s The Last Devil to Die About?

What a nice thought—and for a minute, it looked possible.* But no reader expected it to continue, and it doesn’t. In fact, the murder strikes pretty close to home—a character the reader had met recently, but who had strong ties to Stephen and Elizabeth. Which, of course, is how the Thursday Murder Club gets involved. Since the reader does know him, though, we’re invested from the get-go.

* And I’d absolutely read that.

The Club encounters art forgery, a different group of drug smugglers, and some people who make others they’ve faced down seem downright cuddly. (not all of them, obviously, these retirees have faced off with some scary people) The path they have to follow to find the killer—and the object their friend died over—is probably the twistiest they’ve gone down yet.

Yes, there is the “less murdery” case as well—a fellow resident of Coopers Chase is getting fleeced by an online romantic interest, but he can’t see it. So the Club takes it upon themselves to expose the fraud to protect him before he’s totally broke (and maybe get a little of the money back).

Loss, Grief, and Death

Life continues, whatever you do. It’s a bulldozer like that.

This series has always featured death—not just murder. Given the age and health of the protagonists—and the community they live in—it’s a constant presence. But not just death, going on, grieving, learning to cope with the absence of a loved one—and maybe not learning.

We’ve watched Joyce, for example, grieving for her husband from Day 1. Everyone since that time has lost people that were important to them, talked about losing others, and so on. It’s one of the dominant themes of this series.

In The Last Devil to Die, dominant seems to be an understatement. Osman doesn’t let you get away from it—not in a mawkish, maudlin, or over-the-top manner. It’s just there, it’s what the characters are facing and dealing with in a variety of ways (even some of the bad guys!). It doesn’t leave you (too?) despondent, however. There’s hope, there’s life, there’s a tomorrow for the living. It is a bulldozer.

I’ve always been impressed with the way that Osman treats these subjects, he’s at his best in this installment.

So, all in all, I ’ve had a lovely Boxing Day, and am going to fall asleep in front of a Judi Dench film. All that’s missing is Gerry working his way through a tin of Quality Street and leaving the wrappers in the tin. Irritating at the time, but I’d give everything I own to have him back. Gerry liked the Strawberry Delights and Orange Crémes, and I liked the Toffee Pennies, and if you want to know the recipe for a happy marriage it is that.

So, what did I think about The Last Devil to Die?

That’s the thing about Coopers Chase. You’d imagine it was quiet and sedate, like a village pond on a summer’s day. But in truth it never stops moving, it’s always in motion. And that motion Is aging, and death, and love, and grief, and final snatched moments and opportunities grasped. The urgency of old age. There’s nothing that makes you feel more alive than the certainty of death.

This summer, when I did the Mid-Year Freak Out Book Tag, I said that while no book had made me cry this year, I figured something would by the end of the year. I didn’t think it would be a cozy mystery that did it. Almost twice.

But I was laughing—or at least chuckling—within a couple of pages both times. And it didn’t feel like emotional whiplash or like he was undercutting the seriousness of what elicited the tears or almost tears. Osman was just honestly portraying these characters in all their aspects which brings laughter and tears.

I’ve talked a lot about this book’s “downer” parts. Let me assure you that the comedy is great—watching Ron try to understand his son making Cameos, for example. Other things with Ron, too, actually. I’m having trouble coming up with examples—well, Joyce is a reliable source of humor, obviously. Everyone is, as you know if you’ve read one of these books (and if you haven’t, but are reading this post…there’s your homework, go pick up the first one and thank me later). I’m having trouble coming up with other specific examples that I can use in this post, sadly. But they’re there, I assure you.

As always, the characters are Osman’s strong suit. Our regulars are in fine form, as are the some returning characters (including some I was pleasantly surprised to see), and the new characters are great additions to the cast (however temporary some of them might be). They all practically jump off the page fully formed and it’s hard to ask for more.

The online fraud story goes pretty much like you expect it to—this isn’t a Mrs. Plansky’s Revenge kind of thing. But it was very satisfying. The murder mystery, which is theoretically why people pick this book up, on the other hand…I have mixed feelings about it. But I can’t explain that reaction. Osman knows how to construct a mystery, the red herrings are perfect, the suspects are wonderfully designed, and the reveals and wrap-up were done almost perfectly. I can’t think of a single problem with it. But the entire time I was reading it, something just didn’t click.

