Saturday Miscellany – 11/25/17

Odds ‘n ends over the week about books and reading that caught my eye. You’ve probably seen some/most/all of them, but just in case:

    (typically slow for a holiday week here, so . . . )This Week’s New Release That I’m Excited About:

  • The Hidden Face by S. C. Flynn is scheduled to release today, so that counts, right? I think there’s a strong chance you can grab it for pretty cheap, too. A good book at a good price. Jump on it. In case you missed what I said about it yesterday, just click here.

Lastly, I’d like to say hi and welcome to Mr and Mrs NW, abokrose and LizScanlon for following the blog this week.


The Hidden Face by S. C. Flynn


The Midnight Line by Lee Child


  1. censored bleep of a bleeping censored bleep!

    I read that article. That was the biggest piece of garbage I have ever read. The assumptions going in are huge [and already skewed by the “Literary” type] and conclusions are so far off the wall that I am almost frothing at the mouth at the genre assassination going on. That wasn’t a study. That was a fine piece of propaganda as I’ve seen. But hey, it’s par for the course these days.

    Goodness, I have got to STOP reading the links you put up. They always get me frothy!

  2. Thanks for mentioning The Hidden Face! Yes, it will cost just 0.99 for the first five days.

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