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Crisis of Confidence: Reclaiming the Historic Faith in a Culture Consumed with Individualism and Identity by Carl R. Trueman: Why The Church Needs Creeds

Crisis of ConfidenceCrisis of Confidence:
Reclaiming the Historic Faith
in a Culture Consumed
with Individualism and Identity

by Carl R. Trueman

Publisher: Crossway
Publication Date: February 6, 2024
Format: Hardcover
Length: 173
Read Date: March 17-25, 2024
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What’s Crisis of Confidence About?

This is a new and slightly updated version of Trueman’s 2012 book, The Creedal Imperative. The updates don’t change the overall thesis of the book, but a new nuance or two are added. The first edition focused on contrasting the point of view of “No creed but the Bible” with the Protestant traditions that embrace the Ecumenical Creeds and Confessions of Faith. This time, the focus is on maintaining Ecclesiastical positions and individual convictions via the Creeds/Confessions in a rapidly changing culture—particularly in light of what Trueman calls “expressive individualism.”

The book begins with a chapter arguing against Creeds and Confessions, which is followed by a chapter providing the Scriptural basis for their creation and use. We then get two chapters looking at the history of them in the Church—one chapter for the development of the Ecumenical Creeds in the first few centuries of the Church, and one looking at the development of Confessions during the Protestant Reformation (with some discussion of non-Reformed Confessions as well).

Trueman wraps up with a chapter on the use of Creeds/Confessions in the worship of the church—to form and frame it, their use in a church’s worship, and how they serve an integral role in both. From there he offers a final chapter with a non-exhaustive list of ways creedal material is useful for particular congregations, denominations, and individuals.

So, what did I think about Crisis of Confidence?

Now, I’d intended on re-reading The Creedal Imperative back in January, but the time got away from me and then this dropped in my lap quite unexpectedly—so I was able to tackle that re-read, in a sense. For that, I’m glad I read this.

I’m not sure it was worth the new edition—and the minor updates didn’t add that much to the book as a whole. It was probably a good move from a publishing/selling point of view—the design makes it fit with Trueman’s last couple of books, and the new focus fits those, too. This is a good way to get people who’ve only read his last two books to read his older material (especially because those books are likely to have been attractive to people who wouldn’t be interested in a book about Creeds/Confessions without that connection).

Did that new material and the updates hurt the book? Nope. It’s still a strong apologetic for the use of them—not just that creedal documents are allowed by the Scriptures, but Trueman argues that they’re necessary, even expected for the Church (and shows indications that the First Century Church employed them). In the anti-Creedal cultures (both secular and ecclesiastical) that the Western Church finds itself in, we need as many of these defenses and arguments for that as we can get.

Trueman delivers those in his typical learned, engaging, and clear style. He doesn’t come out swinging as he does in some contexts—but you don’t walk away wondering what he really thinks about something, either.

I recommend this book and encourage you to read it if you haven’t read the original. if you have—it’s not a bad idea to read this (or just re-read the original), who doesn’t need a refresher on topics like this from time to time?

4 Stars

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REPOSTING JUST CUZ: Prayer by Ole Hallsby

1. Yes, I’m doing too many of these lately. But I had a good reason for not finishing the post for today. 2. I really wanted to edit this, but I don’t have the time, so please be gracious to some sentences that need help. 3. I really needed to revisit this book and just reading my post about it helped me remember a lot of what I needed to see. So I’m chalking this up as something for me, and I’ll try to have something fresh for the next Lord’s Day.


by Ole Hallesby

Papberback, 176 pg.
1994 (originally 1931), Augsburg Fortress

Read: September 3 – 10, 2017

The section from Calvin’s Institutes on prayer is fantastic, Wistsius’ book is incredibly helpful, Luther’s little A Simple Way is pretty good, as is Matthew Henry’s Method, but none of them have been as much help as this little book by Norweign Lutheran Ole Hallesby (at least that’s my guess, I’ve had years to chew on those others, only a couple of weeks for Hallesby). I heard of the book briefly on an episode of Christ the Center this summer, and then they devoted an entire episode to it later — I was halfway through the book when that second episode was posted, thankfully, they didn’t say anything that spoiled the ending. If not for those podcast episodes, I probably would’ve gone my whole life without ever hearing of this book. That would’ve been a shame.

He doesn’t set out to write a comprehensive book on the subject, or a systematized theology of prayer, but to present “a few simple rules for the benefit of souls who are fainting at prayer.” It’s not much of a rule book, thankfully, as much as it wants to be — more like a collection of helpful suggestions.

Hallesby describes two things that make up the attitude of prayer — helplessness and faith. Faith that Jesus can and will answer our prayers and a realization that we are helpless and need him to even pray. What he writes about helplessness is worth the price of the book alone. I think it’s changed the way I pray already. I would quote a bit of it here — and I started to, but I wasn’t sure where I’d stop. So let me just encourage you to grab the book.

I also really appreciated his discussion of how we “think we must help God to fulfill our prayer,” by giving Him lists of suggestions for how to and times when He can answer us. Instead, we are to faithfully pour out our need to Him, and then trust that He will answer as He sees best. I’d really never thought of it in those terms but we really can end up trying to tell God the best way to go about helping us — which flies in the face of our admitted helplessness in a given situation.

