LITERARY LOCALS: 2nd Annual Treasure Valley Book Fair/Book Haul

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This past weekend, the Nampa Public Library hosted the The 2nd Annual Treasure Valley Book Fair and I wanted to take a minute or two to talk about it.

One thing they did this year was provide everyone who walked in a Passport with the names of every author present. If you got a stamp from every author, you got a free book from…I don’t know where they got this selection–but it was a pretty good one. I got a hardcover of Lee Child’s 61 Hours. The downside to this is that there were several people that just came by, got a stamp, and moved on. My daughter and I had a conversation of a decent length with all of them—and were interrupted more than once by someone just wanting that. It’s kind of a shame, because you could tell that too many people just out for that (we actually had to be reminded more than once by an author to get a stamp—we’d just get distracted by whatever we were talking about). We had some great conversations—too many. We spent about 4 hours at an event we’d planned on attending for 90 minutes. I’d have gladly talked to many of these authors for longer than we did.

We didn’t see nearly as many returning authors as we’d hoped (there was an event in Boise that some of them attended). The cool part of that was that there were many that we got to meet for the first time. I’ve already talked to some about showing up here—and will be reaching out to as many of the others as I can in the next few days.

All in all, it was a great event with a large range of genres, target audiences, and authors represented (which was pretty encouraging) and one I hope is repeated again and again.

Now, I can’t be expected to show up to an event like that and walk away empty handed can I? Were not for a budget (that I stretched to the limit) the stack could’ve been taller. I do have a shopping list of some of the left overs.
NPL Indie Fair Book Haul
(once again, I display my questionable photographic skills).

So much for the progress I’ve made on Mt. TBR this year.

I, again, really enjoyed getting to talk to all of the authors there. Here are the social media (and/or way to order the books of) everyone that I could find. Do yourself a favor and check these authors out!

bullet – zines, etc.
bullet Melaney Taylor Auxier—Children’s, Middle Grade, and Adult Fiction
bullet Neil Ballard—Picture books
bullet Terri Bentley—Historical Romance
bullet Patricia Carroll—Christian thrillers
bullet Erica Dansereau—Christian Romance and Rom-Coms
bullet Death Rattle—Poetry, Zines, and More
bullet Echo Artwork—Pottery, Stickers, and Zines
bullet Jerome Goettsch—Vietnam memoirist
bullet Wayne Hawk—Thriller writer
bullet Sarah Hill—Contemporary Romance
bullet Britt Howard—Christian Romance
bullet Julie Howard—Historical Fiction, Crime Fiction, Supernatural, and probably many other genres before the year is out
bullet Laura Jenski—Cozy Mysteries
Lori Josifek—Christian Children’s Books
bullet Katherine Ecrivain Joy—Christian Children’s Books
bullet Nathan Keys—(big, chonky) Fantasy
bullet Elliott P. Linker—Comic Books for Kids by a Kid (so good to see him again)
bullet Susan Lowe—writer of a story of survival
bullet Kataya Moon—Romance, Fantasy, Erotica, Sci Fi
bullet Patrik Martinet—Fantasy and Crime (with a hint of UF)
bullet Wendy Ann Mattox—Christian Children’s Books
bullet Steve McGill—dark, intense Contemporary Fiction
bullet Rachelle Nelson—YA Fantasy
bullet Christin Nogle—Horror with a touch of Sci Fi
bullet Carla Crane Osborne—Children’s Books (okay, didn’t actually talk to her, she couldn’t make it, but someone who works for her was there–and she was a great spokesperson)
bullet Debra Peck—Non-fiction
bullet Amy Maren Rice—MG Fantasy. One of the first people I met last year, the first person we talked to this year. Really great to see her.
bullet Robin Chadwick Rundle—Historic Romance
bullet R.M. Scott—YA Dark Fantasy
bullet Bonnie Schroeder—Women’s Contemporary Fiction
bullet Nicole Sharp—”Writer of Love, Coffee, Italy and Fearless Women”
bullet Norelle Smith—Fiction, Christian Fiction
bullet Julie Weston—Historical Mysteries
bullet Nancy Weston—Contemporary Fiction
bullet Arnold Ytreeide—Christian Children’s/MG Fiction

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  1. Sounds like you had a great time. I wish we had more book events here in Rome. Shame about the people that interrupted just to get a stamp. Glad you managed to have some good conversations though.

    • HCNewton

      The area libraries are really stepping up lately and are hosting more events like this–it’s so encouraging to see (actually, others are doing it too, I’m just better at attending the library ones).

      Something tells me that the feedback on the stamps isn’t going to be great and it won’t be back next year. 🙂 There was one author who told my daughter she was going to take the paper from the next person and not give it back until they’d traded a few sentences…wish we had the time to get back to her and ask if she’d done it.

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