I want to stress that this is my only issue with the book—sadly, it’s the A story. Maybe it’s the fact that it didn’t feel like it always. Maybe it’s because everything else in the novel was so good and so emotionally strong, that the mystery couldn’t compete. Maybe the book was just too crowded with storylines and this one didn’t have as much time to develop as it needed? It’s also (very likely) just me. I also thought it was pretty easy to guess the killer’s identity—but the motive and the reveal were so well done that I didn’t care. Also, the herrings were red enough that I doubted my guess more than once.

That ineffable quibble aside, this is the best book in the series thus far. I couldn’t put it down—from the “are you kidding me?” beginning through the emotional body-blows over the course of the book, up to the strong conclusion, and all points in between, Osman kept me guessing, kept me invested, and kept me wondering how he could be so good at this.

I don’t need to tell fans to get this (they’ve probably all read it by now), but I can encourage new readers to catch up.

5 Stars

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My Favorite Crime/Mystery/Detective/Thriller Fiction of 2022

2022 Favorite Crime Fiction
I read 114 books I put in the category of “Mystery/Detective Fiction/Crime Fiction/Thriller” last year (and there are a couple of multi-genre novels that could beef that number up a bit), so I have to consider it apart from everything else when I put together my Favorites Lists, or just about everything else would get ignored. Even if I went with a Top 15-20 instead of a Favorite 10, maybe 2-3 books from the previous lists would’ve made it along with all of these.

I had a hard time writing up this post—not because I had a hard time picking the list this year (thankfully). Partially because I’m tired of doing these little snippets at this point in the week, but mostly because I want to write a thousand words or so on each one (and probably spend time re-reading huge chunks of each of these books in order to do that properly), so keeping myself to a paragraph or so is really difficult. I ended up borrowing liberally from things I’ve written here and elsewhere just to make sure this list was able to be posted before Feb. 26th.

Once again, I’ll note that I limit my lists to things I read for the first time. I’d be willing to guarantee anyone reading this page will enjoy at least 6 of these (which six will vary from reader to reader, however). I’m tempted to say that all the listed books are guaranteed for everyone, but people’s tastes are too varied, so I’ll hedge my bet. Try these, and you’ll be glad you did.

(in alphabetical order by author)

Bye Bye BabyRobert B. Parker’s Bye Bye Baby

by Ace Atkins

My original post
It’s really no surprise that Atkins’ final Spenser novel makes this list—Spenser is one of my all-time favorites, and the decade that Atkins spent at the helm included several of the best novels in this long-running series (this is the 50th novel!!). He also helped legions of fans deal with Parker’s death by doing such a capable job. This book evokes some of Parker’s best early novels while remaining wholly original and compelling—true to both authors. It’s a great way for Atkins to go out.

4 1/2 Stars

Double TakeDouble Take

by Elizabeth Breck

My original post
In my original post, I said that it felt like Breck wrote this novel for me—I’m not that delusional, but it resonated with me in so many ways that she might as well have. Madison Kelly was one of my favorite discoveries of 2021 and her sophomore adventure solidified my impression of her. Madison’s tough, smart, lucky (and knows how important that is), and committed. Brisk and assured writing. A nice bit of sleuthing to find a pretty clever crime (committed by some people who really shouldn’t ever get into criminal activity—and some who seem born to it). Featuring the kind of ending where you find yourself leaning forward as you read, because somehow that helps you get to what happens next faster; you don’t hear the music/people/animals around you; and your eyes move just too slowly.

4 1/2 Stars

Racing the LightRacing the Light

by Robert Crais

My original post
We leave one of my newest PI obsessions to go back to one of my oldest—Elvis Cole. This is the best use of this character in years, and I loved every second of it. Like the best Cole novels, it starts as a missing persons case before turning into something far more complicated and deadly. But Cole is able to keep his focus on the victim (while finding justice for the wrongs he encounters). Joe Pike doesn’t get as much “screen time” as he has been lately, which makes every second that he’s around so much more effective—he owns one of the best moments of the book (and barely does anything in it). Racing the Light will no doubt be considered one of the pivotal moments in the series and I can’t wait to see what comes after this point.

