Today I’m pleased to welcome the Book Tour for the unexpected The Identity Thief by Alex Bryant. A few weeks ago, I was pleased to take part in the cover reveal for the book, and now it’s time to talk about the book! Following this spotlight post, I’ll be giving my take on the novel here in a bit. But let’s start by learning a little about this here book, okay?
Book Details:
Book Title: The Identity Thief by Alex Bryant
Release date: February 28, 2020
Format: Ebook/Paperback
Publisher: K&M Books
Length: 438 pages
Book Blurb:
A shapeshifting sorcerer called Cuttlefish unleashes a terrifying wave of magical carnage across London. A strange family known as the River People move into Cassandra Drake’s neighbourhood. Are the two events connected?
Spoiler alert: no.
Reasons to buy this book:
Good cover.
Cheap. Seriously, the Kindle version only costs as much as about 3 mangoes. What would you rather have – 10 hours of gripping urban fantasy, or 30 minutes of biting into sweet, succulent mango flesh?
OK, I shouldn’t have used mango, objectively the best fruit, as a comparison. But buying this book doesn’t stop you from buying mangoes, if that’s what you insist on doing.
About the Alex Bryant:
Alex has led a largely comfortable but unremarkable life in North London, and more recently Oxford. His main hobbies as a kid were reading and sulking.
When he’s not writing, he’s performing with his improvised comedy troupe, Hivemind Improv. And when he is writing, he’s procrastinating.
The first idea for The God Machine came when he was 19, shortly after falling off a horse. Or possibly shortly before – the exact chronology is lost to history. So is the horse’s name, in case you were wondering.
Social Media:
Author Site ~ Goodreads ~ Instagram ~ Facebook ~ Twitter
Purchase Link:
My thanks to Love Books Group for the invitation to participate in this reveal and the materials (including a copy of the novel) they provided.
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