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Towel Day ’22: Do You Know Where Your Towel Is?

(updated and revised this 5/25/22)

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy has a few things to say on the subject of towels.

A towel, it says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have. Partly it has great practical value. You can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapors; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of Kakrafoon; use it to sail a miniraft down the slow heavy River Moth; wet it for use in hand-to-hand-combat; wrap it round your head to ward off noxious fumes or avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (such a mind-bogglingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can’t see it, it can’t see you); you can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough.

More importantly, a towel has immense psychological value. For some reason, if a strag (strag: non-hitch hiker) discovers that a hitch hiker has his towel with him, he will automatically assume that he is also in possession of a toothbrush, face flannel, soap, tin of biscuits, flask, compass, map, ball of string, gnat spray, wet weather gear, space suit etc., etc. Furthermore, the strag will then happily lend the hitch hiker any of these or a dozen other items that the hitch hiker might accidentally have “lost”. What the strag will think is that any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through, and still knows where his towel is is clearly a man to be reckoned with.

Hence a phrase that has passed into hitchhiking slang, as in “Hey, you sass that hoopy Ford Prefect? There’s a frood who really knows where his towel is.” (Sass: know, be aware of, meet, have sex with; hoopy: really together guy; frood: really amazingly together guy.)

Towel Day, for the few who don’t know, is the annual celebration of Douglas Adams’ life and work. It was first held two weeks after his death, fans were to carry a towel with them for the day to use as a talking point to encourage those who have never read HHGTTG to do so, or to just converse with someone about Adams. Adams is one of that handful of authors that I can’t imagine I’d be the same without having encountered/read/re-read/re-re-re-re-read, and so I do my best to pay a little tribute to him each year, even if it’s just carrying around a towel.

Some time in 7th or 8th grade (I believe), I was at a friend’s house and his brother let us try his copy of the text-based Hitchhiker’s Guide game, and we were no good at it at all. Really, it was embarrassing. However, his brother had a copy of the novel, and we all figured that the novel held the keys we needed for success with the game (alas, for us it did not). My friends all decided that I’d be the one to read the book and come back in a few days as an expert.

I quickly forgot about the game. Adams’ irreverent style rocked my world—could people actually get away with saying some of these things? His skewed take on the world, his style, his humor…and a depressed robot, too! It was love at first read.

It was one of those experiences that, looking back, I can say shaped my reading and thinking for the rest of my life (make of that what you will). Were my life the subject of a Doctor Who or Legends of Tomorrow episode, it’d be one of those immutable fixed points. I read the books (particularly the first) so many times that I can quote significant portions of it, and frequently do so without noticing that I’m doing that. I have (at this time) two literary-inspired tattoos, one of which is the planet logo*. In essence, I’m saying that Adams has had an outsized influence on my life and is probably my biggest enduring fandom. If carrying around a (massively useful) piece of cloth for a day in some small way honors his memory? Sure, I’m in.

* I didn’t know it at the time, but Adams didn’t like that guy. Whoops.

One of my long-delayed goals is to write up a good all-purpose Tribute to Douglas Adams and his work post, and another Towel Day has come without me doing so. Belgium. Next year . . . or later. (he says for at least the 8th straight year, a work ethic I like to believe Adams would endorse).

In the meantime, here’s some of what I’ve written about Adams. A few years back, I did a re-read of all of Adams’ (completed) fiction. For reasons beyond my ken (or recollection), I didn’t get around to blogging about the Dirk Gently books, but I did do the Hitchhiker’s Trilogy:
bullet The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
bullet The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
bullet Life, The Universe and Everything
bullet So Long, and Thanks For All The Fish
bullet Mostly Harmless
bullet I had a thing or two to say about the 40th Anniversary of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
bullet Last year, I took a look at the 42nd Anniversary Illustrated Edition of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Also, I should mention the one book Adams/Hitchhiker’s aficionado needs to read is Don’t Panic by Neil Gaiman, David K. Dickson and MJ Simpson. If you’re more in the mood for a podcast, I’d suggest The Waterstones Podcast How We Made: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy—I’ve listened to several podcast episodes about this book, and generally roll my eyes at them. But this is just fantastic. Were it available, I’d listen to a Peter Jackson-length version of the episode.

I’ve only been able to get one of my sons into Adams, he’s the taller, thinner one in the picture from a few years ago.

You really need to check out this comic from Sheldon Comics—part of the Anatomy of Authors series: The Anatomy of Douglas Adams. is the best collection of resources on the day. One of my favorite posts there is this pretty cool video, shot on the ISS by astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti.

Even better—here’s an appearance by Douglas Adams himself from the old Letterman show—I’m so glad someone preserved this:

Love the anecdote (Also, I want this tie.)

