The Friday 56 for 6/25/21: Till Morning is Nigh by Rob Parker

Between a couple of books with dull page 56s and a few Uncorrected Proofs (I don’t feel comfortable quoting from them), it’s been a while since I had something for this. But, I’m back!

The Friday 56This is a weekly bloghop hosted by Freda’s Voice.

The Friday 56 Grab a book, any book.
The Friday 56 Turn to Page 56 or 56% on your ereader. If you have to improvise, that is okay.
The Friday 56 Find a snippet, short and sweet.
The Friday 56 Post it

from 56% of:
Till Morning is Nigh

Till Morning is Nigh by Rob Parker

…Broadshott is easy to keep a fix on thanks to her bobbing blonde hair, and as I get to within five yards of her, leaving the maelstrom churning behind us, a figure in jeans and a green parka steps from the crowd, arm cocked facing her. I don’t know what it is, but my moral compass won’t let anyone get hurt, and in an instant, instinct has me pouncing at the man, grabbing his arm mid hurl, and twisting him back into a heap on the floor with his arm up his back. As I drop him, a strawberry milkshake pops from his grasp, glooping all over him.

I remember this started happening back in the summer, this milkshaking of right-leaning figures. Like it was an acceptable thing to do. It’s still assault at the end of the day, and if one side is using any kind of violence to intimidate or quell the other, no matter how silly and harmless a splash of milkshake is, then you’ve run out of arguments. A failure of words is a failure of reason–and I can’t see a reason it should be done. And a milkshake is one thing. Tomorrow it could be a brick or stone, just like I thought it was today.


The Bounty by Janet Evanovich with Steve Hamilton: Fox and O’Hare are on the Hunt for Nazi Gold


Saturday Miscellany—6/26/21

1 Comment

  1. LOVE this snippet!!! I hope you visit my 56 as well! Hpapy weekend!

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