Didn’t have a lot of time to write a review this morning — and I’ve already used up the small surplus of reviews I had. So I went to Goodreads to write up a quick review — and I got on a roll, and spent more time than I should have on it, a little more than 90 minutes (with a few breaks for work-related activities). Now normally, I use Evernote to compose these, but like I said, I was just going to type up a quick review — three paragraphs or so. Well, I hit a couple of wrong keys while in the home stretch and . . .

you know where this is going

I ended up going back a couple of screens and lost the whole thing.

And I liked it, probably more than I’ve liked any individual post in weeks. And it’s gone. All gone. I’ll try to reconstruct it, but it won’t be as good (never is)

Lesson learned, and maybe you can learn from my errors — use Evernote, or something else with autosave — but mostly use Evernote, I’ve become addicted to this thing lately and can’t recommend it enough.