Heroic Hearts ed. by Jim Butcher and Kerrie L. Hughes: Street-wise Herculeses to fight the rising odds

Heroic HeartsHeroic Hearts

edited by Jim Butcher and Kerrie Huges

Publisher: Ace
Publication Date: May 3, 2022
Format: Paperback
Length: 345 pg.
Read Date: May 18-19, 2022
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Heroes have fascinated humanity since we started telling stories. They became even more fascinating when we started writing the stories down—and achieved the status previously reserved for pantheons of deities when we started putting them on the big screen. Heroes have become big business.

But heroes, real heroes, aren’t titans or icons.

Real heroes are standing behind cash registers, starting cold trucks, getting kids out of bed. They’re the everyday humans who happen to be standing there when something bad happens, and when there is a sudden need for skill, courage, or intelligence. They’re the regular people in irregular circumstances who find themselves considering others first and standing up to do whatever needs to be done.

What’s Heroic Hearts About?

In her Foreword, Kellie Hughes describes this as

a collection of hopeful stories about courage, bravery, codes to live by, and people you can trust.

Who doesn’t love a hero story? Here we have twelve stories from a dozen UF authors all approaching this idea in their own distinctive ways. Some are stand-alones, some are parts of a series.

Authors I’m Not That Familiar With (if at all)

It’s the rare anthology that will be full of only authors you know well—half the point of one of these is to be exposed to someone new so you can decide if you want to read more by them.

Charlaine Harris wrote the only story I didn’t appreciate in this collection, I just couldn’t get into it. That’s likely something to do with my mood/what I ate today/something else. Most days, I simply wouldn’t have cared—I don’t think it’s in me to really like this one.

I thought the rest of the stories were entertaining and well-executed, but a few are going to get me to keep an eye out for authors/series. Chloe Neill’s “Silverspell” tempted me to check out the rest of that series, these are characters and a world I could spend more time with. Jennifer Brozek’s “The Necessity of Pragmatic Magic” was great—ditto for “Grave Gambles” by R.R. Virdi.

“Troll Life” by Hughes was just wonderful. It’s everything you want in a short story—we’re given a well-developed world, a handful of strong and interesting characters, a good plot, and it just made me smile throughout.

Authors I’m Very Familiar With

Kevin Hearne, Patricia Briggs, and Jim Butcher are what brought me to this collection. I’ve read everything I can by them, so that’s not surprising, right?

We meet up with Atticus, Starbuck, and Oberon in Australia, looking into the cause of a massive forest fire, in “Fire Hazard.” It’s told from Oberon’s point of view, which makes it a sure-fire win. I’ll read just about anything in Oberon’s voice—and this story demonstrates why. It’s funny and action-packed. Some of the best lines in the book are in this story, too.

I wasn’t that interested in “Dating Terrors,” by Patricia Briggs based on the idea. “Asil on a blind date” just doesn’t draw me in—sure, I’m curious about Asil’s activities, so I wanted to read it. But the concept didn’t grab me. That lasted only a few pages—now I want to see more about Asil’s date and her friends. Preferably with Asil around, but that’s not necessary. I should’ve known Briggs would hook me by the end, and come into it with better expectations.

This brings us to the story the book opens with (but I saved until the end), Jim Butcher’s “Little Things.” This happens days after Battle Ground, as the city (and its wizard defender) is trying to recover from those events. The “Little Things” this story focused on are Major General Toot-Toot Minimus, his forces, Lacuna, and Mister. When a threat to the castle slips by the guards and other defenses, these heroes have to rise to the challenge. It’s deceptively fun, light, and breezy. But it’s Butcher, you know he won’t let you off that easy. Dresden in the shadow of Battle Ground? The emotional core of this story isn’t small. The story made my day…I’ve got nothing negative to say about it.

So, what did I think about Heroic Hearts?

This is a strong collection of Urban Fantasy stories, with a little something for everyone. Anything I didn’t mention above was fine—they’re all written well, but some characters/stories aren’t for everyone, and that would describe the few I didn’t talk about. Every story was worth the time (except for that thing by Harris, I just didn’t see why that was written—and I wouldn’t be shocked to hear that most readers of the book will think I’m nuts for that).

This probably would’ve gotten a warm 3 Stars from me, if not for the Briggs and Butcher stories. I enjoyed almost all of these stories, and really only disliked one. But wow, those two were just outstanding. Nothing that made me as happy as those two did is going to get less than 4.

Even if you’re new to the genre or are only a fan of one or two of the authors, I expect you’ll find yourself enjoying most, if not all, of the book. Pick it up.

4 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, opinions expressed are my own.

A Spoilery Rant about Robert B. Parker’s Revenge Tour by Mike Lupica

Okay, if you want to know what I thought about the novel as a whole, click here. Or scroll past this post to the next one. I keep a hard no-spoiler rule around here, but I had to get something off my chest…

Revenge TourRobert B. Parker’s Revenge Tour

by Mike Lupica

Series: Sunny Randall, #10
Publisher: G.P. Putnam's Sons
Publication Date: May 2, 2022
Format: Hardcover
Length: 319 pg.
Read Date: May 9-10
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Seriously, don’t read on if you’re spoiler-phobic.