5 Stars

The BotanistThe Botanist

by M.W. Craven

My original post
The last note I made on this novel was, “the last 30 pages made me happier than almost anything else this year.” And thinking back on those pages right now still makes me almost giddy. While Poe and Tilly are vital to the novel—ultimately, this novel is about the secondary characters—victims, suspects, and the killers. The primary case is brilliant on every front—the method of murder, the way that the method is finally discerned by the good guys, and then the way the case is closed? It’s all a thing of beauty (in the dark, warped way that Crime Fiction is to fans of the genre). I’m on the verge of babbling now, so I’m going to leave this and move on to the next novel on the list.

5 Stars

Don't Know ToughDon’t Know Tough

by Eli Cranor

My original post
I was blown away by this novel. I read it in May and I’m not convinced I’ve wholly recovered. It’s a story about faith, family, and (American) football. I can’t tell you which is more important to any character in this novel at any point (but I’d lean toward the latter for just about all of them). The prose is gorgeous and visceral, the story is intense and heart-breaking–it’s about a high school coach and a star player trying to keep their heads above water in the middle of a murder they’re both connected to. I can easily sound like I’m over-hyping this, so I’m not going to go on the way I want to. I’ll simply say that Cranor’s work is just gut-wrenching, beautiful, and powerful. And not to be missed.

5 Stars


by Lee Goldberg

My original post
This series started off strong and keeps getting stronger. The overall arc of the series is a rookie detective (who got promoted earlier than she should have) learning how to be a good, maybe great, detective. Eve Ronin makes mistakes, she learns from many of them, but her instincts are on point and she eventually gets her criminals. If she can learn to do it without burning every bridge in sight and unintentionally antagonizing everyone she works with, she’ll get there faster. This is likely the last case her partner will work and he gives it everything he’s got—while imparting every bit of hard-earned wisdom to her as he can—and boy howdy, does he shine here. This is likely the best thing by Goldberg that I’ve read—and I’ve been a fan for a long time.

4 1/2 Stars


by Mick Herron

My original post
Dead Lions by Herron would’ve been on this list, but I don’t let myself use one author more than once, so the spot goes to Reconstruction. Possibly because I spent far more time with this than I do with most books on a first read. Herron got everything right with this book. None of the primary characters are who you think they are at the beginning—most are far worse people than you think (including the ones you have a bad impression of—they’re even worse than you imagine). Which doesn’t stop them all from being some of the best designed and executed characters you’ll run into. The plot is like an onion (or a parfait, to appease Donkey)—you keep peeling back layer after layer after layer until the very end—and each layer is practically perfect and delicious (making it more like a parfait, now that I use that word). The narration is sneakily hilarious and dark. One of my earliest reads of the year and it set the bar high for the next 11 months.

5 Stars

The Self-Made Widow The Self-Made Widow

by Fabian Nicieza

My original post
The premise of this sequel is fantastic—what’s a detective to do when they know who the killer is, but they’re not sure how or why the murder was committed. In fact, in the beginning, Andi’s the only one sure the victim was murdered at all. Kenny takes some time out from the documentary he’s making about the events of the previous novel to help Andi out (and hopefully to get another book, documentary, whatever out of it all). Andi’s up against someone as smart as her this time, and it’s going to take more than just Kenny’s help to crack the case. Told in Nicieza’s fantastic style this is a sure-fire winner.

5 Stars

The Bullet That MissedThe Bullet That Missed

by Richard Osman

My original post
This third book in The Thursday Murder Club series is about two things—the new case the Club decides to look into (mostly so Joyce can meet some local TV personalities) and fallout from the last book–on multiple fronts. As much as I enjoy this series for the lightness and joy it brings—the looming danger that arises as a side effect of their recent success was great. By all means, let’s let things get serious. Elizabeth’s husband, Stephen, steals this novel, however. He shines brighter than ever—and is in worse shape than ever before. This series is ultimately about grief and living in its shadow—that shadow seems larger than ever, and it’s just going to get bigger.

