Category: General Fiction/Literature Page 7 of 49

You Took the Last Bus Home by Brian Bilston: Do I Dare Eat Some Kale?

You Took the Last Bus HomeYou Took the Last Bus Home:
The Poems of Brian Bilston

by Brian Bilston

Publisher: Unbound
Publication Date: April 13, 2021
Format: Paperback
Length: 226 pgs.
Read Date: March 1-29, 2023

Do I need my usual disclaimer about not being a poetry reader here?

Probably not, but I’ll throw it up anyway. This is the fourth time in about 10 years of blogging on this site that I’ve posed about a book of poetry. There’s a reason for that. I typically don’t like them.

There’s also a reason that I had to buy, read, and post about this one—after Facebook’s algorithm inexplicably started showing me his poems for a stretch back in January, I had to read more of them. So I bought this book, and now I have to talk about it. Because I try to do that about every book I read, but primarily because I want more people to have the opportunity to have fun with him.

What’s You Took the Last Bus Home About?

This a lengthy collection of poems (well, maybe not—it’s the lengthiest I own outside of textbooks, anyway) about love, loss, politics, and “everyday places and situations” (as he describes them in the Introduction—which I somehow skipped over until just now). Everyday situations like—someone wanting to borrow a phone charger (and being denied), beards, search engines, playing with a dog, and so on.

Bilston closes the Introduction by saying

I suppose these are not traditionally regarded as being teh stuff of poetry. But there is poetry to be found in anything if you look hard enough.

And Bilston looks that hard.

Playing with Form

One of the best things about poetry is the ability to use form to communicate. To play with the placement of the words on a page, and how they’re presented to get the meaning across—sometimes more effectively than the words used.

Bilston is a master of this.

From decreasing the type size in “Unforseen Consequences” to rotating the text in “Ode to a USB Stick” or something as simple as embracing the traditional shape of a Christmas tree in “Needles” (and then tweaking it), the visual impression of each page got you in the right frame of mind before you started reading.

See also his use of Flow Charts, Org Charts, Excel worksheets, etc.

So, what did I think about You Took the Last Bus Home?

I remember in college classes about poetry there’d be a certain tone of voice used with the phrase, “light verse.” It was eerily similar to the audible sneer used for the term “genre fiction.” And I get that—it’s the same reason that comedies are almost never nominated for an Oscar. It’s not right, but I get it.

But to brush this collection off because Bilston frequently brings the funny is a mistake. This is some really clever work–when he’s funny and when he’s not. The fact that he’s so frequently amusing (to one degree or another) means that when he drops that and goes for serious, earnest, or thoughtful—those are even more powerful (for example, “Refugees”). It shouldn’t be overlooked that he frequently is thoughtful and humorous in the same poem.

I like the creativity, I adore the wordplay, and—as always—I’m a sucker for anyone who makes me laugh/chortle/giggle/smile on the majority of the pages. I audibly laughed at the ninth poem—and several after that. My favorite haiku ever is to be found in these pages (and probably most of the top ten of that list, too*)

* A list that I didn’t realize I’d need/want/have until I started this book.

Did I love every poem? No. Did I skim a few? Yup. But in a collection this size, that’s to be expected, right? Particularly when it comes to someone who isn’t particularly a fan of poetry in the first place. The overwhelming majority of them absolutely worked.

This is a book to spend time with—open it up randomly, or read from cover to cover—whatever. Don’t do it all in one sitting, obviously—although I think it’d be easy to do, I typically read at least two more poems than I intended to per session (usually more than two). But it’s hard to appreciate them if you gorge yourself.

You’re not just going to want to read these yourself—you’re going to want to share these. I also couldn’t help but read a poem to whoever happened to be in the room with me—or make someone else read one that I really appreciated (especially if you needed to see it for full impact). My daughter received several messages from me that consisted of a quick photo of a page or two almost every time I sat down to read this volume.

I can’t say enough good things about this. I’ll be buying more of his work soon.

4 1/2 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, the opinions expressed are my own.

PUB DAY REPOST: Foundations by Abigail Stewart: Three Eras, Three Women, and The House that Connects Them


by Abigail Stewart

Publisher: Whisk(e)y Tit
Publication Date: March 7, 2023
Format: eARC
Length: 153 pg.
Read Date: February 22, 2023]

What’s Foundations About?

This is a novel about a house in Dallas, TX. It’s told in three eras—early 50s, early 80s, and something relatively recent. Those dates are pretty vague (and precision isn’t that important), but those are my best guesses based on details mentioned in the text.

In each of these eras, the house is owned (or lived in) by three different women, and we spend a little time with each of them and see their relationship (for lack of a better term) with the building.


Bunny should give the reader a very Betty Draper vibe—but without quite as many issues. Essentially, she’s a lonely housewife whose husband spends more time at his club or on the road for his company than he does at home. Her sister lives nearby and the two do spend time together, but it doesn’t appear there’s a strong bond between them.

She spends time regularly at the library—secretly, it should be added—reading a variety of things for pleasure and education. At some point, she begins dabbling in things like palmistry, which leads one of the librarians to befriend her and introduce her to people and ideas Bunny hadn’t encountered before.

There’s a great paragraph where Bunny imagines her house as a museum and her as one of the exhibits. I don’t know that we learned much about her in that paragraph, but it crystalizes everything about her that her portion of the novel was saying in just a few lines.


Jessica is an actress who (to paraphrase her), has passed her opportunity to be seen as a sexy star and has become eligible only for Lady Macbeth parts (since we’re not given details about her age, I do wonder a bit about that, considering the ages of some of the actresses she alludes to, but it’s not that important).

Now she wants to be away from L.A., where everyone recognizes her as someone who “used to” be in movies or on stage. So she moves to Dallas, buying the home.

She lives a very solitary life—which is her plan, after all—but it doesn’t take long for the shortcomings of that kind of life to become clear to her.


Amanda buys the house to flip it as a competitor on a Reality TV show where she’ll be competing against people from across the country doing the same thing.