Robert B. Parker’s Revenge Tour by Mike Lupica: A Tale of Two Exes

Revenge TourRobert B. Parker’s Revenge Tour

by Mike Lupica

Series: Sunny Randall, #10
Publisher: G.P. Putnam's Sons
Publication Date: May 2, 2022
Format: Hardcover
Length: 319 pg.
Read Date: May 9-10
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What’s Revenge Tour About?

Back in book 3, Shrink Rap,* Sunny Randall helped protect best-selling author Melanie Joan Hall from her stalker ex-husband. He ended up in prison by the end and Melanie Joan and Sunny have remained close—Sunny has spent a few years living in her home, in fact, as Melanie Joan’s now based in California.

* Thanks to the magic of Fiction, that was 2002. I’m not exactly sure how few years are supposed to have passed between books 3 and 10, but I know it’s not 20.

Now she’s back in Boston, preparing to shoot a Netflix series based on her Romance series. She’s been wildly successful already, but this is set to make Melanie Joan Hall huge. Naturally, this kind of attention is bringing out enemies—including one who claims that the novel that started it all was plagiarized. Sunny needs to track down this anonymous accuser, quickly and quietly.

Meanwhile, Sunny’s dad, Phil, could use a little help. Years before he retired, he arrested the son of a prominent defense lawyer and helped ensure he served a long sentence. That son was just killed in prison, and the lawyer is harassing and threatening Phil. Sunny and Lee Farrell team up to help Phil.

Sunny gets some evidence that causes her to give credence to the claims against Melanie Joan, and their relationship is strained. Then people close to Melanie Joan start being murdered because Sunny doesn’t have enough going on. So, she has to clear Melanie Joan (or definitively establish her guilt), keep her safe, find out who is behind the plagiarism and/or murders, and keep her father alive while stopping this lawyer. Sunny’s going to need all her allies—and get a few new ones—to accomplish this To-Do list and get out of this alive.

The Two Exes

One of the people with the biggest grudges against Melanie Joan is her ex-husband, serving a life sentence for his crimes against Melanie Joan, Sunny, and Richie. Sunny travels to the prison to see if he might behind this all. In fact, he knows a disturbing amount about Melanie Joan, Sunny, Richie, Jesse Stone(!), and the threats against her father. I should probably mention that recently, Melvin was represented by the same lawyer currently harassing Phil.

I remember less than nothing about John Melvin—it’s probably been 15+ years since I re-read Shrink Rap last. But based on what Lupica does with him he’s easily in the top 5 creepiest characters in the Parkerverse. And Lupica uses him as much as he can in this book. (but wisely not over-much) Why is it psychologists make the best bad guys? (see also Thomas Harris, Dennis Lehane, and a couple of other examples that will pop into my mind about 30 seconds after I publish this but that I can’t think of now)

But before John Melvin, Melanie Joan had another husband—he was her writing professor in college (feel free to cringe at that, Sunny does). Melanie Joan credited Dr. Charles Hall with helping her get her first novel into shape. So if anyone’s going to be able to clear her from these charges—or condemn her—it’s going to be him. Sadly, he’s in poor health and suffering from some sort of dementia. His current spouse (another former student) can give Sunny some information, however.

I’ve Got a Beef

I think that Lupica makes a giant misstep in this book, but to talk about them would involve spoilers. If you’re curious, I’m going to post something separately about it so I can keep this post spoiler-free. If you’re not curious, I’m not sure I blame you.

So, what did I think about Revenge Tour?

Lupica threw everything he had into this last go-round with Sunny. Almost every character he’s used makes an appearance or gets their name used a couple of times—plus a few others from the Parkerverse. The story is more intricate than anything he’s given us thus far, too.

Aside from the spoiler stuff, I don’t have much to quibble with. I think I could’ve lived with fewer TV references, they seem out of place in this universe. One would be okay, but there are more than a few. I also think the Phil Randall story resolved too easily—but it helped set up the rest of the novel, so I can see why Lupica made the choice.

At the end of the day, I was really impressed with this one. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again—I think Lupica did a better job with Sunny than Robert B. Parker did, and this novel solidifies that. I’d be content with him writing this series for a decade, but I have high hopes for Alison Gaylin as she takes the reins.

If you’re even a casual reader of the Sunny Randall novels, this is one not to miss.

3.5 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, opinions are my own.

Of Claws and Fangs by Faith Hunter: Tales of Vampires, Weres, Witches, Skinwalkers and More

Of Claws and Fangs Banner

Of Claws and FangsOf Claws and Fangs

by Faith Hunter

Series: Jane Yellowrock/Soulwood 
Publisher: Ace
Publication Date: May 3, 2022
Format: eARC
Length: 352 pg.
Read Date: April 26-28, 2022
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What’s Of Claws and Fangs About?

It’s a collection of 18 shorter works in the Jane Yellowrock/Soulwood universe—one novella, a couple of very short vignettes, and several short stories.

