Okay, what I said the other day about over-committing is getting the best of me. I’m going to have “real” posts any day now (hopefully tomorrow, for example). I have four posts about particular books half-finished, but I need time to think about them and complete them. I have 5 Literary Local Q&As in the middle of Qing and Aing. And a couple of other things in-progress, too. But for today? I’ve got zip, zilch, and a whole lot of nada.

So, I’m going to ask one more time for some input about Interviews/Q&As. At this point, I’ve pretty much decided what I’m going to say about them, but I could use a little more fodder for examples/illustrations. So…if you’re an Author, or a Blogger/Vlogger/Podcaster, or someone who likes to read/listen to Author Interviews—would you please click one of those links and answer a few things for me? If you fit multiple categories there (and, don’t we all contain multitudes, even if it’s just a few?)—feel free to chime in repeatedly.


And now for something completely different:

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