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It sometimes seems like half of the local authors I encounter write books for young children–which is great, it’s just not what I ever expect (I will learn one day). Carla Crane Osborne’s work for children is about as Idaho as it gets (from my limited exposure to it, anyway). I hope you enjoy this quick Q&A with her.

Before we get into things, why don’t you give the reader a brief introduction to you and your work.
My name is Carla Crane Osborne and I am an Idaho Children’s Book Author. I write children’s books based on my experiences growing up on a farm in southern Idaho. I currently have 5 books out and another 2 in the works! I sell my books through my own website,,, and I regularly post about my books, animals, and projects on social media. You can find me on Instagram and Facebook at Gonas Reading Ranch!

Are you a native Idahoan? What brought you to Idaho in the first place? (answer whichever question applies) What is it about Idaho that keeps you here?
I am a native Idahoan! I was born and raised in Burley, Idaho and that is where I grew up alongside my siblings on my parent’s farm. We grew crops and had livestock and we all grew up learning how to tend to and care for the crops and animals and it gave us a sense of responsibility from a young age. Life on the farm as a child was the best experience, in my opinion, and it is the inspiration for my books! We worked hard and we played even harder when the work was done. It allowed us the freedom to expand our imaginations and be as creative as we wanted because we could wander and explore and make up our own little worlds.

Are you tied into some sort of local author/bookish group/culture? If so, tell us about it and how it helps you as an author. If you’re not, is there a reason for it?
Being a full time mom, grandma, and author has not left me a ton of time to get as invested in local groups as I would like. However, I do try to attend local events as often as I can and always enjoy chatting with the other local authors!

What kind of events in the area do you attend—either to sell/promote your books or to network with authors? Are there any outside of this area that you hit regularly and wish we had something like it here?
Most of the events that I attend are local author meet and greets, book fairs, and local school events! I love being able to connect with our community and other local authors. My favorite activity is when I am invited into a school to do book readings with the kids! I love to share my books when they are still in progress and get feedback from the children. A lot of times I end up using bits and pieces of ideas that the kids give me and find a way to include them in my books. I have been to some author events outside of the Treasure Valley, mainly in my hometown, Burley and a couple in Coeur d’Alene. I have done a couple author meet and greets in Burley and a couple author events in CDA. My books are carried in the library and at a lovely little books store called, Fig Pickels in CDA, and I love being invited to attend author get-togethers, meet and greets, or book signings that are put on by either place.

What’s the breakdown of your audience—do you have a strong local base, or are your readers from other parts of the world?
Most of my readers are local. I sell the most books here at local events and I have my books in quite a few of the local libraries as well! I also like to donate books to our local hospitals and toy drives, so I believe most of them end up somewhere in the valley.

Do you think there are particular challenges or advantages to being a writer in the Treasure Valley? (possibly both)
I think the biggest challenge to being a author in the Treasure Valley, or just in general, is the fact that we live in an increasingly digital age. I feel that a lot of times it is easier for parents to use a digital media to entertain kids than it is to sit down and read to them. However, I think that in the Treasure Valley, we have a large population of people who are shifting to a mindset of slowing down and taking more time to do things like sitting to read with their children. I see a lot of parents on social media talking about their children’s education and incorporating more books, outdoor learning, and practical, functional learning and it’s really encouraging to see! There’s nothing that can replace the feeling of holding a real book in your hand!

Do you bring Idaho (or some sort of Idaho-sensibility, assuming one exists) to your work? Whether or not anyone else sees it, can you look at some aspect of your writing and think “That’s Idaho” or “I would do ____ differently if I was a Kentuckian or from Illinois?”
I definitely think that I bring Idaho to my books! The books are all about growing up on a farm and a lot of us in Idaho can relate to that! I think it especially shines through with the illustrations in my books. I have had the chance to work with two fantastic illustrators, Brandon Dorman and my own nephew, Michael Crane, who have captured some truly beautiful representations of Idaho landscape. From the mountains in “Alex the Wonder Lamb” to the beet fields in “Gona’s Halloween Hunt,” it all looks like something you could see within a 30 minute drive, almost anywhere, in Idaho.

One final question, is there a book (or two…or 18, if you get really carried away), that embodies Idaho/the Idaho spirit to you to recommend to my readers?
If had to choose one book that embodies the Idaho spirit, it would probably be the book that I have in the works, “Buster the Brave.” I’ll say as much as I can without spoiling the book before it comes out but, it is themed after our very own Boise State Bronco mascot, Buster. It tells the tale of a young horse who dreams of being the Boise State mascot someday and the determination and bravery it takes to overcome his fears. I think that most of us in Idaho tend to have that “fighting spirit” in us and don’t typically shy away from challenges. I am so excited for this book to be published and I hope that the people of Idaho and fans of our beloved Boise State Bronco’s, love it!

Thanks for your time and participation! Hope you enjoyed it!

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