This is the second collection of such works (and I really should get that first one, I’m not sure how I’ve managed to miss it), and brings in material from a variety of collections and some things published online and brings them all together in one handy volume—which is great, most readers are like me and we’re not going to be able to get all these various collections, but you put them in a book like this, and we’re going to have a good time.

I briefly considered giving a sentence or two about each piece, instead, I’m going to focus on just a few:

Jane Tracks Down Miz A

This is the sole bit of new material for the book—it’s described as a “short-short story.” It’s a little longer than a vignette, but not quite a short story. It was originally written for someone who won a charity auction, and Hunter re-worked it for this collection. I wasn’t sure what to think of it originally, but by the time it was over I wanted it to keep going.

Bound into Darkness

This novella is the longest piece in the book, and as such, seems like it should get a little more attention than the rest. The story centers on Eli and Molly’s sister Liz Everheart. Several other characters get involved by the end, but it’s primarily about these two and one of the worst dates (that really wasn’t a date) in history. There were plenty of good character moments, a few good supernatural baddies, and a lot of Eli doing his thing.

The nicest touch, if you ask me, was the short story that followed it in this collection. It ties into the novella, talking about something that happens behind the scenes. It doesn’t really alter your understanding of the novella, it just adds a little color. I really liked it—not just because of the added color, but the story was nice, too. I didn’t realize I wanted to know more about Lincoln Shaddock, but I was wrong.

Other Highlights

I’m a big Soulwood fan, so I was pleased to run into two stories from that series here. There’s a cute story about Nell’s early days with PsyLED and Black Friday, which is followed by Occam’s origin story.

There’s a great story where Angie Baby gets to shine. I’ve been thinking it for a while, but this story (“My Dark Knight”) confirms it for me—I need a stand-alone novel featuring her, either at her current age or as a young adult. She’s possibly the most interesting character in this series that features several interesting characters.

Of course, there’s plenty of good material featuring Jane and Beast—it’s pretty much a requirement. My one note on “Life’s a Bitch and Then You Die” was that it would justify the book’s purchase price by itself. Then I read “Of Cats and Cars” (I posted an excerpt from that earlier today), “Anzu, Duba, Beast” and “Shiloh and the Brick”—I think I’d have said the same about any of them.


Really, there weren’t any—not many collections like this can say that.

For me, the collection started off rough—but I’m going to be in the distinct minority on this. The first vignette and the story that followed focused on Leo Pellissier, and he’s really never been my cup of tea. I can enjoy him as an antagonist to Jane, and even a benefactor, but that’s it—as a secondary character, basically. But even then, I thought the story, “Make it Snappy,” ended well, with a nice reveal at the end.

So, what did I think about Of Claws and Fangs?

I had more fun with this than I expected. I expected to have a good time with it, don’t get me wrong, but with short story collections, I try to go in with low expectations (and usually have those met). Like I said above, there’s not a bad one in the batch—sure, there were a few I could’ve liked more, but none of the stories were disappointing or dull.

For readers of Jane Yellowrock and Soulwood, this is a must. You’ll enjoy the time with your favorites, get a new perspective on a handful of them, and will be exposed to a variety of adventures that wouldn’t fit into a novel.

There’s nothing to complain about here, and plenty to enjoy—go get your paws on Of Claws and Fangs.

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, opinions are my own.

My thanks to Let’s Talk! Promotions for the invitation to participate in this tour and the materials (including the book via NetGalley and Berkley Publishing Group) they provided.

EXCERPT from Of Claws and Fangs by Faith Hunter: Of Cats and Cars

Of Claws and Fangs Banner

from Of Cats and Cars, a short story from Of Claws and Fangs by Faith Hunter

Of Cats and Cars
A Story of Beast and Cows with Trees on Heads
This short story, originally written from Edmund’s point of view, was first published on my blog in 2019 (for 30 hours), and as a serialized blog tour event. It has been rewritten and extended (with more of Beast’s point of view). It still fits nowhere in the existing Jane Yellowrock timeline. For the sake of argument, I am cramming it into a three-day period just after the end of the Sangre Duello between Leo Pellissier and Titus, the Emperor of the EU, and the end of Dark Queen. Also, after the short “Life’s a Bitch and Then You Die.” The timeline isn’t perfect. I know that. But it is a fun story. Enjoy!


“No. Absolutely not. I forbid it.”


“There is no way beneath heaven’s sun that I will allow that . . . that . . . cat creature to hunt from my car. The seats are original. The carpet is original. It has never been off road and it never will.” His voice rose. “She is in pristine cond—”

“That cat creature is your queen,” Eli said, his tone cutting into the beginnings of an excellent tirade and still managing to sound laconic.

Edmund Sebastian Hartley shut his mouth. There were times when being the titular Emperor of all of Europe and the defacto (though not titular) Master of the City of New Orleans meant nothing, most often when dealing with Jane Yellowrock or her heirs and business partners, Eli and Alex Younger. He had already made arrangements to ship his prized Maserati to France, where he would join Grégoire, Blood Master of Clan Arceneaux (and assorted French titles, properties, and cities) in his campaign to seize all of Europe for the Emperor of Europe—himself—and the Dark Queen of Mithrans—Jane.