Hallesby covers the work of prayer, the struggles we may have in it, some suggestions for how to learn to pray better, as well as giving some answers to common questions about prayer (that seem to be the same questions I hear others having almost 100 years after this book was written, probably questions believers had 100 years before that, too). Throughout the book, you get a strong sense of a pastoral heart behind the words and advice, which makes it all much easier to heed.

It’s not a perfect book by any means — most of my problems have to do with the fact that I’m not a Lutheran, nor a Pietist. So, anything that leans too heavily on those traditions/characteristics are obviously going to at least raise my eyebrows, but on the whole those aspects of the book are quibbles. For example, his definition of prayer involves letting God help us, or his aversion to pre-written prayers (that one has many allies in my own tradition, so it is more of a note than anything). More substantial concerns are his utter lack of reference to — much less use of — the Psalms or the Lord’s Prayer. A book on prayer that doesn’t even touch on those is mind-boggling. None of these concerns or quibbles detract too much from the book — and they’re certainly outweighed by the help the book gives.

Pound-for-pound, the best book on the subject I’ve read. Easy to read, encouraging, convicting and insightful. Highly recommended.


4 Stars

Opening Lines: Miracles by C.S. Lewis

from Miracles by C.S. Lewis:

In all my life I have met only one person who claims to have seen a ghost. And the interesting thing about the story is that that person disbelieved in the immortal soul before she saw the ghost and still disbelieves after seeing it. She says that what she saw must have been an illusion or a trick of the nerves, And obviously she may be right. Seeing is not believing.

For this reason, the question whether miracles occur can never be answered simply by experience. Every event which might claim to be a miracle is, in the last resort, something presented to our senses, something seen, heard, touched, smelled, or tasted. And our senses are not infallible. If anything extraordinary seems to have happened, we can always say that we have been the victims of an illusion. If we hold a philosophy which excludes the supernatural, this is what we always shall say. What we learn from experience depends on the kind of philosophy we bring to experience. It is therefore useless to appeal to experience before we have settled, as well as we can, the philosophical question.

If immediate experience cannot prove or disprove the miraculous, still less can history do so. Many people think one can decide whether a miracle occurred in the past by examining the evidence “according to the ordinary rules of historical inquiry.” But the ordinary rules cannot be worked until we have decided whether miracles are possible, and if so, how probable they are. For if they are impossible, then no amount of historical evidence will convince us. If they are possible but immensely improbable, then only mathematically demonstrative evidence will convince us: and since history never provides that degree of evidence for any event, history can never convince us that a miracle occurred. If, on the other hand, miracles are not intrinsically improbable, then the existing evidence will be sufficient to convince us that quite a number of miracles have occurred, The result of our historical enquiries thus depends on the philosophical views which we have been holding before we even began to look at the evidence, The philosophical question must therefore come first.

Here is an example of the sort of thing that happens if we omit the preliminary philosophical task, and rush on to the historical. In a popular commentary on the Bible you will find a discussion of the date at which the Fourth Gospel was written. The author says it must have been written after the execution of St. Peter, because, in the Fourth Gospel, Christ is represented as predicting the execution of St. Peter. “A book,” thinks the author, “cannot be written before events which it refers to.” Of course it cannot—unless real predictions ever occur. If they do, then this argument for the date is in ruins, And the author has not discussed at all whether real predictions are possible. He takes it for granted (perhaps unconsciously) that they are not. Perhaps he is right: but if he is, he has not discovered this principle by historical inquiry. He has brought his disbelief in predictions to his historical work, so to speak, ready made. Unless he had done so his historical conclusion about the date of the Fourth Gospel could not have been reached at all. His work is therefore quite useless to a person who wants to know whether predictions occur, The author gets to work only after he has already answered that question in the negative, and on grounds which he never communicates to us.

This book is intended as a preliminary to historical inquiry. I am not a trained historian and I shall not examine the historical evidence for the Christian miracles, My effort is to put my readers in a position to do so. It is no use going to the texts until we have some idea about the possibility or probability of the miraculous, Those who assume that miracles cannot happen are merely wasting their time by looking into the texts we know in advance what results they will find for they have begun by begging the question.

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Empowered Witness: Politics, Culture, and the Spiritual Mission of the Church by Alan D. Strange: A Case Study and a Call to Act

Empowered WitnessEmpowered Witness:
Politics, Culture, and the
Spiritual Mission of the Church

by Alan D. Strange

Publisher: Crossway
Publication Date: February 13, 2024
Format: Paperback
Length: 127 pg.
Read Date: February 11-18, 2024
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The church is not presented in the Bible as simply another voice in the competing cacophony of shouted slogans but rather that still small voice that testifies to what God has done for us in Christ, that he so loved the world that he gave Christ to die for it, so that all who believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). This is the message of the church, and to reduce it to a mere political agenda is to sell short the glory of the gospel. The Christian faith is not, at its heart, a political message but a spiritual one. A doctrine of the spirituality of the church, properly conceived, holds fast to this thrust and permits the church to maintain fidelity to the Christian message while keeping in check any address that it might consider necessary respecting matters in the civil and political sphere.