5 Stars

Family BusinessFamily Business

by S. J. Rozan

My original post
This was the first novel I read in 2022, and it stuck with me throughout the year. I was shocked—and very pleased—by the actions of a long-term character. The narration was as good as Rozan has ever given us. Once again, Rozan takes us into the depths of Chinatown’s Organized Crime and does so in a way that no one expects. Lydia’s at her cleverest when it comes to solving the crime here—even if she might not be that wise when she reveals it. The relationship between Lydia and Bill has taken on new depths, and remains one of the best relationships in detective fiction. Family Business just made me happy from beginning to end.

4 Stars

I want to mention really briefly the books that almost made the list—tied for 11th, I guess you’d say. (fatigue and trying to keep this list from getting too long prevents me from just making my Favorites list long enough to contain them—preventing Reader Fatigue is more important than my own).
bullet Hell of a Mess by Nick Kolakowski
bullet Roses for the Dead by Chris McDonald (the other two parts of this trilogy could easily be substituted for this one)
bullet Blood Sugar by Sascha Rothchild
bullet Jacked, edited by Vern Smith
bullet Killer Story by Matt Witten
(links will take you to my original posts about them)

The Bullet That Missed by Richard Osman: Chickens (Start to?) Come Home to Roost

The Bullet That MissedThe Bullet That Missed

by Richard Osman

Series: Thursday Murder Club, #3
Publisher: Pamela Dorman Books
Publication Date: September 20, 2022
Format: Hardcover
Length: 337 pg.
Read Date: October 17-19, 2022
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“It’s the people, in the end, isn’t it?…It’s always the people, You can move halfway around the world to find your perfect life, move to Australia if you like, but it always comes down to the people you meet.”

What’s The Bullet That Missed About?

Consequences, largely.

But that doesn’t tell you much. So let me expand a bit. The end of the book seemed to tie up everything with two nice and tidy bows. But you know what they say about appearances…

In The Man Who Died Twice, the Thursday Murder Club basically ripped off a International Criminal and got away with it. Well, almost. It turns out that a competitor (we’ll call him the Viking) of that criminal has evidence of their theft. The Viking tries to use that evidence to blackmail Elizabeth into killing the other criminal. She resists until the Viking turns it into an offer she can’t refuse.

Meanwhile, Joyce has picked the next case for the Club to look into. Years before, a local news anchor had gone missing and is presumed dead. Over her protests, everyone is sure she wants to look into the case because she wants to meet some people on TV, but the case is interesting enough that they’ll go along with it. Whatever her motives, it is an interesting case and gives the Club a lot to do (and, yes, they get to meet a local celebrity or two along the way).

The case brings Ibrahim into contact with Connie Johnson, the crime boss the Club had helped put away. She hasn’t forgotten him or Ron—and has grim plans for both of them upon her release (which she’s sure isn’t long off). But in the meantime, for her own amusement, she plays along with Ibrahim and helps out.

Murdering a criminal, solving an old missing persons case (that may be a murder), and tangling with an imprisoned drug lord. That’s a lot to squeeze into 337 pages, but there’s more: add in some romance/potential romance, some new friends and old, and Joyce’s continued experiments with Instagram, and you’ve got yourself a novel.


Elizabeth’s husband, Stephen, has been a rock for her throughout this series. He’s had a few good moments when it comes to both story and comedy—and heart, most importantly, the heart—but he’s largely been a supporting character. An important one, but supporting, nonetheless.

But he gets to shine in The Bullet That Missed. He’s thrust into the middle of one of the stories from the beginning, and plays a significant role throughout this storyline. In retrospect, I think I should’ve anticipated this happening at some point, but I hadn’t. It was so good to see this.

There’s a dark side to anything involving Stephen, too. We know from the beginning that he’s struggling with dementia. We all know too well that there’s only one direction for people dealing with that. So every time we see the character—or see Elizabeth thinking about him—the reader is confronted with this reality. As hard as some of the situations the Club faces in this book are—nothing is as hard (for characters or readers) than to see this progression.