The goal was to conquer the unruly, warring Blood Masters, claim their fealty, gain control over their hunting territories, and bring peace to the blood-families that had been left in limbo when Jane Yellowrock killed Titus, the former Emperor of Europe. Thanks to her, Edmund was now that titular, if moderately unwilling, Emperor. It was an empty title until he conquered the land and killed his enemies.

However, walking away from war wasn’t an option, now that the European Mithrans and Naturaleza were hunting and killing humans. He could not abdicate. Leo Pellissier had made clear what the ramifications of such an abdication would mean politically and in regard to world unrest. Therefore, Ed would fight. And he would win.

Ed frowned at the puma lounging in the kitchen, her eyes on the three men gathered in the living room. She yawned, showing off her fangs, and flicked her ear tabs at him. She was a magnificent creature, lean and muscular, and he had it on good authority that those curved and serrated fangs could tear the head from a powerful blood-servant or even a vampire. Apparently, there was photographic proof.

Ed didn’t know what was going on with Jane, but she hadn’t been herself since Leo had been defeated. When in human shape, she was pale and withdrawn, grieving as all of them were, but there was something more, something that had sent her into Puma concolor form for the last two days. Normally when in mountain lion form, Jane was present. She acknowledged comments, answered questions, participated in discussion as best as the cat form allowed. At such times she called herself Beast. But not now. Two days past, she had texted him with the request to take her Beast hunting for a cow, in his car.

For a cow. In his car.

He had refused. He still was refusing. Not. In. His. Maserati.

Except that the cat creature—sans Jane—was following him around, watching him, often vocalizing loudly with clicks and whistles and mewls, like a kitten begging for milk. This dusk, he had waked from his daily sleep to find her lying on his chest, her fangs inches from his eyes, breathing cat-breath upon him. That raw-blood-and-meat stink had been the scent of his first breath of the night. Her fangs had been his first sight. Had he been alive, he would have expired on the spot. Ed had no idea how she had opened the sealed door to his newly renovated, windowless, attic sanctuary or, more likely, who had let her in, but there it was. And because Jane, in whatever form, was his Dark Queen, his hands were bound to her in fealty. Her desires were his command. Blast and damn.

He dropped to the leather couch, leaned at an angle to the couch back and arm, and propped his chin on his fist, staring hard to his left at the cat in the kitchen. This is all utterly unacceptable.

The cat rose, all killing grace and muscle, and walked to him, her very long tail moving slightly. When she was ten feet away, she leaped, landing beside him. Despite his centuries as a human-hunting vampire, he flinched.

Eli chuckled.

The cat dropped to the sofa cushion, her head fell into his lap, and she started to purr. He had a ridiculous urge to scratch her ears. She batted her eyes at him, for all the world as if she were flirting. He had no idea that mountain lions had such long eyelashes. Or perhaps only Jane’s cat had them. Her golden eyes wore the loving expression of a cat who wanted something and wasn’t above emotional manipulation to get it. There was no sign of Jane in the cat’s eyes at all, and he wondered for a moment where Jane went when she disappeared and her cat roamed free.

The cat rubbed her jaw on his bespoke suit pants, scent-marking him and leaving behind cat hair. His tailor would be appalled. There would be no getting out the musky scent. “Stop that,” he demanded. The cat rolled over and stared at him from upside down, her belly exposed. “No. I am not scratching your belly and you are not hunting in my car.”

The cat mewled and began to purr, the vibration gently shaking the couch.

Read the rest in Of Claws and Fangs by Faith Hunter to see what happens from here—and spoiler: it’s ridiculous and fun.

My thanks to Let’s Talk! Promotions for the invitation to participate in this tour and the materials (including the book via NetGalley and Berkley Publishing Group) they provided.

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Of Claws and Fangs by Faith Hunter (and Giveaway!)

Today I’m very pleased to welcome the Book Tour for the collection of shorter works by Faith Hunter, Of Claws and Fangs. Along with this spotlight post, I have a fun excerpt to share. I’ll also be giving my take on the collection a little later. Those links’ll work when the posts go live in an hour or two. Be sure to scroll to the bottom of this post so you can be entered into a nifty giveaway.

First, let’s take a look at Of Claws and Fangs.
Of Claws and Fangs Banner

Book Details:

Book Title: Of Claws and Fangs by Faith Hunter
Publisher: Ace
Release date: May 3, 2022
Format: Ebook/Paperback
Length: 352 pages
ISBN: 9780593334348
Of Claws and Fangs Cover

About the Book:

New York Times bestselling author Faith Hunter presents a stunning collection of stories from the world of shape-shifting vampire hunter Jane Yellowrock and beyond.