What’s Empowered Witness About?

This is one of those books where if I’m not careful I’m going to end up restating and interacting with the entire argument of the book. So we’re going to be careful…

The Publisher’s site says:

Rediscovering the Spirituality of the Church in Our Highly Politicized Age

The goal of the church should be simple—share the gospel to the ends of the earth. But in our highly politicized age, Christians can tend to place earthly political and social agendas over God’s spiritual mission of the church.

In Empowered Witness, author Alan D. Strange examines the doctrine of the spirituality of the church, making a clear distinction between the functions of the church and other institutions. Strange argues that if the church continues to push political agendas, no institution will be focused solely on the Great Commission and the gospel will be lost entirely. This book calls readers to become aware of the church’s power and limits and shed light on moral issues in a way that doesn’t alter the deeply spiritual and gospel-centered mission of the church.

The Doctrine Under Consideration

This quotation from Charles Hodge offers a good (yet partial) definition:

It is the doctrine of the Scriptures and of the Presbyterian Church, that the kingdom of Christ is not of this world; that it is not subject as to faith, worship, or discipline, to the authority of the state; and that it has no right to interfere with the state, or give ecclesiastical judgment in matters pertaining to state policy.

The Spirituality of the Church focuses on the Church’s Spiritual Mission—to proclaim the gospel and help change the lives of believers—and calls the church to remember that’s her mission and to keep her from becoming entangled with or too immersed in the concerns of this world, with the power/goals of the State, and so on.

This doesn’t mean that the Church cannot—ought not—speak to the culture or State as it regards morality or spiritual issues, but it ought not get into the details of the political realities or functions.

The Structure of the Book

Let me just show you the Table of Contents first,

Chapter 1: The Doctrine of the Spirituality of the Church
Chapter 2: Slavery and the Spirituality of the Church
Chapter 3: The Spirituality of the Church Preceding the US Civil War
Chapter 4: The Spirituality of the Church and the General Assemblies of 1862–1865
Chapter 5: The Southern Church and the Reunion of the Northern Church
Chapter 6: The Spirituality of the Church and Politics Today

As you can see, the bulk of the book focuses on the middle of the Nineteenth Century and the Church (primarily the Presbyterian Church in the US)—and Charles Hodge was one of the leading voices and thinkers of the time. The book uses Hodge (and others to lesser extents) as a case study to see how this doctrine can be applied. Strange calls the story of the Presbyterian Church of the 1800s a “great cautionary tale”—you will not see a lot of hero-worship here. The Church didn’t live up to her calling, but we today can learn from their failings.

Strikingly, many of those who differed with and opposed Hodge (or that he differed with and opposed) held to the same doctrine. One of the strengths of Chapters 2-5 is that we see that this isn’t a “magic bullet” ensuring unity amongst believers that we can use to get the world/governments to do the things we want.

So, what did I think about Empowered Witness?

Every decision that the church as church takes needs to be justified in the light of the spirituality of the church, answering positively a question like “Does this advance the true spiritual task/calling/mission of the church?” Endorsing a political candidate and taking a position on a tax bill arguably does not pertain to or advance the cause of the gospel…

Saying this, though, does not remove the difficulty of defining what is spiritual vis-a-vis what is more purely political. One mans “purely political” may be another man’s “civil consequences of a proper spirituality.” Nothing will save us from the debate over whether a matter pertains to the proper spirituality of the church or falls under the more purely political items that should not concern the church. And there are those on both left and right, particularly hard-liners, who see everything as political, so that all political issues are moral and all moral issues are purely political.

This is not the book I expected from the description or even the title. This is both a complaint and a reaction. However, the book’s concept is probably a better idea than what I expected.

So rather than a purely theoretical or scholarly presentation and analysis of The Spirituality of the Church, or one looking at how to address contemporary issues, controversies, and discussions from that point of view—we get a look at how historical figures dealt with it. This allows the reader to see examples of the application of the doctrine to the real world (avoiding the problems of the first strategy) or distracting readers who may differ from the author when it comes to contemporary issues (avoiding problems of the second strategy). So by focusing on historical figures approaching a topic that most readers are familiar with, and are (likely?) largely settled about the events and how things played out, we can see how the various figures applied the doctrine without getting too worked up or distracted.

This also allows Strange to be critical of every figure he talked about when necessary—historical distance can be helpful.

I’ve seen a some mild criticism of Strange’s descriptions of the positions of James Thornwell and Stuart Robinson in distinction from Hodge—but they were mild (and the person who made those criticisms was largely positive toward the book otherwise). And I imagine there are some who’d want to pick a little on his depiction of Hodge and his position, too. But no one is going to challenge Strange’s grasp on the overall discussions and positions—this is an area he’s devoted years to and it shows.

Nor does this book try to answer every question, address every angle or objection—it’s the beginning of a consideration, an invitation to a conversation—one that each reader should have with those around them.