Elizabeth seems so strong, so capable—frequently inscrutable and almost omniscient—but when it comes to Stephen, she is so vulnerable, so human (and now Joyce, too but always Stephen first). I have a blast reading über-competent Elizabeth, but I love vulnerable Elizabeth, and Stephen’s where she comes from.

The Heart of this Series

I have to be vague here, but I think I can get across what I want without ruining anything.

That quote I opened with is, ultimately, what this series is about—it’s what gets people hooked on it. The four members of The Thursday Murder Club—and their particular brand of friendship—is so appealing. There’s a chemistry and a warmth to them that inevitably attracts others, they want to be part of it. In the first book, they draw in such disparate people as a middle-aged Detective Chief Inspector, a Police Constable not quite used to the quieter locale, and a pretty shady Polish immigrant. You see something similar in the next book, too. The Bullet that Missed trumps them all—and the band of “Thursday Murder Club Irregulars” that they can now call on is pretty remarkable. It’s even drawn in Joyce’s daughter—not that they’ve ever been at odds, but you can tell their relationship could be better at first (and likely still could), and it’s getting stronger now.

That’s the more impressive part—not only are people drawn in by these characters because they want to spend time with them and help them (even if they’re being pressured, bullied, or blackmailed into it)—their lives are enriched by it. As are the lives of the Murder Club—everyone benefits.

This crosses generations, interests, professions, criminal records, ethnicities, national origins, classes, education levels—you name it. Sure, this is a cozy kind of “blue sky” outlook. But who doesn’t want to live in a world like that? Who doesn’t want to at the very least want to spend some time reading about a world like that? Even if it’s marred by murder, the occasional betrayal, and grief—it’s an optimistic antidote to loneliness and…I don’t know, the ineffable “everything else” that defines contemporary life.

So, what did I think about The Bullet That Missed?

The downside to everything I just said is that I wonder if we don’t have too many players in this book—we’ve got the core four, the extended circle of friends, Stephen, kids, a grandchild, old contacts, new friends, romantic interests, foes old and new. I felt like we didn’t get quite enough time with our protagonists. But I don’t want to lose a moment with the others…maybe Osman should take a page from Galbraith and start putting out a thousand pages at a time. (NOTE: That is absolutely a joke. I would eagerly read it, should he publish it, but I don’t want it.) That hurt the book a little for me, but there wasn’t a moment of this novel I didn’t find wholly charming and delightful.

In sum: the biggest problem with this book was all the new good stuff crowded out the old good stuff. Not the worst problem to run into.

The mystery was great—I got suckered by a red herring or two (and even when I suspected something was a red herring, I ignored that likelihood). The character work was typically fantastic. The conclusion was a knock-out and everything that happened after the killer’s reveal is even better. I’m firmly in raving fanboy mode now, so let me wrap-up.

Basically, this is a the literary equivalent of a cozy blanket and a nice up of tea—if you don’t feel better while reading it, I’ll be shocked. Yes, in this series (as in real life) grief and sorrow are around the corner—potentially great tragedy, too. for now, the Thursday Murder Club has nothing but a great time to offer you in The Bullet That Missed. Highly recommended.

5 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, the opinions expressed are my own.

The Friday 56 for 10/21/22: The Bullet That Missed by Richard Osman

The Friday 56This is a weekly bloghop hosted by Freda’s Voice.

The Friday 56 Grab a book, any book.
The Friday 56 Turn to Page 56 or 56% on your ereader. If you have to improvise, that is okay.
The Friday 56 Find a snippet, short and sweet.
The Friday 56 Post it.

from Page 56 of:
The Bullet That Missed

The Bullet That Missed by Richard Osman

“So kill me or let me go. Those are your two options. Which do you choose?”

“I think I choose option three,” says the Viking. “The option where I send Viktor Illyich the full photos.”

“The full photos?”

“Yes, for sure. The photos with your friend Joyce Meadowcroft by your side. Both pictures, both names.”

“Bit below the belt,” says Stephen. Elizabeth still feels safe. Viktor won’t go after Joyce either. Not if they’re in the photo together. A friend of Elizabeth is a friend of Viktor.