Collected together for the first time, this volume contains shorter works featuring heroines Jane Yellowrock and Nell Ingram, as well as a host of other characters from the Jane Yellowrock and Soulwood series. Faith Hunter is “an expert at creating worlds filled with intriguing supernatural elements and exciting scenarios”* and her skills are on full display in this collection. From a vampire-filled Halloween evening in New Orleans to the searing tale of how a certain were-leopard first got his spots, this collection has something for everyone, and each story is sure to put the super in supernatural.

With eighteen stories in all, Of Claws and Fangs will enrich and entertain—it’s a must-have for Faith Hunter’s readers and all lovers of fantasy.

Purchase Links

Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble ~ Books-a-Million ~ IndieBound ~ The Book Depository ~ Kobo ~ Google Books ~ Apple Books

About the Author:

Faith HunterFaith Hunter is the award-winning New York Times and USAToday bestselling author of several series: Jane Yellowrock, Soulwood, Rogue Mage, and Junkyard Cats. In addition, she has edited multiple anthologies and coauthored the Rogue Mage RPG. She is the coauthor and author of 16 thrillers under pen names Gary Hunter and Gwen Hunter. Altogether she has 40+ books and dozens of short stories in print and is juggling multiple projects.

She sold her first book in 1989 and hasn’t stopped writing since.

Faith collects orchids and animal skulls, loves thunder storms, and writes. She drinks a lot of tea. She likes to kayak Class II & III whitewater rivers. Some days she’s a lady. Some days she ain’t.

Find Faith online at:

Website ~ Facebook (official) ~ Facebook Fan Group ~ Twitter ~

Yellowrock Securities website ~ Gwen Hunter website


There’s a tour-wide giveaway open to US residents!

  • 2 winners will receive a limited-edition leather Soulwood bracelet
  • 1 winner will receive their choice of a $50 gift card from Amazon or Barnes & Noble

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If the Widget isn’t showing up, just click here:

My thanks to Let’s Talk! Promotions for the invitation to participate in this tour and the materials (including the book via NetGalley and Berkley Publishing Group) they provided.

Force of Nature (Audiobook) by C.J. Box, David Chandler (Narrator): Wyoming Requiem

I’ve ended up working on this post a lot longer than most—definitely longer than any other book in this series. I know I didn’t say everything I wanted to, but I think I covered all the essentials. I also think my trimming ideas/paragraphs/rabbit trails didn’t make this too difficult to follow. Let me know if I missed that mark, will you?

Force of NatureForce of Nature

by C. J. Box, David Chandler (Narrator)

Series: Joe Pickett, #12
Publisher: Recorded Books
Publication Date: March 20, 2012
Format: Unabridged Audiobook
Length: 11 hrs., 23 min.
Read Date: April 13-15, 2022
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What’s Force of Nature About?

Nate Romanowski.

That’s the short version anyway—but it’s not a helpful answer.

Since we met Nate, we’ve known that he’s living off the grid for more than philosophical reasons—he’s not just a modern Thoreau, But we’ve never been given the story behind that. He’s offered to tell Joe, but Joe’s smart enough to know he shouldn’t know (but he is curious).

Well now, those people he’s been avoiding are getting close to finding him. They are approaching, questioning, kidnapping (if deemed necessary), and putting all other sorts of pressure on those who may know something about Nate or his whereabouts. This includes new characters as well as well-established characters—including all the Picketts, his friends on the reservation, his mysterious friends in Idaho, and others.

To protect those who are important to him, Nate has to stop hiding and go on the offense. Along the way, the reader gets answers to a lot of the questions about him that we’ve built up over the previous eleven novels.

We also get another lesson in watching out for your ears around Nate Romanowski, just in case Free Fire wasn’t enough for you.

Yes, there are several other things going on, but they all tie back to Nate Romanowski—his past, his present, and if he has a future.

A Gripe

This is semi-spoilery, but without this, I might have rated this higher, so I have to talk about it. I don’t think reading this is going to ruin anything plot-wise. Still, feel free to skip down to the next heading.

Nate, Joe, and Marybeth all agree that the Picketts have to get out of town for their own safety. So Joe, Marybeth, April, and Lucy get to the airport so they can get out of the reach of those who might try to use them to get to Nate.

See the problem there? I said nothing about Sheridan. Sure, she’s away at college, but we’re talking about people who have gone to Idaho and Colorado to find people to get leverage on Nate. Does anyone really think they can’t get to Laramie? Yes, Joe sends his FBI buddy to talk to her, but that’s to get information, not to watch out for her.

I literally kept talking back to the recording, “What about Sheridan?” Is it possible I missed the two sentences it would’ve taken for Box to justify this choice, but I don’t think that’s the case.

David Chandler

This is book 12, David Chandler has this series down—I’m sure he’s not on auto-pilot or anything, but at this point, it’s got to be comfortable for him.

That said, he’s on his game here, and really gets to stretch his wings a little—there’s (obviously) more Nate than usual, and Nate has a greater emotional range than usual, too. Bang-up job by Chandler.

So, what did I think about Force of Nature?

This is the most action-packed, violent, and unpredictable Joe Pickett novel yet. I’m not sure it’s even close—I’m not sure it’s the best novel in the series, but I’m guessing it’s quite the fan-favorite because of all the Nate material.