I ended up relishing the experience of reading this book and gleaned so much from it—and I really want to read the dissertation this was based on now (a healthy TBR stack is all that’s preventing me from jumping on it now). Chapter 1, “The Doctrine of the Spirituality of the Church” (with the introduction) and Chapter 6, “The Spirituality of the Church and Politics Today” serve as good bookends, ensuring that this isn’t just a historical discussion, but one that’s vital to readers and believers today—without being so expansive or long that Strange will put off readers who differ from him.

The more I think about this book, the more I like it. I’ve spent more time talking about it with others than I do most books—and have ended up chewing on it more after those conversations—the more time you spend with Strange, Hodge, and those events/ideas under consideration, the greater your appreciation is likely to be. Empowered Witness is an easy (enough) read, but deals with thought-provoking topics in a thoughtful way, so you’re not going to race through this. You’re going to walk away from this impressed with the Nineteenth Century figures (even if you were already appreciative with them) and wondering where you can read more people like them. Strange has done us a service with this book, and hopefully, it bears good fruit.

4 1/2 Stars

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The Two Kingdoms: A Guide for the Perplexed by W. Bradford Littlejohn: A Handy Intro (that maybe could’ve used a little more detail)

The Two KingdomsThe Two Kingdoms:
A Guide for
the Perplexed

by W. Bradford Littlejohn

Series: Davenant Guides 
Publisher: Davenant Press
Publication Date: April 11, 2017
Format: eBook
Length: 120 pg.
Read Date: TEXT
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We are simul justus et peccator, at the same time free lords and dutiful servants, at the same time alive with Christ in the heavenly places and toiling in murky paths here below, and even as we enjoy the liberty of a conscience set free by grace, we live under the laws (natural and civil) that regulate our lives with one another as human creatures. To confuse these two rules is to risk libertinism or legalism, triumphalism or despair.

What’s The Two Kingdoms About?

The Publisher describes it better than I could:

What does it mean to say Christ reigns in two kingdoms?

What does it mean to live as citizens of this world and of the world-to-come? How can we render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s? In recent years, fresh controversy has erupted over these age-old questions, and especially over the meaning and relevance of the Reformation’s “two-kingdoms” doctrine. At stake in such debates is not simply the shape of Christian politics, but the meaning of the church, the nature of human and divine authority, and the scope of Christian discipleship.

In this concise guide, Reformation scholar and Christian ethicist Bradford Littlejohn first sketches the history of the doctrine and clears away common misunderstandings. He then shows that the two-kingdoms doctrine can offer a valuable framework for thinking about pastoring, politics, and even financial stewardship.

Littlejohn gives us three chapters tracing the development of the concept starting with Luther and going through the early seventeenth century, looking at the “implications for political theology, ecclesiology, and Christian life.”

Then he offers “a creative appropriation of the doctrine today in the three key spheres of church, state, and marketplace, suggesting how it can shed fresh light on seemingly sterile disputes over how to live out the lordship of Christ in the 21st century.”

Throughout this, he will draw distinctions from his view of the Two Kingdoms to the “R2K” views (defined as “radical Two Kingdoms” or “Reformed Two Kingdoms”, depending who you ask) as well as a neo-Calvinist view, a Theonomistic view, or some others.

A Positive and A Negative

This is an introductory volume—and one that is only 120 pages long. So we’re only going to get a cursory look at all these ideas, ideas that are inherently complex just from a positive point of view—as he also offers critiques as well, that really doesn’t give Littlejohn a lot of time for explanation or depth.

This is a strength because he gives you a quick lay of the land, a look at Two Kingdom theology from 10,000 feet.

But it’s a weakness because that’s all we get—there aren’t even a plethora of footnotes. So we get assertion after assertion—but not a lot of reason to do more than take his word for it. It’s hard to swallow when he says something along the lines of, “I’m right about what Calvin said, unlike this other guy.” I don’t think he slips into the fallacy of ipse dixit, but he can see it from his front porch.

So, what did I think about The Two Kingdoms?

The two- kingdoms doctrine was a rebuke to our eagerness to call Christ down from heaven, seeing his hand in our own works and hearing his voice in our own words. It was an eschatological reminder that we live in a time between the times of Christ’s coming, that regardless of our duty to witness to the reign of the Son of Man, that reign remains hidden behind the “masks” that God has ordained to do his will in history.

I have, honestly, stayed as far away as I could from the topics of Christianity and politics/political theory/etc. for several years now. And really have only looked at it a little now because of some prodding by others, most of whom strongly recommended this book and cite it often.

Despite my misgivings (see above) about Littlejohn not really proving his assertions, I did find this helpful for giving a lay of the land, for drawing lines between his view and the R2K proponents (and I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and agree he’s closer to the first few generations of Protestants than the R2Kers are).

I found a lot of wisdom in the chapters about the State and Market, and found the chapter “Two Kingdoms in The Church” to be provocative.

As with any good introduction, I was left with more questions than answers—but I think I know the directions to look for some of those answers. I do wish the book was 80 pages or so longer—it still would’ve been able to stick to its foundational nature but it could’ve put a little meat the bones to help with some of those details.

I recommend this with some caveats, just know that when you’re only getting the beginning of an idea about the Two Kingdoms.