“Viktor might not have the heart to kill Joyce, of course,” says the Viking. “She is more of a civilian, I think? So here’s my deal. Just as insurance, if Viktor Illyich isn’t dead within two weeks, I will kill your friend Joyce.”

The Man Who Died Twice by Richard Osman: Laughter, Tears, and a Thrilling Plot. Who Could Ask for More?

The Man Who Died Twice

The Man Who Died Twice

by Richard Osman
Series: Thursday Murder Club, #2

Hardcover, 352 pg.
Pamela Dorman Books, 2021

Read: November 5-8, 2021
Grab a copy from your local indie bookstore!

TL;DR Version of the Post

I’m going to try not to go on for a few thousand words here, but I can’t make any promises. Just in case, let me provide this version of the post first:

Why waste time wondering about this book? Go read it now.

“It is fine to say ‘what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’. It is admirable. But it no longer applies when you’re eighty. When you are eighty, whatever doesn’t kill you just ushers you through the next door, and the next door and the next, and all of these doors lock behind you. No bouncing back. The gravitational pull of youth disappears, and you just float up and up.”

What’s The Man Who Died Twice About?

Right on the heels of the events of The Thursday Murder Club, a figure out of Elizabeth’s past arrives at Cooper’s Chase in need of her help (which means they get the help of Ibrahim, Ron, and Joyce, too—they’re a package deal now). He’s been accused of stealing diamonds worth millions—this is bad enough in any circumstances, but when these diamonds belong to a New York mafia family, the accusation takes on a particular level of seriousness.

As the quartet starts to help him, one of their members is mugged and there’s not a lot the police can do about it, as much as they want to. You know that Elizabeth and the rest will not take that lying down for a moment, and you almost feel sorry for the mugger. It’d probably be better for him to turn himself into the police than face what Elizabeth will cook up.

At the same time, our police friends, DCI Chris Hudson and PC Donna De Freitas, are trying to take down the unlikeliest drug kingpin since Nancy Botwin. There are also some nice (and potentially strange) developments in their social lives.

I shouldn’t forget to add that Joyce takes up making friendship bracelets to sell for charity, gets an Instagram account, and decides to adopt a dog. You’ll be surprised which of those becomes important for the plot, but you’ll enjoy them all.

Crowdsourcing Vengence

The last book’s mysteries involved people near The Club, which got them involved—but it’s largely due to curiosity/boredom/proximity. In this book, the crimes are personal, members of The Thursday Murder Club are affected and involved—either directly or indirectly. They’re not acting for their amusement (well, maybe a little), they have a need to see justice done and someone punished.

In both cases, it feels like they’re practically crowdsourcing their revenge. They are able to quickly get anyone they ask to chip in. “Oh, this is for X?” or “This is because of Y?” “Sure, I’m in.” “Someone hurt So-and-so? What do you need.” It’s heartwarming to see the community come together like this, selflessly ready to help. It’s also a little disturbing how quickly willing everyone is to ignore the law (not just because two of the people who are involved are police officers).

A Shared Attitude

At (at least) one point both Ron and Elizabeth reflect on their life at the moment and say something about how lucky they are. It’s certainly possible that Joyce and Ibrahim said the same thing at one point in the book (if I had an e-copy, I’d have done a search or two so I’d know)—but even if they don’t, they come close enough. I wish I had their sense of perspective, hopefully I get as wise as they are one day.

At the same time, they all know that life is short. And what they enjoy right now can be taken from them without warning (there are examples aplenty in the two books of the series). Which probably helps them enjoy their luck as long as they have it.

Elizabeth, in particular, knows that her luck is about to run out. Her husband loses his battle with dementia a little every day, and it’ll soon be over. Each scene with the two of them together (or when Elizabeth thinks about him) is a fantastic combination of sweetness and heartbreak.

Come to think of it, that’s a pretty good description of the series.

A Joyce Sampler

I can’t find some way to shoe-horn in these quotations, but I feel compelled to share them. Joyce’s journal entries are gold. A couple of samples:

What would I do with five million pounds, I wonder?

I need new patio doors, they’re about fifteen thousand, though Ron knows someone who could do it for eight.