This is an outreach of work she’s done to make her brand—she’s done a little interior decorating and is striving to be a life coach—and this show could put her on the map.

We watch her chronicle her work to refresh the house on her own social media and the show’s filming. At the same time, she’s dealing with parental pressure to settle down and her boyfriend’s ambivalence toward her activities.

So, what did I think about Foundations?

I honestly don’t know what to think of the book as a whole. I think one of the pieces of art that Amanda picks for the house does a really good job of describing what the novel aspires to (a ceramic statue of three intertwined women), but I’m not particularly sure that the novel intertwines them that much. Their connection feels much more coincidental and circumstantial.

Considered separately, I have some definite thoughts on each woman’s story. It felt to me that Bunny’s story was the most realized, the most developed, and really showed more of the spirit the novel seems to want to show. Her life of quiet desperation feels familiar—like one we’ve all seen time and time again, but Stewart’s depiction of it is as fresh as it ever was.

Jessica’s segment of the book is the least developed, and possibly more of a cliche than Bunny’s. It also felt rushed with an ending that was too pat—I think if we’d had more time with Jessica, I might have reacted better to her and her situation. While I appreciated the character, I thought she got short shrift and it was hard to connect to her.

Amanda, on the other hand, was easy to relate to and connect with. Part of that comes from her living in the present, with immediately identifiable struggles, complaints, and interests. But there was more than that—Bunny just exists until she finds her new friend, and Jessica is running away from things—Amanda has hopes and dreams—she may not be certain about where she’s going long-term, but for the short-term, she has a plan and is focused on it. I think that’s what I appreciated most about her. Still, I think we could’ve gotten a little more time with her, too, to fully flesh her out (but it wouldn’t take much more)—but Jessica needs those pages more than Amanda did.

You can consider the book to show the changing face of feminism through the years, and as such, it’s successful. But I don’t know that it actually says anything about those faces beyond just helping the reader to see them.

Obviously, setting the book in Dallas plays a role in what’s expected for each woman—how they should act, how they should relate to the world around them, how they should feel about spending their days in this house. But I wonder if the danger in stereotyping Dallas is as great as some of the preconceptions of how a woman should comport themselves is.*

* Of course, I realize that coming from a man, that notion could be problematic. So I do want to stress that’s something I wonder about, and don’t have a firm opinion on. Stewart and her characters are apt to reach a conclusion that doesn’t match mine.

It’s a quick read—only 150 pages or so—with some passages and phrases that will knock you out. Different readers will walk away with varied impressions of the three women than me (obviously), and some will likely see something in the whole novel that I’ve missed (I’m hoping someone can show me what I’m not seeing). But I don’t think many will be able to walk away unaffected.

I do recommend this book—I think the small investment of time required will pay dividends for the reader above that.

Disclaimer: I received this eARC from the author and Lori Hettler of The Next Best Book Club in exchange for this post—thanks to both for this.

3.5 Stars

Foundations by Abigail Stewart: Three Eras, Three Women, and The House that Connects Them


by Abigail Stewart

Publisher: Whisk(e)y Tit
Publication Date: March 7, 2023
Format: eARC
Length: 153 pg.
Read Date: February 22, 2023]

What’s Foundations About?

This is a novel about a house in Dallas, TX. It’s told in three eras—early 50s, early 80s, and something relatively recent. Those dates are pretty vague (and precision isn’t that important), but those are my best guesses based on details mentioned in the text.

In each of these eras, the house is owned (or lived in) by three different women, and we spend a little time with each of them and see their relationship (for lack of a better term) with the building.


Bunny should give the reader a very Betty Draper vibe—but without quite as many issues. Essentially, she’s a lonely housewife whose husband spends more time at his club or on the road for his company than he does at home. Her sister lives nearby and the two do spend time together, but it doesn’t appear there’s a strong bond between them.

She spends time regularly at the library—secretly, it should be added—reading a variety of things for pleasure and education. At some point, she begins dabbling in things like palmistry, which leads one of the librarians to befriend her and introduce her to people and ideas Bunny hadn’t encountered before.

There’s a great paragraph where Bunny imagines her house as a museum and her as one of the exhibits. I don’t know that we learned much about her in that paragraph, but it crystalizes everything about her that her portion of the novel was saying in just a few lines.


Jessica is an actress who (to paraphrase her), has passed her opportunity to be seen as a sexy star and has become eligible only for Lady Macbeth parts (since we’re not given details about her age, I do wonder a bit about that, considering the ages of some of the actresses she alludes to, but it’s not that important).

Now she wants to be away from L.A., where everyone recognizes her as someone who “used to” be in movies or on stage. So she moves to Dallas, buying the home.

She lives a very solitary life—which is her plan, after all—but it doesn’t take long for the shortcomings of that kind of life to become clear to her.


Amanda buys the house to flip it as a competitor on a Reality TV show where she’ll be competing against people from across the country doing the same thing.

This is an outreach of work she’s done to make her brand—she’s done a little interior decorating and is striving to be a life coach—and this show could put her on the map.

We watch her chronicle her work to refresh the house on her own social media and the show’s filming. At the same time, she’s dealing with parental pressure to settle down and her boyfriend’s ambivalence toward her activities.

So, what did I think about Foundations?

I honestly don’t know what to think of the book as a whole. I think one of the pieces of art that Amanda picks for the house does a really good job of describing what the novel aspires to (a ceramic statue of three intertwined women), but I’m not particularly sure that the novel intertwines them that much. Their connection feels much more coincidental and circumstantial.

Considered separately, I have some definite thoughts on each woman’s story. It felt to me that Bunny’s story was the most realized, the most developed, and really showed more of the spirit the novel seems to want to show. Her life of quiet desperation feels familiar—like one we’ve all seen time and time again, but Stewart’s depiction of it is as fresh as it ever was.

Jessica’s segment of the book is the least developed, and possibly more of a cliche than Bunny’s. It also felt rushed with an ending that was too pat—I think if we’d had more time with Jessica, I might have reacted better to her and her situation. While I appreciated the character, I thought she got short shrift and it was hard to connect to her.