3.5 Stars

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The Water and the Blood by Kevin P. Emmert: Sacraments and Identity for In-Christ Persons

The Water and the BloodThe Water and the Blood:
How the Sacraments
Shape Christian Identity

by Kevin P. Emmert

Publisher: Crossway
Publication Date: November 7, 2023
Format: Paperback
Length: 213
Read Date: January 21-February 11, 2024
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Every now and then I come across a book that leaves me as close to speechless as I get when it comes to time to blog about it—I just can’t express things concisely about a book. Give me a couple of weeks to write and about 20-30 pages, and I might get somewhere. Although, that somewhere is pretty much just going to be an extended abstract of the book.

I think in the past, I’ve talked about wanting to just post the back-of-the-book blurb, say “GO READ IT,” and call it a day.

Obviously, this is one of those books (or it’d be mighty insulting to start the post this way). I’m not going to allow myself to do the extended abstract, and I’m going to try to say a little more than the second option. But that’s pretty attractive. And frankly, if you get into my first section and I’m not being clear enough for you, just click on one of the links above to read the description and then GO READ IT.

Let’s see if I can do a little better than that, eh?

If our morality and sense of identity—which mutually reinforce one another—are shaped so profoundly by aesthetics, then Christians need to not just participate more frequently in the sacraments but also reflect more deeply on their nature, meaning, and power. When rightly understood, rightly administered, and received with faith, baptism and Communion have the power to shape our self-understanding and moral vision. This is because they connect us to the greatest and most powerful story of all time—the gospel of Jesus Christ. Moreover, the sacraments exhibit the historic church’s core beliefs and practices in an attractive and appealing, though certainly ordinary, manner. In baptism and Communion, we find a direct connection between beauty, orthodoxy, and orthopraxy that catechizes the people of God with a greater understanding of the gospel and how they fit into that larger reality as persons in Christ.

What’s The Water and the Blood About?

This is a confessional and theological look at the sacraments and their role in teaching Christians about Christ and forming their character and lives in Him. Unlike almost every book I’ve ever read about the Sacraments (either considered individually or together), there’s no polemics, no debate, nothing along those lines. It’s just careful encouragement, instruction, and guidance.

The book starts by talking about the dependence of the Sacraments on the Word, then moves to a look at the nature of the Sacraments and how they function generally to form Christians. The next two chapters look at each Sacrament specifically—what they tell us about those “who have been immersed into Christ and who commune with Him.” The last two chapters apply all this, how the Sacraments form and inform Christian morality and then how they equip and guide believers into the work of ministry in a variety of settings.

In-Christ Persons

At the core of the statement that the Christian’s identity is in Christ is the biblical truth that our very existence as Christians is constituted in and determined by the living, active, and present Christ. The Christian self is a self in Christ. Put differently, being in Christ is our primary identity as Christians.

From the beginning, Emmert’s clear that his book isn’t just about the Sacraments shaping Christian Identity, it’s about Union with Christ. The Sacraments are an important and essential part of reinforcing that unity, in causing us to meditate on it, in shaping us more and more into the image of Christ—and are effectual and beneficial to us only because of this union (as is the case with all blessings enjoyed by Christians).

To help emphasize that union, Emmert frequently refers to believers as “in-Christ persons.” This is both a nice phrase and a reminder that this is the core, the source of all our benefits—it’s our primary identity. This was the core of John Calvin’s teaching (no matter what you might have heard), drawing on the work of theologians and teachers before him, and is his major contribution to those that follow. Emmert is standing on Calvin’s shoulders here, and the book is better for it.

From that Union, he can then proceed to consider the sacraments.

As visible and tangible confirmations of God’s work in Christ, the sacraments therefore give flesh and bones to the statement that the Christian’s identity is in Christ… Stated differently, baptism and Communion are identity-forming rituals that teach us in touchable and accessible ways what it means to be persons in Christ.

Broadly Protestant

Anytime you see a book citing The Three Forms of Unity, The Thirty-nine Articles of Anglicanism, the Westminster Standards, and the London Baptist Confession of 1689 (and other confessional statements) in a way that those statements support each other—and not to show weaknesses with the latter—you know you’re looking at something of a unicorn in theological books. This is one of the emphases of this book, however. Emmert says in the preface that he’s not interested (in this book) in polemics about proper administration, proper recipients, etc., but about what the sacraments mean in the lives and identity of those in-Christ.

But it’s not just about being Protestant—Emmert’s also looking at what Christians have said since the beginning about these ideas, showing that Protestantism stands in the same continuity as the Early Church and beyond.

So, what did I think about The Water and the Blood?

I was going to quote a passage from the Conclusion to start this section of the post, but I couldn’t pick a portion that satisfied me—it was either all four pages or nothing. So I opted for nothing. But it’s that kind of a book—you can’t just quote a little bit, you want to keep going. Incidentally, all the quotations above are from the Introduction. If I let myself cite from particular chapters…well, see what I said in the opening paragraph.

It sort of feels like I’ve been waiting for decades for someone to write this book—I don’t know that Emmert breaks a lot of new ground here—in fact, he probably hopes he doesn’t. But I think the way he combines statements and positions from a variety of Protestant Confessions and traditions and weaves them together is fantastic. He excels at reminding us of what we all agree on, and what (to be true to our own tradition) we should be saying/thinking/teaching about the Sacraments and our Identity in Christ.