It’s the C.J. Box-equivalent of Robert Crais’ L.A. Requiem where we get all of Joe Pike’s background* in the midst of a gripping thrill ride. There’s a version of this post that contains several paragraphs comparing/contrasting these two novels that I’m sorely tempted to write, but I can’t imagine anyone wanting to read it all. This will both serve to humanize Nate as well as build up his mystique. A nice trick to be sure.

* I just got a very real lesson in careful typing by invoking Joe Pike in a discussion about a Joe Pickett novel.

Am I happy to have a lot of questions answered about Nate? Yes. Do I have a whole bunch of new questions about him? Yes. Do I sort of hope that he disappears for at least a book so we can refocus on Joe? Yes. Do I think that anyone with a mild interest in the Joe Pickett series will dig this novel? No doubt in my mind.

4 Stars

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Amongst Our Weapons by Ben Aaronovitch: Fear, and Surprise, and Ruthless Efficiency, and two Births.

Amongst Our WeaponsAmongst Our Weapons

by Ben Aaronovitch

Series: Rivers of London, #9
Publisher: DAW
Publication Date: April 11, 2022
Format: Hardcover
Length: 294 pg.
Read Date: April 12-15
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What’s Amongst Our Weapons About?

Peter’s called in for an initial assessment on an odd murder scene, just to make sure that there’s nothing magical about it. He brings along the newest trainee to the Folly’s Course in magical policing, just to familiarize police throughout the country with their methods. On an initial glance, it looks like it’s something that would belong to the Folly, but there’s an odd lack of vestigium—almost a suspicious lack. The method of murder—and the damage to the more technical devices in the area make it clear that this is a magical murder.

So, Peter and his trainee, join Guleed and Stephanopoulos in their investigation. They soon discover that this murder is actually the second in a string—there’s little to tie the two victims together at first glance, except a similar taste in platinum rings. “Taste” is a poor word there, it’s more of an obsessive need to have their ring that invites Gollum comparisons (however they might be discouraged).

This case is likely the most International that the novels have recorded (although no one leaves the country—as helpful as that might have been) and involves history and magical disciplines that Nightingale and Postmartin can only speculate about. In other words—everyone’s in for a pretty steep learning curve before this is all done.

I feel like I’ve spent a lot of words there to say very little, but it’s one of those setups, I’m not sure what else to do.

Everyone Expects…

With a title like that, if the words “Spanish Inquisition,” aren’t on the tip of your tongue, something’s wrong with you. So, you can’t help but look for the Inquisition to show up in the novel—it’s the how it shows up that’s clever and wholly within what you expect for the series.

Aaronovitch doesn’t work Monty Python into this novel quite as thoroughly as he did with the Hitchhiker’s Guide references in False Value—but it’s there. Which is a fun little garnish.

Building Worlds and Bridges

If everything else in this novel was a “bleh” (and it wasn’t), I’d consider this one a win only for the things I’m talking about in this section.

The Rivers of London series has a pretty well-developed world, and there’s a lot of room to play already. But Aaronovitch keeps building it out—and we get a good deal of it here. There’s a whole other side to the world of practitioners in England pre-WWII that we didn’t know about and that Nightingale hasn’t seen a reason to share with Peter before. I loved this new discipline, how it was introduced, and how it ties in with other non-Society of the Wise British practitioners.

It’s very clear that whatever the Magical community looked like pre-WWII, the War devasted it—alliances are shattered, secrecy and nationalism became the order of the day—with a healthy dose of suspicion. Slowly some of the barriers are coming down and Peter has a lot to do with that—his activity alone has helped practitioners in other nations (see: Germany) become aware of the Folly’s current status. Also, Peter’s relationship with Beverly and her family is strengthening and altering the relationship between the Folly, the Demi-monde in general, and The Rivers in particular. We see a big jump on the domestic front with the other discipline and some other things in these pages—but also, there’s a real sign that Peter’s trying to forge a stronger connection between the magical communities of the U.K. and the U.S. I can only hope that this will soon result in Tobias Winter and Peter meeting up.

Also, there’s something that was briefly mentioned in False Value that’s returned to here, but isn’t given all that much attention. I think, ultimately, this is going to be the post-Faceless Man Big Bad, and this slow build-up to it in a series of 2+ is great. I’m including this with the Worldbuilding because it’s pretty clear that whatever this ends up being, Peter (and I bet Nightingale, too) are going to have to reconsider what they know about the world.


When the book opens, Beverly is close to delivering the twins. In practically every conversation that Peter gets into, someone is asking him about the upcoming birth, the christening (or whatever they end up doing), etc. Seemingly every minor character from the series so far is talking about it.

There are all sorts of goings-on at Beverly’s home to prepare for the birth—and those who aren’t asking Peter questions are chipping in to get things ready.