Amanda, on the other hand, was easy to relate to and connect with. Part of that comes from her living in the present, with immediately identifiable struggles, complaints, and interests. But there was more than that—Bunny just exists until she finds her new friend, and Jessica is running away from things—Amanda has hopes and dreams—she may not be certain about where she’s going long-term, but for the short-term, she has a plan and is focused on it. I think that’s what I appreciated most about her. Still, I think we could’ve gotten a little more time with her, too, to fully flesh her out (but it wouldn’t take much more)—but Jessica needs those pages more than Amanda did.

You can consider the book to show the changing face of feminism through the years, and as such, it’s successful. But I don’t know that it actually says anything about those faces beyond just helping the reader to see them.

Obviously, setting the book in Dallas plays a role in what’s expected for each woman—how they should act, how they should relate to the world around them, how they should feel about spending their days in this house. But I wonder if the danger in stereotyping Dallas is as great as some of the preconceptions of how a woman should comport themselves is.*

* Of course, I realize that coming from a man, that notion could be problematic. So I do want to stress that’s something I wonder about, and don’t have a firm opinion on. Stewart and her characters are apt to reach a conclusion that doesn’t match mine.

It’s a quick read—only 150 pages or so—with some passages and phrases that will knock you out. Different readers will walk away with varied impressions of the three women than me (obviously), and some will likely see something in the whole novel that I’ve missed (I’m hoping someone can show me what I’m not seeing). But I don’t think many will be able to walk away unaffected.

I do recommend this book—I think the small investment of time required will pay dividends for the reader above that.

Disclaimer: I received this eARC from the author and Lori Hettler of The Next Best Book Club in exchange for this post—thanks to both for this.

3.5 Stars

PUB DAY REPOST: On the Savage Side by Tiffany McDaniel: A Funeral for Dreams

On the Savage SideOn the Savage Side

by Tiffany McDaniel

Publisher: Knopf
Publication Date: February 14, 2023
Format: eARC
Length: 464 pg.
Read Date: January 23-31, 2023
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So, you can tell from the title of this post, that this is not a happy tale. The other big hint along those lines is the author’s name. I’m sure that Tiffany McDaniel is perfectly capable of writing a fun romp of a novel—I just have no evidence that she’s interested in doing so.

When you do see her name on a cover, you know a few things going in—the book is going to feature some sort of childhood trauma; the beautifully stylized dialogue (that doesn’t even pretend to be realistic); and prose that can only be described as gorgeous.

Everything else may differ from book to book, but the above are pretty much a given at this point.

What’s On the Savage Side About?

We meet 6-year-old twin sisters Arc and Daffy on the day their father died. Believe it or not, this is likely the best their life is going to be for the rest of this book. They spend most of their childhood in a home with their mother and aunt (I’m very carefully not saying they were raised by their mother and aunt), prostitutes who spend what little money they have on drugs—heroin, primarily. There are brief periods where the children are taken care of by their grandmother—who is kind, loving, and able to take care of them—but those are brief.

We see them age—struggling to separate themselves from their mother and aunt, and eventually following in their footsteps in addiction and profession. As adults, Arc’s focus is her (more fragile) sister’s safety and well-being. It’s because of Daffy that she finds a rehab facility, there’s a (probable) serial killer out there leaving women’s bodies in the river, and Arc is determined to not let Daffy become the next. Hopefully, she can prevent her friends from being the next, too.

Interspersed with chapters describing their lives (with some time jumping involved), we get some selections from their mother’s diary—back when she was capable of keeping one. We see her struggle with addiction and knowing the danger she poses to her daughters (and I was so glad when the book gave us that—it was the first maternal action I saw from her, but we didn’t get to see it for a long time).

We also get chapters describing the point-of-view of the river that flows near their town. How it reacts to being where the bodies of women are discarded, along with its thoughts on other things as well. It’s these chapters—particularly early on—that give the novel its depth and perspective. It feels to me like those chapters are McDaniels speaking with the least amount of artifice. The river feels like her voice unfiltered through the devices she uses the rest of the time.

Chillicothe, Ohio

Until I started this book, I knew Chillicothe, Ohio as the birthplace of Archie Goodwin of Rex Stout’s Nero Wolfe books. I half-assumed it was a fictional location, and never bothered to look it up. Now I know that it exists, and I’m going to have a hard time reestablishing the positive associations I had with the name. It feels like a great place to be from, not a great place to be. I’m sure that it’s a perfectly fine place in reality, but the small city does not come across very well in these pages.

So, what did I think about On the Savage Side?

This was just a brutal read. Every time you get a glimmer of hope, a glimmer of a feeling that things might be okay for some of these characters—something snuffs it out. But there’s another source right around the corner. But, to go back to that line from the novel I borrowed above—the book is full of funerals for dreams.

But there’s beauty in the darkness. And a drive to keep persevering shared by the reader and the characters. I wondered more than once why some of them kept trying—but they did. The mother of one of Arc’s adult friends is a strong vision of enduring love and hope—she’s always ready to help her daughter no matter how tight the grip of addiction is on her at the time. She’s always trying, always striving to give her daughter the care she needs—even when (especially when) there’s no reason to think it’ll do any good.

I mentioned a serial killer above—it’s not a serial killer novel, though. It’s a novel about the women that may be his target and their fears about it. But people looking for a Thomas Harris read will be disappointed. Actually, people looking for most things you find in typical novels will be disappointed. Many of the looming questions in our characters’ lives are left unanswered. But you don’t walk away frustrated that you don’t get the answers like you would from other novels—because we’re given answers to questions we never thought to ask. Some of those are more important, too.

Like always, Tiffany McDaniels delivered a book that’s going to stay in my subconscious for a while—lurking there, making me rethink what I read from time to time. It’ll probably stay there until her next novel comes along (Betty‘s been there for a couple of years, and really only was dislodged by this one—and The Summer that Melted Everything is still there all these years later). It’s somber, it’s sober, and it’s difficult to read. But it’s so worth it in ways I cannot adequately explain. It’ll make you think. It’ll make you feel.