Particularly in the last century and a half (give or take), American Protestants have shied away from talking about Baptism and The Lord’s Supper as anything but rites and rituals—things that talk about our faith and remembering events from Redemptive History. But that’s largely due to anti-supernaturalism, the impact of the (so-called) Second Great Awakening, and a fear of looking/sounding like Roman Catholicism or Eastern Orthodoxy.* This is a deviation from historic Protestantism, and we need to recover the language and points of view of our predecessors. Not because we like history and want to be consistent with that history—but because the early Protestants held to these things because they’re Biblical, and Christians have been speaking in these/similar ways since the First Century.

* That’s awfully reductionistic, and not as nuanced and detailed—or extensive—as it should be. I’m aware of that, I’m also not writing a detailed work on the idea here, so that’s as good as you’re going to get.

Emmert has done us all a service in reminding us of this heritage, calling us to dust off our understanding of it, and to start acting in line of it. Even better is the way that he ties in our identity in Christ—the doctrine of Union with Christ—and how the sacraments shape us into better living out that identity.

A few weeks ago, a few of us were supposed to skim this for a chat about the book as kind of an overview before we dove in. I could not skim it. I just couldn’t, because I wasn’t even halfway through the ten-page introduction before I could tell that this was one of those books I had to marinate in, skimming was not an option.

The book is geared to scholars, preachers, and leaders—theoretically, at least. But this isn’t a message just for them—it’s for everyone in the Church and should be read that way. Sure, leaders and teachers will be able to do more with it, than the rest of us—but that’s true of every theologically-inclined book. Laity shouldn’t feel like this isn’t a book for us.

In case I haven’t been clear so far The Water and the Blood is one of the more helpful and educational books I’ve read in ages. I strongly recommend it to you.

5 Stars

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REPOSTING JUST CUZ: The Life of Martyn Lloyd-Jones – 1899-1981 by Iain H. Murray

I came across this post a couple of days ago, and thought I’d put it up again—and not only because I’m struggling with another post, but it sure helped.

The Life of Martyn Lloyd-Jones - 1899-1981The Life of Martyn Lloyd-Jones – 1899-1981

by Iain H. Murray
Trade Paperback, 496 pg.
Banner Of Truth, 2013
Read: Jan. 12 – Feb. 9, 2014

This is a frequently flawed book, and at times it was only a sense of duty/politeness to the person who eagerly pressed it into my hands that I persevered. But in the end, I couldn’t help but walk away awed at both the man and the book that tried to summarize his life (yet, I don’t think you’ll see me picking up the two-volume version this was condensed from anytime soon).

The first fifty or so pages, recounting his youth, medical school/early practice, and conversion — and even the beginnings of his ministry — were pretty tedious, and more often than not, far too detailed.

Once Murray was able to focus on his first years of ministry in Wales, and his eventual move to Westminster Chapel, the book took off. It’s clear that the hand of the Lord was upon his ministry, and gave him much evident fruit. It’s impossible to disagree with Murray’s explanations for Lloyd-Jones’ success, and I can only imagine ministers would benefit from reading this with an eye for how to reform their own work. Throughout the chapters detailing his pastoral work — particularly the chapter “Sundays in the 1950s” — Murray’s affection for, and devotion to, Lloyd-Jones threatens to overwhelm the narrative, and at times it seems that “the Doctor” could do nothing wrong. I remarked during that chapter that I wasn’t sure if I was reading biography or hagiography, which may seem a bit harsh. But really, Murray became a rabid fanboy here.

The chapters devoted to the controversies over Evangelical unity, conflict with Graham, Packer and Stott (and names that didn’t register with me) were again, far too detailed for my taste — but it’s understandable, I think. Murray was trying to set the record straight on certain issues/incidents, to make sure the historical record gets Lloyd-Jones’ perspective on them (particularly when others, claiming to speak on his behalf, got it wrong). Not having a dog in those fights, my eyes glazed over more than I liked, but I sure didn’t go back and re-read to make certain I didn’t miss anything. Murray is able here to critique Lloyd-Jones a bit in these chapters, which was good to see.

The final chapter, depicting the final three years of his life, as his cancer was gaining the upper hand, was moving, inspirational and convicting. Lloyd-Jones continued to preach when able, to correspond with and advise younger ministers, write and start Murray on his biography — spurred on by the knowledge that his death was near. Lloyd-Jones spoke of paying attention to death, dying the right way — with an eye to the glory he was going to, and anticipating it. No way that I try to summarize will do it justice, just read it for yourself. You might want to keep a Kleenex™™ handy. This chapter made all the stuff I’d grumbled and trudged through worth it.

Not Murray’s best — but obviously a work of love for the subject. Can’t imagine a little of that won’t rub off on the reader.