All hands are on deck—several in unexpected ways—on this front, and for long-time fans, this whole story through the novel is going to be a real pleasure—it’s the emotional heart of the novel and it pays off well. This storyline—especially the last ten pages of the book—is almost enough to tip me from the 4 Stars I was going to give the novel to a 5.

So, what did I think about Amongst Our Weapons?

I’ve tipped my hand already, I realize, but I liked this novel—a lot. This is fairly predictable—it’s the ninth novel in a series that I’m a completist in. I’ve read and listened to the previous eight novels, short stories, and novellas at least once—and have read all the comics one or two times, too. So, it’d take a massive drop in quality for me to be negative about this. It’s not my favorite in the series—but it’s on the upper end of the spectrum.

I do wonder if the main story could’ve been focused on a bit more in the midst of the personal story and all the expansion of the world that’s going on, it sometimes seemed to take a backseat to other things. I think we got a simpler story so that Aaronovitch could do all the extra things without overcrowding the novel. Also, I can’t think of a thing he should’ve cut. If anything, I think it could’ve been improved with another 100-150 pages of material. For example, we’d have been better served to have our favorite FBI Agent, Kim Reynolds, get 2-4 scenes showing some work in the States related to the crimes.

There are some great character moments—including from some unexpected corners. For example, we get some background on one character that I’d simply assumed we’d never learn more about (I think Peter was with me on this point). Like so many things in this novel, that’s a real treat for the fans.

It’s hard to say without knowing where things are going, but it feels to me like the first arc wrapped up in Lies Sleeping and False Value served as a chance for the characters and readers to catch their breath after it, and Amongst our Weapons is setting things up for the next arc. Given all the things that are set up? It’s going to make taking down the Faceless Man seem easy. I can’t wait.

Obviously, I recommend this to those who’ve read this series—although I probably don’t need to. If you’ve read this far and haven’t read the series—I encourage you to do so. I don’t know that this is where I’d jump on—it’s not a bad place, per se, but it’s not the best. Maybe try False Value first—however, going back to the beginning would be best.

4 1/2 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, opinions are my own.

The Cutting Season by M. W. Craven: A Fast, Satisfying Read in this Dynamite Series

The Cutting SeasonThe Cutting Season

by M.W. Craven

Series: Washington Poe, #3.5
Publisher: Constable
Publication Date: April 14, 2022
Format: Kindle Edition
Length: 105 pages
Read Date: April 15-16, 2022

What’s The Cutting Season About?

In lieu of writing a synopsis, how about the first four paragraphs?

It started with an old lady.

An old lady who had stepped in front of a train.

There were gangsters and bent cops and a contract killer called the Pale Man, but they were not as important as the old lady. And neither was the dead good man who turned out to be a dead bad man.

In the years that followed, some people would forget about the old lady. They would forget that, if it was not for her, none of this would have happened. Nobody would have been murdered. Nobody would have dangled from a meat hook in a cold warehouse. Nobody would have called in the Pale Man.

There you go—there’s murder, there’s drama in a warehouse, there’s a man known by a title, and a dead woman. There’s your hook. Add in a detective from the National Crime agency—Washington Poe, who’s called in to help with the murder investigation (although he usually investigates serial killers)—and his friend/colleague who is a wizard with tech—Tilly Bradshaw—and you’ve got yourself the makings of a great thriller.

Quick Reads

The Cutting Season was one of eight novellas published this year as part of The Reading Agency’s Quick Reads program.

Quick Reads provide a route into reading that prioritises great story telling and adult-focused content while ensuring the books are written in an accessible and easy to read style. The books are written by some of the most popular authors in the UK – including Andy McNab, Jojo Moyes, Anne Cleeves, Ian Rankin and Benjamin Zephaniah – so they can be a brilliant entry point to new genres, authors as well as the spark to reignite or build up the joy of reading.

The Quick Reads programme has collaborated with over 30 publishers to produce a total of 135 titles since 2006 (many still available to borrow from your public library or buy from The Reading Agency’s bookshop) with over 5 million copies distributed and over 6 million library loans.

That just sounds fantastic, doesn’t it?

So, what did I think about The Cutting Season?

This is a novella—short, sweet, to the point. Well, not that sweet—there’s a lot of dead people and threats to health and well-being. So it’s short and to the point. Think of it as a Washington Poe/Tilly Bradshaw novel in espresso form.

It’s got everything you want—a disturbing killing, Poe’s antics, Tilly saving the day—and as a nice bonus, there’s a chapter at the beginning where Poe is enjoying himself at the office with co-workers, so we get to see there’s more to him than just the single-visioned man we see when he’s on the case (a great way to introduce Poe and Tilly to new readers).

Given the streamlined way this story had to be told to fit, there weren’t any twists or nuance—for a 105-page novella, I’m fine with that. I think this’d work well to introduce Poe and Tilly to a reader who hasn’t done much in the genre before—and I could definitely see this convincing someone who really doesn’t read novels to give one in the series a shot.

As is to be expected from a M.W. Craven work, I strongly recommend this. I had a blast reading it, you will, too.

4 Stars

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