I’m having a hard time articulating exactly why you should read this without getting into the details—if you’ve read McDaniels before, you know what I’m saying. If you haven’t—it’s time to.

Disclaimer: I received this eARC from Knopf via NetGalley in exchange for this post—thanks to both for this.

4 1/2 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, the opinions expressed are my own.

On the Savage Side by Tiffany McDaniel: A Funeral for Dreams

On the Savage SideOn the Savage Side

by Tiffany McDaniel

Publisher: Knopf
Publication Date: February 14, 2023
Format: eARC
Length: 464 pg.
Read Date: January 23-31, 2023
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So, you can tell from the title of this post, that this is not a happy tale. The other big hint along those lines is the author’s name. I’m sure that Tiffany McDaniel is perfectly capable of writing a fun romp of a novel—I just have no evidence that she’s interested in doing so.

When you do see her name on a cover, you know a few things going in—the book is going to feature some sort of childhood trauma; the beautifully stylized dialogue (that doesn’t even pretend to be realistic); and prose that can only be described as gorgeous.

Everything else may differ from book to book, but the above are pretty much a given at this point.

What’s On the Savage Side About?

We meet 6-year-old twin sisters Arc and Daffy on the day their father died. Believe it or not, this is likely the best their life is going to be for the rest of this book. They spend most of their childhood in a home with their mother and aunt (I’m very carefully not saying they were raised by their mother and aunt), prostitutes who spend what little money they have on drugs—heroin, primarily. There are brief periods where the children are taken care of by their grandmother—who is kind, loving, and able to take care of them—but those are brief.

We see them age—struggling to separate themselves from their mother and aunt, and eventually following in their footsteps in addiction and profession. As adults, Arc’s focus is her (more fragile) sister’s safety and well-being. It’s because of Daffy that she finds a rehab facility, there’s a (probable) serial killer out there leaving women’s bodies in the river, and Arc is determined to not let Daffy become the next. Hopefully, she can prevent her friends from being the next, too.

Interspersed with chapters describing their lives (with some time jumping involved), we get some selections from their mother’s diary—back when she was capable of keeping one. We see her struggle with addiction and knowing the danger she poses to her daughters (and I was so glad when the book gave us that—it was the first maternal action I saw from her, but we didn’t get to see it for a long time).

We also get chapters describing the point-of-view of the river that flows near their town. How it reacts to being where the bodies of women are discarded, along with its thoughts on other things as well. It’s these chapters—particularly early on—that give the novel its depth and perspective. It feels to me like those chapters are McDaniels speaking with the least amount of artifice. The river feels like her voice unfiltered through the devices she uses the rest of the time.

Chillicothe, Ohio

Until I started this book, I knew Chillicothe, Ohio as the birthplace of Archie Goodwin of Rex Stout’s Nero Wolfe books. I half-assumed it was a fictional location, and never bothered to look it up. Now I know that it exists, and I’m going to have a hard time reestablishing the positive associations I had with the name. It feels like a great place to be from, not a great place to be. I’m sure that it’s a perfectly fine place in reality, but the small city does not come across very well in these pages.

So, what did I think about On the Savage Side?

This was just a brutal read. Every time you get a glimmer of hope, a glimmer of a feeling that things might be okay for some of these characters—something snuffs it out. But there’s another source right around the corner. But, to go back to that line from the novel I borrowed above—the book is full of funerals for dreams.

But there’s beauty in the darkness. And a drive to keep persevering shared by the reader and the characters. I wondered more than once why some of them kept trying—but they did. The mother of one of Arc’s adult friends is a strong vision of enduring love and hope—she’s always ready to help her daughter no matter how tight the grip of addiction is on her at the time. She’s always trying, always striving to give her daughter the care she needs—even when (especially when) there’s no reason to think it’ll do any good.

I mentioned a serial killer above—it’s not a serial killer novel, though. It’s a novel about the women that may be his target and their fears about it. But people looking for a Thomas Harris read will be disappointed. Actually, people looking for most things you find in typical novels will be disappointed. Many of the looming questions in our characters’ lives are left unanswered. But you don’t walk away frustrated that you don’t get the answers like you would from other novels—because we’re given answers to questions we never thought to ask. Some of those are more important, too.

Like always, Tiffany McDaniels delivered a book that’s going to stay in my subconscious for a while—lurking there, making me rethink what I read from time to time. It’ll probably stay there until her next novel comes along (Betty‘s been there for a couple of years, and really only was dislodged by this one—and The Summer that Melted Everything is still there all these years later). It’s somber, it’s sober, and it’s difficult to read. But it’s so worth it in ways I cannot adequately explain. It’ll make you think. It’ll make you feel.

I’m having a hard time articulating exactly why you should read this without getting into the details—if you’ve read McDaniels before, you know what I’m saying. If you haven’t—it’s time to.

Disclaimer: I received this eARC from Knopf via NetGalley in exchange for this post—thanks to both for this.

4 1/2 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, the opinions expressed are my own.

Catch-Up Quick Takes: A Few Audiobooks from December

I’m a little worried after all of last week’s Favorites lists, I’m having a hard time writing something that takes multiple paragraphs. Thankfully? I had another stack of books I don’t have that much to say, so…let’s do a few more quick takes.

As always, I want to note, the point of these quick takes posts is to catch up on my “To Write About” stack—emphasizing pithiness, not thoroughness.

Stone ColdStone Cold

by C. J. Box, David Chandler (Narrator)

Series: Joe Pickett, #14
Publisher: Recorded Books
Publication Date: March 10, 2014
Format: Unabridged Audiobook
Length: 10 hrs., 49 min.
Read Date: December 2-5, 2022
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(the official blurb)
This was a good way to bring Nate back into the series if nothing else. The story was okay, and seeing Joe balance out working for his new administrator and Gov. Rulon was fun. I was less-than-excited about Sheridan’s storyline, it was good to see her in action, and any way that Box can do that is okay with me—I just wanted more, I guess.

