Agatha H and the Clockwork PrincessAgatha H and the Clockwork Princess

by Phil Foglio and Kaja Foglio
Hardcover, 461 pg.
Night Shade Books, 2012
Read: May 6-8, 2012

What a delightful read! All the strengths of the comic–but augmented and amplified–and, sadly, all of the weaknesses. But since the balance is so far to the “strength” side…who cares?

The last 1/4 (or so) of the book–like the source material–is just too convoluted for my taste, too many balls in the air at once. Still, I had an easier time following it in prose, so I’m not complaining too much.

If you haven’t yet–go read the comic ( tout de suite. Then go read the novels (not that I need to say that if you’ve read the comic)

Can’t wait for the next installment!


4 Stars