4 Stars

The Lord Bless You and Keep You by Michael J. Glodo: It’s More than Just a Signal that the Pastor is Done

The Lord Bless You and Keep YouThe Lord Bless You and Keep You:
The Promise of the Gospel
in the Aaronic Blessing

by Michael J. Glodo

Publisher: Crossway
Publication Date: September 19, 2023
Format: Paperback
Length: 174 pg.
Read Date: December 3-17, 2023
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The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying, Thus you shall bless the people of Israel: you shall say to them,

  The Lord bless you and keep you;

  the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;

  the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.

 “So shall they put my name upon the people of Israel, and I will bless them.”

What’s The Lord Bless You and Keep You About?

This book is a reflection on, study of, and application of the Aaronic benediction (above), “possibly the most frequently heard passage of Scripture in Christian worship”.

Luther called the Psalms “a little Bible” since each psalm sets out in brief form all that is taught in the rest of Scripture. I am suggesting the same observation is true of the Aaronic blessing. By exploring the blessing’s background, central elements, spiritual meaning in Israel, and realization in Christ, we will grasp the comprehensive nature of the theme of God’s face and be enabled to stand more fully in its light. We will see that God made us with faces so that his could shine on ours and that the Aaronic blessing could be to us not only a “little Bible,” but a “little gospel.”

The book is essentially broken into two sections—the first three chapters examined the context of the Aaronic blessing’s introduction, the content of the blessing itself, and then looked at it in the light of the New Testament. The second section is more practical—the consequences of the blessing both for ourselves and the way we treat others, and the pastoral use of the blessing.

A Question of Timing

I would’ve appreciated a version of this book written in 2019. Too often, Glodo, sounded to me like he was trying to re-fight the battle over masks from 2020-2021 with a theological veneer in the latter chapters (and the introduction). A version of those chapters without reference to that would’ve been more helpful—and less potentially off-putting—and might have prepared the reader to come to their own informed conclusions on that issue if a similar pandemic occurs again.

Maybe I’d have been happier if he took a firm pro-/con- mask position, because the mentions of the practice with just a negative tone (or so I took it), was unsatisfactory. (if only because it was so vague it’s hard to interact with)

So, what did I think about The Lord Bless You and Keep You?

I was very excited to hear that someone was giving us an entire book on the Aaronic benediction—and overall, I was pleased with what we got. Personally—I wanted chapters 1-2 to be longer, more detailed and a little more developed, especially 2. I think three could’ve probably used the same treatment, but I didn’t write that in my notes (unlike with the other two). The chapters on the consequences of the blessing were fine. I also anticipated that the book would’ve featured a lot more of what the chapter on pastoral use and application gave us—and would’ve liked more of that.

That said, I’m not complaining that Glodo didn’t write the book I wanted/expected—but it would’ve been nice. (I’m not sure we needed the appendix, but, eh—it’s an appendix, so…who cares?)

I really do think that this is a good contribution and will be helpful to readers. I do recommend reading this—particularly the first half.

4 Stars

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A Mystery Revealed: 31 Meditations on the Trinity by Ryan M. McGraw: Helpful and Quick Prompts to Greater Understanding

A Mystery Revealed: 31 Meditations on the TrinityA Mystery Revealed:
31 Meditations on the Trinity

by Ryan M. McGraw

Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Publication Date: May 8, 2023
Format: eBook
Length: 256 pg.
Read Date: July 2-December 31, 2023
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The Trinity is the grammar shaping the language we use to relate to God before we become self-conscious about it or skilled in using it. We often learn to hear the Bible and to speak to God and others in Trinitarian terms before we learn how and why those terms work.

What’s A Mystery Revealed About?

The Publisher’s site says:

Dr. Ryan McGraw peels back the curtain on how the Trinity forms the foundation for everything from evangelism to corporate worship. As he follows the Trinitarian shape of Scripture, McGraw brings this heavenly doctrine down to earth for the average Christian to experience.

These 31 meditations trace the biblical storyline, drawing us closer to the blessed persons of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

And that’s basically what the book gives—McGraw starts by trying to sketch the grammar of the Trinity and then traces the storyline of the Bible showing how that grammar was revealed. McGraw notes early on that:

Many believers do not read the Bible like a story but like a collection of memory verses. How many verses have you memorized in your life, only to realize they mean something different than you thought?

So while helping readers to find the Trinity revealed throughout the Scriptures, he also helps the reader to understand the storyline of the Bible—how it’s not just a collection of memory verses.

The chapters end up with a good balance of “theory” and “practice.” McGraw isn’t known for just feeding the head or the heart in his books, he’s also focused on the reader putting his ideas into action—and that’s clear in this book.

Maybe Too-Reliant on J.R.R.?

McGraw begins every/almost every chapter with some sort of illustration to bring the reader to the subject—it’s not my favorite tool, but it’s time-tested and reliable. One frequent source of illustrations for this book are the works of Tolkien. I have nothing against Tolkien—and wish I knew his work better. But…I think it’s a well that McGraw maybe returned to too often. I didn’t pick up this book for ideas about the Trinity and The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings/The Silmarillion.

Sure, Tolkien is an easy touchstone that a lot of McGraw’s readers will be familiar with, making the transition to the topics at hand easier. I just think he’d have been better served with other sources of introduction.