Bringing Missy in (and Box might as well have saved time with that reveal, anyone could’ve seen that coming 5 miles away) didn’t do much for me at all. The series really needs less of her, and I don’t get Box’s need to use her as much as he does.

A decent installment in this series—nothing special, but nothing bad, either.
3 Stars

The Twist of a KnifeThe Twist of a Knife

by Anthony Horowitz, Rory Kinnear (Narrator)

Series: A Hawthorne and Horowitz Mystery, #4
Publisher: HarperAudio
Publication Date: November 14, 2022
Format: Unabridged Audiobook
Length: 8 hrs., 31 min.
Read Date: December 12-15, 2022
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(the official blurb)
Until I heard Horowitz on a podcast talking about this book, I wasn’t sure if I was going to bother with the book—but he piqued my interest. I’m glad he did—he’s really good at keeping this series from falling into a formula, and bringing Hawthorne into this case to get Horowitz out of trouble was a nice twist (but something he can’t repeat).

I didn’t buy—at all—the way Horowitz didn’t involve his wife in his situation—or how she reacted. The way the other detectives focused on Horowitz and didn’t really listen to him seemed less-than-credible, too—but not as much.

Still, this was a fun listen—Kinnear’s a great narrator—and this mystery was clever. It was a good time—I know you’ll find more enthusiastic recommendations from several other people, and you should probably take their advice. The best I can do is that this book probably led me to get the next one .

3 Stars

Secrets Typed in BloodSecrets Typed in Blood

by Stephen Spotswood, Kirsten Potter

Series: A Pentecost and Parker Mystery, #3
Publisher: Random House Audio
Publication Date: December 12, 2022
Format: Unabridged Audiobook
Length: 9 hrs., 40 min.
Read Date: December 15-19, 2022
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(the official blurb)
This was a nice step up from the previous books. Spotswood is gaining in confidence and it’s showing. The main client this time out was the best yet and was so believable—the crime was an interesting twist on a familiar setup (see the Castle pilot, for example). The secondary case was pretty much just filler (so much so that Pentecost was willing to give it up), but it still gave some good moments and set up some other promising things. There’s a side trip into an ongoing crusade of Pentecost’s that was really well done—I’m really interested in seeing how this progresses in the future.

This is clearly a Nero Wolfe-inspired series, but it’s becoming less of one all the time—and that’s good. Even better because Spotswood’s Zeck is going to prove to be more formidable and subtle than Stout’s was. (although I wish he’d give Parker the same kind of privacy when it comes to her personal life as Stout gave Archie)

Overall, I liked this.
3.5 Stars

Your Perfect YearYour Perfect Year

by Charlotte Lucas, Alison Layland (Translator), Carly Robins, P. J. Ochlan (Narrator)

Publisher: Brilliance Audio
Publication Date: October 31, 2019
Format: Unabridged Audiobook
Length: 13 hrs., 33 min.
Read Date: December 23-28, 2022
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(the official blurb)
Ugh. A few years ago I was in the middle of a “I need to read more ‘General Fiction” kick and saw an advertisement (or something) for this—it wasn’t on a blog, I know that much. Something about the description appealed to me, and I got a good Whispersync deal, so the audio and ebook versions sat around since. I wanted to go through the ebook rather than the audio initially—but never seemed to find the time. But I finally broke down and just wanted to get it finished, it’s been calling to me for so long.

I should have held off a little (or a lot) longer. This book didn’t work for me in just about every imaginable way. Within a chapter or two you could see how the whole thing was going to go—including the “big surprise twist”. This is fine if the ride’s enjoyable. But it really wasn’t. The comedy wasn’t all that funny. The drama felt contrived (it’s fiction—all of it is contrived, I realize—but there’s “contrived” and there’s “feeling contrived”). The introspection and self-discovery really didn’t click for me, either.

The best thing I can say about it is that the arc of the publisher of only captial-L Literature and noteworthy Non-Fiction discovering the value and appeal of popular fiction was pleasant (and I just spoiled that…oops). A little self-serving for the writer of popular fiction, but I’m not going to criticize that.

Just pass on this one.
2 Stars

This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase from any of them, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, my opinions are my own.

My Favorite Non-Crime Fiction of 2022

2023 Favorite Non-Crime
Back when I started this site, I knew the content would be largely “genre”-oriented. I’d have wagered the content would be roughly 1/3 Mystery/Detective fiction, 1/3 Urban Fantasy, and slightly less than 1/3 SFF, with “non-genre” fiction, humor, and non-fiction being enough to make my one-thirds just an approximation (honestly, if you asked me what I read regularly, that’s pretty much how I’d describe it today). Actual numbers show that’s wrong—it’s almost 40% Crime/Thriller Fiction, the rest of fiction is around 30% combined. Which is just a long-winded way to get to these two points: because Crime Fiction takes such a big chunk of my reading, it gets its own “Favorite” list, but none of the others really garner enough numbers for their own.

When it comes to this list of favorites, I had to choose—top five or top eleven. There are six I just couldn’t choose between—but hey, it’s my list, so here are my favorite 11 non-Crime Fiction Novels of 2022. It took me very little time to regret trying to write anything new about these books—I’m supposed to cover these in a measly paragraph? I borrow from my original posts, and really say less than I wanted to (or this post would be about 5 times as long as it is).

As always, re-reads don’t count—only the works that were new to me.

(in alphabetical order by author)

Amongst Our WeaponsAmongst Our Weapons

by Ben Aaronovitch

My original post
Any installment in this series is a strong contender for a favorite of the year even before I open it, and this one is a great example of why. While telling a pretty strong story, Aaronovitch expands this world and the reader’s understanding of it, a whole new magic system, and seemingly introduces the next major story arc for the series. We get to see almost every major (and more than a few minor) characters, too. For a fan, this book was a heckuva treat.