I could buy £14.99 wine instead of £8.99 wine, but would I notice the difference?

…So I probably don’t really need five million pounds but, nonetheless, I’m sure I shall dream about it tonight. You would too, wouldn’t you?

By the way, earlier, when I said Elizabeth is a terrible flirt, I didn’t mean she’s a terrible flirt like I’m a terrible flirt. I mean that when she flirts, she’s terrible at it. Really all over the place. I like to see things Elizabeth is bad at. There aren’t many, but at least it levels the playing field a bit for the rest of us.

So, what did I think about The Man Who Died Twice?

“Anyone interested in something very weird at Coopers Chase?” says Chris.

Yes. Everyone is.

That bit of narration speaks for everyone* who’s spent any time with The Thursday Murder Club and will likely continue to do so until Osman steps away from the series.

* I guess I should say “nearly everyone” I’m sure there are readers who weren’t taken in by Osman’s charm. I don’t understand those people, but I should acknowledge their existence.

I’m not sure what to possibly say at this point in the post—this is a fantastically entertaining read. Osman has a gift for making you laugh, appreciate the depth of grief, muse on aging, and ponder the random vicissitudes of life all within a page or two—all while telling a first-class amateur detective story.

As much as I loved The Thursday Murder Club, I think this was a more entertaining read. I was chuckling almost instantly, and audible laughter soon followed that. But by the last paragraph of Chapter 3, I was reminded that Osman is as skillful at playing your heartstrings as he is tickling your funny bone. This is a winner. Stop wasting time with this post and go read the book.

5 Stars

2021 Library Love Challenge

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, opinions are my own.

The Friday 56 for 11/5/21: The Man Who Died Twice by Richard Osman

The Friday 56This is a weekly bloghop hosted by Freda’s Voice.

The Friday 56 Grab a book, any book.
The Friday 56 Turn to Page 56 or 56% on your ereader. If you have to improvise, that is okay.
The Friday 56 Find a snippet, short and sweet.
The Friday 56 Post it

from Page 56 of:
The Man Who Died Twice

The Man Who Died Twice by Richard Osman

A nurse walks into the room to fill Ibrahim’s water jug, and the friends fall silent and nod their thanks. She leaves.

“I am conventionally handsome,” says Ibrahim.

“Not at the moment you’re not,” says Ron.

“So you need us to look out for him?” asks Joyce. “Like bodyguards?”

“Hardly bodyguards, Joyce,” says Elizabeth.

“We’re guarding his body,” says Ron.

“All right, bodyguards then, Ron, as you wish.” Ron nods.

“Yep, I do wish.”

The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman: Well, I Know What I Want My Retirement to Look Like

The Thursday Murder Club

The Thursday Murder Club

by Richard Osman
Series: Thursday Murder Club, #1

Hardcover, 351 pg.
Pamela Dorman Books, 2020

Read: February 22-23, 2021
Grab a copy from your local indie bookstore!

“So, we were all witnesses to a murder,” says Elizabeth. “Which, needless to say, is wonderful.”

What’s The Thursday Murder Club About?

Britain’s first seventh “Luxury Retirement Village,” Coopers Chase is built on the remains of a Roman Catholic convent. On Thursdays, the Jigsaw Room is booked for “Japanese Opera: A Discussion,” during the two-hour slot between Art History and Conversational French. This isn’t actually what happens then, but it’s a great way to dissuade people from dropping in.

What actually happens is that a group of four residents get together to look over cold cases and see if they can make any progress with them. One of the group’s founders was a detective in the Kent Police, and it’s her cases they started going through. When necessary, or when the opportunity presented itself, they’d bring in various experts to consult. Shortly before the book opens, they’d had a change in membership, the former detective’s health had put her in the hospital ward, and when they’d asked a retired nurse for some input, she’d been curious enough to attend the meetings.

At that point, the roster consisted of a socialist activist of some renown, a retired therapist, and a well…we’re never told precisely what Elizabeth did, but The Official Secrets Act and a lot of foreign travel was involved.

Then one of the owners of Coopers Chase, the man who did the actual building, is murdered. Suddenly, they’re not that worried about cold cases, when they have a current case to help the police with (whether the police want/need their help isn’t a consideration).