The gospel is the centerpiece of the Bible’s story line. All things anticipate it in the Old Testament, and all things point back to it in the New Testament. God is the author of the narrative, and Christ is the narrator. The Spirit makes us participants, rather than spectators, in the story . As we have seen, writing Himself into the story, it turns out that the triune God is the main character as well.

So, what did I think about A Mystery Revealed?

Now this is a devotional—meant to be read in short bursts on a daily (or weekly, like I used it) basis. It’s not to be read cover-to-cover, and you’re not going to get in-depth on any of the points considered. So you have to bear that in mind—McGraw’s addressed some of these topics in greater depth elsewhere, and it’s worth the effort to find them. Nevertheless, even in these devotional-length chapters, he does a capable job of addressing them.

Also, the “Further Reading” recommended with every chapter will satisfy whatever itches for greater depth or expansion on ideas the reader may have. They gave me a reading list I’m eager to tackle (or revisit).

McGraw’s use of grammar as a metaphor and reminding the reader of the storyline of the Bible are throughout and are so useful.

Some of the chapters didn’t do a whole lot for me—did we really need 4-5 pages on this? And others were like a cup of cold water on a hot day. But I imagine that if I read this book again in a year or so, I’d have a completely different list of chapters under each heading. This is to be expected, I assume, and isn’t a reason to walk away.

A Mystery Revealed is a nice way to spend a few minutes a day for a while. It should be helpful to remind/refresh/create a better understanding of the way the Trinity can be seen throughout the story of the Bible and point you to the greater needs of your soul.

3 Stars
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The Existence and Attributes of God by Shephen Charnock, edited by Mark Jones: This Time-Honored Classic Matches Its Reputation

I’m not sure I have much to say now that I didn’t say after I finished volume 1 back in June, but I figure I should give it a shot.

The Existence and Attributes of GodThe Existence and Attributes of God: Updated and Unabridged

by Stephen Charnock, edited by Mark Jones

Publisher: Crossway
Publication Date: October 18, 2022
Format: Hardcover
Length: 1,615 pg.
Read Date: January 1-December 31, 202323
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What’s The Existence and Attributes of God?

Crossway has given the world a gift by publishing an unabridged edition of Charnock’s classic work on God’s attributes. Over 14 Discourses (that really could be published individually as books), Charnock describes some of God’s attributes. He starts with almost 100 pages on God’s existence—mostly drawing on the so-called “Classical” proofs, then he moves on to eleven attributes of God, with two bonus discourses on related practical matters.

The topics in the first volume were God’s Existence (and practical atheism), God’s Being a Spirit (and spiritual worship), God’s Eternity, Immutability, Omnipresence, and Knowledge. Volume Two covers His Wisdom, Power, Holiness, Goodness, Dominion, and Patience. No easy reading there (but the effort is more than worth it).

Some (but not all) of the language has been updated (there’ve been some footnotes added to help explain the bits that haven’t been), punctuation has been modernized, as have paragraph sizes (maybe sentence length, too). Jones cleaned up some of the section numbers and whatnot, too.

Jones has also provided footnotes showing more of Charnock’s citations than the original manuscripts did, demonstrating the wide range of sources he drew from. The nicest addition to this edition from Jones, however, (unless you’re a student or someone wanting to plunge deep into his citations) are the summaries of each discourse, helping the reader to know what they’re in for and what to keep an eye out for.

So, What Did I Think About The Existence and Attributes of God?

This is just a great work—it’s not the easiest read in the world, but it’s not that bad, either. Charnock’s on the accessible end of the Puritan spectrum. (Jones’ editorial work no doubt helped a bit with that).

I wasn’t crazy about the two practical discourses—Discourse 2: On Practical Atheism and Discourse 4: On Spiritual Worship. Which were offshoots of Discourse 1: On God’s Existence and Discourse 3: On God’s Being a Spirit. Not that there was anything wrong with them or that I didn’t benefit from the experience of reading them—I absolutely did. But they’re not what I came for, I was reading for explorations of God’s attributes and/or existence. Now, if each discourse had a practical follow-up, I wouldn’t be writing this paragraph. But these two outliers just seemed out of place.

Charnock does a fantastic job explaining these attributes. I’ve read a handful of works (largely shaped by him) in the last few years on these ideas—and I still learned something from each chapter, rather somethings.

Obviously, this isn’t a definitive, exhaustive work—it cannot be (and would be blasphemous to suggest otherwise). But when you’re in the middle of a chapter, it’d be easy to think it is. Not just because of the depth he goes into on each topic, but the angles he approaches it from. In the middle of the Discourse on God’s Knowledge, I was astounded, for example, by how many different ways he talked about it.

Now that I’m looking back over the whole first volume, the chapter on God’s eternity is the one that stands out as the high point. The discourses on God’s Wisdom and Goodness were the standouts for me in Volume Two. But they’re all beneficial (although the practical discourses, and the final one, “On God’s Patience” didn’t seem to pack the same punch as the rest) both in terms of didactic and doxological value.

It’s easy to see why this work has stood the test of time and can’t imagine anything in the 21st Century topping it (maybe someone will get their act together in the 22nd). Most highly recommended.

5 Stars

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