4 1/2 Stars

Wistful AscendingWistful Ascending

by JCM Berne

My original post
This novel—a Space Opera/Super-Hero mashup—hit just about every button I have and probably installed a couple of new ones (talking space bears, for example). If I try to expand on that I’m not going to shut up anytime soon. Read my original post—or just read the book.

4 1/2 Stars

The Veiled Edge of ContactThe Veiled Edge of Contact

by James Brayken

My original post
Brayken’s debut surprised me more times than I thought was possible. Every time I thought I knew what direction Brayken was taking for the story, the protagonist (or major characters), tone, or even genre—he’d make a sharp turn and make the book better than I thought it was. I have questions and qualms about some aspects of the novel—but this is going down as a highlight of 2022 anyway.

4 Stars

The Art of ProphecyThe Art of Prophecy

by Wesley Chu

My original post
In my original post, I said, “I don’t know that I can really express how excited I am about this book. The last time I was this enthusiastic about a Fantasy novel was Kings of the Wyld, and I’ve read some really good Fantasy since then. But this is a whole different level.” It features my favorite new-to-me-character of the year. It’s just a glorious read. I’ve read (and enjoyed) a lot of Chu’s previous work and this is so far beyond those that it’s hard to describe.

5 Stars

The Iron GateThe Iron Gate

by Harry Connolly

My original post
Every Twenty Palaces novel is better than the last—and The Iron Gate is no exception. This novel is a better version of everything Connolly has delivered before. We get character growth in a character I’d have considered pretty unchangeable, a dynamite plot (two, actually), and a disturbing monster to boot. There’s just so much to commend here—both for this novel and what it promises for the future.

4 1/2 Stars

The Part About the Dragon Was (Mostly) TrueThe Part About the Dragon Was (Mostly) True

by Sean Gibson

My original post
This is not a book to read if you’re in a “find out what happened and get to the end of the story” frame of mind. This is a “enjoy the trip, not the destination”/”stop and smell the roses” kind of book. The destination/what happens is fully satisfying, but the getting-there is so much better. This Fantasy/Comedy sends up and celebrates so many Fantasy mainstays that fans (and detractors) of the genre will have a blast on that front alone. The cast of characters is a blast and the protagonist, the bard Heloise, is even better.

4 Stars

Final HeirFinal Heir

by Faith Hunter

My original post
The fifteenth Jane Yellowrock novel was the series finale and the series went down the way it should—with a lot of heart, a lot of love, a lot of violence, and so many buckets of blood. I’ve been reading these for so long that I really didn’t want to see the series end (but it was time). From the jaw-dropping first chapter to the last lines that genuinely made me misty, Final Heir was a great ride.

5 Stars

Kaiju Preservation SocietyThe Kaiju Preservation Society

by John Scalzi

My original post
This book delivers all the ridiculous fun that the title (and premise) promises. Scalzi calls it a pop song, I tend to compare it to a popcorn movie. It’s not meant to provoke thought, to be pondered over, or analyzed. It’s meant to be enjoyed, it’s meant to be light and entertaining. Consider this me writing on the literary equivalent of a bathroom stall, “For a good time…”

5 Stars

Station EternityStation Eternity

by Mur Lafferty

My original post
A Murder Mystery set on a living Space Station with only three human characters surrounded by some of the strangest alien species you’ve seen (those three humans are pretty odd, too). This novel is one for mystery fans open to aliens walking around, SF fans interested in a different kind of story, and readers who like good things. Social commentary, a twisty narrative, a clever mystery, and more chuckles than I expected to get from this. An inventive read that’ll leave you wanting more.

4 Stars

Theft of SwordsTheft of Swords

by Michael J. Sullivan

My original post
Multiple people over the years have told me to read this book (some multiple times). I finally did, and regret not paying attention to them earlier. It’s more “traditional” Fantasy than the others on this list, there’s almost nothing that someone who’s read/watched a handful of fantasy series hasn’t been exposed to before. It’s the way that Sullivan has assembled these tried and true elements that is going to make you happy. The sword fights are fantastic. The imagination showed in the magic system, the magical creatures, and the politics—between races, within the remnants of the human empire, and the ecclesiastical politics—are really well conceived and effectively portrayed. I can’t wait to dive into the rest of the trilogy.

4 1/2 Stars

Adult Assembly RequiredAdult Assembly Required

by Abbi Waxman

My original post
This novel starts in the same bookstore that Nina Hill works in, and she’s around a lot—but this isn’t her book. It’s the story of a woman who moved across the country to start her life over, and the results aren’t what she expected. Adult Assembly Required is funny, it’s sweet, it’s heartwarming, and will make you feel good all over. It’s full of the Waxman magic.
5 Stars

Catch-Up Quick Takes: A Handful of Audiobooks

I’m really behind on posting about audiobooks, so I’m going to tackle this half-dozen in one whack. It bugs me to not to write something about half of these, but at the rate I’m going, it’s just not going to happen. As always, the point of these quick takes posts is to catch up on my “To Write About” stack—emphasizing pithiness, not thoroughness.

Legends & LattesLegends & Lattes

by Travis Baldree

Publisher: Macmillan Audio
Publication Date: June 14, 2022
Format: Unabridged Audiobook
Length: 6 hrs., 22 min.
Read Date: September 30-October 3, 2022
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(the official blurb)
Opening a coffee shop has to be hard—period. Especially if you happen to be an ork, tired of the adventuring and killing, who wants to retire to a quiet community (instead of dying in battle). Harder still if no one in this part of the world has ever heard of coffee. But Viv’s not known for backing down, she’s going to give it her all.

This is possibly the sweetest Fantasy story ever written. It’s just pleasant—as pleasant as whiling away an hour or two in a comfy coffee shop chair with some great beverages. I’ve got nothing else to say, everything else would just be a rewording or unnecessary expansion on that.

Baldree’s narration was as good as his text—sometimes I wonder about the ego involved in an author doing their own narration, when they just shouldn’t. But Baldree absolutely should’ve.

