This is a weekly bloghop hosted by Freda’s Voice
Grab a book, any book.
Turn to Page 56 or 56% on your ereader. If you have to improvise, that is okay.
Find a snippet, short and sweet.
Post it
from page 56 of:
The Incredibly Dead Pets of Rex Dexter by Aaron Reynolds
…we now know I’m not imagining things.
Which means my deepest darkest fear has come true. Next to falling into a pit of snakes. And global takeover by evil robots. And paper cuts. These are the things that haunt my nightmares.
My fourth deepest darkest fear has come true.
I have been cursed by a rogue carnival game.
Freda Mans-Labianca
Sounds like a fun read! Cute cover too! Happy weekend!
Yeah, saw someone review this last week and grabbed it from the library. There’s (as of yet) no redeeming value to this, just dumb fun. Having a blast
Literary Feline
That excerpt is so funny. This sounds like a fun read. I hope you are enjoying it! Have a great weekend!
If it’s possible, it’s too fun (really, it’s like eating too much candy in one sitting).