How the Story is Told

Primarily, the book is told from a variety of third-person perspectives—focusing on most of the Club, a police constable, a Detective Chief Inspector, and others involved in Coopers Chase. It’s a great way to tell this story, you get to know all the characters, see everything going on, and get a real feel for this world. But what makes this better—what helps the reader get into this world, is the retired nurse, Joyce. As she gets into the Club as a whole, and especially as she becomes friends with Elizabeth (in less charitable moments, you might say she’s becoming Elizabeth’s sidekick—and I’m not certain Joyce would mind that), she starts keeping an electronic diary, and Osmund will insert an entry between chapters as a way of breaking up the text and helping the reader to focus on certain elements of the third-person narration.

Through this diary we see her joy in finding something to do, in making friends, in pursuing a romance, in skirting trouble with the police. It’s not really clear how involved Joyce was in the overall Coopers Chase community until this case, but this gives her a spark and opens new worlds and possibilities for her, and it’s heart-warming (at least) to read the progression of this. I will say, in bed with limited light, the typeface that is used for her diary entries (at least in the American Hardcover) wasn’t that easy for me to read—but it was absolutely worth the effort.

Initially, that’s all I wanted to talk about, but I realized the other way to interpret “how” could use some discussion. Osman writes with warmth, gentle humor, heart, and charm. Joyce’s diaries are delightful and the this-person narration is close to that, too. This is a book of dark things—murder, secrets, depravity, scandal, declining health, dementia, grief, loneliness, and death are everywhere. But there’s also community, friendship, and hope—and those latter three so characterize the book that the darkness seems surmountable and something you can be carried through because of the warmth and community. It’s hard to pull that off while being honest about the human condition—but Osman pulls it off with aplomb.

A Pond’s Worth of Red Herrings

I don’t remember the last time I read a mystery novel so full of red herrings—in terms of clues or viable suspects. I loved that—sure, some were easy to spot as being a red herring. But more than once I had to admit to myself that Osman had fooled me.

I love a smart mystery, one that makes me think, one that tricks me (without cheating too much), one that surprises me—and that’s exactly what we get here.

So Many Confessions

Part Two of the novel is called, “Everyone Here Has a Story to Tell,” and man, is that descriptive. There are, by the time all is said and done, several criminals in this book—and some people who aren’t criminals, yet carry a terrible weight of guilt (both deserved and not). And we get all of their stories—sometimes through the narration, but largely from their own dialogue. Secrets are laid bare—primarily for the Club and the reader, but some for a larger audience. Not all of them help anyone get closer to the killer (killers?)—but they all help tell the story.

Some confess because they’ve been waiting for the opportunity (as well as dreading it), some because they’ve been forced into it, some because it just doesn’t matter anymore. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter why they do it, only that they do.

So, what did I think about The Thursday Murder Club?

It is this kind of thing that keeps me reading Crime Fiction—as much as I might read police procedurals and PI (or PI adjacent) novels by the handful, you give me a clever assortment of characters doing interesting things and getting results from a combination of work and smarts and I’m in hog heaven.

A moment ago, I mentioned the title of Part Two. Part One is called, “Meet New People and Try New Things.” For Joyce and Donna (the Police Constable), that’s plainly what this book holds—Donna’s first homicide case and something that puts a spring in Joyce’s step and a twinkle in her eye. But it’s actually true for just about all the characters, and who doesn’t like the idea of a group of septuagenarians (give or take a couple of years) having new experiences to try?

On the off-chance my mother reads this in the next couple of days, I’m going to spoil her birthday and tell her that this is going to be waiting for her on her e-reader. I mention this publicly to illustrate how much I like this book—while I still had over one hundred pages to go, I was already planning on getting it for her (unless the ending was a mess).

A smart mystery, told well, with characters that are just as smart and well-told. I can’t think of a thing about this novel I didn’t like—it was touching, amusing, honest about the circumstances that these characters found themselves in, but life-affirming, too. There’s a lot of profundity mixed in with the amusement—and a clever mystery, to boot! This is not one to pass up.

5 Stars



2021 Library Love Challenge
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