3.5 Stars

The Old Woman with the KnifeThe Old Woman with the Knife

by Gu Byeong-mo, Chi-Young Kim (Translator), Nancy Wu (Narrator)

Publisher: Harlequin Enterprises, Limited
Publication Date: March 8, 2022
Format: Unabridged Audiobook
Length: 6 hrs., 29 min.
Read Date: October 12-13, 2022
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(the official blurb)
I think I need to read this, so I can focus on some things I didn’t give enough attention to (and a couple of the names confused me a bit, so I know I missed some things while I figured out the context).

But this story about an aging assassin who might be having memory issues, and could be developing a conscience of sorts—while trying to put a young up-and-comer in their place was just great.

Every front worked—the emotional moments, the dry wit, the action and intrigue, the character development…all solidly delivered. I’d probably have rated this higher if I’d read it and could’ve been more careful in understanding. Strongly recommended.
3.5 Stars

The Vexed GenerationThe Vexed Generation

by Scott Meyer, Luke Daniels (Narrator)

Series: Magic 2.0, #6
Publisher:  Audible Studios on Brilliance
Publication Date: June 6, 2019
Format: Unabridged Audiobook
Length: 9 hrs., 55 min.
Read Date: October 20-24, 2022
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(the official blurb)
Oh, this was just fun. Gwen and Martin’s kids are teens now, and discover the whole magic/computer thing on their own (mostly because Gwen, Martin, and Philip are in major trouble and the teens blame Philip). We get to see some magic that’s not in the medieval England or Atlantean model, and see how strange everything in the first 5 books really is through the twins’ fresh eyes.

Daniels was his typical great self; Meyers was inventive, clever, and witty (as you expect), and the story was very satisfying.

If this is the end of the road for this series, it was a great way to go. If not? I’m really going to enjoy what comes next.
3.5 Stars

Druid Vices and a VodkaDruid Vices and a Vodka

by Annette Marie, Cris Dukehart (Narrator)

Series: The Guild Codex: Spellbound Series, #6
Publisher: Tantor Audio
Publication Date: March 17, 2020
Format: Unabridged Audiobook
Length: 9 hrs., 15 min.
Read Date: November 16-18, 2022
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(the official blurb)
I’m getting a little annoyed by this series, I have to admit—I’m in it for the long-haul, make no mistake. But man…it feels like we’re just spinning our wheels with a couple of the storylines (and not in believable ways, mostly just to stretch out the drama), and Tori just refuses to learn or develop in any meaningful way (which is realistic, sure, but irritating in a fictional character after this long).

Still, I enjoy the novels, and am intrigued by some of the developments. Dukehart is fun to listen to—and the way this is interwoven with the other series ensures I’m sticking around.
3 Stars

The Mututal FriendThe Mutual Friend

by Carter Bays, George Newbern (Narrator)

Publisher: Penguin Audio
Publication Date: June 7, 2022
Format: Unabridged Audiobook
Length: 15 hrs.,  56 min.
Read Date: November 21-25, 2022
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(the official blurb)
Whatever problems I have with this are not with Newbern—I really enjoyed the narration.

I also really enjoyed portions of this—I can’t say entire storylines or characters—but maybe half of each? (some of the beginnings were great and then fell apart, some ended so well that I forgot that I really didn’t want anything to do with the characters/story, and some had great middles).

I found the overall “Friend” idea that tied all these divergent stories together both a great idea, and problematic at the same time.

I really wanted to like this, and assumed going in that I was going to love it. But I think this novel has taught me a lesson I should’ve learned with his TV show—Bays has moments of brilliance, but shouldn’t be allowed too much control over a story’s ending. (but if given the chance, I’m sure I’ll give him another try)

2 1/2 Stars

Bookish PeopleBookish People

by Susan Coll, Alexa Morden (Narrator)

Publisher: Harper Muse
Publication Date: August 2, 2022
Format: Unabridged Audiobook
Length: 8 hrs., 11 min.
Read Date: November 29-December 1, 2022
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(the official blurb)
Coll tried so hard—you could feel the effort on every page. There were some truly amusing moments, and even a little sweetness here. But every storyline was entirely predictable—and not in the way that can be comfy and reassuring, but in a disappointing way. The madcap/slapstick moments felt disorganized and chaotic. The earnest parts felt like a Hallmark card.

The parts of the book that were about the ups and downs, travails and semi-triumphs, of a small bookstore made me like this enough not to resent the experience. But that’s about the best thing I can say.

2 1/2 Stars

This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase from any of them, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, opinions are my own.

Scattered Showers: Stories by Rainbow Rowell: Some People Want to Fill the World with Silly Love Stories

Scattered ShowersScattered Showers: Stories

by Rainbow Rowell, Jim Tierney (Illustrator)

Publisher: Wednesday Books
Publication Date: November 7, 2022
Format: Hardcover
Length: 282 pg.
Read Date: December 26-27, 2022
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He huffed out a laugh. “I thought you said no to prom because you didn’t want to ruin everything.”

“What’s everything?” She was still whispering.

“You and me. Friendship.”

“I don’t,” she said. “But I’d rather we ruin it together than you ruin it with somebody else.”

What’s Scattered Showers About?

This is the first collection of short stories by Rainbow Rowell—nine stories, four of which had been previously published.

They are, at their core, love stories—the beginning of a relationship, the change of a relationship, the maintaining of one—and a couple that are harder to define. Rowell’s signature style and sweetness fills these pages—her light humor and propensity for happy endings, too. (propensity, not universal practice)

Checking In On Old Friends

With three of these stories, Rowell revisits characters from previous novels. We get to see some of the primary characters from Attachments in “Mixed Messages,” and a character from Fangirl in “If the Fates Allow,” and some of the characters from the Simon Snow trilogy (and, I guess, from Fangirl, too?).

I didn’t get into the Simon Snow stuff in Fangirl (and even skipped most of it) and didn’t bother with those books—but I liked the fact that Rowell did revisit some of her previous work. (I do wish we’d gotten to see Eleanor and/or Park, but am pretty sure that I’d have been annoyed at whatever she told us about them, so I’m glad she didn’t include anything about them).

