Book Blogger Hop: Book Signings?

Book Blogger Hop


This prompt was submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer:

Have you ever attended a book signing? If so, who was the author?

Not as many as I’d like to–my corner of the world doesn’t really attract many authors I’m into, alas. But there’ve been a few:
bullet Lance Olsen, who was then Idaho Writer in Residence, at Borders bookstore. This would’ve been somewhere around 1996, I think.
bullet Cherie Priest was at Rediscovered Books in November 2011 for a reading/signing.
bullet John Scalzi did a reading/signing here in ’15
bullet A couple of weeks later, Shane Kuhn, did, too.
bullet I’ve been to a couple of signings/book releases/etc. for Devri Walls books.
bullet Craig Johnson was really entertaining when he did a reading/signing in 2018.

All in all, these are great ways to hear writers reading their work, hear their stories, and get your book squiggled in. Also, they are fantastic opportunities for me to fail at basic human interaction, you know, just in case I forget that I can’t handle that.

What about you?


Spelling the Month in Books: January


The Friday 56 for 1/28/22: The Jackals by Adam Shaw


  1. Paul E Nydegger

    Craig Johnson? Was he the guy standing behind me in line waiting to pay parking and I didn’t even notice?

  2. Bob Germaux

    This is a fun question, H.C. , and let me start by saying I really envy you for the Craig Johnson thing. I’m a big fan of the Longmire books and, of course, the TV series. All right, I’ve only gone to one book signing, back in the spring of 1999, and it was to see my favorite author, Robert B. Parker, who had just published “Hush Money,” which I think was the 27th Spenser novel. His appearance was sponsored by The Mystery Lovers Bookshop in Oakmont, PA, just a half-hour’s drive from our home. Originally, the event was to take place at the bookshop, but so many people signed up that it was moved a few blocks to a church that had a social hall. Mr. Parker gave a great talk and took questions before signing books. All in all, a great night for my wife (Cynthia’s also a huge Spenser fan) and me. When you’ve reviewed some of my Jeremy Barnes books, H.C., you’ve commented that JB reminds you of Spenser, probably the most complimentary thing anyone’s ever said about my writing, so thanks again for that.

    • HCNewton

      Something similar must’ve happened at a previous appearance by Johnson here, they rented a meeting room in a nearby hotel. To fit the audience they’d have had to eliminate all the books and shelves in the store 🙂 I was a little taken aback by the size of the audience, I figured he’d be popular–but wow. It was encouraging to see that many people interested in a writer.

      You envy me Johnson? I’ll match that envy for Parker 🙂

  3. Bob Germaux

    First, I apologize if I’m repeating myself here, H.C. I left a comment about this question a while ago, but it hasn’t appeared yet. (Usually, my comments appear right away.) Anyway, what I said was that I thought this was a fun question and that I envied you for the Craig Johnson thing. Big Longmire fan here. As for my sole experience at a book signing, it was in the spring of 1999, when my wife and I attended a talk and book signing with my favorite author, Robert B. Parker, who had just published “Hush Money,” his 27th (I think) Spenser novel. The event was sponsored by the Mystery Lovers Bookshop in Oakmont, PA. Originally, Mr. Parker was scheduled to speak at the bookshop, but so many of us signed up that it was moved a few blocks away to a church that had a large social hall. Mr. Parker gave a great talk and answered questions before signing the books. All in all, a memorable evening for my wife (Cynthia’s also a huge Spenser fan) and me. A side note: In your reviews of some of my Jeremy Barnes mysteries, H. C., you’ve often mentioned that JB reminds you of Spenser, probably the most complimentary thing anyone’s ever said about my writing. So thanks again for that!

    • HCNewton

      I don’t understand this thing sometimes (frequently, actually). I hit approve when I saw it come through. But this comment made me dig a bit, and there were 7 other comments I’d approved still sitting around! So, thanks for saying something.

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