Now, it’s not essential that you’re familiar with the characters in these stories to enjoy them. I don’t honestly remember who Reagan was from Fangirl (hey, it was 9 years ago, cut me some slack), but I quite enjoyed this story featuring her. I did remember the characters from Attachments, but I don’t think it enhanced my appreciation of that story—but it was nice to see a little about what’s gone on with them.

The Illustrations

Opposite the first page of each story is a full-page illustration, sort of a cover image. There are also some accent illustrations scattered throughout the stories. They were attractive and fitting to the stories. I’m not sure that they added much to the book, but I did think they were nice touches.

So, what did I think about Scattered Showers?

I’m a sucker for Rowell’s love stories, and had a lot of fun with these.* When she’s not writing about teen wizards, I have a hard time resisting her work (and don’t find much inclination to try).

* Okay, true to form, I skipped “Snow for Christmas” after the first page and a half didn’t intrigue me at all.

Out of her norm were two stories: one that’s a strange fairy-tale of sorts that I found strangely appealing, but I’m not sure how to talk about it. The closing story is about some characters who’ve taken up residence in an author’s subconscious or imagination, while they wait for the author to put them into a story or novel. I thought this was a fantastic story—Pirandello-esque, but with a Rowell-twist.

All in all, this was a very pleasant way to spend a couple of hours.

3.5 Stars

This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase from it, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. As always, the opinions expressed are my own.

Radio Radio by Ian Shane: A Tom Petty Song in Novel Form

Radio RadioRadio Radio

by Ian Shane

Publication Date: July 17, 2008
Format: eBook
Length: 253 pg.
Read Date: December 7-8, 2022

And there goes the last DJ
Who plays what he wants to play
And says what he wants to say
Hey hey hey
And there goes your freedom of choice
There goes the last human voice
And there goes the last DJ

Sure, that’s Tom Petty and not Ian Shane. But I had that song stuck in my head for almost the entire novel, they might as well be writing about the same guy.

What’s Radio Radio About?

Erik Randall is a DJ—that’s all he’s ever wanted to do. He loves being on the radio, sharing music with whatever corner of the world he can. He comes alive on the microphone, he seems to be good at the technical bits, and he loves the medium. What it has been, what it is, what it could be—but he’s very much not a fan of what it’s becoming.

He’s a True Believer, though, and is convinced that if given the opportunity, radio can still be great. He’s even formulating a plan so that one day, he can make at least one station great.

We don’t meet him on that day—in fact, shortly after we meet him, his station comes under the thumb of a corporation that makes cookie-cutter stations all over the country. In the same way you know what you’re going to be served at an Olive Garden in a different state from home, you know what you’re going to hear on the radio in your rental car once you hear a familiar station tagline. That’s what they’re going to turn his radio station into.

About the same time, he meets a local singer/songwriter, Myra. Erik’s still reeling from a semi-recent breakup and isn’t in the right frame of mind to think about romance—but she’s the kind of woman he’s dreamed about. His co-worker/friend, Shakespeare, has been pushing him for months to date again, and once Shakespeare meets Myra, he increases the pressure.

His professional life is falling apart, his personal life is looking promising for the first time in forever—can Erik handle it?

So, what did I think about Radio Radio?

I thought there was something grating—something blindly immature about Erik’s attitude and antics at work. Yes, he’s firmly in the model of the rebel DJ who cares more about the art than the business side. And as such, I can enjoy the character. Maybe it’s because I’m reading this through the eyes of someone in 2022 so I have 14 years of insight to know just how Quixotic Erik is being and how reality is going to hit him hard. Shakespeare, on the other hand, I could get behind—he’s a realist. There’s a romantic streak in him—he wants Erik and his vision to have a chance, but he knows better. I was enjoying the novel, but I really wasn’t on board with it. Which isn’t to say I didn’t find Erik amusing—I just found him a grating sort of amusing.

But then, Myra comes on the scene and two things happen. Erik starts to change, the bits of his personality that grate on me get pushed to the background.* Secondly, Ian Shane writes this stuff really well—like the way that Erik and Myra interact, the way that Erik makes an utter fool of himself because of her, the way that Myra and Shakespeare interact—this is where Shane’s later novels shine, and you can see him building that ability here. If this was the first Ian Shane book I read, shortly after Myra comes on the scene is where I’d order his next two books.

* I am fine with a protagonist grating on me—as long as there’s something about them or their story I can get behind. But I prefer the alternative.

I should also note, that some of Erik’s work attitudes and behaviors remind me of other characters in similar situations—the works of Adam Shaw, Matthew Hanover, and Andy Abramowitz jump to mind—so I’m not trying to say that Shane messed up by having Erik be this way. I just find it grating. What he does and says are, by and large, what an immature twenty-something would think and do. As he is an immature twenty-something, he’s spot-on.

Speaking of needing to grow up a little—a lot of the ways he approaches the big changes he needs to make, the conversations around them, and the way he reacts to people like Shakespeare making those changes himself, displays that immaturity. In those cases, I find it endearing and relatable.

Maybe I’m just the office crank? Out of the office issues don’t bother me as much.

One other challenge for me is that like with Postgraduate, I felt like Shane was judging me for my musical taste. And he probably should—because my musical taste not the kind of thing that Erik Randal (or anyone at Championship Vinyl) would approve of—very I’m fairly plebian, really. Frankly, I’m okay with that—and I did make a note or two to follow up on some music. I do wish I could hear Myra’s stuff, because I think I could get into it. That’s not a reflection on the novel, I just wish Shane would write a character with mainstream taste who is seen in a positive light.

This is a sweet book—there’s good character development, a strong cast of supporting characters (most of whom I didn’t mention) that I would love to see again in some form, great banter, solid comedy in a variety of forms, insight into an industry I know practically nothing about, and a sweet and well-told romantic story. It’s not as strong as his later novels, but it’s easy to see that he’ll be capable of greatness. Buy this book, it’ll make you happy.

4 Stars

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